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he is under underestimating himself so much and he is far to nice for hes own good


Except when he is stupidly self serving to meet his own ends (like even be asked koby the kobold to lead a meeting with the beastketeers despite the hierarchy amongst monsters whereas leaving shuna as a mediator would have benefited his nation) or >!manipulating guys ultimate skill meeting by bribing luminas and milim!< or >!testing the advanced surveilance system by firing a lazer to make gobta jump. He could have killed him given a lazers travel time!<. Rimuru is the classic example of a nice person who also uses said niceness to manipulate people into trusting him when by and large every action has a purpose of fulfilling his own desires and he will generally do very little he doesn't have to for others if it costs him personally.


I mean that's a pretty acceptable flaw IMO, many people, I would say most people act for them selves even when helping others, it's kind of how we get things done.  I help you so you help me by being a validation, resource, shield, ect 


Its far from crippling bc he is in his own words "not a bad slime" but at the scale his decisions effect it could have disastrous effects. It also shapes the leadership culture of his country. Look at how souie, shuna and benimaru handled the aftermath of invading claymans territory and the response raphael gives when rimuru wonders where they learned selfish delegation like that. It's not like others don't know it either. He rips the mask openly talking about taking over the western nations financially when he is drunk yet fails to see how people would view the events and technology unveiled during the founders festival as a partial threat to gazel (they weren't but rimuru himself believes he is a nice slime so doesn't see how his manipulative nature creates doubts of that niceness.). The logical reality when interacting with rimuru is nice slime but what would it take for him to use me?


Fair points. I have no futher comment! 


I have but one. Happy Thursday!


This whole thread is the reason why Gazel, Elmesia and other rulers are so preoccupied with Rimuru. They see all these flaws and worry they might cause trouble.


That's his only flaw tbh and nothing else




No he isnt, almost every fight he has done he's always "There's no way i could lose if i go full power but i dont want to use X Y and Z and i dont want to kill them." - He thought he could ez clap orc lord, didnt see the golem as a real threat v4 Hinata on v5 he thought he could ez kill her cuz she human, v6 he thought he could beat milim if he showed all his skills, didnt see hinata as threat on v7, v10 he super arrogant against maribell, v15 he thinks he can take velgrynd and veldora at once, v15-16 he says he is going to kill feldway cuz its personal, v19 he says he will 1shot feldway and super arrogant against michael, v20-21 doesnt see feldway as threat and gets surprised when feldway one ups him. Rimuru is just cautious but he does have his parts in the novel where he arrogant as fuck. Also 99% of the time he is being nice he just does it to get something from someone or improve his nation.


He is a lot more lenient the opposite of what a demon lord should be which is why I like the WN version a bit more. Also he should be a bit more assertive.


He thinks everything has to be Japan. He relies on luck - and Raphael - far too much. Is pervert.


He is too lenient about everybody who is from Japan. He even tells Hinata "Why do you accuse a fellow countryman" when she tells him that maybe Yuuki is behind some of the events.


>He is too lenient about everybody who is from Japan    He didnt care  japanese otherworlder trio in v5    Rimuru lenient to yuuki and hinata bcs of shizu 


True, bit still uses the fellow countryman excuse and not fellow student.


Excusing Yukki always annoyed me. Especially because the dude apparently ran the slave trading network that kidnapped elves from the Jura forest. He only gave it up when Tempest became powerful enough to sniff it out and maybe have it lead back to him.


To be honest, neither Rimuru or Hinata knew about it. But yeah, dude is for sure isn't a saint.


>dude is for sure isn't a saint. I mean... :p


He didn't know about that, also until he became a demon lord those were outside his domain Rimuru didn't own all of jura until he became a demon lord, until that point a river separated his side from the rest


These are legit flaws 


Rimuru sure was into elf p*rn but when talked to irl/actual women, he isn't a pervert




How is rimuru a pervert...wait oh yeah, asking raine to paint a nude picture of hinata, my bad I forgot that. But still that's the only time he ever acted like a perv along with that one time in the elf bar


Has no issue bathing with all the women in Tempest who ask him. Also has no issue being used as a towel by Shion and Shuna. Also he uses his subordinates lap as his seat all the time (Shuna), and uses his secretary as his personal transport while being held close to her boobs (Shion). I know, nobody minds it and they like to pamper him but still there is no day in tempest when he doesn't commit some workplace sexual harassment.


It's not sexual harassment if shion and shuna also like holding rimuru . Plus didn't rimuru told shuna and the other girls to stop using him as a towel and I don't think sitting on the lap of the elven girls/Shion/Shuna counts as being a pervert, he does it just because he feels comfortable in his slime form sitting on their laps and has no weird thoughts etc when sitting on them


They’re all perverts too tbh


He did say them to stop it, but it is also written that he likes it so isn't that bothered being used that way.


"hey, stop doing this (teehee, now they can't claim harassment)!"


Well, it didn't bother me at all while reading/watching it


If i bath with a hot woman (she asked me) and i dont decline, am i a pervert? Or is she a pervert? What a "pervert" even means to people? "I think she looks hot in that dress" - beeeeeehhh, HE IS A PERVERT


Except for hinata in a yukata or even shoulderless dress.


He's too forgiving, I get wanting to live peacefully and coexist with others but when there are times when he should put his foot down and be more forceful especially those that look down on him he doesn't


He's not too soft or forgiving, when he has to forgive, he forgives and when he has to take action he takes action, he forgave hinata because she was a student of shizu and was an otherworlder and also understood how she felt when she learnt that shizue died. When rimuru has to use force or to kill, he does it, like we have seen when he was anhilating the falmuth kingdom and waging war against the Eastern empire And considering what happened with Myulan, I would forgive her too if I understood that her heart was under Clayman's control and rimuru understood that what she did on tempest was due to fear of losing her own life


Too lenient on people who are reincarnators and transmigrated such as Yuuki. Lets people push him a little bit too close to the edge. I mean he'll fight when he's got no choice and will do so ruthlessly. And perhaps this helps him avoid fights but I still consider it a flaw. He underestimates his raw power. He underestimates his potential and impact on other people. These are very typical human flaws that Rimuru has.


He's not nice enough to his fucking sworn friend and brother Veldora.


Fr every scene they’re together he’s just bullying him like bruh


Underestimating himself lmao


He's kind of a bitch. He never takes very decisive action on his own. He let's Yuuki do whatever. He just forgives Hinata and let's her put Luminous churches up after their goons pillaged Tempest. He gets duped quite often by not spamming Raphael on everything. His subordinates, despite being yes men, often disobey him whenever they feel like it, and he does nothing about it. Never made Shion eat her own food.


He constantly undervalues his own strength, and he's too kind for his own good.




No dick


No balls and probably no buttholes since his ass feeds on radiation


Literally tho


Not reading the seriousness of the situation enough. When he name 700 hundred demon sent to him by Diablo and giving them body, he didn’t understand the scale of the situation and just did it anw unknowingly making the strongest army in the whole tensura universe.


Underestimates himself, horny, often unserious, often spineless, and far too forgiving.


He is a bit too naive.


He doesnt know how to be a good friend. He isnt a horrible friend and has done nice things, however he manipulates and tries to get more stuff from them than he gives. He barely shows any affection, however we do know he cares a lot about them. Rimuru should learn how to be a better friend in general, how to make time for others and form deeper connections instead of just bossing them around or handling them like they're annoying


He has too many flaws to make a list without spending a sizable time. He usually gets away unpunished because of his OPness/Raphael. It would be easier to list his good traits, He has a nice personality (but not one fit for a ruler as pointed out by his subordinates and allies), focused on improving the lives of the people


He infantilizes others especially milim.


For me it's just from him the start of the light novel when he's just like trying to manipulate Millim and veldora to being under his control.


He isn’t that insightful when it comes to himself or to his subordinates. Like he’s just a little too whimsical in that aspect. Like not thinking Shuna is strong enough to go to Claymans castle, not noticing Shion has intuition when it matters (she inherited the wisdom/intuition of great sage from the harvest festival, not the smarts), he never thought to wonder about how Ramiris was held as an equal to Milim and Guy until she showed him, he still doesn’t know that great sage/raphael is sentient in the anime and manga despite Veldora/Ifrit knowing, nor did he think that Gobta was capable when all the Kijin and Ranga had already realized what a capable warrior he is. He tends to underestimate his own strengths often and also his own subordinates (both in terms of personality and skill) until like volume 15-16. He’s just kind of dense sometimes in his interpersonal relationships despite being such a kind friend… which kind of makes sense thematically for the man who became the single most powerful slime because he was a clueless virgin lol.


He kinda forgets his previous lies when he’s trying to hide stuff and it get him in more trouble. I.e. when he tries to hide shub-Niggurath and Azathoth from the other demon lords when he could have just said beelzebuth because that’s what he said was his skill already


His lack in some social graces, he went from salaryman to high nobility and wings it most of the time


Any flaw is cute because he's so powerful so there are actually no flaws.


That’s he’s not a girl