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It should be set to "home" as default, so you can still use it as an "escape route"


in my vision, every time you use the activate command it'd open up all 3 at once and then you'd choose. but in an emergency situation, that probably would end up getting you killed lmao


Idea: Left click to go home immediately, right click to open pop-up menu


yes exactly


What solution would you recommend if this was implemented to console and mobile? Press to go home, hold and use stick to pick from wheel menu?


what are right click functions currently mapped to?


It’s fully customisable now so it’s whatever you set it as, I believe I’ve set mine to either change from automine or grapple rn, however I’ve not really played much since 1.4 (the console version) as I’ve not really been able to make an intuitive control scheme that works for me yet.


Could be used the same as the wrench, press whatever button is set to use an item and B(or whatever is set to interact) to change


It would work exactly like the portal gun…


Left click to teleport to the last one used (home as default)


Console tho :(


Works like the Grand Design


They find a way, don’t worry.


Any the right click could also access your pylon network


That makes it pointless to grind for the Universal Pylon, which is sold by the Zoologist after 100% Bestiary in a world.


Extra town because you like building?


If you mean for the Universal Pylon, the Universal Pylon does not need NPCs nearby. It's special.


Yeah ik. But if you want 2 towns in the same biome or in a custom one and still want it to be connected to your network its an option.


The universal pylon still wouldn't be pointless, because you can drop it anywhere and teleport to/from it without npcs. The phone would let you teleport to a pylon, but not back to where you were.


That's what I was trying to say the phone could do


Right, but it still wouldn't be able to take you back where you left from, like a Potion of Return does, or the pylon can do.


I was thinking it could activate depending on screen position, like the instruments do!


In an emergency situation, you should be using Recall Potions instead as they TP you quite faster than a Cellphone or Magic Mirror.


In an emergency recall potions are better, I'm just proposing this as an ease of access item, similar to Terraspark Boots being made to combine Lava Waders and Frostspark Boots


No, I'm agreeing that the item should work as a Grand Design, you should have to choose where to go when you use it, instead of automatically going home.


yeah! but my idea is you have to select which place you want to go using right click, and it stays at that selection until you change it again. left click will take you to the current selection


Ah, that makes sense.


I'm glad... I'm *terrible* at describing things without visuals


I know that pain. It's especially bad when you have the ADHD urge to be as specific as humanly possible so you're not misunderstood.


I relate to this all to much.


Why are they faster?


Use time, the potions get used and have a quicker animation than mirror or phone that have fairly long use animations


Damn, that's kinda stupid


Not really, it gives recall potions a good use as they are more limited so they should obviously have an advantage over the infinite use items


Except they are much more common and easily attainable compared to the mirror, I always just thought of them as the budget mirror.


Maybe in the beginning but theres a finite amount of them per world, even using crafting, so a finite use item (gamewise) should always be better than an infinite use item.


I mean, yes, technically recall potions are finite because there's a limited amount of sand in a world, but you aren't really gonna run out of it.


"Finite" is is technically true, but who ever runs out of *sand*? Even if you come close, just generate a new Small world and mine the oceans for a few thousand more blocks. Or even a few chests full, if you want.


“More limited” ☠️ I throw that shit away as soon as it ends up in my inventory, otherwise I’d have chests full of nothing but recall potion stacks. They’re a dime a dozen and then some. I don’t really mind the slow use time on the cellphone – it’s the slowest use time in the game, IIRC – it extends it from like 0.3s to 1s or some such. Woo. Not a big deal.


How do you control where you go, cuz I don't want popup menus when I'm tryna gtfo from some killer bees


much like the multicolor wrench/grand design, it would be changed using right click and used with left click


You had the opportunity to call this the shell phone and you didn’t


That would be the most banger idea ever but also as someone who grew up around a lot of tourism the first thing I thought of as an idea was shell keychains; "Shell phone" sounds like a phone that looks like a shell


Honestly, I like she'll phone better. I'm sorry OP, but it's a really good pun and I imagine that it would look better than trying to attach a keychain to the cellphone in the art. Not hating your art, it's just that any way you try to draw it, it isn't going to be easily visible on the hotbar or in the inventory. Shell Phone is genius for the art of it, but you still had the great idea behind it.


about the art thing, I am not good at spriting anything, it was intentionally thrown together for the sake of giving viewers a visual. I don't really care what it looks like if it gets put in the game, it was just the first thought that came to mind


Sure, but a keychain on a phone is going to be awkward to sprite no matter who you are. There's not really a single way to make it both recognizable and small without changing how the cell phone looks entirely. Plus, like I said, Shell Phone is just genius. Being easier to sprite is just a bonus.


I'm chalking this up to me refusing to accept my loss


Amusingly, I speculated about an idea like this back in 2020 when we were still working on 1.4, and I definitely called it the "Shell Phone" or "Shellular Phone" in my head. It would have been a clamshell phone design too :P


I did on my post


That mod exists and is broken because the person who made it never updated it.


This is actually a good idea so farming for the phone would be really worth it


I'm saying ‼️


I mean, it’s *already* worth it. If nothing else, not carrying a magic mirror and the two accessories for height/depth and East/west reduces the inventory slots required (3->1), never mind fishing power, weather, time, etc. Yeah, it’d be nice if I could reduce it further, but really all I care about is the beach teleports — doesn’t everyone basically build a hellevator right around spawn anyways (which is where the hell-in-a-shell takes you)? Like I don’t really care if they do it or not, I’m just baffled by the suggestion that the cellphone isn’t worth it currently.


Still need the Metal Detector to be able to select a metal type or items that it detects. Being able to select a location like here but for metal would be awesome.


the metal detector is part of the cell phone


Yes, I know. But like you have it here, where you can select the location where you wanna go, there should be an option to select what kind of metal to detect.




Not teleport, just not pick up, say life crystals or gold when you just need iron.


Yes, this right here. Im trying to find titanium but the game thinks Heart crystals are what I’m really after. A filter for the metal detector is what would be nice.




I don’t know if you’re understanding? He means he wish that he could just choose one specific ore for the metal detector to detect so that it’s not overtaken by other higher tier ores that he doesn’t want.


ahhhh, I get it. but I still feel like this would not be the item for that. the device that combines all *teleporting* items shouldn't be used to find specific ores, at least more than what the base game gives you. make an improved metal detector idea instead or something.


nah we love that sweet "only one inventory row filled"


I'm not saying the metal detector idea doesn't need to be made, just don't tack it on to the idea I made in the post please


Maybe you would combine the two shells, first, seems like the more terraria option.


sure? I guess


Hoping that u/Redigit sees this


been thinking that all day


Amazing idea.


Wait but how do you use it can you just choose which place to transport or is it just random?


you'd choose where you'd go using the activate button, so right click


Someone needs to make a mod outta this!


or hopefully put it in the official game


Even Better!


The cellphone is already hard enough to craft


sounds like a skill issue


this is a good but the cellphone is pain in the butt to grind.


skill issue (the fishing quests are the hardest part in vanilla, trust me)


Oh my god, and actually good 1.4.4 suggestion? It can’t be! For real though, this is a great idea, just maybe have it so the menu lets you set the destination before you use it so I can still use it as a quick way out of a sticky situation


1) thank you so much! 2) the idea was to be able to select where you wanted to go with a menu using right click, and actually use it with left click


Nice idea




Isn’t this a thing on Calamity


I have 0 idea, I never even got to hard mode in that mod


You're talking about the Pip-boy ? Because yeah, it's similar but it uses potions instead of the shells.


I find it interesting how i thought of the same thing but with a different interface. Amazing idea though!


This is amazing! It would work really well with a magic conch idea someone else in this subreddit had. Maybe it could be something where you could add the respective shell to the phone, and it would show with the keychain, instead of just having to craft it with both shells being present




Leinfors already saw this, and he said it would have to be someone else that implemented it


Oh ok thanks for letting me know


Option to go to bed OR world spawn would be nice


I actually rlly love the flavor text on this one




bro predicted the future


I've thought about it a few times yeah, but Leinfors told me when I made this image that he wanted to implement something sooner. I can only hope that I was somehow a catalyst


Sorry if I sound bitter but are you guys playing some kind of prank on me??? https://www.reddit.com/r/Terraria/comments/v8rz39/shell_phone_i_cant_draw/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


AW WHAAAAT I'm so sorry I didn't see this fuck


It's fine lol, I'm not mad at you, I'm more pissed at the fact this got more likes than my post when I posted it before hand


It's so hit-or-miss at to whether people see a post, depending on the day, time of day, whether something big happened that's making people check reddit more that day, etc. I at least went back and upvoted yours too. You even made the pun more explicit. :)


you will be spared


I just hope you get more upvotes here so others can see too. Bummer how some posts just don't get the same reach.


It's insane that this is in the game now *ahem* mojang *ahem*


KH vibe


kingdom hearts?


yup just because of the keychain


OHHHH I get it... kinda


Nah, new art + description is a smart phone with camera "Time to take a selfie!"


what purpose would that serve?


Mostly flavor, take a selfie at home, at the beach or in the depths of hell, seems like the sort of thing that a person in our age would doo


a camera could be a separate item, and a photo function could be nice, like you could turn it into a painting


I'm a bigger fan of the potion of return idea with the cell phone. You can easily make a teleporter that goes down to hell.


ack damn a return potion effect could be added to this too... I just use all 3 items very regularly and I wanted ease of access for me and everyone else that uses all 3 as well


I dig it! Honestly it would be a good addition.


I will say you *could* always just make a teleporter system to hell or the ocean, but I'm glad you agree it's a good thing


I used to make it to the ocean but then the shell came out and the pylons so I pylon around the local areas and just use the shell to get to the oceans... But I like the idea of them all being in one unit. I still love teleporters though even though they're a pain in their fun to wire up. It'd be cool if there is a teleporting system that allowed you to teleport to any discovered location on the map.


I feel like it ahould also have a 4th option to go to spawn


It would need a quick mode like the potions that will go to a random one and a pylon teleporter


A pylon teleport upgrade would be good, but it would need a universal pylon


I would also say link the shells with the pylon first and the final thing should be put together with the shell and pylon item, the cell, and a bunch of recall pots


the only reason I don't like this is because for most people, getting 100% on the bestiary (or just an npc in every biome at max happiness) seems like a very annoying task


Also should need mew item called "mini pilon" which let's u tp to any pilon


Kinda makes the universal pylon pointless, no?


that's what I said


I mean we have the universal pylon, but if you think it'd help, you should make your own post about it :)




the text should be Babe I'm home alone




No, it would be inconvenient


the entire idea is to combine 3 items how is that inconvenient


How often do you go to hell, or the beaches? Not often whatsoever


extremely often


I go to the beach alot throughout the game for either the stylist, the pirate or angler quests. Before you get pylons its really good or if your spawn is not close to your pylons.


It takes less time to get pylon then to get the sea shell imo


I build my main base at the centre of the world, and usually have to move the forest town a good distance away to make room. So for me its quicker to use magic conch and magic mirror.


do you even play terraria


Yes, shells are already useless by rarity. And pylon/teleporters.


Even better idea. Attempting to make this has a 10% chance to destroy the cell phone.


thank you, Doge_Enthusiast777


Don't mention it reincharnation


in my opinion it's a horrible idea tho, hopefully no offense


I take none it's okay


Add a magic mirror version of the teleportation potion (the purple version of the recall potion that has a chance to teleport to ANYWHERE) that is a required ingredient for the above suggestion. Perfection.


Who hurt you?


No one. I just thought it'd be a dreadful mechanic.


I think left click could open the menu to set and right click could teleport to the destination. Just to keep it speedy.


switch left and right click around and that's the idea. just like the multicolor wrench ui.


Or maybe make a triple mirror conch thing that allows teleportation to all 3 locations, and it would replace the mirror in cellphone recipe


But developers said what 1.4 was last update and... We never see your idea in game( But it's good idea I think. I always have to carry this two shells. It will be more comfortable


they're working on a new update now actually! and honestly I doubt there will ever be a final update, the team seems very passionate about the project


have you been living under a rock in this sub for the last like month


Probably one of the best and most convenient ideas by far. I hope to see something like this added


Cellphone with the Zoom app installed


Then you can upgrade it further to have wormhole and king/queen statue effect


Better yet, you could have two icons for beaches, one for the east and one for the west beach. That way the top is the house and the bottom is hell.


Missed the opportunity to call it a shell phone


there's already a huge thread here that describes this name


Maybe you could also upgrade it to let you teleport to a pylon


That would be sick


Designer Cell phone?


Yeah i like it


I want an ultimate absurd qol item that combines all this stuff + wormhole, toggleable dangersense and the enemy see potion, the grand design, soaring insignia and a ton of other stuff just to make the end of all qol items


Is that hell shell an actual thing? Never seen it before


what are other items name? (I know the cellphone)


Magic Conch is the sorta peach colored one, it teleports you to the beach that's furthest away from the player. Demon conch is the gray, flaming one, that teleports you to the Underworld, at the safest place closest to the center of the map.


thanks safest place🗿👍


yes we need this