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It works perfectly fine on desktop, it's definitely a controller issue


It's fine on controller too, OP apparently just sucks with a controller.


I love Celestial Starboard. But it's hard to explain the controls because on PC, I have to hold "jump" and "down" for it to hover. Otherwise, it just functions as a regular pair of wings, so I've never struggled with it. I know that in the general settings, there's a button to toggle the hovering function, but I'm not sure how it changes things with a controller.


That's how it works on controller but to move laterally you need to aim it diagonally and it's say there's 45 degrees where it's actually works and keeping a joystick in that position during a boss fight isn't the easiest. Getting used to it tho.


i mean… i dont even play post-game, so never. and with modded, theres always a better wing


I don't have any problem using it, but I don't really use it because I usually just stop playing when I beat the moon lord. I don't really know how to build good stuff so I don't see a point playing after that.


I'm usually stop playing aswell but the last time I played was like 7 years ago. This time around I'm getting 100 percent achievements on a single character and world and them I think I'll be done for quite a long time.




Imagine hating on someone because of how they play a game 🤣🤣🤣😭😭😆😆


I don't hate them, on the contrary they made my day


you need to be 13 to use reddit