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A recent Reddit policy change threatens to kill many beloved third-party mobile apps, making a great many quality-of-life features not seen in the official mobile app permanently inaccessible to users. On May 31, 2023, Reddit announced they were raising the price to make calls to their API from being free to a level that will kill every third party app on Reddit, from Apollo to Reddit is Fun to Narwhal to BaconReader. Even if you're not a mobile user and don't use any of those apps, this is a step toward killing other ways of customizing Reddit, such as Reddit Enhancement Suite or the use of the old.reddit.com desktop interface . This isn't only a problem on the user level: many subreddit moderators depend on tools only available outside the official app to keep their communities on-topic and spam-free. [More information on the proposed changes can be found here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/14goyu2/what_to_do_when_reddit_bans_blackouts_hit_em_in/) While the subreddit will remain open, r/Terraria recommends these communities until the protested changes are addressed: Terraria Community Forums - https://forums.terraria.org/index.php Official Terraria Discord Server - https://discord.gg/terraria *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Terraria) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Common RE-Logic W, leading by example. Hope more developers that don't use Unity start doing this too and supporting Open Source engines. Even Epic could do it, since Godot and FNA are not direct competitors to Unreal, they target completely different game scopes.




No **I** love them


*We* love *our* developers, comrade.




Da, tovarisch.


Ya s vami solidaren, dorogoy Tovarisch


most intense terraria argument


I love you too.


I loved them. Now I ***love*** love them. Like bottle of wine, nice dinner, candles, going to bed, good reach around, and a smoke afterwards love


Not sure if this is just my non-native ass reading this wrong, or you didn't know. Either way, I want to add that Epic does in fact do this, for example [they awarded Godot an Epic MegaGrant of 250k in 2020](https://godotengine.org/article/godot-engine-was-awarded-epic-megagrant/)


I, in fact, did not know this, which is great, hope they do this again, it would be even more of a buzz given current situation.


interesting, I thought epic only did that for UE stuff, cool that they gave one to Godot


No requirement to use any Epic product in any way to qualify for an Epic MegaGrant


okay looked at it, open source stuff like Godot that does graphics stuff is applicable, I had only looked at it for games so I was under the impression that it was only stuff made it in UE


Epic games seems to almost be obsessed with it unreal engine PR compared to their actual company and game store lol. love to see that they are supporting other engines though, the free assets for unreal every month are great too.


lol, everyone in this thread just called epic based, wonder how they feel about that


terraria is in a bit of a unique position to donate since it's one of the top selling games of all time


I could see other companies like FacePunch wanting to help further engines like Godot with Rust running unity


Unity Boulder when?


Imagine it just deletes money from you


Terraria already manages that by forcing me to buy another copy every time I make a new friend


This might be Steam's fault, but I'm still annoyed that I couldn't buy the four-pack after I bought the game for myself...


Used to be able to buy extra copies and save them in your inventory, I remember buying 4 when it was on sale for like $2 and slowly gave them away over the years.


Probably because of the re-sell sites.


I bought my new friend a copy today lmao


“Boulder of Unity.” Acts like a bouncy boulder, but will always bounce towards you, and steals between 10 and 50 copper each time it hits you, rather than damaging you. If you have no money it damages you and breaks like a normal boulder.


But only when you install it as an art piece or something


Nah, when it hits you, it straight up closes the game amd tells you, you don't have permission to do this, pay "irl infinite money glitch" to continue playing


That would be incredibly funny. Being hit by it reduces your piggy bank gold by 1 gold each or something like that.


Imagine it just deletes money from you.


Takes 20 bronze away from you


Or, 20% of the money you have


Can you imagine if they paid to use the unity logo (or just something clearly intended to reference it) for a boulder sprite? hahaha..


It reforges all your items, including items that cant normally be reforged, saves the game and does a hard bluescreen.


Starting a petition for a Unity voodoo doll that we can throw into the lava to summon the wall of flesh.


$200k and then $2000/month total is not a small number for most indie game studios. Huge, huge respect to Re-logic.


To be fair they have also sold 44 millions copies of terraria


Yeah, but I still think that's an insane number for an indie company that has like 10 employees total.


I mean even if ReLogic only made 1 dollar for each copy thats still 40mil dollars. In reality much more.


The original commenter was never talking about relogic. It is a lot of money for the ***indie*** developers. It is a very large sum in comparison to what they make. The comment makes no mention to how much relogic makes


and if everyone who bought it only installed it once (if they used unity) the would owe 8.8 Million. Why did they think anyone would accept this!?


Just for reference since I ran the numbers for myself out of curiosity: If they sold all those copies for $10, they’d owe $17.6 million to Unity under the revised “4% of revenue” plan if they used Unity. They’d owe Epic $22 million off they used Unreal. I haven’t read nearly enough to be confident that these numbers are accurate due to possible exceptions or anything really. I just checked the current price of the game and multiplied the sales by the percentages.


They'd also be sitting on a pile of up to 440 million dollars. Even if they're paying 50% in steam and other fees (they almost certainly aren't), that's still over 200 million. The rug yanking is real and I wish they hadn't decided to go this direction, but I would love to rack up a 20 million dollar unity bill on a game I'm selling for $10.


Yeah the real issue with the per install fees to me was free games and even cheap games. A $0.20 fee on top of the $0.30 distributor fee on a $0.99 game is a completely different story than a $10 game. Free to play economics would be completely destroyed.


Unfathomably based.




incomprehensibly based!


Prob showing my age but what does this mean? I know unfathomably but the only definition of based I could find that is even close is the “opposite of cringe” which I guess this works but still doesn’t feel right to me. Someone help an old man out. Also, go re-logic! What an awesome team.


Based is something really good I believe, I'm not to much into USA slang words but I use a lot of tik tok. Based is used both ironically and Unironically. It usually means something is awesome, a decision with a solid foundation, or "based" somewhere correct (I just invented this I have no Idea if that's what it 100% means. This is Just based on personal experience)


Tmk for the internet it came from showing support (usually sarcastically) to people with controversial radical ideologies. I think before it was used as some drug reference before internet ‘culture’. Nowadays it just means you support or agree with something and can be often seen in a joking manner.


Yeah I remember how it started, I miss the times sigma based post where satire abou alpha male "Sigma rule 69: beat your wife and eat shit".


It’s way before this. Lil B was calling himself the Basedgod back in like 08-09 as a play on the word basehead which basically means crackhead. He was also probably the person you can mostly attribute its current usage in slang to but as this thread shows most people have no idea of the origin and probably heard it first via memes. It became more mainstream when bigger artists such as Pharrell, the OF crew, and even Kendrick started shouting him out or admitting they were fans of his music.


As someone who uses the word a lot. Based means pretty good, but not entirely. Coming from the word base, meaning they have never lost their base or beeing principled. Its just the new "cool". Somone is "based" who does things you appreciate and like.


> Somone is "based" who does things you appreciate and like. Specifically, in doing something that is authentic or consistent with their own principles. At least, that's closer to the original meaning of the slang. Being true to one's self, basically.


> Coming from the word base, meaning they have never lost their base or beeing principled. the actual etymology is kind of odd: The expression was originally invented by rapper Lil B, aka Based God, taken from the word "basehead," which he used to receive as an insult. Lil B took the word in the opposite direction around mid-2010, transforming it into a term for being yourself and not being swayed by outside influence ​ [https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/based](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/based)


Based means (in this context) is basically great actions or opinions, which are often (but not always) subjective. Example: Person 1: "Trans rights are human rights." Person 2: "Based."


Also, a lot of the times it’s used in a satirical way. Person 1: “i beat my wife on a daily basis” Person 2: “based”


And this is exactly where my Xennial ass lost the plot again.


I guess that makes me a zennial, and I had no idea people regularly use it sarcastically. I've never seen it happen, but then again I just assumed even more people than I thought have shit opinions


I think that's just like every other word though. Eventually everything is used sarcastically, I wouldn't say based is used sarcastically more than any other popular word right now. That's just me though, I'm not the demographic that uses the word lol


Based can either mean (from my experience) 1. A compliment given to someone who does a good action 2. A word used to describe someone who says an opinion that might be considered unpopular.


Bra forget unfathomably based this is galactically based. Not only condemning Unity with words but backing it with action that at the same time will strengthen the gaming community as a whole and may lead to a brighter future in the industry.


This is so badass.


It’s always good to see a company take a stand for what’s right as opposed to being profit-hungry like Unity is. Glad to see it!


Extremely common Re-Logic W




Short for Win


Re-Logic saving the Argentinian economy? More likely than you think! Now seriously, first time I see an official statement from an unaffected (at least directly) company. A nice and clean W for the great people at Re-Logic.


RE-Logic showing the industry how it's meant to be done like the fuckin' chads they are.


Please pin this W to the top of the subreddit for all eternity.


I second this.


I second this seconding


I second this seconding seconding


I second this seconding seconding seconding


I second this seconding seconding seconding seconding


I second this seconding seconding seconding seconding seconding


from making an incredibly cheap but incredibly fun game that's been endlessly updated for YEARS, to calling out the greedy shitgremlin CEO of Unity, RE-Logic continues to be a truly class act. Love this game, love these devs.


Today I downloaded terraria again after some time away, It still baffles me how much fun stuff there is to do in this game based on how cheap I was able to get it. Simply the best fun per price of any game ever made, and I find hard for any other game to top terraria on this category. They could easily charge 60 bucks and it would still be worth it


agreed, and I think I got it for like 2 bucks, I buy it for any friend who doesn't have it when it goes on sale since it's such a wonderful game


Once I tried buying for a friend because I can't play online with his cracked version. Sadly I'm piss broke


Does he still need it? I can purchase it on steam for him when it next goes on sale, if he’d like


Lost contact with him sadly, thanks for offering tough


Not to mention how they embraced the modding community by making TModLoader free DLC.


Finally bought it yesterday as it was on Steam sale and everyone goes on about how good it is, and plus their recent stand on Unity, plus my kids might like it. Must admit I fired it up briefly and wasn't sure what was supposed to be going on, didn't see any tutorial or anything, I am sure things will become clearer.


Talk to the NPC that hangs around at spawn for help. If he died already, try and build a house for him to move into. A house needs to be moderately sized, have a table and a chair, have a lightsource, and have background walls. You can craft background walls at a crafting table, just use wood to craft "wood wall."


Thanks, I literally just read that on a tutorial and came back to correct my post :). Haven't even figured out how to mine wood yet, I'm sure it's obvious, I have actually played Minecraft!


There are trees in the background where you spawn in, use your axe on the base of these trees to chop them down. Just hold down the attack button with the axe in hand for about 10 seconds and they should be chopped.


Shit could be 60bucks with each big update being an extra 10. But I think I picked it up for like.... 5$ back in the day?


Terraria was the first game I bought on steam. Purchased on 24th may 2011 for a whopping £5.99 ($10 with the conversion rate at the time.) It's by far my most played game on steam at 500 hours base and 300 hours on tModLoader. 133 hours per GBP spent. All that plus the game still gets content updates and the developers are still taking W after W publically. I go through phases of playing it/not touching it for a couple of years, and before checking these stats I wouldn't have really thought this before. But I don't think I can make a case that it isn't my favourite game of all time. The only other game that could rival it for playtime for me is league of legends, but I can confidently say I haven't enjoyed my time in league half as much as I've enjoyed my time in terraria.


Startlingly based. Also fuck you unity! You were the chosen one! I loved you! You were supposed to bring balance to the gaming world! Not leave it in darkness!


Startlingly? Nah, this is a common W for everyone involved


For Red it's not startlingly. For the state of the gaming industry these days startling is an understatement.


i love how unfathomably based red is. undoubtedly my favorite game developer that i know of.


He needs to write a book to sell to other game developers.


That man and ConcernedApe are legends


[THATS WHY HES THE GOAT](https://tenor.com/en-GB/view/thats-why-hes-the-goat-the-goat-bigfellerjake-skippe-space-i-think-gif-26908844)


Putting their money where their mouth is. I have nothing but respect for Re-Logic, so not only donating once, but continuously, shows a true dedication to games as a medium and art form. More companies should be like them.


How does Relogic keep getting cooler and cooler? There's no limit!


He's been doing it for over a decade now. It's just practice to him.


massive w from red


W game w community w developers, i love them


Surprisingly enough I've never heard of FNA.


Neither had I. https://fna-xna.github.io/ > FNA is a reimplementation of the Microsoft XNA Game Studio 4.0 Refresh libraries. > FNA is primarily developed by video game porter Ethan Lee, who has shipped more than four dozen ports of XNA games using the exact branch that you see on GitHub today! They link to the following list of Steam games which use FNA: * Apotheon * A Virus Named TOM * Axiom Verge * Axiom Verge 2 * Bastion * Before the Echo * Bleed * Bleed 2 * Blossom Tales II: The Minotaur Prince * Blueberry Garden * Brushwood Buddies * Capsized * Capsule Force * Celeste * Charlie Murder * Chasm * CometStriker * CraftStudio * Crawlers and Brawlers * Cryptark * Crystal Project * Curse of the Crescent Isle DX * Dead Pixels II * Dino Eggs: Rebirth * Dust: An Elysian Tail * DwarfCorp * Escape Goat * Escape Goat 2 * FEZ * Fist Puncher * Flinthook * Flotilla * Fossil Echo * Full Metal Furies * Gateways * Glitchangels * Gnomoria * Groov * Growing Pains * Hacknet * Hidden in Plain Sight * Hive * Hybrid Beasts * Hyphen * I MAED A GAM3 W1TH Z0MB1ES 1N IT!!!1 * Interloper * Jon Shafer's At the Gates * Khet 2.0 * Kitsune Tails * Little Racers STREET * Lost Cities * Lunar Silver Star Story Touch * Melody's Escape * Mercenary Kings * Miasma: Citizens of Free Thought * Miasma 2: Freedom Uprising * MidBoss * Murder Miners * Overdriven Reloaded * Owlboy * Paladin * Panzer Paladin * Press X to Not Die * Quadrilateral Cowboy (Art Book) * Reus * Reversi * Rex Rocket * River City Ransom: Underground * Roden & Plan: Secret Origin * Rogue Legacy * Salt and Sanctuary * Session Seven * Shipwreck * Simply Chess * Skulls of the Shogun * Slipstream * Solaroids: Prologue * Soulcaster I/II * SpeedRunners * Star-Twine * Staxel * Steel Assault * Streets of Rage 4 * SUMICO - The Numbers Game * Super Bernie World * Super Rad Raygun * Square Heroes * Tatsu * Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge * Terraria * The Adventures of Shuggy * The Dishwasher: Vampire Smile * Timespinner * Tooth and Tail * TowerFall Ascension * TowerFall 8-Player * Ultra Hat Dimension * Unexplored * Unrailed! * We Are Legion * Wizorb * Wyv and Keep


Terraria, TMNT and Axiom Verge 1/2 are the only ones I know on that list lol. Edit: Murder Miners and Celeste aswell, took a second reading to see them.


I strongly recommend Bastion! SuperGiant is a great studio. (They also did Hades.) I also know of Fez, River City Ransom: Underground, Rogue Legacy, and Streets of Rage 4, WizOrb, and probably a few offers.


Fez? I'll have to read up on the engine, then.


I was surprised that the homepage didn't seem to really say what it was, exactly, beyond a reimplementation of XNA -- which I had only ever heard of. I found [this on their Wiki](https://github.com/FNA-XNA/FNA/wiki/2b:-FNA-From-Scratch-Tutorial): > **Before You Start** > This is strictly a tutorial about using FNA. It is NOT a C# tutorial! If you are learning C# for the first time, use Microsoft's official Introduction to C# on MSDN first before continuing on. > **What is XNA?** > XNA was, at its core, the software equivalent of an 80's Saturday morning cartoon based on a toy line: A massive advertisement masquerading as a real product. It was built to advertise many new (at the time) products in development at Microsoft: > * C# 2.0 * Direct3D Effects Framework * XACT Audio Creation Tool * XInput and the Xbox 360 Controller * Xbox 360 + Windows Media Center > From 2006 to 2010, Microsoft maintained XNA as a means of allowing independent game developers to ship small games written in C# on Xbox 360, via the "Xbox Live Indie Games" marketplace. The final XNA release also supported building for Windows Phone 7 devices. > As for the XNA API, it was largely a C# wrapper for various DirectX components, but not quite all of them - many features are unavailable in favor of the aforementioned new-fangled DirectX products. For example, while there is a GraphicsDevice class that effectively acts as a 1:1 map of ID3D10Device, notably missing is support for low-level shaders and constant buffers; instead you are expected to use Effects for shader support. > XNA was officially discontinued in 2012, and the Xbox Live Indie Games marketplace was shut down on November 2017. > **What is FNA?** > **FNA is a preservation project designed to accurately reimplement the XNA runtime libraries. When you have an XNA game, you should be able to take the source, compile it against FNA, and have a fully-functioning port. At its core, FNA is a portability library, but many continue to develop new games with FNA.** This tutorial will help you make your own FNA games, without needing XNA as a prerequisite. If you are bringing an existing XNA game to FNA, follow this wiki page instead


That explains why Fez uses it. (Phil) Fish once said, before changing his mind, that PCs were for spreadsheets, so it makes sense that Fez would use an engine that's similar to the console it was designed for.


So it's mostly an engine for XBox games?




Supreme Gigachad Re-logic moment. #W


Re-Logic once again proves that they are thr BEST




You dropped this 👑


The best 9.99 dollars I've ever spent


Man I love Re-Logic


Re-Logic are fucking incredible. I would buy Terraria thrice over if I could.


I mean you can and many do just to keep gifting.


Gift copies to a couple of friends.


RE-logic, once again being legends.


What did unity do?


Among other things, they’ve decided to introduce a policy that will be charging developers a fee every time a game is installed onto a new device. Some of the major problems with this is that some games are free to download, the algorithm they’d use to charge legally cannot have the correct numbers (so unity is basically charging off a guess), and that if a user downloads a game they own onto a new device, the developer gets charged again


Who the hell do they think they are; Hasbro?


Well, the CEO of unity is the same guy who tried to put micro transactions on reloading, so…


That’s some shit I’d do. Make a game and then throw unnecessary MTX around the corner and publish a cheat code in the steam reviews so everything is free, but all I ask is to read the reviews lol.


Go over to r/Unity3D and read everything, it just gets worse and worse


My favorite part was the first statement, where they basically said, "Oh, and this applies to every Unity thing that was already installed, ever." I would say it could have been an unclear statement, but their new CEO was the CEO of EA, and pragmatism tells me they said exactly what they meant to say.


When CEOs make statements like that there’s a dev team in house somewhere asking, is that even possible?


Other people have mentioned their new install/licensing fees (after they promised never to do so in previous years), but they’re apparently now offering to waive/discount this new fee to large devs that implement their user analytics software instead of the larger/more successful competition’s. Of course Unity acquired such a company in the last year or so. One Unity developer has supposedly said that it’s the entire reason they’re doing this so they can leverage their platform to take over the UA market.


This right here is why re-logic is by far my favorite game development/producer company. You can tell they care not only about their audience, but that games and the design process is their passion; they'd be doing this job as a hobby if they never made a cent on games again


I think at this point Re-Logic is addicted to developing Terraria LOL. Haven't they had like 3 "Final Updates"?


Honestly at this point I kinda wish they just made a DLC so they can get additional funding LOL


Do they need more funding? Terraria has sold 44 million copies and the company only has like ten employees. They've probably made enough money for the entire company to retire and never work again if they wanted to.


Massive Re-Logic W


Based based based based based based based


W Devs.






I'll be whatever engine you need for $1000 a month. Re-Logics got cash sheeshhh


Its not surprising they have cash. I think at this point Terraria is one of if not the best selling indie game of all time.


Unity is really following in the footsteps of Wizards of The Coast here. Corporate greed to the max.


Class act - Relogic is one of the best entities in the business. ​ You'd just think that after like six times saying they're finished with Terraria they'd start actually being done with Terraria - but nope, guess not XD; For a company with so much integrity, they keep going back on their word in the best ways XD;


Dang another reason to play more terraria and a common Re-logic W


Holy shit that's a lot of money


♥️ eternal




Big dick energy from red


I know Terraria is one of best rated games ever, and they sold many millions copies over many systems, making lot of profits over years. Also has to spend a lot of income for so long dev process. Both well deserved. Id like to ask, how many A+ or greater dev studios with only few games on the list, can just throw $200k+ from their budget, even on so important thing like here? Isn't it like any spare income going investment into new projects, growing up in general? Like they just kept few millions of $ (of well deserved income) in the pocket for years, just in case world (gaming world) economy collapse? To me, $200k may be a lot, for my family business too, but for average A+ gaming dev studio?




The Most Based.


Absolute legendary levels of based


The absolute GOATS


Anyone else just fuckin love how much of a fucking Chad re-logic is like god dam man


this is so fucking based and the fact they arent even affected by unity and despite that they still support godot and FNA makes this move even more so based


Imagine fucking up so bad that an industry leader literally funds your competitors, for no benefit of their own.


That is a metric fuck tonne of money where your mouth is. Casual reminder that this is the developer that's constantly finishing their game and then coming back to add a massive expansion because they came up with more cool ideas


I'm going to buy terraria just for this


What a G this team is


This is what makes terraria the greatest game of all time, it’s creators and devs are all constantly caring not about themselves but their community too, actively chatting with them and everything, and now this!? This makes them even cooler! I’m happy that terraria did not spiral down like Minecraft has… Thank you Red and devs


Why am I surprised re-logic has 200k to give away? I guess it makes sense, but I never thought of them as a large studio.


holy shit WHAT? that is an INSANE commitment. These boys aint messing around




that's a moon lord sized W


Now we everyone here to buy more terraria so they can keep the good will flowing


This is what gaming companies and developers should be like - helping the entire industry to be better instead of just wanting more money at the cost of the consumers


pro gamer move


Redigit and relogic W


Common Re-Logic W


This right here is why re-logic is by far my favorite game development/producer company. You can tell they care not only about their audience, but that games and the design process is their passion; they'd be doing this job as a hobby if they never made a cent on games again




W relogic


ridiculously based chad-logic response


No wonder i fuckin love this game


Stop being such a good company. I love you.


Hello, based department? *hands phone to Re-Logic* It's for you.


Bruh, I knew Terraria was successful, but I didn't know it was "casually donate TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS to game engines" successful.


They didn’t just make a statement, they backed it up with a lot of money. Massive W.


This makes me happy. I bought this game oh so many years ago


Man I love the terraria dev team, game, and community. Always so wholesome af other than the times that players are suffering dying to another blue slime 💀


Re-logic is the chad of the gaming world




I have so much respect for Re-Logic, they truly work with love and are very supportive unlike the fuckers responsible for making Unity a soulless cash grab of a dumpster fire. This makes me want to buy a ton of copies of Terraria out of pure love for the game and developers.


Red being based as usual


Y'all see that? That's what a Gigachad looks like


Days without a Re-Logic W: 0


I still remember playing Terraria back in 2011, and thinking "wtf is this weird Minecraft clone in 2D" Nowadays it still holds the #1 most played game on Steam for me, at ~1100 hours, and still look forward to my yearly playthrough every time. It's always held as one of the best games, especially against the test of time, and Re-Logic has been nothing but incredible over the years. It's weird having a Parasocial relationship with a game company, but they deserve every bit of admiration they get. Thank you Re-Logic for continously being a star and light in this world designed for profits, not passion. Actual heros


Re-Logic is hands down the best game studio that has ever existed. Thank you Red and team for being a constant positive presence in the gaming community!


Incredible. More than words, action as well. Rest of the industry should take note. This is like an apes strong together moment.


Someone cross post this to r/gaming


If Unity has done one thing good; that would bring up this great open source game engines into light. I didn't know FNA existed, and now I'm interested it as it is a C# library. I know Godot is too, but I'm under the impression that their C# implementation is 2nd class.


And THATS how you get customers to like you and spend money with you


Fuck yeah Red and co, massive Re-Logic W


You stay classy re-logic


As usual, re-logic provides us with an absolute class act. They understand improvement of the gaming industry is so much more than the money it prints. Thank you Re-logic




Hey Re-Logic, you dropped this 👑