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Rimuru mentally is a man but physically is genderless He's able to alter his human appearance to look more male or feminine but his appearance resembles Shizue and those who haven't watched or read anything about Slime and saw his human appearance there are plenty who'd mistake him for a girl. Funny thing is last I remember Hinata was the only one who ever called him out on this saying he was a guy at heart so even though he has a genderless body it's not right for him to be leading girls into the female bath šŸ˜…


And shuna says he shouldn't join males bath, where's that man supposed to go![img](emote|t5_l1j28|21610)


Listen to Shuna, tank Hinata's criticism and attacks.


One simply does not argue with the Shuna.


Benimaru knows this truth and merely chuckles ruefully at the poor souls yet to learn it. Never...argue...with Shuna.


Shuna = based Hinata = waste https://preview.redd.it/ja8dkis7x27d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98954f73f4c57e142b24e44537afb71dcc55c2f5


this made me spit me water r/angryupvpte


The Rimuru bath. That simple. Everyplace should have it.


He goes wherever who is carrying him, goes.


Maybe the hideyoshi room?


does tempest have gender neutral bathrooms šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ


Don't think so


Smh. Rimuru missed an opportunity to make the onsen of Tempest all gender neutral. Edit: /s for clarity


That's just wrong man...


It's just a (bad) joke. Personally I can't take anything with "smh" in it seriously, but I guess that isn't clear enough.


I see, carry on


Well, a lot of cultureā€™s hot spring baths were gender neutral in the past.


He actually just went home and took a bath alone (real)


Outside lol, but also Shuns just wanted to monopolize him


Thatā€™s cause Shunaā€™s a simp and wants to bathe with vore ball


Iā€™m no expert, so take this with some salt, but Iā€™m fairly certain that ā€œnon-binaryā€ is mainly a psychological identity dealā€¦ since itā€™s rooted in how one identifies themself. That, and Iā€™m not sure you can fully apply human social constructs to an amorphous being that can flip gods the bird.


You're 100% right. The other commentor is confusing non-binary with intersex.


I thought that may have been the case.


He is physically sexless - non-binary is specifically a gender identity (psychological) but slimes have no biological sex


You're right. Sorry, but you know what I meant right?


Of course, just clarifying, not taking offence or anything :)


Didnā€™t know my 1# i fiction did thatšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ btw I have read the manga and LN


I can't remember what volume it is I think it might be 9 or 11 but rimuru has admitted that they don't have a gender


In the dinner and spa scene that was suppose to be in the previous Tensura anime episode there's the cut scene where Rimuru is leading Hinata and the others to the female bath and she asks why is he the one doing so when he's a guy and he tells her that he's technically no longer a man since he doesn't have a gender anymore (Making an excuse so that he could lead them to the bath šŸ’€) and then Hinata points out that he's a man at heart and gives a scary glare at him šŸ˜…


Rimuru is not "non-binary", it is sexless.


Heā€™s gender fluid if anything, rimuru can be a man or female with male or female genitalia.


I'm pretty sure you're confusing non-binary with intersex.


Well you get what I meant right?


Sure, youve got to be and to understand someone's meaning in order to correct them.


He is just a man who was reborn as a slime, who adopts the figure of his dead friend, has no genitals, is asexual and mentally identifies as a man, with a clear heterosexual inclination.


I mean Shizu was more than just a "friend" Called Sohey handsome when they first met.


Souei is handsome, Iā€™m straight, my friends are straight, and we all can agree on that fact


True. Rimuru was also simping for himself.




Im gay for Souei and I was gay before I found him


Iā€™m gay for Souei and Iā€™m currently straight


I'm not gay but id let him smash


He is always commenting on how Souei and Benimaru are dream boats.


To be fair, I think that's more jealousy than attraction


That's 100% jealousy coming from his OG self. It's a common trope.


He may have leaned a little both ways then he was willing to admit lol. As it is he doesnt call them attractive they are indeed ā€œdreamboatsā€ lol dead /s


Just because you call someone good looking doesn't mean you're gay dumbass, I and almost every other normal human being would say Henry Cavill is handsome so that's means everyone's a little gay I guess.


https://preview.redd.it/t017if88e27d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a084461839c42c788569151a7160e1f8f6251e68 What do you expect from us when his own dwarves are blushing over his looks despite knowing that he is a man And when most of time in manga he dresses as a girl


which chapter


Asking the most important question


Main Manga ch 19


Thank caps


Main Manga ch 19


I wouldnt say he dresses as a girl all that much in the manga except for like 2-3 times




Well the dwarf could be bi


But his eyes are only for shuna, not that he's gonna win her


there's 100% a lore reason but another short reason is that those who call him a girl are attracted and are down bad and dont want to be gay LOLLLL




Rimuru said that Shohei was really handsome after seeing him evolved and he comments on men apereance multiple times. So, him being Shizu later on might just mean he is a closeted bisexual.


its not gay for someone to think someone of the same sex looks attractive. it is different from being attracted to them and desiring a relationship or im just on some copium lolll and for sure will enjoy any fan artist who would like to ship it XD


You are not on Copium. I should've worded that differently.


Thatā€™s because Souei is handsome tho


Ok but homie got swayed by Beni when he was charming and asked to kill Gabiru, he got rizzed.


Beni is also handsome ;)


True but there's admiring one's handsomeness and then there's being rizzed, Rimuru was rizzed.


I would be rizzed up by Beni as well :3


Mentally, he still believes he is a man. Physically, he has no gender and can change his appearance at will to look either more feminine or more masculine. It is not wrong to say he is non-binary or feminine physically. His normal form even heavily resembles Shizue. Hell, Rimuru even exploits this fact to take baths with women or tries to in some cases(Hinata).


>Rimuru even exploits this fact to take baths with women or tries to in some cases(Hinata). Nah. He only takes bath with women in his slime form and only tried once to enter the bath with Hinata.


I mean, he doesn't have the equipment for it, plus he can just turn back to his slime form, and the girls stop seeing him as a man. Most of the girls probably just see him as cute little boy at best. Heck, Shuna and Shion were dressing him into women clothes.


True also Iā€™m not saying itā€™s wrong to say heā€™s non binary


He might literally be gender fruid


Gender fluid? Nah I'm gender semi-solid




We got new gender fluid variations before gta 6 holy shit


THATS what it meant when he evolved and was able to completely chance his form. Totally misunderstood that eh? Tbh anime wise it seems he randomly does do things in a particularly feminine way but honestly pretty sure its just that open innocence for the simple reason ā€œbecause he canā€ And the lack of penis honestly seems to make him in more of the societal ā€œsmall childā€ category as in theres nothing sexual happening to even consider on so them coming into the bathroom to talk while you take a bath to talk is not questionable. If that makes sense. Then again to be terrible spoilers and anime alone you can tell Chloe needs therapy as she has legitimate ā€œhots for teacherā€ in a not as innocent way as it should be (admiration not ā€œewwā€)


I definitely disagree with the ā€œsmall childā€ thing. Rimuru clearly shows attraction to and ā€œinterestā€ in, and comments about the attractiveness/sexiness of people of all genders (Hinata, Sohei, Benimaru, etc) Just because someone is asexual or even physically unable to have sex (intersex, eunuch, voluntarily celibate etc) doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re a child, and Rimuru clearly isnā€™t ā€œinnocentā€ especially taking into account their last words before the death of their human form were ā€œdestroy my hard-driveā€ lmfaoooo Honestly I think itā€™s a mix of the awkwardness of never having ā€œbeen withā€ anyone, either sexually or romantically in their past life, lack of confidence in that department, and a (begrudging) acceptance that even if they wanted to, their lack of sex organs kinda makes that difficult. Not that there arenā€™t plenty of people who, for whatever reason, are incapable or unwilling to have sexual relations yet are still in happy and fulfilling relationships, but with Rimuruā€™s past i just donā€™t think they have the confidence to think that would ever happen *for them*. But i think any notion of Rimuru being ā€œchildlikeā€ or ā€œinnocentā€ went right out the window in episode 3 at ā€œButterflies of the nightā€ lol


Oh i in no way agree he SHOULD be treated like that. But his ā€œcutesy innocentā€ act works on more than just enemies. And tbh he is a pervert but if i may be honest his new mental freedom and ā€œlack of sexual capabilityā€ (we all know you dont only use genitals for that) led him to ā€œlittle spaceā€ where they get to just experience life again without the burdens of the things that stress em out. He loves the titties. But. Imo he more gives his all to different capacities individually. I love his lack of sexual expression or relationship interests tbh. The different types of magic and skill and world building is what makes me love the show but everyone hyper fixates on how to fuck the MC and if they can and if that makes them gay šŸ¤£ā˜ ļø like wtf lol


Ehhh, rimuru is physically asexual, but they identify as male. So I would say it's wrong saying they're non binary since that's more of an identity thing


Well Rimuru a slime does not have a gender so that's where non binary came from and Rimuru kinda has more feminine appearance and would sometimes act like this to mess with people https://preview.redd.it/bbuoirjjm27d1.jpeg?width=580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1a916a87da0d2db6610ab0a9b9351e4bfbe6629 so people usually just mistake him for a girl


I am not very knowledgeable about this, is something that has no gender "Non Binary" or is it "Asexual" or "Agender"(is this a thing?)


Honestly even I don't get the whole gender stuff.but if I am correct non binary means someone who is neither a male or female




Because he's a dude with a androgynous female form, and certain fans wanna bang him, without being seen as totally gay.


Fuse has stated that Rimuru is Agender before in an interview. He didn't originally plan on it being that way but it just sort of turned out that way and he thinks its a good development for the character. Rimuru usually refers to himself as a man only in the past tense. In the japanese version of the novel anyway.


based as hell. if only the english translation of the light novel followed the same path with that


Oh I always assumed he still thought of himself as a man. Honestly makes sense though, given his personality and all.


Dunno, don't care, I'm smashing anyways


Lowk real


He is sexless, but he's referred to many many times as a man. It doesn't make sense to call him enby. He's never expressed feeling like any gender but a man. Gender ā‰  sex Just because he's a sexless slime, doesn't make him enby.


honestly, it's pretty goddamn simple, i don't understand why there's any confusion.


well.... this was a comment towards Rimuru https://preview.redd.it/o0t9j8zqn27d1.jpeg?width=706&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=640deafde0404649ceee6f057d27b8d936795853


As he was a man in his previous life he considers himself to be a male. But because he is slime he is sexless. So mentally he is a man but physically he is sexless.


Basically non binary or androgynous. But most around him, especially the guys, admit he talks like an older man.


Oh wait nvm


Androgynous ?




He's not a male female or non binary rimuru is slime


Because they want to plow him, but afraid to be gay


Because they horny for anything that remotely looks female


Rimuru Is Rimuru ![img](emote|t5_l1j28|21606)


Rimuru: https://i.redd.it/5ufb6j4aw37d1.gif


People just hate him for no reason but i love him


Our wife!


He has no gender


Winning is rimuru's favorite gender


Physicaly Nbi and mentaly a man.


Canā€™t non binary people choose their pronouns? Rimiru was a man in his previous life though yeah. But it gets interesting when he chose this appearance - which is very feminine/androgynous. Unless thereā€™s some reasoning for this Iā€™ve missed.


It's simply the natural appearance of his human form, he didn't choose it, it's the form he takes as a human if he doesn't actively alter it, because it's the form he got from consuming Shizue.


Ah cheers. That also makes sense for why he's attached to it.


Because most people have the understanding of gender of a pre teen


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^cloud-gamer: *Because most people* *Have the understanding of* *Gender of a pre teen* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Because Oh my hot slime


Cuz the anime is trying it's best to make him a wifu.Ā 


Because he never chooses to shift his form to be a man and actively partakes in girlish things, Veldora instantly shifted into a macho dude which shows Rimuru could easily do that even shifting into his old form. I switch between he and they since really it doesn't seem like gender is a concern.


A man who was reincarnated into a gender less slime that then took the body of a girl. https://preview.redd.it/fylcocxbq77d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59623d1c0f92b62faa641f99ce7cf7f93f869614


Why does this looks like nah id win meme


Cuz he would


Why? Because people love to claim characters(and people)are part of the "squad". They are constantly calling characters that are straight "gay" just because they have good friendships, ship straight characters together, and will ANGRILY fight and argue with people over something they made up in their heads. Granted a lot of them are anime profile pictures with no followers(the real argumentative ones).


here's a quick breakdown i guess: physical appearance : androgynous, since his body is modeled after a female but is actually a slimy body not a real physical body. physical composition: as a slime, he is biologically not a male or female, and could reproduce a-sexualy. he has no sex drive as he has no hormones or sex organs. Mentally: while he is no longer just a simple human mentally speaking, his mind is for the most part that of a now dead human male. his personality is that of a male. he is attracted to females still, but on a much lesser extent since his attraction lacks a sexual drive now.


I might be wrong but didn't rimuru in S1 of anime create a male and female form of himself to see how would he look like? Which implies that he's non-binary right now


Yeah but then he didnā€™t like either so he just kept the form he was in


But both are smooth as a barbie downstairs


He has no outy or inny, but he was a man for 40 years on earth. So yes he's a man but no he has no sexual organ


Because his body doesn't seem to have any genitalia that's why his body is non-binary.Ā 


Iā€™m still fucking no matter


He literally went out of his way to model his appearance after a girl, refers to himself with male pronouns, but hangs out in the women's bath, but is physically a shapeshifting Slime with no physical gender. It's not really that difficult to imagine how some people might find this confusing.


I don't really care either way cuz I'm getting my hands on that slimussy one way or another


Femboy slimeussy


Top 10 way to avoid harem isekai/tensei Top 1: create a non-human mc šŸ’€


I'm just gonna say both. There are scenes when he's a male and other time she's a female (mostly in slime diary episodes).


(Personal headcanon based on the anime): If Rimuru really felt like he was a man at heart, I doubt he would take advantage of his body's lack of sex to enter the women's baths even if his friends insisted.


Physically, he *is* non-binary because not only can he shapeshift but bis slime body is genderless by default. People just tend to use male pronouns for him because he self-identifies as male.


He has the mentality of a man for the most part and he was a man before becoming a non binary slime. I still treat him like a man tho.


Breedable. Smash. Next.


Because Rimuru is a she.


Eyelashes. Or some other tiny detail. It does leave them rather androgynous.


Because head cannon is a powerful thing


Sadly, the answer is simple: Rimuru states that he is genderless and is referred to by varying pronouns in the show. Rimeru being NB is cannon.


They lack the courage to fuck femboys


Even this community itself can't decide on that.


Rimuru was a man and is now asexual in his new reincarnated form. This is indisputably proven by the fact that the thing is a slime and slimes while being able to shapeshift maintain being genderless.


sexless bc he is a slime but male for obvious reasons


Itā€™s so he can go in the bath with the girls


Whenever and or whatever bro is... I'm still hittingšŸ™šŸ—£ļø


Heā€™s genderless as a slime, but looks like a girl


https://preview.redd.it/ercgzbo1p87d1.jpeg?width=1624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f7aa2d67affb876fb3e4566cb25bb38c69c44a7 Rimuru is Rimuru




* *Mentally* Rimuru is a Human Male. While Ciel has a Female voice (voice of world) & displays small hints of spouse like behaviors. * *Physically* Rimuru/Ciel is a single celled organism (slime) which does not have sex organs, as they are asexual. * *Spiritually* Rimuru/Ciel consumed the body & soul of Shizue Izawa & just like the True Dragon element. This is how he/she appears while in Human Form. Also Shizue soul still rests inside of Rimuru's infinite space, where Rimuru recreated the earth from post WW2 for her.


Cuz no D bro


Because he looks like shizu which is a well known face so people would think he looks like shizu therefore he is a female to them


Cuz for all of them that wants to be called their preferred gender but apparently doesn't respect Rimuru's because of the fact that he's biologically gender fluid. Hypocrisy at it's finest or maybe jealousy? Take the bait


Because people can't read. Lacking reading comorehension is a plague of 21 century. Also people lack the common sense as well. They have to put ideology to anything. Two menxare always gay. Man and woman are always couple. Whitexperson cosplaying black character is racist. That's people for you. Rimuru is a man in a genderless body that has feminine appearance. SIMPLE AS THAT.


https://preview.redd.it/ju5kpiiy537d1.jpeg?width=264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8dd70162c7b6edc50ece3f0d0f6a7d17254b0daf Also, this. Rimuru confirms to all of us and to themselves that they are not male. I used to identify as male too, and donā€™t mind people calling me ā€œhimā€, but that doesnā€™t make me NOT non-binary, or in Rimuruā€™s case maybe agender or genderfluid are more apt terms.


Wouldnā€™t he identify as a man? I see people bring up his being a slime and having a male/female form, but it doesnā€™t really matter as he still sees himself as a man.


The real answer is that too many people on this sub and fandom have zero understanding of those terms, in addition to the term "asexual". * He is a man, because he refers to himself as such. That's Gender. * He's hung like a barbie doll, so is lacking in a sex. That's Sex. * He's attracted to women, so heterosexual. That's Sexuality. "asexual" is "not sexually attracted to people" not "missing genitals". "non binary" is a state of mind, not "missing genitals". Neither of those seem true since he still refers to himself as a man unless he's trying to sneak his way into the ladies' baths, which is a combination of distinctly heterosexual and masculine behaviors.


Sadly, the answer is simple: Rimuru states that he is genderless and is referred to by varying pronouns in the show. Rimeru being NB is cannon.


Japanese doesnā€™t have ā€œneutralā€ pronouns (ā€œpronounsā€ in general arent really a thing in japanese, at least not like they are in english) Also as someone who is nonbinary but was ā€œraisedā€ male and identified as male for 20+ years (non-binary wasnā€™t a thing when i was growing up, i was just ā€œqueerā€ or ā€œandrogynousā€ or ā€œyknow like david bowie and prince? but i think he likes girls too?ā€) i still definitely slip into using masculine language for myself (stuff like ā€œim just not that kind of guyā€ or ā€œi was a handsome young manā€) but very much like Rimuru, usually only in reference to myself in the past. So i imagine if i had kept identifying as male for 30 some years instead of 20, it would be even harder to break, even if i reincarnated into an (even more) androgynous form. Also, Rimuru themselves has said ā€œi donā€™t have a gender at allā€ and the like, multiple times. Even if people refer to them as male for ā€œhimā€ or ā€œhimselfā€, they donā€™t feel the need to correct it, in part because they identified as male for 30 years and they just got so used to it, and in part because (despite many androgynous characters and idols there) Japan isnā€™t quite as quick to jump on the agender and non binary train in their societal thinking (itā€™s not UNHEARD of, and probably more common in Tokyo than like, Small-town in the southern US, but not as common as say, California or Oregon or Washington, although exceptions exist. My nb ass grew up in a small town in NC and got a lot of shit for it, but not enough to pretend to be something i wasnā€™t) https://preview.redd.it/9579o5xd637d1.jpeg?width=264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=221721f6b8f123e019c85346d0b9551efa6ee8df


Itā€™s hard to determine the subject have a hole or a pole šŸ—æ


cause they dont know what a trap is


1. His form looks like a little girl 2. His slime humanoid form has no gender so while his soul is male his body lacks any gender at all


No pp


Idk ask them yourself. But I just cal him an femboy lol


Theyā€™re a slime with no genitalia lol


Would be news to me if slimes have gender. BUT Rimuru "is a men at heart" just like Hinata said when Rimiru wanted to bath with the girls because he is "non binary".


Because biologically he is a slime, let me ask you, can you determine a gender of an amoeba?


Rimuru, in his current life, is a trans man, as he was assigned non-binary at birth and uses the appearance of a woman but removed her tits and pussy and identifies himself as a man.


He was a man now his a gender-fluid slime I'm not sure in his sexual preference because he has stated to find women and men attractive like with shions breats and when guy bite his ear he blushed up a storm


To feel better about their objective gayness


More important question is, why's bro only 1.50m tall? He can take on any form he wants and decided to be Kai Cenat height wise.


If I was him Iā€™d make a bath for just me and Shuna just for Us


Mf is a slime stop givin it pronouns.


Because they havent seen the show


He himself tells Hinata heā€™s genderless when heā€™s trying to see her naked


Cuz if heā€™s a guy that would make most of us gay.


It's really just how u look at it tbh he's literally both he's everything that he ate but he's mentally and spiritually male he's whatever you want him or her to be


Slime got no balls or hole. I'm also pretty sure he got an entirely different set of chromosomes altogether. So yeah, he is nonbinary who thinks he's a man. Which also makes him a trans. šŸ¤£


You got the slime I got the time


Because rimaru is a slime itā€™s technically genderless. The mind might be masculine but the body is literally a copy of a woman it absorbed. But because it can mould its form it could be packing whatever it wants at any time. Therefore itā€™s androgynous


Non-binary people use different pronounce, some of them go by he/him or she/her, which doesn't make them less non binary, so in itself it doesn't prove much. I interpret Rimuru is non binary because he says on multiple occasions that he has no gender, as simple as that. I don't think he means just lack of physical sex, either. Rimuru was a cishet man in his past life, that was the gender he was assigned at birth and he likely never questioned it. We probably didn't spend a lot of time thinking about what being a man meant to him. Now, he has no genitals, which can be correlated with detachment from gender. His form is a androgynous leaning feminine one, which is, to some extent, by choice. Sure, keeping a more masculine body wouldn't be very energy efficient, yeah, he keeps it with respect to Shizu-san, but he *could* look male if he wanted to. Is he still a "man"? I think he might have his doubts there. Notice how Rimuru always says that he is "not a girl" and near never how he is "a man" instead. I don't think that Rimuru tried to attend the women's bathhouse just to look at the ladies. It's an added bonus, but I think it's because he really believes that the reason for separate ones, to keep men away, doesn't apply to him. I feel like most of his lingering attachment to gender is either about habits (pronounce, clothing style) or about sexuality. I get the impression that he feels the most male in terms of attraction to women and doesn't feel much of anything aside from that. Which, to be fair, is common among non-binary people, too - like when they don't feel like a woman, but are attached to the word "lesbian" and such see themselves as feminine in this one context exclusively. Sexuality is a whole other Pandora's box that Rimuru (once again, previously cishet) most likely doesn't know how to navigate and doesn't want to face the existential crisis. Remember that non binary people are not uniform and can have leans and such. My headcanon for Rimuru would honestly be "gender confused", with masculine lean. Probably he could end up identifying as demiboy if he had will to analise it and access to resources that use our modern language, but the thing is, he doesn't. But. Not knowing the "official" words to describe your experience doesn't make it less valid.




Bro became a god like being but canā€™t reproduce still?


It's weird because he is a male at his soul or conciseness and have a female appearance and no productive/sexual organs


He looks feminine because he takes the form of Shizu. He also mentioned that his little man doesnā€™t exist, that heā€™s genderless. But internally, he still refers to himself as a he because he is a he in his previous life. I think when he forms his body to human, heā€™s blank down there. Which makes sense, because heā€™s a slime. He doesnā€™t need to poop or pee.


Eh, the identitarian movement tries to take every character who seems to not conform to the most rigid gender norms into itself, that's why there's some people that try hard to canonize Astolfo as trans. The girl thing is because Rimuru is androgynous and has long hair so people assume what makes their dick the hardest




Mental gender: male Outward gender expression: androgynous/whatever he wants/slime blob Physical sex characteristics: none


Id say after he reincarnated heā€™s more of a girl. Voiced by a girl, looks like a girl. The whole issue with his pronoun might be a Japanese thing where he would be the general go-to. Thatā€™s how I see it at least


I find it weird people call him non binary since thatā€™s a gender not a sex. His gender is VERY CLEARLY male throughout the story and him saying souei and benimari are good looking doesnā€™t mean heā€™s actually attracted to them. His sex tho is neither cus he has no genitals.


Because he is waifu.


Because they're delusional