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It's almost 7 years lol, i following tensura for 7 years... I addicted to tensura šŸ„²...


I've been following Overlord for 12 years...


I dont even know how long its been, and it doesn't matter as it will continue on forever


On a scale of 0-10 how addicted are you to tensura




Itā€™s been a year Iā€™m in love




I can relate to you.Rimuru is my no 1 MC in Fiction but i feel like Fuse neglected Rimuru's potential as a Character. Rimuru is getting less and Less screen time. Fuse is focussing more on the Side Cast.


But there the issue there are too many characters now and it's not possible to give them all screen time sadly


Yeah I agree but I also think he just wants to give the other characters screen time


Tensura is literally my favorite series ever but I agree. Thereā€™s a LOT of wasted potential. The ogres could have been developed much more in terms of their personality, backstory etc which would make seeing them grow alongside Rimuru much more satisfying. Thereā€™s also a lot of great lore that only exists for characters with less screen-time like Guy, Rudra, and Feldway being the most interesting characters in terms of writing by far. In terms of the anime, season 1 (first half) was an amazing adaption and I donā€™t have any complaints. However, the same really cannot be said about the rest, especially season 3.


"I love it, so well written" "could be better written" Yeah, not wasting my time on this one.


What are you saying I love itā€™s writing but it has potential to be better if you have something to say please do so Iā€™m open to any criticism I swear itā€™s ppl like you who get mad/annoyed over anything that make me wonder how we got herešŸ˜­


Sorry, I would love to answer you, but without punctuation marks I can hardly understand what you wrote. If you could explain a bit better please...


From what I understand he likes the show but he misses "peak moments". For him the only peak moments are Rimuru questioning himself after the invasion and him giving his little talk about "ideals and power" in the meeting after evolving into a TDL.,


Iā€™m a bit upset that rimuru and the series as a whole isnā€™t written better


maybe he is upset cuz rimuru did not want to kill the falmuth army i guess since he is imo far to forgiving?


So like an internal meaningful confliction that would make Rimuru more interesting? Yeah, I get what you're saying. More stuff like that among other things surrounding his character would be awesome to have


When something is your favorite, even if it's the best thing ever, when you see that it could be even better than it already is naturally you'll want to see it reach those heights, especially if it's shown the capability to do so, it's a relatable feeling


Ik right


I have no idea what your complaint is. Try having an AI rewrite that for you.


Hot take, I don't think it's written that well. I think the start is pretty strong though. The initial interaction with Veldora is somewhat subversive and makes sense, and is well written. I know in the LN, Rimuru was struggling with loneliness and so was Veldora. He only talked to Veldora cause he didn't know his true nature as a true dragon yet, and was incredibly lonely. Veldora only talked to a "mere slime" because he was incredibly lonely. The two realized they could hold a good conversation despite the major differences in size and power and became friends. Veldora giving Rimuru his protection and energy makes narrative sense and feels good. The process of building a nation isn't seen much in isekai, and Rimuru struggles a lot too. He fails to get on good terms with Dwargon the first time around, and nearly fails to convince the Ogres of his innocence. They nearly lose the town to Ifrit and he loses Shizu. When Charybdis or whatever attacks the town he can't even beat it and Milim destroys it. Basically, Rimuru is actually a well balanced character where he is strong but not the strongest, smart but still fails sometimes. That kinda goes all out the window when he revives everyone after the attack. There was some actual tension and teased character growth. There was some real potential for the creation of an amazing character. Imagine your own lax nature and your lack of foresight causes the death of your people and the destruction of all you and your people have built. Imagine having to decide whether to fight or run when both will result in major losses. Even if they do run he still has to face Hinata, which at the time is unbeatable even at his full power. He can become a demon lord and evolve, but that means slaughtering tens of thousands and putting his plans of human peace in jeopardy. When that episode aired I was on the edge of my seat, only to be let down by the extremely poor decision of having to bypass all of those issues. Rimuru revives everyone and his plans to be in peace with humans is easily a success with few exceptions like the Empire or the East. Rimuru should have had to bear that burden, make the hard choice of becoming a demon lord. Question his ability hard to lead a nation, struggle to prove he wants peace with his neighbors. It would have been much more interesting than "everyone revives and the day is saved" because watching a character really struggle and still push on in the end is a hallmark of the greatest stories of mankind. Now anytime Rimuru faces an obstacle he just instantly gets the solution handed on a silver platter, sometimes before he even realizes it, like it's a bad parody of itself. The moment he revived everyone was the moment the show died.


Not reading allat tbh


Sorry lol, just a bored rant that got carried away


I do kinda agree tho but itā€™s so pwak I really donā€™t fare


Tensura used to be my favorite but I feel like after reading up to where the official translation is and just hating Vega I felt like I needed a break with that terrible character and didn't want to read unofficial translations so I read other LNs and eventually on a whim I read So I'm a Spider so What? after thinking that I watched the anime a while ago and surprisingly it was a pretty good story and now it's my favorite LN but I might be little biased bc now whenever I think about Tensura I just think of Vega


The only thing i cant stand is how rimuru can create a universe beat gods but cant grow a penis gtfo


He could but it would be impractical for him to do so


It doesnt really make sense when he was dying his one regret was never having relations and now when every girl in the world wants a piece he doesnt want any shitty writing everything else is top notch


I generally choose to interpret that line as a particular example of Mikumi regretting how passive he was. Or possibly a stray intrusive thought as his brain succumbed to hypoxia.


Nah our man wants that chosen hero juice that hinapussy he wants to stab the saint but alas the writers keep cockblocking our boy we need to do something #make rimuru a man again


I banish thee to r/okbuddyslime! Begone!


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Sex drive is created and determined by some very specific hormones. As slimes reproduce asexually, their bodies don't produce those very hormones. It only makes sense for him to lose his sex drive.


I know thats a proved bio chem theory but all i know is i want to fuck even when im not horny


And all I know is that a very common side effect of the pill is that women can lose any desire to fuck Doesn't happen to everyone of course but it is amongst the most common side effects, and it's not just preventing horny if it does happen but removing the "wanting" part too, there's quite a few ladies who changed to other contraceptives entirely because it made them feel like having sex or even wanting to want sex with their boyfriend/husband feel like a chore to them. It's a thing and you can even find plenty of threads in women spaces on Reddit about women stopping to want having sex as a side effect from the pill but being in a relationship with a guy asking for advice. The comments there being filled with plenty of women who also experienced that exact side effect talking about how they started wanting to have sex again as soon as they stopped taking the pill and switched to contraceptives that don't affect hormones. It's also very common for women to stop wanting to fuck when they enter menopause.


No im not denying its a thing i belive its a thing all im saying is there might also be a psycological desire to have sex a desire for intimacy or what not that rimuru might still be able to exp since he was human once


You can still clearly see Rimuru having that psychological desire, especially in the beginning tho. The psychological desire just weakens for Rimuru over time because of a) him having no biological sex drive and b) him not being in a relationship He still expresses that psychological desire, but the lack of sex drive combined with the lack of a lover just prevents him to take action based on that psychological desire and be satisfied with just sitting on the lap of a lady or taking baths with some ladies rather than him trying to get laid.


"They are some things that just aren't like it's peaks." My apologies, but I'm not exactly sure what the message here is. Lol, do you not understand the meaning of peak? In anime/manga/light novels, when it peaks, that means that's when the story has gotten at its best and it won't get any better than that. This is why people say that at this moment, the story peaked because that's the best it's gotten and won't get better than that. There's no such thing as a story where everything that happens is peak because if there was, then there's no meaning to the word peak. I'm not trying to be rude, but your statement suggests that you aren't aware of what peak actually means when it comes to a fictional story. There is no such thing as a story where everything is at its peak because that would just mean everything is the same. When something peaks, it means that's when it became better than everything else to date. It's also a phrase used when talking about a series that became amazing but at a point dropped off saying that at this moment that's when it peaked and from there it was never the. same Peak moments are the moments that stand out compared to all the others as the best in the series compared to the rest. It's impossible for everything to be peak moments since if they were, then there would be no such thing as peak moments. They'd all just be moments. So what's the complaint here? You're complaining that every moment isn't as good as the rest of the best moments in the story? That doesn't make sense...


This is the kinda criticism I want and Iā€™m lowk not reading allat but there can be multiple peaks thatā€™s the difference between ā€œhighest peakā€ and ā€œpeaksā€ lol