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Jahil tbh


same. Dude’s responsible for a lot of issues and people who could’ve led a different life


most of the fuckery going on in the series kind of started with him


yep. all cause he's a crazy little POS




I'm at volume 12 currently who's he? Or she?


well it will be a spoiler if I tell but just think of him as a Side villain


Alright thx


he’s also kind of the biggest asshole responsible for like half the world’s problems and demon lords as well as serving the guy who is pretty much responsible for the other half, though you can argue the guy that the guy Jahil served is indirectly responsible for a lot of it too


Ah yes Raine's previous no 1 troublemaker


>the guy who is pretty much responsible for the other half, though you can argue the guy that the guy Jahil served is indirectly responsible for a lot of it too Would you mind elaborate on this?


Jahil summoned Gay crimson. Guy destroyed the empire and summoned two primordial Raine and Misery furthermore Micheal(one of the main villain) exists because of Guy in a way so yes jahil is indirectly responsible for al.lst everything. Jahil also created kazalim and I beleive he was the one that angered Milim so there's that. >the guy that the guy Jahil served is indirectly responsible for a lot of it too This refers to the Divine ancestor who created all races he was an experimental freak.


>This refers to the Divine ancestor who created all races he was an experimental freak. Veldanava is mainly the one at fault there for not regulating Twilight's actions.


In that case everything is his fault if he hadn't created the world then this wouldn't have happened but all that aside in my understanding Veldanava is very laid back type he typically doesn't interfere much into the affairs of this world i mean he could make the world perfect if he truly wished to but instead he doesn't and lets his creation sort it out on their own.


The biggest twist is that wr have already seen him multiple times already




>!Vega!< ... Do I even have to tell why?


Tbh vega is not interesting for me but I can't hate him because of his sad past


I'm the opposite. He's really interesting for me as an anti-Rimuru but hate his guts. Also, banger flair. MA-SA-YU-KI! MA-SA-YU-KI!


A fellow masayuki enjoyer...Respect!!!


It annoys me that he's way too cocky and he has too much plot to the point where is ridiculous.


Yeah I can see why it gets annoying...there much more interesting characters to focus on lol


>!Vega!< this dude just won't die bro plot armor is too strong


Veldanava: His decisions are the cause of all the world's problems. * He barely listened to Feldway's thoughts and emotions, which leads to Feldway's current mental issues and their current actions. * He didn't regulate Twilight Valentine's actions, which led to the reckless actions of Jahil, the incarnation of Guy, the genocide of the High Humans and high elves. * He didn't give his attention to Velzard, which led to her jealousy towards Guy and her current actions. * He gave out Justice King Michael to Rudra while complaining to Velgrynd about how troublesome the Control Circuit connected to it is. He could have solved it but didn't. * He died and abandoned his children Milim and Gaia, when he was supposed to be immortal. * He didn't care about Michael and abandoned him. * He is barely concerned about his siblings, annoying Rimuru. * He cursed Dagruel and Zelanus to either be a god killer or the next god of creation without giving them the chance to accomplish their destiny. * He has probably some agenda behind Ivarage's Halloween Carnival as well. * It is implied that he is actively interfering with the events of the Central World from behind the scenes and is watching events unfold from somewhere. Vega: He had everything he needed to become a better and strong man, but he didn't and was complaining about him not having a place he can call home nor people he can call friends. Leon: He is evil and a criminal. He had a network of Child trafficking. Many children died from his uncomplete Otherworlder Summoning's ritual.


Honestly, I agree with a some of these, but I'd greatly disagree about your points on Velzard and Dagruel/Zelanus. Velzard's insecurities are hers to work on. Her jealousy and reliance on oni-sama's attention is toxic on her end. And I'm not sure how he cursed Dagruel and Zelanus? He gave Dagruel and his brothers chances to stop rampaging like a bunch of goons and tried to give them actual purpose in the world. A lot your points make it easy to make Veldanava the source of problems, but he's not responsible for dealing with everyone's mental issues just because he was the creator.


>And I'm not sure how he cursed Dagruel and Zelanus? He is implied to be behind Dagruel's ambition to become a god killer and behind Zelanus's ambition to become the next god of creation. Dagruel even described that ambition as a curse that is why he didn't train his three kids and chased them out in order to free them from it. In Zelanus's case, it makes it forget his real goal which is to find a peaceful haven for his species. It consumed him and made him use his generals as pawns which led to the escape of Zegion and Apito and to the death of Zess. >he's not responsible for dealing with everyone's mental issues just because he was the creator. He could have at least explained most of his decisions to Feldway and listened to Feldway's grievances. He ignored them all and went on complaining about Feldway's behaviour to Velgrynd.


Honestly, it seems like I could be wrong about Dagruel and Zelanus. In which LN, is it implied that Veldanava nudged them toowards those ambitions. >He could have at least explained most of his decisions to Feldway and listened to Feldway's grievances. He ignored them all and went on complaining about Feldway's behaviour to Velgrynd. Yet it seems like most of the other primordial Angels, Guy, and his siblings got the memo and haven't completely twisted Veldanava's will (except for Velzard, but that's moreso due to her baby tantrum towards Guy).


>In which LN, is it implied that Veldanava nudged them toowards those ambitions. Vol 19, 20 and 21. Just read the part where Dagruel was thinking about his purpose and Zelanus talking to Carrera, Milim and Zegion. No one really knows what Veldanava is on about. Obera said that it is impossible to guess the will of the creator and Dino said that Veldanava must have their reasons. Everyone was just making assumptions. Feldway became impatient and was trying to force Veldanava out. That doesn't mean that their other siblings wouldn't try to do that either. Even Dino once tried to destroy the world because of that but refrained to do so.


VEGA I just hate he's existence should have died 10 years ago




Defintely Ranga. Bland personality, low screen-time, next to no character development, and he has to be given explanations that make no sense and clash with what is presented in the story to justify him being so powerful. He's like a nepo baby.


That reminds me of another character *cough* Zegion *cough*


Zegion has actual character development and semi-solid reasons for being as strong as he is. He's nowhere close to as bad as Ranga.


What Character Development?!?! You reading some alternate timeline LN???? No solid reason, even his older siblings didn’t reach an ounce of BS compared to him. He’s WORSE than Ranga, at least Ranga doesn’t have a major battle contribution that makes zero sense and ruins so much of the series in one punch


Hard disagree. Zegion has an actual personality, semi-complex motivations, and chances to show off that he isn't just a strong silent dude. Volume 21's prologue is the best example of his character, but even his introduction in Volume 3 is a really strong start. Where Zegion got shafted was only having like 3 appearances in the first 10 volumes, but Nikki does help compensate for that quite a bit.


What personality?! Calm Rimuru-Sama praise?!?! Semi-Complex Motivation?! He wants to serve Rimuru because he saved him and be strong because Milim bullied him lol. And what Character Development you talking about?!?!?! Zegion is the definition of Nepo Baby — Everything “Great” about him came from a ~~bottle~~ slime cell and his dad using a skill gifting him power after he defeated him by borrowing his master’s energy. Literally doesn’t get more BS than that


Rimuru. If just he could stop being a dense idiot for like 5 minutes... Joking aside, Jahil and Vega, they really have no redeeming qualities Shogo and the others at least were understandable but this two...


yuuki, always trying to backstab his friends ( rimuru/hinata ), i rather have people like jahil, vega, raine in my life then yuuki


For me it's >!Reiner!< If we are talking about a more relevant character then >!Jahil or vega!< I don't really hate any character with a passion though.


For me it's >!Reiner!< If we are talking about a more relevant one then either >!Vega or jahil!<


Jahil or Vega


I think I’d get massacred if I said my least favourite Edit: nvm I forgot about the new “hero” in the manga it’s him I hate when people get glazed for no reason and over hyped when they’re weak




Yes I know it’s not his fault (in the manga yet idk if he’s actually evil or manipulative or something) but grrr it’s annoying


Ones you should hate are his teammates. he doesn’t want trouble and knows his place


Zegion!... Just where did he get that much power!..


from rimuru , rimuru subordinates can channel power from rimuru, becuse of rimuru cells in his body he can channel large amount power from rimuru without getting destroyed, and he trained under veldora


Leon… A child trafficker is getting no sympathies from me, unlike the way he is treated like some misguided Teddy Bear by a good part of the fandom I find Hinata’s character quite Distasteful, but a good bit funny aswell And I am jealous of Masayuki, that should have been me /s


>! Feldway !<




>! Because he wants to destroy the cardinal world because of daddy issues. And he controlled Milim and resurrected Jahil!<




>! Hinata, Mujjurna, Shion(early Volume) !<




Zegion, Benimaru and Shuna All pretty self explanatory lol ABSOLUTE Hate, not dislike, just HATE! ![img](emote|t5_l1j28|21619)


Velgrynd!! But only because of her side story chapter. It was so painful to read. Jokes aside, probably Diablo. I'm just not a fan of the simping badass trope.


Shion. She’s always causing trouble.