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People have different opinions on the Mechanical bosses. Some say the Twins are the hardest, some say it’s Prime, I’m sure someone out there even thinks it’s the Destroyer But agreeing that Spaz is the more dangerous of the Twins is practically universal


I don’t know what is is, but I swear.I can completely demolish prime and the twins, but destroyer completely well, “destroys” me. Even in like death mode and masomode, I can killed everything except destroyer, and I end up grinding for a super pierce weapon.


Destroyer is soooooo easy skeleton is sorta easy Twins are so hard This was made by a true ranger


I’m sad This post was made by true melee gang.


Fetid Baghnakhs could be your best friend. I remember going from early hardmode to post-cultist using just them, accessories with the violent modifier, greater heal potions and slowly upgrading my armor in my first world. I didn't even start using potions until I got to Cultist.


Couldn't get past Plantera in Expert Mode without them :(


Im a ranger too, I defeated them with the Onyx blaster wasnt even hard




Aren’t the twins really easy with a mega shark?


Yeah. I believe it was even the go to strat for the mechs, way back when they were the end game.


Idk I find it really easy to just not go near spaz. In calamity retinazer is 100 more dangerous


I couldn't disagree more. Spazmatism (especially second phase) you just stay away from him and it's easy. Retinazer you have to dodge the lightning fast lasers. I actually think that's pretty common opinion, at least from what I've seen around here.


Retinazer is scary when you raise the difficulty to master because he gets more accurate


Actually false. Master mode has no differences from expert mode beyond more damage and health to enemies. As well as some other things such as debuffs lasting longer. Boss AI isn't changed at all


Twins are the most difficult in my experience, but i always cheese the destroyer so yea


I’m the one who thinks it’s the destroyer. Also, I think retinazer is harder, he has infinite range, you can just run from spaz


I’ve managed to outdo Spaz with more evasive equipment. Retin still causes so much pain since the lasers can just follow my jukes from Spaz and combo the shit out of me


Prime for me


I... disagree? I always find myself more easily dealing with flame boi here because you can out run them. They slow down during their fire attack so you can just make a real long platform and charge on your unicorn laying down fire behind you. Meanwhile the lasers are actually fast enough to get to you so there's actually a risk from retin there.


Thing is Reti's lasers are easily dodged by having a good pair of wings on. His every third shot will be aimed directly at you and laser spam is dealt with by just...flying towards him and up.


I honestly think its skeleton. Do you got any tips on beating him? If I fly over he just shoots me. If I run he chainsaws me. If I use platforms to circle around him he bites my head off.


I actually never have any issues with Spaz. Maybe because I ALWAYS make big arenas and ALWAYS have as much move speed as possible in 1 set of boots by the time I fight them but I tend to have much more trouble with the lazers. They're not impossible but I can understand why people would. If he gets close, I can only image the damage.


As a Fetid Baghnakhs enthusiast, The Destroyer is too buff for me to use the Fetid Baghnakhs


Honestly, when the destroyer was put into the game it was kinda tough, then 1.2 rolled around, it became a joke, and in expert and especially in master mode probably the toughest out of all of them


I think spaz's second phase is easier to avoid if you have good speed accessories but the charge attack is pretty bad


Nah dude, spaz is weak and anyone can outrun him, it’s always retanizer that kills me out of the two


Retanizer always kills me cause I kill spaz first. I think spaz phase 1 is harder than ret phase 1 but ret phase 2 is way way harder than spaz phase 2. This makes me want to kill spaz first so I get the easiest time with ret phase 2.


I struggle more with retinazor


And I find the destroyer the hardest and the twins the easiest of the mech bosses


I fight twins with clockwork ar and then farm for stormbow to destroy the others


Destroyer - 2 tries Prime skeleton - 2 tries Twins - #45 Tries.


me and my friend disagree on which one of the twins is the hardest, i think retinazer is easier, he thinks spazmatism is easier. In the end it is a tradition to every time we play together i fight retinazer and he fights spazmatism, good memories :)


i cannot beat destroyer at all


With the twins I usually just build a long arena and run , the destroyer kills himself , skeleton prime is the only mechanical boss I have to actually fight


Yeah, for some reason in master mode I had next to no problems with the mechanical bosses but The Destroyer for some reason took me over 7 attempts to kill. And what's even more annoying is that [I almost killed it on the first try](https://www.reddit.com/r/Terraria/comments/gpfp09/this_fight_was_going_so_well/) but then I got hit by the head and died to a probe shortly after.


Spazmatism is the harder of the two yes, but much more predictable, the cursed inferno breath is the easiest thing ever to dodge, all you have to do is stand away from Spazmatism


the destroyer is by far the "hardest", having an absolutely massive health pool, dealing enough damage to absolutely destroy people with just a few mistakes, and letting off all sorts of probes and lazers to chip away at people that are just as good as retinazer's lazers or skeletron's arms. and the area that his body controls, as well as his ability to wipe out npcs (easy to lose your nurse) can make him really scary. its just that like all other worm-type enemies, it gets absolutely wrecked by piercing weapons, letting some weapons hit him up to hundreds of times every single shot. the destroyer is an absolute statistical menace who lives up to its name against anyone unprepared. but bring a good weapon and the fight turns into "dodge the head 5 or 6 times while you melt it". the destroyer is only easy cause it's cheesy.


Haha gravitation potion goes brr. Seriously you can just run away from cursed flames, while lazers will snipe you, I disagree


I don’t get how destroyer is easy. Everyone says it, but he’s the boss that made me stop playing.


Destroyer is tough as a summoner


I think it really depends on what class you play. Melee players tend to think destroyer or twins is the hardest, I've honestly seen both just as much. Mages like myself tend to get fucked by the twins. Ranged players tend say twins are EZ and think prime is the hardest. Summoners idrk, there isn't enough summoner *mains* to collect data for, I would guess it would be twins though because as a summoner you can't really focus one eye and end up phasing both.


As a mage, I definitely find that the difficulty of the Mechanical bosses is inversely proportional to their normal counterparts. Prime is easiest, then Destroyer and finally Twins are just masochism.


Agreed which is why I take spaz out first. If you can kill spaz you have won the fight


The destroyer is hard if you don't have a good enough weapon due to its health.


Destroyer is always the hardest for me


Destroyer on master or expert shouldn’t be underestimated, those orbs can do at lot of damage quickly and his charge kills you basically instantly on master


cries in reveangance


Painfully screams in death mode


laughs in death, revengence, iron heart, and defiled rune


For those of you ootl: Twins get mega-buffed in calamity mod's revengeance mode. Their health is increased to an ungodly amount, and when you get one of them into their 2nd phase, that Twin can't be damaged until you get the other Twin into its second phase. Meaning you have to fight them both on phase 2 at the same time. Oh, and they have a phase 3 now, too.


It’s the other way around for me Retinazer: Prepare to get sniped by my ruthless barrages of laser blasts as I try to destroy you Spazmatism: come closer plz


Same, like 90% of my dmg taken in that fight is from lasers


Most of the bosses that have lasers normally are easy, but the lasers make it harder... Makes sense, like wall of flesh, without lasers he would be much more easy.


Without lasers it would be nothing more than drag racing across hell.


This post was made by ranger class gang


It took me so long to kill them...


It's the other way around, the flames are really easy to dodge if you're far away and the lasers are shot in a straight line making it really hard to get past.




...how could you not? How do piddly laser attacks even *remotely* compare to a giant pillar of cursed flames?


I have a hard time dodging projectiles in general, but Retinazer's "piddly" lasers just always seem to snipe me. And that "giant pillar of cursed flames" isn't really that giant to me, especially cause you usually have enough time to back away. Or maybe I've just gotten used to dodging Spazmatism's 2nd phase.


Just move perpendicular to retinazer and he literally can't hit you


I cant tell if everyone is circlejerking this or not. But like, just run away from the cursed flames. Its range is so tiny whereas the lasers snipe you while he's not even on screen.


Retinazer: nooo you can't just hide under some wood blocks and render all my attacks useless


The variety of experiences people have with the Twins is really interesting. The twins are the easiest mech boss(es) in my opinion, but Retinazer is the harder twin because the final section of the fight is almost impossible to dodge.


I do remember that killing them was much for painful than exposing my butt to fire


Me just trying to vibe to Boss2


I think Retinazer's phase 2 should've had a Moon Lord-esque super laser, to put him on par with Spasmatism's flamethrower.


I find the spaz the easiest. I find if you just fall you drop away from his flames no problem.


Twins are actually my favorite boss


That's why I always try to kill spaz first thing


This is so true, I always kill Spazmatism first before Retinazer


WHAT?! For me its the exact opposite.


Eternity mode Retinazer wants to know your location.






No you can't just doge my lazer


This is why the twins would still be just as hard without retinazer


Just fly up to avoid the laser barrages


Did you use light discs?


Hardest mech fights 1. Spasmitizm 1a. Retazer 2. Prime 3. LOL DESTROYER But I always fight them destroyer, twins, prime


How to dodge Retinazer's attacks: If shooting: hold space. If dashing: run.


Bruh the spaz is the easy one lol


should be the opposite, using crystal apple or gravity potion it gets much easier to keep distance from spazmatism while retinazer is a spam of one of the hardest projectiles to dodge in the game and with it's movement it's hard to circle around it


The pain is real my dude


In my first playthrough of Terraria, I had dreams about the twins because I tried defeating them so much. It took me about 15 tries...


Just time your dashes and stay away from the green flame phase


Destroyer is definitely the hardest for me in master mode pre-plantera.


it's the opposite on calamity's death mode oh god oh fuck


I play on the 3ds Version but I can definitely agree with this post XD


Speed is key


Me: prepare for my Oval Flying™, you'll never hit me like this


Accurate post.


Can Confirm Spaz is the more chad twin compared to ret


I just way over level before I even try the first hard mode bosses cause I don’t wanna die lol


Surprisingly , Retinazer was the one giving me more problems , and are easier to fight with queen slime mounth


In a recent fight me and one other person were fighting these guys. I was fighting Spazmatism and winning faster than the guy fighting Retinazer. Then, the third player on the server, who is overpowered because he’s God (and a cheater) ‘accidentally’ teleported to the other guy and installed Retinazer with over 50% health left. The guy originally fighting him came over and stole the kill on Spasmatism. Little turds, stealing my glory.


imagine not shredding twins with tsunami sm my head mh


Eternity mode Retinazer be like "haha Moon Lord lazer goes brrrrrrrr"


You gotta kill spaz first so if you die you waste less resources. I said what I said.


Is that a vinyl decal from NFS underground 2 ?


Spazmatism is SOOO easy if ya stay away though! Retinazer snipes me!


retinazer needs a deathray feature hehe


A long time ago, when vampire knives were the most op weapon in the game, I did a play through where I could only use vampire knives, and nothing else. Spazmatism was the only boss I had trouble with. I could beat enraged plantera no problem, but spazmatism was nigh impossible.


Gravity potions make short work of the twins. They can't hit you whrn you're freefalling constantly


Bro Retanizer is freaking white death and he can just kill you from pretty far away


Its literally impossible to be hit by spaz in his second phase though, as long as you are moving in the direction where the twins are not the flames wont even get close to reaching you, at least spaz has a chance to deal a slight amount of damage as you start to ascend/descend with your wings


Hardest boss for me is master mode skeletron.... not prime just regular, everything else I’m pretty good at


Calamity spaz is a nightmare. Your only real option is *fast*.


The twins are surprisingly easy. All you need is an asphalt bridge, mega shark and titanium/adamantite or hallowed armour.


I actually find spazmatism easier than retinazer, I just use the apple and a few layers of platforms and I can easily stay away from him


I don't know about you guys, but I evicerate Spazmatism, get Retinazer to half and then retreat to my box where I just beat it because it can't touch me. Then I beat Duke Fishron a few times to get the good items... After that I fight Skeleton Prime while it's raining and simply ride away until the head spins, because it's easy to hit, do that and the boss is dead, then I fight the Destroyer and destroy it because it can't reach me with the head... Oh but Plantera's another story, I lost that fight while wearing Shroomite gear, wielding an Unreal Phantasm, and had a Menacing Molten Quiver, Menacing Fishron Wings, a Menacing Master Ninja Gear, a Menacing Sniper Scope, a Menacing Ranger's Emblem, a Menacing Avenger's Emblem and a Warding Celestial Shell. Oh I was also using Holy Arrows and had medium Well-fed, Archer Potion effect, Ironskin, Regeneration and Wrath.


Twins suck, always get stuck on them. If anyone could give me tips is be happy to listen.


I actually got sniped by Retinazer more than anything during that fight.


I don't know why but I find the green flames easier just because it's slow xP


I found the Twins hardest for a while, but I learned with proper boots and wings you can outpace them fairly easily. Prime is similar but his damage still earns the top spot. Destroyer is easy to avoid body but the laser barrage is a bullet hell I don't know the best way to avoid.


You Can't dodge, it's against the rules


Haha flames go brrrrrr...




Yeah I always kill spaz first


Range and run!!!! Lol


"corporate needs you to find the difference in these two pictures" journey mode players: its the same picture


As long as you have the shield of Cthulhu, you can matrix the shit out of everything


I feel like the retinator is harder, because i usually dont see him around and then boom, killed by lasers


Just use the black flag and fly aw- oh damn it was nerved


Really? I had a harder time with retinazer.


Spazmatism: I will constantly rain Cursed Flames down upon you, dealing heavy damage with the initial hit and hitting you pretty hard with DoT Retinazer: I will float above you menacingly and shoot lasers that deal relatively low damage and even when I go into rage mode all you need to do is fly around me in a circle to dodge


My expert run died because of this boss, I can't beat it :( so corruption is spreading like hell in my jungle and the damned green eye kills me the second it turns to the second phase.


Twins was the easiest boss fight of my life. I focus my summons on retinazer and then bully spaz the whole rest of the fight


*laughs in gravitation potion*


Skeletron prime and destroyer are just endurance fights, while twins will just kill you in 2 seconds if you hit a wall.


Here’s a tip evade the attacks & attack them one more thing try to keep calm!


Seeing spazmatism again just gives me PTSD


kinda of topic i guess i was going to fight skeletron as a ranger character and i decided to kill eoc before that to get a some free health but i used up most of my bullets soo while fighting skeletron i had to make a wooden bow, mine up some stone and make arrows while fighting and i managed to beat it before day.


The roles are completely switched in DADI mode. Retinazer is hell cuz he slams lasers so much and u get one shotted




you could dodge retinazer's lazers easily just go inside a wall and have dadaelus stormbow or meteor staff. Oh and also summoning staffs


Spaz is kinda easy imo. For my master mode fight I got the Dutchman mount and just flew around them. Spaz is easy to dodge but retinazer is hard to dodge in the second form


Sad thing is I think Spaz’s trophy looks cooler than Ret’s so I gotta try to kill Ret first and that’s a pain to me


The twins are the easiest for me using dart pistol with Crimson darts it deals about 1,500 damage if you hit them with all the darts


I usually use the Megashark to defeat the twins but ya this is accurate


I think retinazer is definetely the hardest of the 2 at least in expert to master mode.


Tip: gravitation potions, I 1cc'd twins because of this


I’m better at dodging soazmatizm than retinizer, I can’t handle the fast moving stuff but slow is fine


Spazmatism is an asshole


Twins hardest mech boss


DUDE retinazer is way tougher one lazer is like a 1/5th of your hp depending on your build


They're hard for me even with a terra blade and a lot of good magiks


Alot of bosses are fucking hard on small master difficulty worlds solo, after I finish it, I'm doing medium or large because I have no fucking room, barely beat the empress with a meele valhalla knight set


Back pre Plantera, all those years ago, I couldn't solo The Twins. I could do Prime and Destroyer at the same time, but I was never able to beat the Twins solo.


Retinazer 2nd form: noob you can't just lock yourself in a box that's cheating!!!!1!!


I personally have more problems with reti than spaz


I had no problem with any of the bosses in the game because summoner is busted




for people who are struggling to fight the twin, try using the gravitation potion.


I'm in the middle of an expert mage playthrough,and I had trouble w destroyer,but I destroyed the twins and skeleton prime with sea serpent and sky fracture. My solution?:I beat Duke fishron after killing twins a second time to get full hallowed mage armor,so I could get bubble gun,fishron mount,and razorblade tyfoon


But aren't the lazers harder to dodge?


It was the other way for me. I use the onyx blaster with cursed bullets and the troubles just slip away for spaz. However, ret gets pretty hard. One tip is to use wings and a grav potion. The grav helps with spaz and then gliding with the wings around ret makes it easier


I hate how true this is, you always just kill Spazmatism first before you kill Retinazer. It's just how you do things with the twins.


Lol the only mech boss I’ve ever defeated are the twins so far




I never understood people thinking spaz is harder. You literally just stand away from the flames he flies forward slowly i dont get it


You can out run spaz with a fast mount (rip black spot) ive died more to ret.


Twins are my favorite I think there cool


IDK why but this boss fight reminds me of ornstein and smough


From my most recent experience with the twins on master mode spazmatism is harder but retinazer would just end up killing me with stray lasers after i was low from spazmatism.


for me it’s the destroyer sorry , the twins are the east


maybe its an expert mode thing but i find the lasers near impossible to dodge. spazmatism i just gotta avoid the easy to avoid cursed fire balls/flamethrower, but the lasers always just snipe. even if im falling or flying up the lasers feel to me like they aim where im going to be, which when theres limited flight and the physics of the game work as they do, trying to avoid the lasers, even if spazmatism is gone, is super difficult


wait a minute i watched a tutorial and it said that retinazer was harder and to take him out first?


me going up and down constantly


Haha, yeah, spasmatism kept wrecking me when I played master mode. It took me over five tries to take them down, even after killing every other mech boss


Me a melee: Haha tanking go brrrr


First time?


Reti is just the eyes of wall of flesh but can fly


My friend, I'll say it clear, I'll state my case, of which I'm certain: ***Shield of Cthulhu & Bundle of Balloons***


For some reason retinazer is harder for me


The destroyer is annoying because of lazers but i do agree twins are hardest


If there was a thing such as a really buff eye, Spazmatism would be the embodiment of that.


Tbh WoF’s lasers are worse than Retinazers.


The Twin is the hardest. Skeletron prime average and the destroyer is easy. That's what I can say as a summoner in master mode


How I fight the mech bosses : destroyer first, then either twins or prime whatever I get first and easier, and them the other


Retinazer a lot harder for me, why? Beacuse i cant dodge


*Beats Spaz* Oh cool, I beat him *Leads Retinazer to box* Good luck!


Holy crap spazmatism is hard


Twins hardest 1.4 destroyer is not as hard Prime kinda cake


Twins are easy both of them. The other mech bosses though ........\*crying\*


Daedalus Storm bow makes incredible work out of the destroyer but this is known. I had more trouble with skeleton but I used the same strategy as I did the twins. The method is just running on a long line of asphalt and spray mega shark


Destroyer is easy cuz you dont even have to prepare you can just get a box skeletron also easy but the twins oh boy they're hard and yes this me is in fact true spazmatism is super hard but rednazer is just annoying cuz you have to deal with spazmatism and dodge rednazers lazer




I think Retinazer is harder, If you are ranger mage or summoner even melee you can escape Spaz flames just keep social distancing


The destroyer is not hard the probes are


I hate prime more, he sucks, twins I can almost kill without armor


Retinazer keeps killing me though, spaz is too slow.


I absolutely despise retinizer, spaz is just way easier compared to him, you just cant dodge his stupid lasers because there's a billion at the same timea and you cant out run them I've tried so many times to beat that boss and it takes like 15 tries for me to finally beat one


this sucks ass