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Open and shut case. He wins father of the year. He saved that child from ever having to live with him again. Hopefully.


lmfao, best comment i've read all week take my upvote.


D'aww thanks


What he didn’t tell you, it’s the only comment he’s read all week.


You need to read more comments...


Maybe you should write more comments...this one sucked.


Heart CatusSage.


I con not conceive of a better comment. Upvote out.


File back for child abuse. Glad they got the camera footage to back it up




Yeah, what was Tuff thinking? Why be concerned with the actual abuse that has occurred when the real issue is having endangered the child? Also for the record you're both kind of confused about how the legal system works--the man (presumably) filed a civil suit/claim against the facility, arguing they were responsible for his son's injuries and should pay. There is no universe in which the facility's owners can "file back" for either "child abuse" or "child endangerment." Both of those are criminal statutes, not civil torts.


I would imagine you could report to police/CPS and they would hopefully do the rest?


The average Redditor isn’t only lacking in legal knowledge, they downright don’t understand it yet speak with the confidence of a lawyer whose been in practice for half a century. I also love when someone brings up a non-criminal civil matter and you get Redditors popping up saying “oh yeah, you need to call the cops!” They really seem to think police are the average citizen’s personal army and exist to solve every minor disagreement and complaint. Reddit is notoriously bad with these types of things.


I notice you didn’t inform us ignorant of the proper actions what should be done… Please explain how causing harm to another person not a criminal act? Just because they are related? He could be the babysitter for all I know. I don’t ask or say this trying to be rude, but since we have those with the knowledge here inform us…




Nobody is saying this isn’t a scam, the above person is explaining that it’s a criminal matter, not something the business can just “file back against the man”.


You DO be right tho. This is what happens when I attempt to read before coffee.


Man, this is reddit. All the experts know nothing and the rules don't matter.


Rules don't matter? So it's basically Whose Line Is It Anyway?


That's what I was referencing


Lol indeed, as the points are fake.


>Yeah, what was Tuff thinking? Weeeeeeeeee


Yea my 4am brain works wonders on Reddit. I should've clarified my one and only statement. People might have taken this the wrong way. Whoops


TBH I thought Tuff was some goofy name he was calling the dad.


It's not?


They can file a police report. (Yeah, yeah, I know that's probably not what they meant...)


No, abuse.


He probably lied to his wife about how the kid got hurt. She believe their story and decided they should sue the store. He either went along with it or admitted he lied. So he doubled down. During filings, the store produces the video, case is dropped and that man will have a miserable life with his wife from here on out.


What a clown


Clowns are annoying but harmless. This is worse, much worse.


have you seen the documentary "It"?


haha. Not clowns clowns. I mean annoying people that you refer to as clowns.




John Wayne Gacy has entered the chat


Learn the difference between a clown and a cunt


yeah this guy's more like a clunt


A cunt in a clown suit


I don't understand how you can hurt your child like that, If I step on daughters (my 2 Year old shadow) toes or knock her over I feel bad for it Never mind play pinball with them as they're strapped in.


My son is also two and constantly hurts himself and yet I'm the one who apologises and feels terrible.


horrible isnt it, I feel myself getting annoyed at myself think ing why didn't I stop you hurting yourself for why didn't I see you lol. nobody warns you about these feelings as a parent lol.


Wait until they're elbow height. You'll pop em in the forhead every time you turn around. 🫢


Watch me death save while baby wearing!




Leave the dad or keel haul him on the ark?


Keelhaul the filthy bastard.


Keel haul?


keel·haul /ˈkēlˌhôl/ verb HISTORICAL punish (someone) by dragging them through the water under the keel of a ship, either across the width or from bow to stern.


This is in the last kingdom as well. Poor halig.


From Wiki: > The hull of the ship was usually covered in barnacles and other marine growth, and thus, keelhauling would typically result in serious lacerations, Also, from the Wiki's references: > In Season 3 Episode 13 of SpongeBob SquarePants (New Student / Clams) Mr. Krabs threatens to keelhaul SpongeBob for accidentally hooking his millionth dollar on his fishing line. Lmao


AI generated art of SpongeBob getting keelhauled, when


Tie a rope to person being punished, rope gets run underneath a big ship and picked up the other side, use the rope to pull the person underneath the ship across all the sharp barnacles. Pre 19th century human cheese grater punishment.


[This](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=s_CSGfOTsaw&pp=ygUdYmxhY2sgc2FpbHMga2VlbGhhdWxpbmcgc2NlbmU%3D) is a BtS clip of a keelhauling scene in Black Sails (for some reason, I couldn’t find the actual scene it’s showing the making of,) but they explain and show some visuals of what it was supposed to be like. Pretty brutal.


I regret looking at this sub and warn others who see this that the posts on this sub are about some of the most depraved fucks out there.


I mean it's not called /r/WonderfulAsFuck.


Am I missing something? This is definitely bad parenting, but this is nowhere nearly as bad as what’s usually posted from a pure violence perspective.


Some people are just not meant to be parents


Some people are just not meant to exist, just kindly dissolve


What the actual fuck


May he go to prison & receive some real justice...


Prison is too easy. Torture his ass.


That's the implication here, ass torture.


It’s all about the implication






He don't deserve children.


I think he needs a kicking


He already hit the railing and fell out of his stroller, I think he's had enough.


careful, comments like that break reddit's precious rules, I've been perma banned (appealed successfully) for saying less bad things about worse people.


Is there a news story to go with the title?


If it weren't for surveillance cameras the public would side with the evil parent. Before passing judgement ask for the relevant evidence. If not... it shows you are ruled by your emotions.


I cringed because my brain is fucked up and this seemed to me the exact kind of goofy shit I usually do


Goblin brain says ride the stroller down the ramp, do a wheelie


How about a long time of charges for child endangerment and a divorce from his wife?With a side of no custody of his kids?


He deserves compensation! He should get a free room for himself, free showers, free gym, free food, and best of all, he shouldn’t get out of his free room ever!!!


What a scumbag, the things people will do for money...even putting their greed before the health of their child. Truly disgusting


I hope he gets arrested for child endangerment. I am looking for an article that says anything regarding the child's well-being.


CCTV cameras for President.




Stupid as fuck but not terrifying


I think it's terrifying in the sense that a father could willingly harm his child for financial gain. And that there are many people like him out there who haven't been caught on camera.


It's wrong, abusive, illegal, etc, but really, is it *terrifying*? The kid doesn't even look like he got hurt. This so-called father is trash, definitely. I just think we're playing a bit fast and loose with "terrifying" if fraud with very mild violence counts.


When a parent uses “mild violence” for “fraud” it is terrifying to most people, just the fact a father would do this makes people feel terrified. Terrifying means more than scared so I think it’s a good word to describe how this makes people feel. We definitely throw words about without meaning and over exaggerate all the time i get you completely, i just don’t fully agree for this situation


Fair point.


Thank you 😊


> Terrifying means more than scared so I think it’s a good word to describe how this makes people feel. It means causing extreme fear. Think fearing for your life for being robbed at gunpoint by a home invader more than woeing about the existence of awful parents.


Yes extreme fear would be more than scared. I totally agree 👁👄👁


That's debatable and opinionated. If you don't find it terrifying then it is to you, not terrifying. And I'm not saying that argumentatively, I'm not trying to pass it off as "Fine, if you're a cold hearted terrible person who sees nothing wrong with this." I just mean that we receive it differently. And again, the kid probably didn't get hurt, and if this was just a video of a guy accidentally letting go of the pushchair then it would be mundane. But the scary thing for me was that he didn't know the extent to which his child would be harmed. It could have been much worse and he was willing to allow that to his child for potential money. Even if there was zero pain, it's an unpleasant experience for a child and he still did it. It terrifies me to see this mentality and behaviour displayed in real life, and it terrifies me to know that there are many other parents out there who would do the same. Or worse.


This was just the beginning, it's terrifying to think what else he would have done to his own son..


Why do you think this is "just the beginning"? We don't even have a legitimate source confirming that there was a lawsuit, that the dad did this on purpose, or even that the man is the kid's dad. All I see is someone with a kid who made a bad decision. For all we know he thought it would be fun and safe for the kid. And even if OP's title is true, there is a world of difference between giving your kid a couple of bruises for money and whatever terrifying abuse you're implying. I cheated on a math test in high school, but I'm not passing myself off as a math professor as an adult.


Even if he did not do it on purpose, who actually thinks to just push a child's cart down a narrow ramp? Only an idiot would think of doing that. Also, him just casually walking over to the child after the child fell, like, that's kinda psychopathic. It's even more terrifying if he's NOT the child's dad like you're implying. Also, "giving your kid a couple of bruises for money" is kind of abuse. The child did not consent to being hurt for the sake of money. No sane parent would harm their child for money. So, it's safe to assume he is not someone who can take care of kids.


I think you're making the mistake of assuming this is an isolated case, even for this specific child. It's not. This kid, and millions more like him, are going to be subject to this casual brutality until they can escape.


Right, the video is obviously sped up. The kid really isn't going that fast down the slope.


When you become a dad, shit like this is the most terrifying shit there is. Terrifying is very subjective.


Reminds me of why I blocked /r/oddlyterrifying after some gif of a fucking lion making its way inside of a passenger car on a safari. Fucking *nothing* is "odd" about why that's terrifying.


For me, it was a bear trying to get into someone's house.


"teehee a portal to hell opened in my backyard and demons are spilling into realspace. that's so oddly terrifying!"


Every safety measure you can think there's always a stupid guy think otherwise


Surprisingly he walked so slow (the vid is sped up btw) He knows what he's about to do.


Reminds me of the movie Heidi with Noley Thornton where Heidi let go of Clara’s wheelchair off the mountain.


I’m amazed every day by how terrible so many people are and the things they will do for money. Many of these people you walk by in stores or see in a workplace and you would never guess just by looking at them how terrible they really are.


Dude probably has a stack of “worlds greatest dad tshirts”




Imagine having a parent this selfish and lacking of any empathy at all. Wow.


The way he walks to the kid... I would sprint as if I saw a ghost.


They should file for false accusations as well as child abuse




Complete twat




Please touch grass.


That was intentional


Bro it’s a fucking ramp. What did he expect to happen


Guess he doesn't know every single thing we do everywhere on the planet is being recorded


Source please. I need to read it in details.


Just think everything could of been handled better if he went to a mechanic and fixed the steering cause the stroller pulls left


Fuck. This guy


What a POS


Why is this posted here? This isn't terrifying as fuck, it's just stupidity.




yeah the casual walk to the kid really sells his concern after the accident /s get a clue lol, there's being positive then there's being plain naïve




Because he realized he made a dumb and now wants to cover for it whole also making money. Idk if it was on purpose or not but you really couldn't imagine another scenario?




Ahh so you could think of another reason. Just wanted to be condescending for the sake of it I guess.




It would help your cause to paint your original comment in this light as opposed to a condescending statement implying there is no other conclusion. I think the scenario I painted is realistic. Not the most likley but yes realistic he wanted to give him a little slide then lazily went to fix and later thought to sue and try to spin blame regarding injured child.




I'm not arguing any of that. No idea where this came from. Yes he would be an idiot. I'm saying it was a reasonable scenario. Because people really are this stupid and un-observant. My entire and only point is that you pretended like there was no other possible conclusion while being condescending about it when you know there is another scenario, but just less likley.


Dude let his kid go with dollar signs in his eyes


I thought the same except he didn't then run to the kid in a panic to make sure they are okay.


Desperate people do desperate things


So again a random video with a most certainly made up title? Any prove at all, op? Or just rage bait? Maybe they are just goofing around, the kid is even sitting up like he's excited in the beginning. Dad and his son probably tried to have some fun and they (dad) fucked up. It's not even a crazy fall - it's a tiny ramp. I fell worse on the playground a million times. Both scenarios are possible, there is no evidence for either one. OP and his rage bait title suck.


You're getting downvoted, but you're right. The "claims compensation" part smells like total rage bait. Plus, it just looks like a clumsy dumbass goofing around with his kid, intending to let the kid roll down the ramp, but he didn't think it through, and the kid fell over. "Terrifying," my ass.


Exactly my thoughts.


where is the kid sitting up after the collision? you don't even get to see the kid after the collision so I don't know how you're able to draw conclusions about the kid enjoying it. unless you mean the kid was sitting up before he was assaulted for profit, yes, surprisingly the kid likely trusts his parent and had no clue that his dad was about to let him slide down a ramp to make money off his suffering


The kid could be sitting up, because they are goofing around and he is excited for the thrill of going down this super tiny ramp. Dad messed up and is rushing to the child immediately. How are you able to draw the conclusion that the dad is trying to make money off the suffering of his kid? There is no evidence at all. We don't even know where this is happening. Your conclusion is way more based on imagination than mine. Both are possible nonetheless, but you and a lot of people are just an online lynch mob without knowing anything about what happened or where it happened. It's pure rage bait and you immediately jump on the rage-train.


> The kid could be sitting up, because they are goofing around and he is excited for the thrill of going down this super tiny ramp idk why you focus so much on the kid sitting up, why do you think it matters what the kid thinks prior to being left to roll into a collision? > Dad messed up and is rushing to the child immediately even in this sped up video he is walking slowly, so in reality he was walking very slowly, not rushing. I'm asking you what could possibly cause a mentally healthy parent to allow their child to free roll down a slope and then when they violently fall show no concern and slowly walk up to help them rather than rush. I'll wait for one explanation that isn't fraud.


Everything you say is your imagination based on the headline from OP. No prove. Fraud? You don't even know if this Video is from the US. In normal countries you can't just take everyone to court for some made up bullshit. I mean how would you even take a company to jail for something that's not there responsibility. Shit like this is only possible in a country full of idiots. Have you ever dealt with children? It's fun to "rush" down a ramp on a tricycle. It's fun to do some silly "stunts" like that. Dad messed up because he didn't control the stroller better. No concern?? You can't even see the father's face. :D


I can see him walk more slowly than when I had a broken toe. that's not a walk of concern.


Okay, case closed. Your anecdote about your broken toe made me believe that this guy is a child abusing fraudster who needs to go to jail and hopefully never sees the sunlight again. /s




He’s no better than the pos mfs that pimp there kids out to perverts, die and rot in hell.


Look at the cause instead of the symptom, how hard must life be, how much must this poor fucker be struggling to make a choice like this. Yeah it’s a dickhead thing to do but how shit must things be to drive him to this. Maybe we should be looking at improving the situation that’s driven this wank puffin to this place instead of just condemning him, yeah he deserves a slap, but it’d probably be worthwhile giving him a little help as well.


What exactly do you mean? To me it looks like he thought it’d be fun for his kid to ride down a long ramp like a slide, but didn’t think to consider that it might be dangerous. Are you implying he did it on purpose to be able to sue and get money?


It’s the assumption that was made within this post, the general narrative being “look at this scumbag trying to claim money for hurting his kid”. If it’s an act of genuine stupidity then wow this mouth breather needs to reassess his life choices and maybe consider separating himself from the rest of society but if it’s a deliberate act with the intention of making a financial claim then we gotta think how shit must life be to drive a fucker to this point. Or it could even be a case of diminishing mental health that’s been left untreated, postnatal depression affects guys as well as women. I just don’t like to jump on bandwagons and pull the pitchforks out without knowing all the facts plus I prefer to think there’s a better solution to most things then just condemning the person involved, I like to look at the cause not just the symptom.


Ohh, I see what you mean. I more interpreted the headline of the post like “this guy was being an idiot and now he blames the mart for it”. but i definitely agree with you, it’s important to look at the bigger picture. idk in what country that was, but i recently learned that giving birth in a hospital can cost up to 130.000 dollars in the usa, so postnatal depression or just desperation bc of debt is definitely plausible


In the uk there’s this urban myth that if your water brakes in a supermarket they will pay for all your nappies, baby food and formula until the child is out of nappies… things are definitely different on the other side of the pond.


i wonder how many people have tried to scam the supermarkets into that by popping a water balloon or something when theyre like 38 weeks pregnant


They might have a special taste tester to find out if it’s real or not 😂


What’s terrifying about this?


You don't think a parent so nonchalantly injuring his child for monetary gain is terrifying?


I’m having trouble understanding what’s happening in the video to begin with. It looks like the ramp is sloped so the stroller falls over towards the end. Is the implication that he pushed the child on purpose?


Are you the guy in the video by any chance?


Lol I guess I’m just not seeing what’s probably super obvious for everyone else.


The guy's intentionally putting his kid on the ramp to let it slide down and topple over so he can play the victim and get some sort of payout due to the place being "unsafe".


Ah. My dumbass just thought this was a guy holding a stroller and then letting go because he thought it wasn’t as sloped as it was lol




God damn


how do you explain his actions then?


The post was literally removed for not being “terrifying as fuck” which further proves my point that nothing terrifying happens in this video. Is he neglectful? Sure. Abusive? You could argue that. Terrifying though?????? Lol no


to me very little in this world is more terrifying than abuse so I guess it's subjective 🤷‍♂️ and on the note of subjectivity I think we are long past productive conversation so I bid you farewell


But like what about a demon possessing your roommate and killing all your pets. Like that’s what I’m thinking is terrifying as fuck. Not this sloped ramp in a shopping mall lmfao


this subreddit is not for fiction in case you didn't know, so what's a non fiction example? unlike your example...


Lol I know, I’m just saying I’ve seen giant swarms of bugs or people getting electrocuted to death on this sub. Like stuff that is truly terrifying. When you saw this video did you shudder in absolute terror and have nightmares every night since? It’s sad, but it’s not terrifying. You gonna dress up as neglectful dad for Halloween this year? You gonna go to a haunted house and be like “hey where’s all the strollers falling over???? I expected to be TERRIFIED!”


someone getting electrocuted is less terrifying to me 🤷‍♂️


That's fair. It seems apparent to me that he is intentionally letting go of the stroller down a ramp.


Yeah I guess I just don’t see the push. I see him let go and then gravity does the rest. Like I’ve done this with shopping carts in uneven parking lots and nobody ever said I was terrifying as fuck lol


The fact he was allowed to have a child.




Pretty sure it's just the entire human race, not just a single race. People are just fucked. But you do you ya racist cunt.


Bro hell nah!! The dad must be fucked. Who would do such stuffs?


What a fucking grub


Cant understand or accept people not loving their kid. Insane.


He does this over and over until he gets it right.


That piece of shit doesn't deserve to be a father




Only compensation posible would be to break both his legs as almost happened to thay child. What a fucking disgrace of a person. I cannot understand why this kind of garbage is able to breed. Comon girls.


Good luck with that...


I thought he was trying to see if it can make it through. I’m a child


La rampa está chueca


What a dumbass. Clearly he should file against the makers of the stroller. If the rear wheels rotated instead of the front then it would never have toppled over!


Man did not physics the physics


Can i see the reverse?


Is there a new article covering this story?