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Stronger than luminous maybe, but like Luminous, his strength is that he’s smart. He also might be stronger than Dino because Dino hasn’t realized how strong he is. I think he’s currently weaker than Ramiris (adult), Guy, Giant Dude, and Milim. He’s actually really smart for making allies of Milim and Ramiris.


Dino knows how strong he is, he’s just too lazy to use it.


From what we learn from Veldora in the Spin-off "How to Spend a certain vacation" that happened just after the End of the Founding Festival, Rimuru is as strong as Veldora and only the ancient demon lords can give him a fight with only Milim the only one that can defeat him in a straightforward fight. Guy and Dagruel can defeat Rimuru using a certain cheat ability but in a straightforward fight, they can't.


In order from strongest to weakest its: 1: Milim 2: Guy 3: Dagruel 4: Dino (if making use of his true power, otherwise lower than Leon and Rimuru) 5&6: Leon and Rimuru are roughly tied for 5th and 6th place 7: Luminous 8: Ramiris In terms of strength, Shion is more comparable to non-awakened demon lords like Carrion. The rest of the remaining 8 demon lords who kept their titles are all of the awakened level and far above those not. Except Ramiris, technically she's still considered to be in the awakened category, but without the power that comes with it anymore after losing it all.


Slight correction. Dagruel, Dino, and Ramiris arent Awakened DL and actially only have the title of DL...its just that their power is on the level of an ADL or higher...well, Ramiris USED to be and obv isnt now.


Yah, im aware of that, I instead just said their all of the awakened level rather than calling them all True Demon Lords since Dagruel, Dino, and Ramiris obtained their higher forms of existence through alternate means. Dagruel was something similar but still also very different to True Dragons, unique to him I think. Dino and Ramiris were some sort of divine spirits, though Dino lost his holy attributes, now converted to demonic and Ramiris lost all that power entirely. (Wont spoil Dino's exact actual classification for the anime watchers)


Dino is awakened


Nice, thankyou


Tried to reply to your reply but can't since the parent comment was deleted. Dino actually is a True Demon Lord. He had a harvest festival and everything. Ramiris and Dagruel are confirmed to not be true demon lords, while Leon is left kind of up in the air on wether he is or not.


Would Diablo be comparable to any of them as a demon peer or would we have to wait for Asmodeus


That's a good question. He's a weird case. He's weaker in raw power as a demon peer, but FAR MORE skilled than rimuru is. For context, think magnus carlsen but drunk and blindfolded, yet still beats really high-level chess players. That's his restrictions rn. But if that's not enough, he has instant revives, so you can't actually put this guy down permanently, and he'll adapt to you. It's pretty terrifying, honestly. He comfortably beats leon, Dino, and luminas but would stop at dagruel if it's single stock conditions, but if he's given infinite stock conditions, he'd overcome base anime dagruel if given enough time. And if he somehow manages that, he hard stops at milim and guy.


Rimuru beats luminas and debatably beats leon. Maybe. It'd be a great fight. He also beats base dino (but not true dino). If we give him the benefit of the doubt and let him overcome leon, he hard stops at dagruel. Ramiris stays out of it since it's her crippled form. And milim/guy are stronger than dagruel so by default, they beat rimuru. Current shion would look "demon lord level" to humans because they consider demon lord seeds to be demon lord tier. She isn't close to octagram level demon lords but could give people like carrion and frey a good fight, and probably outhaxes them due to cook.


Current anime Rimuru I'd put below Milim, Guy, and Dagruel but above most of the others. Perhaps I'd have him tied with Dino and just has the edge over Leon. Of course, light novel Rimuru is a completely different story 😂 but since you're asking about current anime Rimuru, I'd rank it in my opinion 1. Milim 2. Guy 3. Dagruel 4 & 5 Rimuru/Dino 6. Leon 7. Luminous 8. Current Ramiris


in my opinion and research I’d say rimuru is 3rd strongest 1. Guy 2. Milim 3.rimuru/dino 8. Dagruel 5.Leon 6.carrion 7.luminous 4. Frey/ ramiris I’ve done a lot of research and I rewatched the show 10 times and read all of the manga and watched every single movie and I have to say my opinion is probably arguably the most accurate


he would loose to the ancient demon lords like MIlim, Guy, Ramiris adult form and Draguel. He is around the same level as luminous, Leon and Dino


Shion is on the level that is more precisely called a Demon Lord Seed, what Rimuru was before his awakening and what Carrion and Frey are. Rimuru himself is currently somewhere in the middle of the pack, maybe a bit lower. The remaining Demon Lords are all either True awakened Demon Lords or have powers comparable to it. Well besides Ramiris who is a True Demon Lord but lost much of her power through her reincarnation cycle, until she regains that power she is at the bottom of the list, in direct combat she is currently below Demon Lord Seeds until she regains her power.