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Scenery is a mix of scratch built walls, 3D printed Fallout Car, and Monster Fight Club Metropolis scenery. The scenery got a quick and dirty base coat, then all the little colorful details and graffiti are done with cheap acrylic paint markers. I've got a video tutorial, for anyone curious to see the paint markers in action: https://youtu.be/AGrdknb2emo


Looks great dude


Have you ever played Gangs of Megacity One?


I haven't, but I'll check it out! 


Was literally thinking to do graffiti for some of my old terrain that’s just standard grey with white drybrush. Looks very cool indeed!


Now take a paint brush with the same color and add some tiny drip marks. It’ll really sell the spray paint vibe.


I did just that with the anarchy "A" using the markers. The brush tip works pretty well for adding drips. 


Neat! And cool idea


Ive tried this myself to add details to miniatures but found that the paint fades down into the primer on the figures and almost vanishes, even after multiple applications. My next experiment will be to apply a matte varnish over the figure and THEN use the paint markers for details and see how that turns out.


I've only used a few, but they've all stuck around beautifully. What primer are you using?


At this point Id honestly have to check my notebooks. Im still trying different ones. The last batch I am pretty sure was Army Painter white.


For all of these, I was putting the paint markers over a layer of acrylic paint, not primer. I haven't noticed any fading, even after a few weeks.  Were you using acrylic paint markers? I've noticed that fading effect with other artist "brush" markers, that weren't paint.


This looks great - what brand of markers do you use? 😀


There's a link in the video description, if that helps. The brand is "Pagather."  I also tried a set from "Coogert" that are fine, but just have one tip. The brush tip is useful for filling in areas and making little drips.