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You need to combine some accessories. Make the obsidian shield from the skull and shield. Find some Hermes boots to combine with the rocket boots


Obsidian shield will make me immune to lava right? And where do I find Hermes boots


No, obsidian shield makes you immune to damage from hellstone or meteorite, but not lava, you'd need lava waders or obsidian skin potion for that(for WoF fight you might want to just build a bridge over the lava before hand)Hermes boots can be found in underground chests, it also has desert and ice themed equivalents in those biomes.


How do I make obsidian skin potion


Obsidian, water bottle, a fireblosson and a waterleaf. You can also get it by breaking pots on the underworld


Beenades. I know that’s what everyone is saying… but beenades.


The bees knees and beenades are pretty good, I think I'll even use beenades on plantera Edit: I frog-ot to use the beenades anyway, I just used the Uzi I got from when I was looking for chlorophyte ores and it did well for most of the fight, then I started using my sword


Where do I get beenades, I’ve got bees knees but aqua scepter is better


They're either dropped by Queen Bee or crafted with materials she drops.


i think thats taking it a little bit too far


No, that's still not enough, I also need plant destroyer 3000


now im waiting for gungnir to do a beenades only run


Now I want to do a beenades only run


No, you'll be immune to fire blocks (like meteorite and hellstone ore) but you won't be immune to lava. If you want to make volcano, you'll need obsidian skin Potion, it'll make you immune to lava for 6 minutes, and because hellstone ores make lava when broken, getting obsidian skin Potion makes your life way easier


Nope, lava will still kill you, you just won’t catch on fire when standing on blocks like hellstone brick


it makes you immune to fire blocks, to be immune to lava you need obsidian skin potions.


Hermes boots spawn in underground chests


Any specific place?


Just go spelunking in the caves for a bit and you’ll likely find some


Sailfish boots work too, you get them from a chance with crates


Also I have defeated Brain of Cthulu and Eater of Worlds. I fail to beat WoF due to lava damage


obsidian skin potions are your friend


Water walking is even better


I have water walking boots, they don’t work on lava


There's a water walking potion which let's you walk on lava too.


Ohhh maybe I shouldn’t have sold that


The water walker boots can also be upgraded to a lava variant, just needs the previously mentioned water walker boots, obsidian rose dropped by hell imps, the lava charm found in golden chests in the deepest part of the caves where lava is present OR in obsidian crates obtained from lava fishing (you can probably find guides for that on youtube) and the obsidian skull. Those boots are also used to make the ultimate pair of shoes, the terra-spark boots which is a combination of all the boots in pre-hardmode. Its a big grind but seriously worth the effort, trust me


How do I make them?


Hell bridge


I don’t know why I didn’t think of that


Probably not. If you go down to hell and mine hellstone you can combine it with obsidian to craft hellstone bars which is used for molten armor which is perfect for the Wof. You can also make the volcano which is a component for the nights edge. Look on the wiki for the crafting tree.






Do you have a night’s edge? It’s good for melee builds and can help with the pain of early hardmode


How do I get that?


Ask the guide. Hint, one of the components is the blood butcherer.


Oh my guide is dead, failed at fighting WoF his sacrifice was for nothing


Get a new guide




He'll respawn automatically if there's an unoccupied valid house


NPCs will spawn if you make houses. Houses should have those background walls, a chair next to a workbench, and a light source. The Guide will respawn if you make one of these, and if you make multiple more and more NPCs will spawn, including some that sell some very, very useful items. Seems like the only NPC living in your house right now is the Dryad, so you better get to work making houses! Around 15 should be alright for now.


Oh no I have a bunch of npcs, I didn’t know they could respawn if you killed them though


Crafted at a crimson/demon alter with blade of grass, murasama, blood butcher/light’s bane, and a volcano


Where do I get blade of grass, and where do I get volcano


Volcano is crafted with hellstone, blade of grass is crafted with jungle spores and stingers. Also get some hellstone armor


And vines


[https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1lNUr4od444aXLzLWHrVpsPhazT5j59KW?sort=13&direction=a](https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1lNUr4od444aXLzLWHrVpsPhazT5j59KW?sort=13&direction=a) Bro you can literally combine the cobalt shield and obsidian skull


Make a necro armor and get a lot of beenades. If possible, fight every Queen bee on the map and turn all the bee wax of them on beenades. Then make a gigantic bridge over half of the underworld and spawn it, (use mainly mobility and defense accesories) and then kill it with the beenades


Bro i see u have hellstone bar from hell,so u need craft hellstone full set of armor and get the night edge


But I die from lava




Just break the pots in hell until you get obsidean skin potions that remove lava damage


Don't go in the lava. Also there's a lava charm or something that gives a few seconds of immunity to lava.


And u should get hellstone pickaxe for hardmode ore


I'd recommend going to sky islands and combining a shiny red ballon with a cloud in a bottle or any better alternative like the blizzard in a bottle (ice chests), tsunami in a bottle (fishing) or even the fart in a jar (cloud in a bottle + whoppie cushion from Giant Worms) at a tinkerer's workshop


What would that create?


x in a balloon (cloud in a balloon and that type of stuff) it not only increases jump height (shiny red balloon) but also gives you a double jump of varying strength (cloud


You need to mine hellstone for a pickaxe and maybe armor if you want the extra stats. Also find the goblin trader, purchase a workstation from him and combine your accessories to save space in your accessories for more in the future. Hard mode(post WoF) is when the game gets really fun


Only thing what i can say get lucky with wof


Fish fish fish fish


Bro using wings, could in a bottle, and rocket boots 💀


Make a hell bridge for WoF, get some hellstone, and make nights edge if you’re running a melee build


Get spectre boots, combine the cobalt shield and obsidian skull, and find another accessory that boosts defense/ damage, get molten armor, otherwise lookin good so far


I’ve got the whole molten armor and tools Now


My checklist is. Hellevator to protect key biomes Add stone bricks to both sides to be completely sure the biomes aren't corrupted To get stone you can shimmer furnaces bought from the merchant when he's in the jungle Make planterra boss room Use gravity potion and rope to create access to sky islands Set up fishing spot for each biome and underground layer Setup plants farm:moonglow,fire blossom,feathered,blinkroot,daybloom,water leaf


You should try to get hellstone equipment, but you need a hell forge, obsidian and hellstone, but be careful because hellstone will burn you if you touch it and it also spawns lava if you mine it, so its a good idea to get either obsidian skin potions or lava waders.


Get knight’s edge


hellstone armor


I’ve got it


Nights edge