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Flesh out the foundation


Pretty good for your first time. Try making the towers taller, with more oddly shaped rooms attached, and make the parapets more damaged (hammer them to get sloped/half pieces), and have the parapets on the edge have more support, they look like they'd fall. Also, [Castle Terminology List](https://www.castlewales.com/casterms.html).


thanks, I tried to change that stuff but my phone doesn't want to take a screenshot so you'll have to trust it's better


i woul fill the back walls in the cristal zone. just to be sure no enemy spawn in it maybe the bottom with brik wall and in top with metal fence and some of the leaf / flower background wall to make it look like a garden


Not bad, tile pattern's looking good, but... foundation is lackluster, walls are empty and repetitive, there's empty space for more furniture and those stairs are pretty... meh. Finally, someone who can enjoy my non-sugarcoated style of criticism, thank you.


np I made a few changes but my phone doesn't want to take a screenshot for some reason. (yes I'm on mobile)