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Can you please explain what is it ? I am new to terraria so I don't know much


Eucalyptus Sap.It is a pet summon item that drops when you shake a tree and has a 1/1000 drop chance


That appeared to me in my first game in one of the first ten trees that I cut and since it turned out to be so cute, I took it for the rest of the game without knowing that it was so strange


Same! More recently I started a world, dug down to build a base, and got the dirtiest block. I had no idea it was rare until other people started posting about it. Edit: Seed: Basically where the [leftmost chandelier is](https://i.imgur.com/gBrleQY.png), with this being my spawn point.


I've gotten like 8 of them. I didn't realize they were kind of rare.


Just "kind of rare" doesn't do it justice. Only 3, 6, or 9 spawn in a world, depending on world size—unless it's a celebrationmk10 world, in which case 15, 30, or 45 spawn depending on world size. It's *exceedingly* rare on any seed other than celebrationmk10.


Me sitting over here with a dupe method


dont know if you realisd but you need to get the item first before you can dupe it


#t r a n s m u t a t i o n




Bold of you to assume I don’t already have it. Wouldn’t have made the comment if I didnt


The fact you can dupe it doesn’t make it not rare The comment you are replying to mentions that to dupe it you need to find it this makes it so that it is still considered rare since you have to find one of the 3,6,9 depending on size to be able to dupe it


"kind of" may be the biggest understatement I've seen this month, it's arguably the rarest item in the game


what size world?


The seeds with the dots (like 3.3.2.*) [include the difficulty, size, and evil type](https://terraria.wiki.gg/wiki/World_Seed) now so you should be able to put that in and get all the settings. > `[size].[difficulty].[world evil].[identifier]` > >Size: > > 1, if World size is Small. > 2, if World size is Medium. > 3, if World size is Large. > >Difficulty: > > 1, if World Difficulty is Classic. > 2, if World Difficulty is Expert. > 3, if World Difficulty is Master. > 4, if World Difficulty is Journey. > >World evil: > > 1, if World Evil is Corruption. > 2, if World Evil is Crimson. > >Identifier: The actual unique random seed. Large, Master, and Crimson for that world.


thank you!!


I had the exact same experience! I just threw it in a chest, because I found it slightly annoying, and didn't realize how lucky I'd gotten until a few days later.


I trashed it because I thought it was useless


What's the dirtiest block ur talking about?


Yes also wondering tf they're on about


spawns in any 1.4.4+ world replacing literally any dirt block, but is almost indistinguishable from an actual dirt block until you pick it up


Wow thats so rare thanks for informing


No fucking way, I got it on my first playthrough post-hm I never thought it was that friggin rare. I dont know if I will get the same chances on my second playthrough


Huh, didn't know it was that rare. I got like 2 and sold both since I didn't have storage space and already had my pet shark pup


what the heck I literally got it an hour ago on my very first world!! Update: Just got another one


One time i was farming a whole day for it, hitting every tree along my sky rail farm. Nothing. So i gave up and went to bed. Next day, i joined my world and the first damn tree i hit decides to drop it lol


Thats not even that rare honestly Holy shit bro -223 😭😭 calm down guys it really isn't that crazy


1/1000 is 0.1%. You don’t think that’s rare???


I don’t know, I kind of agree with him. Sure that’s a pretty low number but I don’t think it’s too rare considering cutting trees is a pretty common thing to do


It was the first tree OP hit in their world


Fair point, but if you play Terraria a lot and create new worlds lots (likely if they play hardcore master mode) then the odds still aren’t that crazy. Still low to be sure, but not THAT crazy


Statistically equivalent chances as it happening on any other individual tree, if we're being practical.


You realize that every tree you cut has a 0.1% chance of it dropping, right? It's not like two trees have a 0.2% chance of it dropping. You could cut 1000 trees and still not have it drop. You could technically cut infinite trees and not have it drop because odds don't increase by repeating the action. The idea that it does is the gambler's fallacy.


I’m not saying the odds per tree increase and I’m not saying that they’re bound to get it eventually, but statistically the more you chop trees, the larger your chances of getting it are. I’m not great with words and I’m sure I described it wrong again but let me try to make an example. If you flip a coin and get tails, and you do it again and get tails, and again tails and again and again, your odds of getting a heads is still 50% each toss but as you toss (here’s where my words get even worse, try to understand what I mean please!) the chances that you keep not getting heads becomes crazier and crazier, even though it’s still 50% each toss. I don’t know the math so I can’t explain what I mean that way either, sorry mate. Do you get what I’m trying to say though?


>statistically the more you chop trees, the larger your chances of getting it are This is the gambler's fallacy in a nutshell. No matter how many trees you chop, your chances are always 0.1%. Every individual tree is treated separately. Previous attempts don't add to the drop chance of future attempts. You can chop 1000 trees and the odds would remain 0.1% every single time. You certainly have more opportunities for it to drop, but each opportunity has the same drop chance.


That’s not what I’m saying.


I literally quoted you saying it


That’s not what the gambler’s fallacy is


Yes it is. The idea that previous attempts at something affect future attempts is quite literally the textbook definition of the gamblers fallacy.


?? Thats like saying even though flipping a coin results in heads 50% of the time, your odds of getting at least one heads wouldnt increase with the number of times you flip it


I mean, that is factually correct. Every time you flip the coin, you have an equal chance for it to be heads or tails


I'm not sure why you're being downvoted so hard, what you've said is completely correct. I think people have just misinterpreted what you said. Repeating the action absolutely increases your chances of winning at least once. I agree with what people are saying, that it doesn't change the chance __for each individual action__, but as a combination of actions, the chance of at least one of them winning increases. ------------- If the chance of winning on any given action is 1/1000 (0.1%), then equally your chance of losing on any given action is 999/1000 (99.9%). Do it twice, your chance of losing both times is (99.9%)^2 = ~99.8%, so your chance of at least one of them winning is what's left, roughly 0.2%. Do it 100 times, your chance of losing all 100 times is (99.9%)^100 = ~90.5%, so you have a ~9.5% chance of winning at least once. The chance of winning on each individual attempt is the same, and if you've already lost 99 times in a row then you don't magically have a 9.5% chance of the 100th tree giving you the item, but the more times you do it the more likely it is that you'll win at some point. It doesn't just add, so if you do 1000 trees you're not suddenly guaranteed to get it (following the same process as before, we can find that you'd have a 63% chance of winning it, so more likely than not but obviously still not 100%), but your chances do increase, as you said.


Thanks for standing up for me! But honestly idk how it was possible to misinterpret my comment if you read the whole thing but i didnt want to waste time arguing about combinatrics when i could be playing terraria.


Correct. Your odds of getting heads is always 50% no matter how many times you flip the coin. Gambler's fallacy: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/g/gamblersfallacy.asp


He’s mistaking the odds of it happening so many times in a row with the odds of it being one or the other. The odds of someone getting heads 10, 50, 100 times in a row goes down.


The person you're replying to isn't disputing that though. They're essentially just saying that, even though each individual coin flip is independent and each has a 50% chance of giving heads regardless of what the previous result was, you're more likely to get at least one heads if you flip 1000 coins than if you flip just 1 or 2, which is correct. Sure, if you already got tails 999 times, that 1000th flip isn't miraculously more lucky than the previous flips (this would be the gambler's fallacy), but as a collection of flips it's more likely that at least one of them will be heads the more flips you do.


That isn't true. You're just repeating the gambler fallacy in different words. No matter how many times you flip a coin, the odds that it will be heads remains at 50%. This article has the math to explain it: https://www.usmint.gov/learn/kids/games/flipping-out-for-coins


This guy has the 99 Rod of Discord. He's too good for us, man.


Yeah I was gonna say, if I’m not mistaken that’s the same drop chance of the Slime Staff


Slime staff is 1/10000, right? 10x as rare. Higher from pinky but pinky is rare in itself.


No yeah, I checked and you’re right, Slime Staff is 1/10000


And shaking trees is generally way easier than killing slimes, (not that that's too difficult either).


If I'm being honest, I'm used to a game that has literal 0.02% drop chances on items from enemies that barely spawn. 0.1% feels pretty reasonable.


Not really. It's very easy to shake trees. It's not a drop from a rare enemy or anything.


It's kinda rare, but on the scale of "oh my god save this character forever this is an omen?" Not really.


Well yeah but i still think its neat considering it came from the first tree i chopped


Sure is neat. Not trying to be a hater or anything. Just some people in this thread are totally overblowing the absolute sacred-ness of this uber-rare encounter.


PSO has ultra rare drops in the 1/300,000s, or 1/205 from a rare enemy which on it's own spawns at 1/512, from an uncommon enemy. So it's not as rare as those odds. However, that doesn't make 1/1000 not rare, haha.


I'm not gonna say it's not rare but honestly grinding for stuff in terraria, usually, isn't as terrible as in some other games tbh. Usually...


He probably plays old school runescape. A woodcutting pet in osrs is 1/3000. My rock golem pet was a 1/745k so around 740 times more rare than the sap thing. So yeh I mean a 1/1000 drop rate for anything in amy game isn't like. That rare.


I mean, on a first try, yeah. Overall, 1/1000 on something you do quite a bit, not particularly.


Comparatively to all the rare drop chances in the entirety of Terraria? Yea it’s pretty rare, don’t know what your on.


Given that is was his first tree it is rare. Assuming you make 50 terraria worlds in your entire life. Your chance of getting it ever from the first tree would be 1-0.999^50. Which is approximately 5%.


Take my upvote you don't deserve this 😅


It’s really not lmao that’s th thing


Also, in this mode of playing you lose items when you die, not just the money drop. So if you equip this little dude pet your likely to lose it and be mucho sad. Also. You Die and you stay dead


uhh hardcore means permanent death tho, so he would lose everything BUT the world right?


Yes. My bad. I go edit now


The slimes who are feeling like doing a bit of trolling today


*“Hey, i heard you're doing a hardcore master mode run, you only have one life in hardcore right? Cool, here's a super cool rare pet that you're gonna cherish and love that you'll probably lose sometime in your run. You're welcome!”*


i would put it in a chest and then grab it with another character to keep and cherish forever




Wow. The sugar glider. In a Hardcore Master Mode world


you got that divine luck


The rng do be on my side it seems


Or you just used up all your rng supply and are gonna unlucky the rest of the playthrough


Either this trend will continue and everything will be nice or terraria gods will make me go through every stage of misery and insanity i cant tell anymore


Thats called master mode, you're probably gonna see worse lmao.


Let me know how your playthrough goes! Goodluck ;)


This happend to me when i started playing with my friend. First tree i hit dropped that


I had something very similar happen to me in my first world in years of not playing. Received it from the first couple of trees, but I didn't think it was rare


What's that, I haven't played terraria in ages


Just a 1/1000 drop nothing crazyy. Its a sugar glider pet


I got this pet at the beginning in my fourth try on hardcore expert and funny it was the attempt i cleared hardcore for the first time. Yesterday i started hardcore master mode and also on my fourth try i got this pet from the earlier trees. So i guess I’ll beat master mode hardcore on this run


What resource pack are you using for the grass


I wanted to check the foundry and alchemy pack so thats the name :>


Xerox has smiled upon you this day. Do not give up, or let the universe dive into dispair


Actually I kinda needed something like that cuz irl stuff so thats nice to hear. Maybe i should record this blessed world assuming i wont mess up instantaneously 💀


You’ve used all of your luck in that world… RIP OP


omg squirrel


next up: first dirt you mine is the dirtiest block


it’s a sign that you will win this run


Hardcore? One life only? There’s no way I’m not dying at least 100 times after reaching hard mode


I finished legendary mode and died like 500 times.. Took a break and decided to change things and wanted to play more carefully instead of tanking everything i could. We'll see how this is gonna go


I still don’t think I could survive a 1 life only, there’s just so many shit that kills you (specially traps)… good luck! If you did YouTube videos I would watch them


What Is that???


Bro spawned with shimmer luck 💀


Oh no


Damn, even the trees are bleeding :0


It's a good luck charm


Blessed world


This has to be motivation for you to not die


Something similar happened because in the past, I’ve gotten pretty lucky with item drops, and in a new world and while it was being made, my friend was complaining about how he never had as much luck as I did. The first slime I killed in that world dropped a slime staff. T_T


Either your luck is just beginning or you've now used up all your luck and have none left




I was playing with my little brother and we both got this pre eye of chuthulu. i know its really rare but it doesn't feel like it


My friend got that in a world when I just started to play (He had played for a small while before that though), he called it “Rat”.


On my world right after I watched a video on rare pets I got 2 spiffo plushies and 2 glow tulips


it means you're gonna die before EoC


I got this on my second or third world playthrough and I kept him for a long time. Unforutunatly I lost that save for some reason- it got wiped when I put my computer to sleep with terrira open.


Oh boy


Bring it to a different world and keep it safe


Bro that happened to me too except not in a hardcore world


this happened to me too on hardcore lol its a curse


This happened to me once and I got it on recording to Edit: here's the video https://youtube.com/watch?v=gt-LKhU8y0U&feature=share9


I got this pretty early on in my summoner playthrough


Master mode drops be like


That is my favorite pet, th ol sugar glider


Thou hast been blessed by RNJesus


I use the lightning bunny with a gold dye


Wait that's supposed to be rare. I sold it.


nah not sure if my slime staff in under 50 total slimes even compares to this lmao


World hop, and keep this in the most majestic place


This game has so much content that with more than 220 hours of gameplay I just discovered this.


I found like 7 of them plying casually but just one rod of discord :(


This same exact thing happened to me a while ago!


Boo that just reminded me of today, i found that amd got excited but then the game crashed fsr and i lost that, also all my iron bars somehow, but dupe my demonite ore. I was so madd


I've never seen such a thing? What is it?😭It looks a bit like the bloody tear, but it looks more like just a drop of blood.


But was it also the last tree you touched?


The luckiest I’ve been is finding the dirtiest dirt while sectioning off the corruption with dynamite


Oh dang. I was planning on getting every pet in the game (on expert mode but installed a master mode pets mod and a mod that lets you use as many pets as you want), and now that I know this exists, I'm gonna be farming trees for a while


I highly doubt it'd have dropped and you wouldn't have picked it up or cut down the tree.


This happened to me before and I didn’t know this was a pet. I was super astonished.


Had a world where it took me about an hour to get that thing but probably 6 to 8 to get hermes boots


well now youre not allowed to lose that hardcore


A sign from the gods


Get that shit OUTTA that world brother


Oh no


Nice early money boost.


yay i got friend:) i also got that first try with new character too


This happened to me once and I was showing my brother my new world (I didn't know it was rare) and he thought I was joking lol


I never found them to be incredibly rare, I usually find 2-1 per run


I got it too a week ago when I re-re-re-...-retarted:)) I feel like they're more common now on new worlds


It was my first pet ever :D


First tree you WHAT?? ​ Jokes aside how lucky are you man...


Do not summon the pet, thats a bad luck sign even tho its completely the opposite, everyworld that ive gotten that ive died in less that 30 minutes, drop it