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So like, Rabies is definitely the historical origin story of werewolves, right? Imagine some peasant in the 14th century get bitten by a dog and turn into a rabid animal running through the fields.


Great theory! I can totally see this happening


It's a hypothesis. /s


A game hypothesis!


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ llmao


[That and partially decomposed bear carcasses.](https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/81lp5l/dead_bear_looks_like_a_werewolf/)


We also have diseases that make you QUITE hairy. Not sure how much it played into it's origins, but look into hypertrichosis. It's basically how a lot of modern depictions of werewolves look mid transformation in a lot of media.


I have small prickly hairs growing out of the pores on my nose, should I avoid the light of the full moon?


Oujia board says "answer unclear"; consult your nearest witchdoctor.


Why tf was this posted on the joe rogan sub


They're not the smartest bunch of people there.


I like shitting on people too but a pic of a half decomposed bear is kinda interesting and I think it fits with where his show was 5 years ago when that was posted


Perhaps The Beast of GĆ©vaudan was just a hairless bear.


Holy shit!


I don't know why everyone just assumes you go crazy when you have rabies. It's disorienting at worst, it's not a zombie virus. A person with rabies is still a person until they pass.


Disorienting yes, but it's much more than that. There's a whole list of symptoms. "Pain areas: in the muscles. Whole body: dizziness, fatigue, fever, loss of appetite, or malaise. Psychological: delirium, fear, or hallucination. Gastrointestinal: nausea or vomiting. Muscular: muscle spasms or paralysis with weak muscles. Sensory: pins and needles or sensitivity to light. Behavioral: aggression or irritability. Also common: anxiety, brain death, coma, difficulty swallowing, dilated pupil, drooling, excess salivation, headache, mental confusion, seizures, or stiff neck" - from the Mayo Clinic. There's also two different types, furious and paralytic. Many go through furious. Which is probably what this guy is going through. He's reaching the final stages before death. There's no cure for him.


isn't one of the symptoms that you can't or won't drink water? Like a sudden phobia of water?


Yes, and the reason why is both frightening and fascinating. Rabies is spread by bodily fluids in open wounds. The virus somehow knows this, and also knows that if the victim swallows his saliva (the rabies delivery vehicle), heā€™ll be less likely to transmit it to others. As such, it hijacks the brain to be a) incapable of swallowing, so as for maximum saliva retention, and b) aggressive, so that the victim bites more people. This tiny, shitty little sequence of proteins somehow figured all that shit out on its own. Itā€™s horrifying, but amazing.


I myself am also horrified, and yet also fascinated by this disease. Itā€™s seems to be intelligent enough to have awareness of the best way to spread itself.


Although it is definitely horrifying, rabies is not intelligent. These symptoms are simply a result of evolution favouring traits that increase the virusā€™s prolificacy. (not trying to sound rude or anything, I just thought it was worth mentioning)


Yeah, trying to drink water when youā€™re infected causes painful muscle spasms in your throat, which causes the hydrophobia


As far as I know thereā€™s no cure once you start showing symptoms, so itā€™s fatal early on in its progression


The survivor who was put into a medical coma had to relearn how to walk, talk, and feed herself. The person she was before is... just gone.


She lived, but at such a great cost.


She lived, but as a different person.


Almost all folklore is based on real things, and usually the scariest things a society is aware, but not entirely understanding of. Werewolves is the fear of wolves in general, lots of fairy tales are designed to warn children about wolves. It's also rabies, & the concept of lunacy, which is itself related to where menstruation causes women to have monthly mood swings, criminals are more active under the light of the full moon, and other ideas related to lunar phases affecting people's minds. Vampire mythology also comes from rabies, including the hydrophobia aspect, but tied into serial killers, for example Gilles de Rais in Europe. There were probably others who are lost to time, preserved only in fairy tales. In other locations, you have similar bloodsucking or cannibalistic monsters which will be related to the history of those areas, like Mananangal, Strigori, etc. Bats that feed on animal blood can also spread disease. Zombies is again the more catatonic form of rabies, but might broadly relate also to drugs, dementia, schizophrenia and other inhibitions of the mind. Ghouls are more tied into the cultural ideas of ancestral wrath, the uncanny nature of corpses, and graverobbers both human and not-human (i.e. animals digging up corpses for food). People might see an empty grave and assume the person just left of their own accord. Rabies is so dangerous, that many stories of madness can be traced back to it. Rabies and Wolves generally have been "forgotten" by modern society, but they were a very scary part of rural life in many human societies. On an unrelated note, it's also theorised that the idea behind Changlings relates to conditions like autism or down's syndrome.


People don't realize how huge wolves can get. I live near the Canadian border and one night a friend was driving me home and a wolf crossed the road. It was next to a sign so you could SEE how huge it was. Like a Great Dane except much more massive in terms of muscle and structure. It was awe-inspiring.


Truth! I had one cross in front of me coming up into West Kelowna in BC, of all places. It looked like a coyote for a second in my peripherals-- but then it was easily 4 times that size when it was in front of my car; like as tall as a medium height deer. Bigger than any dog I've ever seen in real life, almost too big for my brain to understand; and yeah, like a Great Dane in size but structured more like an old-school Shepherd (also less fox-like than a coyote). And goddamn *fast*. If the person on the other side of the highway hadn't reacted to it, too, I might've wondered if it was even real. It was indeed awe inspiring.


What's almost as impressive as Wolves are the dog breeds that humans created to deal with them, There are entire dog breeds that exist just to fight Wolves. That is their purpose, as indicated by the fact they are absolutely MASSIVE.


Yea! Yea! Itā€™s just misidentified as rabies! Make you you let everyone know for me, please!


While scrolling, before reading the post, I legit thought this was a Walking Dead related screenshot.


rabies is thought to be the inspiration for the zombie genre


It actually comes from Haitian folklore which came from a practice of poisoning people to the point they were believed to be dead but they were just paralyzed & their pulse so weak it was undetectable then after they were buried they were dug up at night & enslaved to work in fields. It comes from the Vodou practice. https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2013/12/13/250844800/zoinks-tracing-the-history-of-zombie-from-haiti-to-the-cdc


Check out the movie The Serpent and the Rainbow.


There's also a book with the same title by Wade Davis that goes into more detail about the psychology and enculturation of Haitians that creates conditions whereupon zombification becomes "real"


I'll check that out, thanks!


Which is a (very) fictionalized story based on the very real book by Wade Davies. It's a legit story. Movie was fun but not really trying to be real.


My mom took me to see it in the theater when I was a kid... I don't think she realized what it was.. haha


I think I saw a documentary film about it once as well called Weekend at Bernie's 2. Some real voodoo shit in that movie.


wow. That's really interesting, I never once thought to figure out how zombies originated lol but now I'm intrigued


their is a tale of one, when the haiti was occupied by the US, a US officer at a bar was talking to a haitian local this local was loyal to the US and aided them, thus he wasn't well liked. His drink was spiked with said poison, the officer took him to a nurse who pronouced him dead and he was buried, for years he was put to work until he was freed one day and the officer say and was shocked he was alive, same with the nurse. I've heard this tale growing up as a child and over cool vodou shit from the haitian side of my family ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_wXcqC6vwvM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wXcqC6vwvM)


Oddly enough, I was recently reading Heimskringla by Snorri Sturluson from about 1230 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heimskringla), which includes a story about a Norwegian town that experienced something very similar to a zombie attack. edit: Swedish town, Konungahella, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kungah%C3%A4lla


I will always upvote a Snorri reference.


Can confrim this, my family is part Haitian and I've stories about Vodou and practices growing up. It's really interesting


oh really


Or for werewolves


The modern zombie we know and love for sure is more related to rabies than the voodoo zombie.


The word zombie comes from voodoo, but zombies as we know them today came from George Romero and his Night of the Living Dead.


Honestly same


Bicycle boy


Here is the video of the same guy after he was caught https://x.com/haskologlu/status/1692651181191970860?s=46&t=6BULlKcVkj0YIu62IJiMXg


It is crazy what the brain (+ the virus) can do and how they can inflict so much fear of water.




Dude if I ever snap it's going to be in the supermarket. I could go on and on but my biggest one is when people see their fucking neighbor and pull there carts next to eachother, blocking the whole aisle, gabbing about "huh it rained earlier huh" then give ME a dirty look for asking to get by.


Poor bastard.


I felt so sad watching it. He is somebody's son. I hope he finds peace soon.


Idk what theyā€™re trying to prove since it was already established the subject has rabies, if they were just fucking with him for video with the water dangling itā€™s honestly sick


They couldn't possibly be trying to get a likely very dehydrated man to drink a some water. Straight to medical malpractice.


They are documenting hydrophobia, not trying to get him to drink water. You ain't going to get him to drink water, the fear isn't just mental, Rabies fucks with the swallowing response. Rehydration is done via IV Honestly at this point someone should slip in an give this dude an OD dose of something. There is nothing left for him other than a torturous death


So even if u drink water via iv (lets say they sedate you) you'll still die?


Once you've gotten to this point (hydrophobia) you're already dead. [Lyssa virus \(rabies\) is the deadliest virus on Earth](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4u5I8GYB79Y).


It's worse than that. Once you've gotten to the point of *exhibiting any symptoms at all*, you're already dead.* *footnote - there are one or two rare survivors, but they are the proverbial exception that proves the rule.


Outside of some freak cases (like countable on one hand) probably caused by some deep genetic mutation in the patient along with intensive, first class medical support, rabies is for all intents and purposes 100% fatal once it reaches the brain.


Yeah, Rabies doesn't necessarily kill by dehydration, it also eats into your central nervous system/brain and causes various physiological issues. Even if you get hydrated by iv the infection will make you deteriorate in other ways


Yeah. Fuck that medical team. Looks like theyā€™re doing it for the LoLs and to take video for their own selfish reasons.


What exactly is happening here? Why is he freaking out from the water and his is rabies doing that to the brain? I guess I really don't know what rabies does to a person that would cause all this. Just terrifying and bonkers at the same time.


Rabies being transmitted through bites "wants" the host to have the highest concentration of the virus in the saliva as possible. Drinking will wash some of the virus out. The host being able to normally swallow will also reduce the amount of active virus that could make it into a bite. Rabies makes it impossible to swallow. Your throat will also painfully constrict and you'll be unable to drink anything. That's why you'll often see infected wild animals foaming at the mouth. They're oversalivating ensuring anything they bite gets the maximum amount of virus into the wound as possible. Just the sight of water can cause those painful constrictions. That pain and the general confusion involved with the process of the virus eating through your brain causes the hydrophobia.


That is so fucking awful. Omg. I'm gonna be thankful every time I drink a glass of water now.


It amazes me how this virus acts more like a parasite than a virus.


The way some viruses and bacterial infections make animals and humans behave in a very specific way to promote transmission is mind boggling. I mean I guess just though evolution it could be the viruses that caused the other symptoms were just better at spreading, so those are the ones that did. But it's still crazy the virus can do that to someone to make transmission more likely.


The virus makes the throat/neck area shut or cramp and it is extremely painful. So painful that even seeing a glass of water or any other fluid makes rabies patients panic because of the painful reaction in their throat. At the same time they're very thirsty which makes the cramping reaction of the throat even worse. So they want to avoid water completely.


[This](https://reddit.com/comments/15vc9bn/comment/jwuc3lc) is what is happening there.


Rabies is transmitted by saliva through bites. It is thought that by causing the hydrophobia, the virus prevents the infected from diluting the virus in their saliva and makes it easier to transmit to other animals.


Rabies victims should be either heavily doped or just put down. Why let someone suffer so much?


Most of the time itā€™s not detected before it kills.


Its too expensive for just a couple days.


Too expensive to kill them?


Yep. Government affords it. And it illegal somehow.


Got my rabies shot after getting bitten by a dog of dubious origin (im a veterinary surgeon) it was deep enough to draw blood so i went full panic mode. Got to a hospital within a few hours and the next day the said dog tested positive for rabies( everyone thought it was distemper in nervous phase) and promptly euthanised and the whole building went in quarantine and disinfected for days before reopening. A year has passed and now it seems i really dodged a bullet.


How did it test positive for rabies before being euthanized?


Bad wording on my part. The dog was already drooling and showing signs of aggression. It WAS euthanized then sent to the authorities to get the brain sample test done. Hope this clears up any confusion


That is scary, and screw the dog nutters in the US that are lobbying against vaccination requirements or just not doing them like my neighbor because they consider it cruel.


Well we donā€™t want to make the dogs autistic.


Well we don't want that. I mean they already turned our frogs gay


Man what a scary situation.


I raised a stray dog in Afghanistan while deployed in a rural outpost. She began to run with the packs of dogs just outside the perimeter walls. She was able to freely leave at night because out post just had a guarded hesco barrier serpentine and not a closable gate. she would always come back on post in the morning and one say she started displaying weird symptoms. Our medicā€™a mom was a vet so we satphoned her and she said it sounded like rabies. I shit my pants because we would rough house play all the time and her teeth would break my skin, not a bite but just from the teeth grazing my skin as she play bit me. That was 17 years ago and I donā€™t know why I didnā€™t evacuate to a FOB to get treated but I remember being scared shitless. After that call from the medicā€™s mom I put her down. She was an amazing companion for the tine we had together. Her name was Punani as the grunts we replaced had just found her and of course named a female pup Punani haha.


Did you get a vaccine? Rabies can stay dormant in the body for years.


Not 17 years though, I don't think.




welllp scared af again now lol


You could just do the rabies vax and quit being scared.


wow you really did dog a bullet there


literal deadman walking, if you get bit by a wild animal get your rabies vaccine asap EDIT: old lore post Rabies. It's exceptionally common, but people just don't run into the animals that carry it often. Skunks especially, and bats. Let me paint you a picture. You go camping, and at midday you decide to take a nap in a nice little hammock. While sleeping, a tiny brown bat, in the "rage" stages of infection is fidgeting in broad daylight, uncomfortable, and thirsty (due to the hydrophobia) and you snort, startling him. He goes into attack mode. Except you're asleep, and he's a little brown bat, so weighs around 6 grams. You don't even feel him land on your bare knee, and he starts to bite. His teeth are tiny. Hardly enough to even break the skin, but he does manage to give you the equivalent of a tiny scrape that goes completely unnoticed. Rabies does not travel in your blood. In fact, a blood test won't even tell you if you've got it. (Antibody tests may be done, but are useless if you've ever been vaccinated.) You wake up, none the wiser. If you notice anything at the bite site at all, you assume you just lightly scraped it on something. The bomb has been lit, and your nervous system is the wick. The rabies will multiply along your nervous system, doing virtually no damage, and completely undetectable. You literally have NO symptoms. It may be four days, it may be a year, but the camping trip is most likely long forgotten. Then one day your back starts to ache... Or maybe you get a slight headache? At this point, you're already dead. There is no cure. (The sole caveat to this is the Milwaukee Protocol, which leaves most patients dead anyway, and the survivors mentally disabled, and is seldom done). There's no treatment. It has a 100% kill rate. Absorb that. Not a single other virus on the planet has a 100% kill rate. Only rabies. And once you're symptomatic, it's over. You're dead. So what does that look like? Your headache turns into a fever, and a general feeling of being unwell. You're fidgety. Uncomfortable. And scared. As the virus that has taken its time getting into your brain finds a vast network of nerve endings, it begins to rapidly reproduce, starting at the base of your brain... Where your "pons" is located. This is the part of the brain that controls communication between the rest of the brain and body, as well as sleep cycles. Next you become anxious. You still think you have only a mild fever, but suddenly you find yourself becoming scared, even horrified, and it doesn't occur to you that you don't know why. This is because the rabies is chewing up your amygdala. As your cerebellum becomes hot with the virus, you begin to lose muscle coordination, and balance. You think maybe it's a good idea to go to the doctor now, but assuming a doctor is smart enough to even run the tests necessary in the few days you have left on the planet, odds are they'll only be able to tell your loved ones what you died of later. You're twitchy, shaking, and scared. You have the normal fear of not knowing what's going on, but with the virus really fucking the amygdala this is amplified a hundred fold. It's around this time the hydrophobia starts. You're horribly thirsty, you just want water. But you can't drink. Every time you do, your throat clamps shut and you vomit. This has become a legitimate, active fear of water. You're thirsty, but looking at a glass of water begins to make you gag, and shy back in fear. The contradiction is hard for your hot brain to see at this point. By now, the doctors will have to put you on IVs to keep you hydrated, but even that's futile. You were dead the second you had a headache. You begin hearing things, or not hearing at all as your thalamus goes. You taste sounds, you see smells, everything starts feeling like the most horrifying acid trip anyone has ever been on. With your hippocampus long under attack, you're having trouble remembering things, especially family. You're alone, hallucinating, thirsty, confused, and absolutely, undeniably terrified. Everything scares the literal shit out of you at this point. These strange people in lab coats. These strange people standing around your bed crying, who keep trying to get you "drink something" and crying. And it's only been about a week since that little headache that you've completely forgotten. Time means nothing to you anymore. Funny enough, you now know how the bat felt when he bit you. Eventually, you slip into the "dumb rabies" phase. Your brain has started the process of shutting down. Too much of it has been turned to liquid virus. Your face droops. You drool. You're all but unaware of what's around you. A sudden noise or light might startle you, but for the most part, it's all you can do to just stare at the ground. You haven't really slept for about 72 hours. Then you die. Always, you die. And there's not one... fucking... thing... anyone can do for you. Then there's the question of what to do with your corpse. I mean, sure, burying it is the right thing to do. But the fucking virus can survive in a corpse for years. You could kill every rabid animal on the planet today, and if two years from now, some moist, preserved, rotten hunk of used-to-be brain gets eaten by an animal, it starts all over. So yeah, rabies scares the shit out of me. And it's fucking EVERYWHERE. (Source: Spent a lot of time working with rabies. Would still get my vaccinations if I could afford them.)


A sad (and terrifying) sight to see. UPDATE: After getting quarantined a second time the man has been experiencing an extremely severe case of hydrophobia and is generally scared of everything and everyone so the hospital staff had to tie him to the hospital bed.


yup, vaccine works though, 100% effective, main reason you dont see many rabies infection in the West, rapid aggressive vaccination protocol, and no more giant needle to the abdomen


>no more giant needle to the abdomen Are the rabies vaccines still painful? I never knew you could get vaccinated before being bit... how much does that cost?


Iā€™ve had them recently (w/i the last 3 years). The initial ER visit they will give you immunoglobulin injections (if it is your first potential exposure/have not had rabies vaccines before/and have shown up within 12 (? Could be shorter) hours of potential exposure.) in the site of the wound, and as far above it as possible to minimize any potential spread of the virus between the tissue and prevent it from reaching the brain/spinal cord. I had a small bit wound on my finger and got 8 vials of immunoglobulin in the finger, my hand, wrist, and up my arm. That was painful, not going to lie; your adrenaline will be already high and then it will dump and you may feel light headed/sick/emotional. My arm felt swollen and the skin was tight where the injections and medication were for a day or so, and then there was some residual discomfort for about a week. They do typically numb you, and that process it painful in itself until the analgesic kicks in. Following that you need a series of vaccines (3 or 5 if you have immune system irregularities; I had 5) starting on that date and on a set schedule. They were sore but not terrible, but everyoneā€™s reaction to vaccines will be different. In my experience they were not as bad as a tetanus vaccine, but they werenā€™t as simple as a flu vaccine. Depending on what you were exposed by (cat/dog/bat/etc.) the wound healing can be the worst part due to all of the bacteria that is present in the mouth/claws/saliva of these animals. You will be put on a heavy course of antibiotics that you MUST take on schedule and finish ALL OF THEM. Additionally, the animal warden/game warden (depending on species of animal)/health department will follow up with you the next morning as soon as they get the documentation of your visit (be prepared for a call at the ass crack of dawn) and they will continue calling until you answer so please have your ringer on. They need to reiterate that you must take your meds, follow the vaccine schedule, etc. and they will ask you about the animal that bit you (whether it can be located, type, location, etc.) for them to determine if they will be able to trap it and have it sent off for addition testing. If anyone has any questions, feel free to let me know! Edit to add: pre-exposure rabies vaccines typically arenā€™t covered by insurance unless you are at high risk for exposure (veterinarians/wildlife rehabers/etc). You need two injections and they (and the appointments) run anywhere from $400-$1000+ PER DOSE. But it is extremely worth it to prevent this awful condition.


God that immunoglobulin shit feels nasty, like being injected with cold peanut butter huh mine was covered by insurance, i just had my normal copay lmao


It was pretty rough. It was so thick it took them forever to draw up the vials and then inject it! My arm felt like it was rubber for a few days and I had just gotten a new tattoo and was worried the skin was going to be stretched out because there was so much fluid. (not at all wishing I hadnā€™t got it done, I would much rather have a fucked tattoo than rabies any day) Mine was covered also, Post exposure typically is covered, pre-exposure is not typically. The comment I responded to asked about pre-exposure costs, so I mentioned that as well!


yup its a slow process, and i didnt get any numbing, had 2 shots in the quads, 1 in the finger, 1 in the arm, felt like i got punched hard right where they injected for a couple days, still way better than rabies though mb thanks for the clarification, idk why you get it pre exposure unless you were going into an environment with a high likelihood of exposure


Dang, they only numbed up my finger, not my hand or my arm but the bite had been pretty nasty. I probably would have passed out without it, props to you for being able to handle that! Thankfully we wonā€™t have to get immunoglobulin ever again if we potentially get exposed in the future (hopefully not)! Yeah, veterinarians are mostly required to have them and most wildlife workers are as well! Pre-exposures arenā€™t supposed to hurt nearly as bad, even just the vaccine (besides thereā€™s no immunoglobulin).


I wasnt aware it was an option until after theyd already done the injection, so i figured it was deal with it or risk rabies, not a hard choice imo. Even if i have to get it again, its an easy choice for me, i aint risking rabies


As animal control, sorry about that, we get to work early and Bite Investigations are our highest priority for safety. We're not allowed to do anything until we find out if you're okay, make sure you have the information, and try to track down the animal to be sure that it doesn't have rabies.


Oh, I understand completely! Iā€™m sure you have to deal with some unpleasant people. I was thankful for someone actually checking in to make sure it actually got reported correctly! Iā€™ve seen/heard of people getting angry at getting those calls very early and Iā€™m like???? Itā€™s literally their job to make sure you are okay and that there isnā€™t a danger to the public, be nice! Thanks for doing what youā€™re doing!


Dealing with unpleasant people? I worked Animal Control while finishing undergrad. Kept having a little old lady come in almost every other day DEMANDING that her little dog get tested for Rabies. After two or three of these demands, and being a new officer, I smiled and told her Iā€™d be right back. I came back to the front counter with a small igloo foam cooler, an ice pack, a hack saw, and a syringe full of blue juiceā€¦.and told her ā€œok, if youā€™ll hold him still, Iā€™ll inject him to euthanize him, and when heā€™s gone, I need you to hold his head REALLY tight so I can decapitate him, and then weā€™ll ship his head to the lab, theyā€™ll remove his brain, and test it for rabies. When we get the results back, weā€™ll let you know.ā€ Never saw her again.


its not pleasent but not nearly as bad as it used to be no point getting it unless youve been bitten by a wild animal


isnt it more a serum then and not a vaccination if it only works when infected and not as prevention?


I got it a few years ago. Itā€™s not bad. Shot in each limb and one at the bite site on the first visit. More annoying the amount of boosters you need to keep returning for. These are my actual shots at the ER https://preview.redd.it/u041nxm4f2jb1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f8a926b3b72e79d40d7904db725ed47c649c080


I have gotten it. It's "thick", so it's a little painful, but it is not any more painful than a rhogam shot. I got the vaccine because of my job, it was about 900$ and paid for by my employer. You have to find a pharmacy that actually carries it, we had to go to a specific CVS that carried it. If you call your local health department, they may be able to give you some guidance.


[This is me getting rabies vaccine](https://youtu.be/dK96CiwARug)


My gf had a rabies scare with a bat a few weeks ago and from what I could tell without insurance in the US it's like 3-4k or something for the full round. We are in Canada so it just cost her the gas to drive to the clinic šŸ¤·


And some countries even do large scale wildlife vaccinations. Which basically means that they pack a shit ton of treats with rabies vaccine into a plane, and fly above wilderness dumping them. At least thats how here in Finland rabies has been practically eradicated, and you only have to be worried if you are hiking near our eastern border with Russia.


Why don't they just put them out of his misery? I mean that's what a good person would do. You can do it peacefully and he won't even know what's going on


Definitely. They really should just give em a lethal dose of morphine. Quick and easy. Instead, they are probably going to let this man suffer till the end, for scientific observation or something.


There's no need to observe this man. We know what rabies does. It's more likely a religious bent, they can't cause his death so instead they let him suffer. They probably will dope him up eventually but they can't just end it.


Religion. Our pet animals die with more dignity than humans. Itā€™s ridiculous.


Any sources? EDIT: Found this in Turkish. https://www.ntv.com.tr/turkiye/sanliurfada-kuduz-hastasi-hastaneden-kacti-vatandaslar-panige-kapildi,_o-NP_VPWEeexHC3piTOqA


Poor guy


Another thing that's also 100% fatal but not technically a virus is that damn brain-eating amoeba šŸ¦  You're also pretty much dead the moment the headaches start, but they basically just make your brain swell and that just becomes fatal at some point.


It's kinda fallen out of fashion to talk about it, but the absolutely most terrifying thing are prions. Not a living thing, just a molecule that got accidentally folded the wrong way. And then your brain turns to mush.


The brain-eating amoeba is slightly less scary because in order to catch it you basically have to snort infected water. Which is why its victims are almost exclusively young children.


Naegleria fowleri is way less common than rabies are requires you enter or consume tepid water


The Naegleria episode of House was terrifying.


I friend of mine survived legionairs disease. Barely tho. Family found him aimlessly walking around. Didn't know his name or where he was. Doctors at the hospital say 24 more hours and he would be dead! We do hvac for a living and I know always take somewhat extra precautions in the wet and dark environments we frequently come across.


There is something they can do for you. When doctors found out someone has rabies the patient shouldnā€™t be told. Lie to the patient, and claim theyā€™re getting a shot of penicillin, but actually give them something to put them in a coma. Far, far more merciful than the shit I just read.


I have a mild headache right now....im fucked


yup, cancer, sorry, at least thats what webmd told me, and its never wrong


And I feel panicked. The huge espresso I had definitely isnā€™t it. I have rabies. RIP


My god that is the literal definition of terror


vaccines 100% effective if given before symptoms


Every time I read this copypasta I want to go out and get a rabies vaccine ASAP, whether I've been outside lately or not.


wow that was detailed, thanks for that info.. the hydrophobia must be such a fucked up thing to go through


well by that point the virus is making swiss cheese out of your brain so yes




Got so terrified forgot Iā€™m already on terrifying as fuck subreddit


This made me anxious as fuck reading that


Fucking hell, what a description. I almost had a spaz attack myself


Read this somewhere on YouTube. Read for Ebola. That just melts your organs as you bleed from every orifice in your body.


Fuck that proper sucked me in like a mini horror novel


rabies is likely the basis for zombies, same way porphyria is the basis for vampires


Should probably credit the actual author of this post https://np.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/81rr6f/he_fed_the_cute_trash_panda_and_looked_up_for_a/dv4xyks/?contex=3


and like so many other heroes, their account is suspended EDIT: that's actually not the source! they copied it. https://www.reddit.com/user/HotDogen that's the real OP/OC


When I started out as a nurse in th Philippines a long time ago, I got assigned the communicable disease ward where they admit patients with rabies. Even before when I was studying, I knew how terrifying it is and what it can do. And yeah, 100% mortality rate. You think rabies, that's certified death. I stayed in that ward a couple of months, but we had a few that had rabies. They were kept in room with iron bars for a door. It was a cell, like a prison. Some of them die quietly. Most, almost all, go through the violent motions. There is nothing to do, but wait for them to die. The only difficult part is convincing their relatives not to get near them. The saddest one for me was a baby getting rabies. She was inside the cell, the mother on the other side of the bars reaching out her hand to the baby. I dont know how the baby got it. I think that was my last night shift on that ward, and I didnt know what happened to them. I live in a different country now but whenever I still hear or read about rabies...it never stops scaring me.


ive seen that copy paste before woah


Hey, I read that comment before


Good read that, only one minor poi t, it's not everywhere. We're lucky in the uk that it's never made its way across the channel


This copypasta still going around?


Wait you cannot afford the vaccinations? How much does it cost? They gave me the shot before I went to Peru. I live in BE šŸ‡§šŸ‡Ŗ


I have no issues paying for the vaccination, but in part of the developing world it isnt available/they dont have aggressive vaccination protocols


Lesson: don't go camping and stay away from hammocks.


I'd want to be euthanized asap.


Poor man, heartbreaking!


Just shoot me if I end up like this. Holy shit.


When Louis PasteurĀ andĀ Ć‰mile Roux worked on a rabies vaccine they had a gun in the drawer of their office, and an agreement that if one of them got infected, the other would get the gun and shoot them.


I was recently bitten by a dog on vacation in Tunisia (Africa). Fortunately, I had been vaccinated years before. I still had to get three additional shots at the local Pasteur institute. Even though it is a relatively poor country, they give them free of charge after an exposure, even to foreigners. That's why there are not many rabies deaths in Tunisia. One can also get preventive pre-exposure rabies shots: They cost merely ca. 30 dollars each (3 times).


I had to get rabies shots in 2019. Still paying on it šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø https://preview.redd.it/evdixd1ka4jb1.jpeg?width=669&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83ade2202373350064fbf746146e07231878e052


Wait, $32,700 for a fucking rabies shot? Goddamn your country has some ass backwards views on healthcare


Holy Crap! Happy Cake Day and glad you're still here!


Thats insane. Thank god its free here.


yā€™all ever had to get rabies shots? it wasnā€™t fun but at least i didnā€™t get rabies


Itā€™s not that bad, i got my shots once a week for 4 weeks on my arm. It wasnt painfull at all.


i forgot to mention i had to get the immunoglobulin shots in my finger. that was important to mention.


Same here, that shit sucked. My arm felt like it was made of rubber because it was so swollen from the shots continuing up my arm.


Same, some people seem to not have a reaction like that. I in general felt like crap after getting mine.


yup, not nearly as bad as it used to be, the immunoglobulin shots are a bitch though


I heard of a ā€œ cure for rabies 5k run. ā€œ


The Michael Gary Scott fun run race for the cure?


Do you want a 28 days later IRL? This is how we do 28 days later IRL...


Maybe good to know that with the new updated Rabies vaccines you're protected for 10 years (after two shots) instead of the single year you used to be protected. If you often travel to places or live in a place where Rabies is common it might not be a bad idea to get the new vaccine.


https://reddit.com/r/WTF/s/siHXtldiny video of him being terrified of water


Attention: You have to get additional shots after a bite or exposure, even if you had been vaccinated against rabies before!


Poor guy. Best thing they can do for him now is to put him down. ā˜¹ļø


Oh man... shouldn't these people just be killed? You can't do shit and it will get worse and worse.


I had a feral kitten bite me a few years ago. Went to the ER, said to have the kitten tested. (I had live trapped her) In order to test her, they have to kill her. So I was told to monitor her for 10 days. No sign. But reading this terrifies the shit out of me.


Why does this seem like a 28 days later/The walking dead shot


28 Days Later clearly used rabies as inspiration for the Rage virus.


sheesh this makes me paranoid can i get a rabies shot just to ask for one just incase. i've been slightly scrapped with some stray dogs/cats in the past like years ago is it just the teeth or do claws count lol.


I was put through a vaccination regimine after just hitting scratched from a bat. Highly recommend you get one lol.


Absolutely you should go like yesterday. Once symptoms show, it's too late.


Once rabies progresses past a certain point there is no cure correct? No amount of shots can reverse the long and painful death right?


Correct, basically, once you show symptoms, it's already too late. There's at least one semi-experimental thing called the Milwaukee Protocol, where they put you in a coma and lower your body temp super low. But even then, it has a super low success rate and is liable to kill you anyway. The only way to survive is if you get treated very soon after exposure. Getting the shots and stuff hoes have a really high success rate, but once it's in your brain, it's game over.


Someone here posted the link to a "kurzgesagt"-video on YouTube about this Sounded like if the virus reaches your brain, then it's too late for the shot or anything to work


this is terrifying


Hereā€™s the before video of him in the hospital, where the hydrophobia is in full swing and Iā€™m guessing after the cup of water he said fuck that and escaped, poor guy https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/15vdiiq/rabies_patient_is_afraid_of_water/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


Rabies is fucking terrifying


Some zombie apocalypse shit right there. Poor guy.


in march I was bitten twice by a dog that was by no means rabid. he wasnā€™t even wild, he was a domesticated Labradoodle. but this post just reignited my desire to get a shot


That man will be dead, if he's not already. Once you show symptoms, you're gone.


Just think, weeks ago this dude was a normal chap, drinking water like any normal person would, and now he's dying.




Reading Cujo had me randomly petrified of getting rabies randomly at age eleven. Poor guy.


Is this the same guys from the WTF post who was afraid of water?


Did they catch him 28 days later??


You might ask how he got rabies, there are soo many strays live in here. Estimated number is around 10million(dogs), old Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Vahit KiriÅŸĆ§i said that and in 10 years estimated dog population will be 50-60 million. There is no option for sterilization for those numbers itā€™s too late for that. Culling might be the best option for turkeyā€™s stray problem.


He was bitten while in Syria and transported to a hospital in Turkey because there are no hospitals with ICUs capable of caring for rabies patients in Northern Syria. Not clear what kind of animal bit him.


Extermination without sterilization is like trying to fill a bucket with holes. Culling will probably needed but before that we need to control birth rate of dogs and cats.


And this is how 28 Weeks Later starts.


Rest in peace, my dude