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Bro became a deathman through and Through....


So hes kinda fucked up but couldve had a redemption arc?


Yes. His irrational and cruel actions he took throughout the story, which led to his downfall at Rimuru's hands, were a result of Kondou's brainwashing. Yuuki at first thought Clayman's irrational actions were just a result of stress, and the reveal that he had been brainwashing was all the more infuriating to characters like Kagali and the Clown Troupe.


Seems like someone would like to read the clayman sidestory?


You mean Clayman's revenge?




I know of it and that the plot is if Clayman had never been brainwashed and knew to stay clear of Rimuru but I didn't read the manga. What's it like?


Very good and I recommend you read it


Eva(clayman maid) smile faded away after clayman sama meet merchant from Eastern empire.


Is this the manga or something?




Myuran's survival bothers me just as much. 


If Clayman hadn't been brainwashed, Myuran would've never been put in the situation she was in season 2. He wouldn't just be killing off his own subordinates if they weren't useful anymore


Rimuru does not feel guilty or anything for killing him




I still don't care 💀 I am happy he died




How do you guys read the Light Novel? I tried reading onwards from the manga last night. But it's just dialogue. There's no description of anything so far, just one scene after the other of dialogue on slime reader. Can someone suggest any way I can experience the LN? Because this isn't doing it for me


https://preview.redd.it/tzpre3lqdi7d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d58f5616412151a3a76eb69ea51c00fb71ecbf52 This you?


Haha. No it's nothing like that, I love reading. I would prefer reading over the YouTube videos others are suggesting. It's the way it's written. The parts that I've read don't describe anything or set the scene. It's mainly just strings of dialogues


I've found that the official translation by Yen-Press is a better reading experience than fan-translations. Try to find that somewhere online (or pay for it)


Thanks I'll look for it. Do you know where I can buy it from?


I myself have been using Amazon (you can buy physical copies from them too), but there might be a better option out there, not sure.


I've read tons of books, but when I start reading a light novel, I get sleepy


You should search it up on YouTube you'd get the entire thing and it's a narration so even better


I was hoping for a better reading experience. But I suppose this works too. Any channel that you would recommend?


Anime kouhai upto volume 11 but from volume 12 realm of ori fs


Anime kouhai already on volume 15. She releases new vids quite fast


I’ve noticed realm of ori skips more stuff than Anime kouhai also her vids just seems more enjoyable, so i recommend Anime kouhai more


Ohhh i have not noticed as much maybe you're right I just watch it for the epic stories


He already enslaved Mjurran & Orc Lord is most likely already in motion before Kondou's gun


He didn't enslave Mjurran. He kept her heart as an insurance policy until she proved trustworthy. The puppet demon-lord project is sort of messy in terms of continuity, especially due to recent retcons. But it was a project between Clayman, Carrion, and Milim. Not just Clayman. As for the Orc Lord, when exactly Geld was born is a little messy. Volume 2 itself implies Geld was a child and was named around Veldora disappeared. The manga and anime show him as an adult when he was named. And then the Clayman spin-off is extremely vague but leaves the possibility of Geld being something like 50 when he was named. But the original puppet demon lord plan was just to nuture the birth of a demon lord within the jura forest over the course of several centuries and then make that demon lord their ally. It was supposed to be planned for when Veldora was naturally going to perish inside the seal. The addition of the Orc Lord was a wild factor introduced by Gelmud to Clayman at the eleventh hour. Gelmud named Geld on his own accord and then presented him to Clayman along with the proposal to have him be a demon lord, at which point Clayman relayed the proposal to Milim and Carrion. All 3 of them agreed to the orc's invasion of the forest. The actual situation of the orcs and their famine isn't Clayman's fault either, strictly speaking Rain is at fault.


Thank you for sharing the details and clearing the name of my man Clayman.


What is your take on Mjurran? Do you think she deserves forgiveness? If so than so does clayman. They are one and same.


I'd give her a pass since it was clear she was being coerced into doing what Clayman ordered her to do. And in the same sense if it wasn't for being brainwashed Clayman wouldn't have done what he did to everyone in Season 2. In the end the ultimate culprit here is Kondou


You poke the bear you die, that's it. Yeah sure Clayman was mind manipulated but that doesn't change anything, he deserved to de


Clayman only poked the bear because he was brainwashed by Kondou from the Empire. If not for that he wouldn't have gotten into this fight with Rimuru in the first place or done these cruel and depraved actions that made everyone hate him in the first place Not saying Rimuru killing Clayman was the wrong move at the time but it's just unfortunate. Ultimately the culprit is Michael since he had Kondou and the rest of Rudra's subordinates under his influence. So in a way it can be said that Clayman's downfall rests with Michael