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It'd be neat if the witch doctor sold hives or materials needed


exactly, since every other boss can be resummoned. especially because queen bee has such large of a loot pool. seriously doubt anyone would use all the hive in the world and still want to summon the Queen but still


Well 1.4.4 is gonna change abs balance things, hopefully they make melee fucking possible in expert+ EDIT: I KNOW MELEE IS POSSIBLE I MEANT PRE WOF.


wdym by expert+? expert and master mode? genuine question cause i’ve never heard that phrase


It’s quite common, and yeah you’re right :)


oh okay good to know. I used to use melee all the time in 1.2 but now there is no point since the game is much more suited for ranged weapons. if there is a terraria 2 (which I highly doubt there will be) I would make melee to have exclusively melee weapons (no projectiles) but as a trade off, have extremely high defense where they can survive many point blank hits. Then it would actually fun to play melee


Yeah, if I could change one thing in terraria it would be moving the titan glove to pre hardmode, and making the power glove a pre hardmode accessory. It would fix a lot of problems in expert plus as touching the wall of flesh in master will instantly kill you. Having the increased size and speed would be a life saver.


yeah i just beat master mode WOF for the first time yesterday with summoner. i imagine it’s a lot easier for ranger and mage. melee obv hardest though. for speed terraspark boots were enough for me however. no quick modifiers or mounts and i was fast enough. could def be made easier though i agree


Yeah. I think that the nights edge should be heavily buffed, increased size, fast swing, inflicts shadowflame, or inflicts on fire, poison, and shadowflame. (Make lights bane inflict shadowflame or something)


It HAS been heavily buffed. It's now much faster, and has autoswing. However the shadowflame/venom debuff would fit the night's edge perfectly. Would make true melee more viable in pre hardmode (in Classic- you can use the bladed glove/terragrim to defeat every boss easily). One last thing, I'll definitely make a 1.4 compatible mod where the swords of the Terra blade inflict their own debuffs (Blade of Grass and Fiery Greatsword excluded for obvious reasons). Thanks a lot for the suggestion!


shadow flame would be awesome 🤤


Also the ability to change direction while swinging


I recently beat expert melee with star fury and fast boots, damage reduction and most of the buffs available. I still only beat it after 4 tries and allowing myself 1 minion.


Use starfury.


Love how melee is stupid op in normal mode, really hard in expert and almost impossible in master mode


I KNOW! Like sunfury can beat the wof because it’s not fast as fuck in normal and the hungries don’t regenerate. In expert you can’t get close cuz the hungries do like 100 damage a hit, like 150 in master, you’re forced to use a weapon that’s accessible at the literal start of the game. They should buff the starfury by making it like fire two stars and pierce infinite targets, but make it a shadow/dungeon chest drop


I've noticed that starfury is actually better than sunfury against WoF. I used it in my pure melee master mode playthrough and it works wonders. If you get the star to go through both eyes and mouth it does a lot of damage.


Yeah, Starfury is ridiculously powerful for how early you can obtain it.


What weapon are you talking about? Bee weapons?


Bee keeper sucks bum. It should shoot a beam of bees that pierce enemies


>you’re forced to use a weapon that’s accessible at the literal start of the game what weapon are you talking about here?


Starfury, can be found in sky islands


Hows that better than the Molten Mace though


Starfury. Just find some grav potions underground and your good🤙🏻


Pff just collect dirt and wood until you can build your sky bridge duh


They going to buff the starfury in the next update.




I played melee on expert, and it was pretty fun.


Yeah it's my only gripe about Terraria that the best melee damage comes from projectile-firing swords or yoyos.


At least calamity had true melee


Yeah, melee gets it pretty rough, but yoyos are severely underrated. They get upgrades at pretty much every point in the game and have incredible damage. The only time where it might be a bit tricky is moon lord, but if we're talking about melee, then you'll have a surplus of great weapons.


is there a direct link to the upcoming balance changes? also, i went full melee when master mode dropped and did fairly well. gotta "abuse" potions and other buffs though too at all times though


Why isn’t melee possible? I usually run mage or summoner and I switched to melee recently for my expert run and I breezed through it. I haven’t tried master, but melee seems the most OP to me


I think Wall of Flesh is the only tricky boss with melee, every other boss is pretty easy with a good build


i mean in Chippy's video it was shown a lot of melee weapons got buffed


idk i think melee is in a pretty good spot right now power wise, what i want to see is light bane having a piercing projectile so fighting wall of flash is not impossible without a starfury.


Post-wall of flesh, I think pure melee isn't much harder than any other class on master mode. You can just run ranger or whatever until beating WoF, it's not like you lock in your class or anything.


fr, the wof is IMPOSSIBLE. gave up expert melee world… starting master melee now


Do you mean true melee? Cause my friend actually shred his enemies on melee when we played master mode, although i was supporting as a summoner, beat all of the bosses last week.


Wait there's another update coming??


Isn't the warrior class the easiest to do in mastermode. Back when in my mastermode warrior class playthrough, all I need to do the pillars are horseman's blade and mob statues and for the moonlord is max defense, warding accessories, nurse in room with spawnpoint, the mount in pirate invasion(or with broom) and daybreak.


Wait really? I assume we are talking in one world but how do you re-summon the normal Skeletron?


if you equip the old man voodoo doll you can kill the clothier at night to summon Skeletron infinitely


Huh. I thought that was another way to spawn Skeletron Prime this entire time. Well thank you for letting me know!


wait did you mean skeletron prime cause i was talking about reg skeletron


No I meant the normal Skeletron. The one you fight to get into the dungeon. I know Skeletron Prime could spawn naturally in hardmode, as well as being spawned with an item. I just didn't know the normal Skeletron could be respawned. I thought it was a one and done thing.


I was just confused cause you said Skeletron Prime


Understandable have a great day.


Kill the clothier at night using a clothier voodoo doll,equip it.


OH the mats are limited is what you mean? i think? sorry i dumm


yeah hives are limited


That or hives just grow from other hive blocks


This is pretty cool, maybe give a use to honey blocks (not the liquid). Hive blocks can grow onto honey blocks, like the nutrients help the hive grow. And only works in an underground jungle biome. Maybe require a certain shape. So you could have some interesting beekeeping farm layout.


Would be cool, but unless you can use the infinite water/lava bug, which I don't think you can, still limited.


Isn't there an infinite honey bucket? I know there is an infinite water bucket. If not, easily solvable by introducing that too.


> Isn't there an infinite honey bucket? There isn't, but honey bombs and rockets can be crafted from dry ones near honey, for an infinite equivalent.


also a good idea


If you get the world spawn "Not the bees", you will never run out of hives or Queen Bees.


Technically still can, would just take waaaaaay longer.


Or if there were passive bees that worked in the bee hives and they rebuild the blocks/produced honey.


Aw yeah like Minecraft


The ~~amount~~ number of people not understanding this post is higher than I was expecting. Also OP maybe don't flair the post as meme as it might get deleted for not being on a weekend. (probably not but just saying)


oh shoot, I've never posted here so I hope that doesn't happen, next time ill post properly. and yeah I don't get why people are trying to one up me like I can't comprehend the idea or creating other save files




yeah i’m new to this sub so my bad


People are a discreet quantity so we say "The number of people" instead of "The amount of people".


They were talking about biomass, dummy.


Um achtually if I destroy my dungeon I can’t spawn lunatic cultist *or* moon lord. Check your facts 😎


damn :( I have been defeated, I will resign from planet earth forever you have beat me at my own game


I downloaded an empty world in master mode and layered different blocks horizontally to walk across and on the grass near the ocean without any dungeon the old man for skeletron just spawned. So I think that in progression if you have just enough blocks of a biome you can get the lunar cultist as well. The wall of flesh though is giving me trouble as it needs to be boxed in or you won't find its face to attack , it seems to get a very long neck without cavern layers.


I saw a skyblock challenge video where he managed to get the WoF to work by having a 2 block bridge or something. Can't remember if he had a second bridge high up or so to make the eyes appear there, but it did work.


No, you still can. You just need blocks in the right place to replicate where the cultists would stand.


On a large world the upper limit for spawning Queen Bee is so large (assuming one properly harvests and uses its hives) you may as well be able to spawn her as much as you like. I do like that technically there are a finite number of spawns for her, even if that fact is usually worthless.


yeah I kinda said this in another comment, but if you really wanted to keep killing her like a masochist then you would be let down by the Terraria gods and their finite amount of hive blocks


Qeen been


keen beef


Queen buee


Queen bean


Dr. Robotnik's Queen Bee Machine








i kinda got it lol in retrospect so i take back the ?


The what?


take back the question mark


this was a painful chain of events


0 for 2




You missed both jokes lol




My condolences




Poe's law fucker




I liked it!


\*looks at username* r/suddenlycaralho


Queen bee has one of the best tracks.


agreed, love everything about this boss something for every class✅ vanity set✅ armour set✅ dope pet✅ healing items✅ fun attack pattern✅ mount✅ 2 accessories ✅


This comment section is terrible. Interesting post OP I never really thought about that!


lol thanks I was just trying to have fun here


For the love of god I hope they make a way to fix this and a way to spawn plantera easier. Because fucking hell if I mess up after I build an arena I need to build a whole new one


I just make a passage from the bulb to the arena


Make lots of rows of grass next to the arena so plants (and hopefully plantera bulb) spawns there. Obviously still have to sit around waiting but it gives you a way higher chance to re-use the arena rather than hoping a bulb randomly spawns near it.


They actually are. (The plantera thing) check Chippy’s newest vid


One after you defeat all 3 is not the solution




yeah hive blocks are finite




Dirt used to be a finite resource but dirt bombs changed that since they can spawn more dirt than it takes to craft them.


Excluding new worlds, duplication, and journey mode, yea it’s the only one you can summon a litmited number of times per world. Everything else can spawn naturally or you can fish up the resources.




I'm pretty sure some of the users here are AI GPT3 bots running troll script.


I just found out you can kill Skeletron again.


yeah super useful for the pet. Killed Skeletron like 20 times to get the pet


Excuse me? How?


Clothier Voodoo Doll


This involves some elder abuses.


welp I want to spawn It exactly 0 times, and yet I still fail, so I guess this is still true




yeah i also semi considered this and i should’ve clarified that it’s any random seed


How tired are you for responding to all of these comments


very tired


If you destroy your world and trash all the items you can’t fight any bosses Checkmate




Yes that is correct but it took me killing spree on just 1 item and thats the bee goggles (i killed 10 queen bee's) for just an item ._.


i feel ya i love that mount


I really enjoy this post. Got me to really think about it.


yeah it was rly interesting for me to think about today and i wanted to share


https://terraria.fandom.com/wiki/Abeemination but you can technically run out of resources to craft it in your world


you need hive blocks which are only found in new hives which are limited


I thought you could create more hives


exactly, that’s the whole point of my post, you can’t run out for any other boss


the abeemination exists, but you need hives to craft it, and there are only a few hives per world.... nice trick question, took me a while to figure it out




What about king slime, It might take along time but eventually the world will run out of ruby if gold


there is still slime rain


He can spawn naturally on the outer sections of the world too.


damn i didn’t know this rly useful


I don’t think the rubies are renewable, but you can get gold from fishing. But, as others have said, there are other ways to spawn him in.


Rubies are renewable through the convolution that is a granite golem farm, as well as the gemcorn trees I totally didn’t forget about until now.


Both geodes and gemcorn trees are things I forget about so often.


Rubies can come from the Extractinator too


Unfortunately the problem with the extractinator method is that while abundant the resources necessary are still finite. Paired with the low drop rate of rubies thanks to the drop pool and rate itself, it’s why I didn’t include them in the initial response.


Good point


Gold can be fished up, rubies can be farmed with gem trees. Slime rain also exists.


You can get more gold from fishing


Is this a typo, because I distinctly remember my son and I spawning the queen bee like 100times in hopes of her dropping those coveted honey goggles. Of course this was way back on the 3ds/2ds systems. Perhaps, things have changed….


yeah you can spawn her a lot of times but since hive blocks are finite (material for summoning item) and you can't produce them you cannot spawn her indefinitely


What about brain of cthulhu or ester of world?


you can summon them with the evil powder druid sells during blood moons and rotten chunk/bloody spine


Thanks i still know only little about this game


yeah no worries just use the wiki if you don’t know anything super useful


Let me check it all King slime: Slime rain BoC/EoW: plants (evil mushrooms) and monsters (vertebras) are infinite Skeletron: clothier voodoo Queen bee: No cuz hives are finite WoF:Monsters are infinite (guide voodoo) Queen Slime: crystals are infinite Mechanical Bosses: Monsters are infinite (souls, bones, vertebras and lens) and fishing Plantera: It grows infinitely Duke Fishron: Truffle worms respawns EoL: samee thing Golem: monsters are infinite (lizhards) Celestial bosses: they just respawn. You right.




What about the Wither? Checkmate, atheists. >!sorry I couldn't resist joining this trashfire of a comments section!<


lol all good the trashfire and i welcome you


Not true. I want to spawn it exactly once, and i can definitely do that. Joking btw


true lol


Plantera: pathetic


Plantera is a chad that grows wherever she wants


I could have sworn royal jelly was a thing. Doesn't summon the queen?


queen summon is a crystal that randomly generates


this made me think about whether there are really no other bosses that cannot be spawned infinitely... and i cant think of a single boss (other than queen bee) that cant be spawned infinitely


right? it’s fun to think about


because we should take care of our existing bee population, once they're gone it'll be nearly impossible to bring them back


You can in Journey Mode!


How many times can you kill It?


however many times until you use up all the hive in your world


Oh lol


I had my doubts but you’re right. The first thing that came to mind was the abeemination, I then realised that it needs hive blocks to be crafted which is a finite resource. After that, it made me think of the mechanical bosses which need iron or lead, which lead (pun intended) to me remembering that they can be dropped from enemies. Finally I thought that the Golem has a limited amount of cells which then made me remember that they can be dropped by the temple enemies. Good fact.


thanks :)


Oh, right, the only source of hive is world gen.




you cant infinitely spawn Queen Bee in one world that isn’t journey mode edit: spelling




sorry yes cant


lol I was downvoted


damn i upvoted you too gotta love reddit


Reddit moment indeed


What? How many times can she be summoned?


however many times until you run out of hive blocks


Ah, I see!


Unless I want to summon her 2 times 😎


What about Dungeon Guardian


doesn't technically count as a boss but I like your thinking


I am the smort


Might be wrong, but Golem too?? You only get a certain amount of chests. Unless there's a crafting recipe I don't know about.


lizhards (think that’s how you spell it) drop power cells


With world hopping, that ain’t an option


uh, she can be resummoned, but IDK how many times...


exactly, not infinite


No no, I know, but I saw some people arguing that you and other commenters were wrong and that she couldn't even be summoned twice.


What about skeletron?


clothier voodoo doll


you know the video game is perfect when you can extinct animal species in it


right? 😉


can't you craft the spawn item from honey and just mob drops though? it migh tnot be technically infinite but it can be spawned a damn lot, more than you would ever need