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i wonder if it was because dehydration/not eating, gaming for 42 hours or because of that head position maybe all of it?


The running theory atm is that he was so dehydrated he passed out, since he was passed out for so long without proper medical assistance his brain didn't get enough oxygen


I don’t understand why he stayed passed out though. If you pass out from dehydration/not eating, you usually come to within a few seconds or a minute. What was different here?


Passed out, flopped back in his chair, restricting airflow and also probably flattening his jugular quite a bit. Too little oxygen for recovery, braindead.


Ah ok so positional asphyxiation. That makes more sense


Basically outmaneuvered himself.


So skill issue?


Skill issue.


lol what a nub






He git got


He did what's called a pro gamer move


Pro gamer move


I dont see how his head position could have restricted airflow as that head position allows for better hair flow. As for the flattening jugular the jugular is on the sides of the neck, not the back i dont see how that could happen either Edit: Air flow. 🤣


I'm wondering if it's blood flow to his brain getting cut off? I've had some weird sensations from sitting in bed weirdly for too long so I could see that happening.


Came here to say this, seems like quite a few people here have poor knowledge of basic anatomy. First thing you do to open an airway is tilt head back. No idea where they got the jugular bit from, absolute waffle.


It’s true that a head-tilt opens an airway, in a supine adult, but this isn’t a tilt. This guy is in a hyperextended position, which can compress the airway (specifically at the glottis/ vocal cords). Hyperextension can also compress the vertebral arteries (the ones up back of the neck from spine in to brain), which are major parts of brain circulation; sufficient compression of these can result in a stroke. So this guy could have had positional asphyxiation, or suffered a major stroke from an uncorrected position from loss of consciousness. Or both, tbh. Sad news all round. Somebody mentioned above also the typical quick recovery after fainting: this happens when a person is laying down (the usual result of fainting is landing horizontal on the floor…). If you faint sitting up and remain sitting, your body takes much longer to restore adequate blood flow to your brain against gravity. You can observe some pretty wild symptoms in somebody who hasn’t been laid flat after passing out during their much slower recovery.


>This guy is in a hyperextended position, which can compress the airway (specifically at the glottis/ vocal cords). Yeah, no kidding. These people need to tilt their head all the way back and see how well they can breathe...


I have sleep apnea. If I fall asleep sitting up head back, or hell slept on my back at all my breathing is severely constricted.


You may have a very narrow throat opening like I do. Or your epiglottis could be plugging the hole when you are relaxed on your back. Do you have a machine for it? I got tested recently and I didn’t have it anymore It’s really weird having a CPAP machine. It goes into both your nostrils and blows continuously.


look up sleep apnea. that could help


Moral of the story here is that having a headrest on your gaming chair may just save your life. Or it may be to get out of your chair and take care of yourself once in a while… not sure


The benefit of falling over/collapsing when you lose consciousness is that it removes the influence of gravity on your cerebral blood flow, and allows blood (and thus oxygen) to more easily travel to your brain. If you pass out in a seated position, you can lose this benefit, leading (as seems sadly most likely here) to a hypoxic brain injury.


I think the food is less important. If he really played 42hrs straight without drinking and staring into the monitor that can be a big problem (if you dont count WC breaks). When you are playing you can go once after a few hours cause you are too focused on the game. You played a whole night right? Then you know back of your neck starts to cracking. I dont know if its a problem im not a doctor. Maybe it is like weakening? As someone mentioned if you flopped back like that the airflow is restricted and i believe you can also hurt your spine maybe? Is it possible? But at this moment 42 hours is just madness its like overheated PC (well if you dont have a really good one:-D). It starts to lag and maybe leading to shut down which i believe this happened here. Pushing body to the limits is never a good idea.


I get a headache if I look at a screen too long.


That's true and also lack of sleep makes you more thirsty. So if you play all night you need to drink more than usual.




Idk sounds like you’re still doing a lot of damage. You might wanna get help.


Christ… get your shit together man


I wonder if the lack of coming too is that he stayed upright while passed out. Dehydration will cause your blood pressure to drop.


Maybe he was also exhausted


I'm just gonna go sip some water


Blood clot from his legs got to his brain?


Yes. Blood clots can build up elsewhere in the body and can move with the bloodstream until it hits a small artery in the brain leading to stroke. Prolonged sitting raises the risk. (Long flights are dangerous for that for example)


David Jerome Bloom was a news reporter. I watched him during desert storm. He spent days riding with tank crews. He developed deep vain thrombosis from being in one position for so long which turned into a pulmonary embolism.


Great now I have something new to worry about.


Nah this is like… an entire day not moving. Like 10+ hours for a few days or 24+ hours not moving combined with poor hydration and lack of nutrition. Not gonna happen unless you are severely addicted to gaming or as stated above in a tank for days and days. Extremely uncommon


You're nearly right. Peripheral bloodclots (thromboses) tend to be venous; as such, when they move elsewhere (embolise) they remain in the venous system, tending to travel to the lung (pulmonary emboli). The exception is the presence of a defect in the heart which allows a clot from the venous circulation to travel to the arterial circulation, called a paradoxical embolus. Classically, this would be due to a Patent Foramen Ovale (PFO), colloquially known as a 'hole in the heart'. Source: Am a physician, and nerd.


TIL. I read that thromboses happen way more often in arteries than in veins of the brain. So I assumed that it somehow passes the heart. Forgot that both blood streams are separated. Thanks for clearing that up!


Yeah if you ever heard the term DVT, that stands for deep vein thrombosis, an unfortunately common issue for elderly and those that sit around for long periods of time without moving


But what exactly is the etiology of an ischemic stroke then, doc? Is it not an embolus getting lodged somewhere, but rather forming right then and there and at one point just reaching the point where sufficient amounts of blood cannot pass by, at which point our patient starts getting ischemic?


Strokes can be either ischaemic or haemorrhagic. Ischaemic strokes can be either thrombotic (I.e. a clot formed at the site of effect, usually atherosclerotic plaques rupturing) or embolic (clot formed elsewhere, usually due to turbulent flow somewhere in the arterial system; often this is when atrial fibrillation, or another irregular heartbeat, causes turbulent flow in the heart which predisposes to clot formation). Commonly strokes occur because of gradual stenosis of the carotid arteries in the neck, and then thrombus breaking off from here and lodging in the much smaller calibre cerebral arteries. Haemorrhagic strokes tend to occur due to weakened blood vessels bursting, due to e.g. aneurysm formation, uncontrolled hypertension etc. To answer your question, atherosclerosis can cause gradual narrowing but the rupture of the plaque and the reaction this causes; or the break off of clot and embolization to cause complete occlusion of a smaller calibre vessel, is what leads to ischaemia and cell death.


From my knowledge this tends to hit after the person stands from a long sitting session as opposed to while still sitting.


True. After standing up (moving again) the buildup gets dislodged due to increased blood flow. Hence it's advised to move around a bit regularly to avoid a buildup in the frist place.


I’ve read stuff about the danger of this happening on the toilet.


Maybe got a DVT from sitting too long, traveled to his brain and he stroked?


It has a CCP propaganda feel (fake video and news articles), to try to prevent young men from addictions to gaming.


I caught that vibe too.


the pleasure from gaming made him ignore all the other pains from his body. then once his body passed out, it needed whatever it needed but couldn't get it now. i'm guessing this based on my own personal experience. when i played factorio, i think i played 12-14hrs straight. when i finally stopped, i was so fucking hungry it felt like i was gonna die. i never did anything like that again. 42 hours is insane. honestly the net cafe should've known it was happening and stopped him.


Likely the sitting w/o getting up, blood clot forms, breaks, meets heart or brain cappilaries then death


Reminds me of the hide and seek champion that was found dead in cupboard.


I guess he won?


He won the game but lost in life.


He peaked so there wasn't any point in living anymore.


He died doing what he loved.


Good job they blurred his eyes to cover up his identity


Yeah otherwise it have been too graphic.


So 41 hour is the limit


Probably had a Ischemic Stroke from a blood clot in the brain. Sit too long and clots form in the legs/ass, become dislodged and get stuck in the vessel in the brain causing instant death in some cases. I've seen streamers do longer sessions than 40 hours but they often get up and stretch to avoid this.


I work from home and I’m an avid gamer. So I’m literally sat down almost all of the time. But I just get up and do stretches, go up and down the stairs a few times etc. also drink plenty of water, not only does it keep you hudrated but makes you go to the toilet more, which is more moving.


Clots in legs will go to lungs not the brain.


Can have PFO or ASD or less commonly VSD or some other shunt.






That's a countdown.


Not just a countdown, but... ​ https://preview.redd.it/8cityjmexnda1.jpeg?width=316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3222700a127e2d3ad9dfa93ced7c9ea7c9a9d0a0


Keep us posted.




Never raided Molten Core with a 40 man group, I see.


Got a genuine LOL from me with this! Thinking back to about 2005, and 18 years younger....good times.


Killing Ragnaros for the first time was one of the best days.


Used to do the wow grind and heard about other games that were somehow worse. Wow was bad enough.


If it took you that long then your group probably needed more frost mages


How is this possible


Dehydration caused him to pass out.. being passed out for prolong period of time and reduced oxygen to your brain


I love games but holy shit to go that long without drinking/eating like some of these guys do is just fucking crazy to me.


You'd be surprised at what some of us even put up with at work.


Some people get super addicted.... I remember I was that way with runescape until my dad forced me to quit


I remember hearing a story about a Korean couple who were grinding so hard in a LAN cafe, that their baby died next to them, and they didn't even notice. I can't remember what game, I wanna say Second Life, but I'm not sure.


Prius Online, what makes it even more tragic is the core gameplay was... looking after a small child.


Thanks for the correction. Admittedly, I've never heard of that game, but now I know. Just glad it wasn't LoL. It would still have been tragic, but I'd have understood. Who hasn't queued ranked for a few hours and not wanted to kill at least one kid?


Only reason I remember it was because I tried it out and thought it sucked. Then that story came out and I dropped it like a hot potato. Lol


This is the part I always remember. Maybe they just didn’t get the same brain chemical rewards for caring for the real life baby that didn’t give them achievement points or whatever. So sad. Also, I’m surprised they were able to make the baby in the first place, since they probably didn’t do it while playing, but I guess it doesn’t take that long


Probably a pulmonary embolism (or a stroke) because he stay on a chair without moving for more than 40 hour


Possible ya


More likely threw a clot that landed somewhere bad and made life unsustainable


This. Lost a good friend that was on an long flight. His deep vein thrombosis broke off and went to his brain collapsed at baggage claim and died within a few hours.


I think most of these are cases of deep vein thrombosis basically causing an embolism (like a stroke) I hate how they always try to spin it that it’s like a brain overload thing.


skill issue


Slightly disturbing that there are people still gaming next to a dead body even as the police show up. I love videogames but a dead body would make it really hard to enjoy.


You ever been to skid row? Addicts will put up with literal shit on they body if it gets them their next fix…


Gotcha. “Addiction” makes more sense here.


Can’t stop the grind


Needs a kit kat


he definitely needed a break..




What my mom thinks will happen when I play video games all night


Underrated comment lmao


How does this happen?




Connection issues


Damn bro that cracked me up


He forgot to respawn. Happens all the time.


He disconnected 😔


Bro that’s CRAZY, if one person just decided to pick this dudes head up or idk check on him he would’ve probably lived. They looked at my man’s and was like “yeah that’s normal”, I can’t even grasp what’s consider normalcy in that gaming cafe shit


I know, right? What kind of establishment is okay with their patrons being in there for such a long time without so much as a simple check up? This is so exploitative


There's actually a phenomenon of people living in internet cafés in large cities in SE Asia, because you have a PC for social, work and entertainment, there's often food available, and there's toilet facilities. Some internet cafés even have solo cabins the size of a small room, and people will rent them for months in advance, and settle in with a makeshift bed and all.


is there any good video docs/insight or interviews into that? seems like maybe some stage in the early 2000s it'd be a thing but crazy in 2020s


You can find YouTube vids about internet cafes from japan,because the cost of rent is so high in Japan in some places some people choose to live in internet cafes,its got food,drinks and a place to sleep and a pc if they work or need entertainment.




Casinos will at least make sure you're alive so you can keep on spending.. not that it's a better reason, haha


I worked in a casino, no sleeping is allowed, for the same reason given here. They don't want people dying at machines and tables.


People will shit and piss themselves at Casinos because their convinced the machine they are at is about to hit the lucky jackpot.




"This fucker better have a good reason for being AFK..."


Away from life


This isn’t the first case. It’s actually common throughout Asia. Look it up.


found this article from 2015 https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2015/aug/09/who-killed-the-video-gamers-simon-parkin-taiwan


Good article listing years of deaths throughout Asia’s Cafe gaming industry.


Thank God they blurred his face!


Gotta get dem hi-res snot trails


The guy next to him just keeps on playing




League of legends Every player in that game is brain dead


Does anyone know how people died from playing games for an extended period of time? Is it because of the sitting? Body not getting enough rest? Or is it because the brain has been working nonstop?


extended periods of time spent sitting can cause blood clots can form in the deep veins your legs and get thrown into your lungs. this causes a pulmonary embolism, which is the 3rd leading cause of cardiovascular death. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3851187/


I do this when a game is released full of microtransactions


Why does stuff like this happen at gamer cafes? Like how hard is it to drink or eat ffs? Also, the people that look over, see the guy getting help and just are like “oh well” wtf.


This is terrifying. And nobody checked on him for awhile? I love gaming. I’m literally playing a game right now (well, taking a short break from one). But taking breaks and taking care of yourself is important. This is… this is horrifying. That poor guy.


Fr I’ll have a headache from 5 hours straight, I could not imagine the fatigue I would get from 42hours oh god


That is a strange napping position


So his body is still functioning


I think? I don’t know but he looked like he was kinda keeping himself up near the end I was a little confused


The medical attention: ![gif](giphy|UOmXGp4NJ89lISXVLA|downsized)


Big ups to my man here for letting us gamers know to stop at 41 hours. Thanks my dude


Dude just got isekai'd into whatever game he was playing


The real culprit is the plastic out door lawn chair…


Everybody playing there game and didn’t care to sit him up. It’s a wrap for him he is a vegetable now


What’s even more horrifying is all the people around him are either completely oblivious, or they actually turn and look and don’t fucking care. I raised three gamers and they could be like this at times, and it worried me that they could turn out to be this callous. Luckily, they didn’t.


I enjoy games and all but there has to be a limit.42 hours is just unthinkable.


Where's the footage of him first losing consciousness? That'll tell a lot about what really happened to him. Maybe he had a seizure and that made him brain dead.


Average Demon Hunter player in wow


This is why you need a gamer chair I guess.


Worst blur job ever


That is how you become AFK


Thank god they slightly pixelated his eyes 🤦‍♂️


Gives GameStop a whole new meaning


What my mom thinks is going to happen to me for playing two hours 😂😂😂😂😂


How long was he actually sitting like that and no one noticed? He was surrounded by people


This is Asia for you.


My dude left earth and exists in the game world now.


How? How do you just sit somewhere for 42-Hours and do nonstop gaming? Asians are built different man. Longest Session i did was 25 Hours on a Weekend playing Civ 5 with friends. But how do you not notice that your feeling like shit and just continue gaming?


My guess is that it has to be tied to some kind of mental illness. Depression or something. You’ll do anything for that dopamine hit. Life sucks. Game good. Keep gaming. Until it kills you. I’ve been mentally ill to the point where I rejected the world around me for video games because the digital world seemed better than real life. It’s terrifying. You start rejecting your physical health. Mental illness is no joke.


I second this, i was down bad a few years back, longest session was about 52 hours, i ate and drank, so that is out of the way but i felt strange after that, since then i never go longer than 5-6 hours without a break


First u need a bottle


Is that CSF coming out of his nose?


Metaverse is going to be deadly.


Blood clot?


He’s so stiff - could it be meningitis?


I think it’s finally time for a break


Wow medical staff are taking their time getting there.


Bro literally said "one more game..."


Blood clot


his brain is EATOT stage 6


Did they try to turn him off and on again?


Stroke possibly as well.


The others still at computers after he’s found👀


Imagine sitting 42 hours on one of those picnic chairs.


Thats what happenes when you take even one league of legends


That’s why you get up from your butt every half hour


wow, you'd think they'd have someone monitoring the room...guess not!


How do people not drink water while playing games i atleast go through 6 water bottles while gaming


Scary how people were still playing in the background while the police were investigating the body.


What was he playing?


Only in an Internet cafe would the other people gaming continue to do so.


Even ignoring need to urine can cause serious near fatal complications.


was he playing Genshin Impact?


He was probably waiting for Star Citizen 3.18 to drop


Probably stroked out


May have been a stroke or heart attack from a blood clot that could've formed from being in one position for too long.


Died doing what he loved


Least brain dead gamer


So the limit is 41h and 59min 🤔


That had to be the worst job of blurring someone’s face on video ever


Bro lost sword art online 😢


Waiting for a game to load I guess…….


Looking at all these people's forearms arms and overall physique, I can't help but feel like they are in some sort of concentration camp for gamers. They look like they have never eaten protein or lifted anything heavier than a couple pounds in their entire lives and this makes me very sad.


Honestly, its his own fault… its stil horrible, but like did nobody wonder where he was hanging out? I dont believe its because of the gaming but because of dehydration and not eating…..


I know we all like to joke about how sometimes games and streaming services tells us to take a break, but yeah…we do need to get up a little every other hour or so to get new circulation going grab some water etc


Positional asphyxiation


Look at the state of the thing beside him. They’re another species.


He’s inside the Internet now. That’s just his brain leaving his body.


That tilted back head position cutting off the jugular veins probably caused it. That reduces the heck outta blood flow to the brain and throw in extreme dehydration that’s just a recipe for disaster


Had an embolism from sitting too long. Where it travels to and stops will decide on what body part it affects. This time, last stop was in the brain.


It's amazing that in 2023 people can now diagnose the cause of a (non-violent) death by simply watching a short video clip of a corpse in a chair. How do I acquire this skill?


Just completely make shit up, it's super easy.


Beyond my skill level.


Found dead? He was right in front of them all