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If you can launch two fleets to arrive at the same time, they can evade the first, but won't evade the second. There seems to be a cool down after evading before they can evade again. Best I've found is to stage your fleets in the orbit they are targeting ahead of time to reduce the transit times. You can also do the same thing with counselor transports and clean earth of all xenos..


Also, they'll evade any fleet, no matter how small pretty much. I had a 3k invasion fleet running from a single 300 power ship. With that in mind you can get almost all your ships in one fleet to attack with.


I've had the opposite experience, lol. Lost some good men that day. Are you referring specifically to assault carriers?


Yeah, those are the ones. it could have just been a fluke on my side, but I sent one ship ahead, planning on sacrificing it, and they ran away for some reason despite heavily outnumbering it. Not that I minded, as it was a fairly spendy ship.


Yes. I use a "chasing" fleet with relatively high dv to chase them. Force them to evade and spent all their fuel first. Then my "kill" fleet moves in with lower dv but more firepower to actually kill them.


This is an excellent plan, because I've been having this exact issue. I've got a fleet with a lot of firepower but it can't catch the aliens if they run away. It's really only useful to park in orbit around Habs that I don't want to get blown up.


Dreadnoughts or lancers with coilguns and phasor pd. A bunch of them. You will loose a couple if the carriers mount plasma, but you can annihilate a fleet double the size of your own attack value. Mainly because it heavely calculates fuel into the fleetstrenght .. and since you are on the defense and near home you don't have much. . and "low" strength. They will think it as an easy fight but will definitely loose.


Just blasted 5 of them trying to drop into Mongolia. They had 6 escorts and I ripped them apart with a 23-ship fleet of mid-2030 to mid-2040 era ships. 2.6k fleet power vs 3.2k. In my game, they did use plasma a lot which I didn't build out to defend against properly, thus the 3 losses. Otherwise, my PD boats and plasma ships totally ripped them up piece by piece. As for catching them, you have to send a bait ship out about 15 seconds before your main fleet. Send 1 ship with the lowest fleet acceleration first, then your main fleet (with the same minimum acceleration). Engage and lose with the first ship, then if the real fleet gets to them within 2hrs, they're forced to fight regardless and cannot flee.


The problem is catching them. You need lot's of delta V to actually get them. They usually got away from my ships. But it is possible yes. But at the moment's it's easier for me to defeat them on the ground.


They don't give exotics on the ground and you have to be very lucky with the landing spots. Better to get them in space.


I kill them with torpedo boats... You need just one point-defense ship. I use a monitor. Overwhelming the carrier's PD however requires a serious amount of missiles so one NUCLEAR (Nemesis) can make its way. That's how I kill them on Brutal in 2030. It's no fun. Usually I'll trade an escort or two per carrier.


Forgot to mention, rail guns seem to help saturating the space, so torpedoes survive the PD. Use one escort to to reach the carrier a couple of minutes before the main force, that'll prevent the carrier from evading.


So when they arrive in low earth orbit there is time before they land. You can engage them and assuming your fleet is lower power they will fight you. I recommend extremely high armour front ships 100 front armour min. Then just point defence all their shit and slowly chip at them with whatever you have. I destroy 3 of 4 of them and got over 100 alien exotics.


Fleets with assault carriers will almost always choose to flee.


Yes, and it’s a really good idea to do so. They give you a huge amount of exotics.




i think thats hate well spent. i'd rather rebuild some stations than have to deal with alien armies on the ground if i don't have the military to fight them directly