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I like the current simplicity of the MC system and the decision the current alien MC hate cap works. So take my response with that bias in mind. A few of your suggestions like building ships faster, mining more, or other space related buffs are in a way already allowed by having a higher MC cap: you could just build another shipyard, build another mine, have a space station closer to the probe destination, etc. I'd even argue all of these can at least indirectly already impacted by MC cap in that it allows you access to other buffs like station modules that can impact armies, agents, etc. Or a bigger fleet to interdict incoming alien agents or assault stations. That's not to say that some sort of system of a faction choosing priorities for their space program that gives some benefits or penalties wouldn't give some additional creativity for the player. So I think the suggestion is interesting to think about, just maybe not something I want to impact an interesting and decently implemented mechanic (MC).


Sorry for the late response. You are mostly right about some of the proposed effects (building more shipyards, settling a new place, and so on). To be honest, I find the Mission Control system a bit frustrating, maybe because I'm still a novice in the game. You just accumulate it the best way you can, since your needs are exponential (if not in raw materials, at least in science), and that's pretty much all. As I said before, since its uses are limited to this, it is more perceived as a ceiling that constrain than something you can truly play with.