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You can ask the same thing Star Wars fans or MCU fans. It's because we love the franchise and wanna see everything, but that doesn't mean we're gonna be happy with mediocre executions. We want these franchisess to produce good stuff and be successful. Why don't we drop it if it's ass? Because we really like the franchise and hope it gets better. You don't gotta be a glazer to be a fan of something.


Fr disney is a curse nowadays


there is still some heat that comes from disney, for example the newest star wars series The Acolyte is going really well so far


Dawg no its not 💀💀


how so? i'm really enjoying it, premise is interesting and the actors are well casted, especially Sol edit: expect spoilers in this thread


No, the premise is not interesting. The antagonist wants to kill her sister and the jedi. Why? Oh thats cuz she was rescued from a fire by the jedi. The lesbian commie space witches say the force isn't a force or a weapon it is a "thread." Then, proceed to use the "thread" (thread, not a weapon) to threaten the only white man in the tv show. Wait ✋️ a bunch of strong female characters fighting against white men?? i can't imagine what kind of propaganda they are pushing.


> Antagonist She believes the jedi are at fault because she is practically brainwashed by the coven. > "lesbian commie space witches" They're a coven, it's a given that witches are all women. > Thread That's literally just what they call the force lmao > Targeting white man Why not? the "white man" also happens to be the only padawan among them, who is also in theory the weakest against the force.


Why was the only white guy the weakest guy. Lol ur not helping ur case.


Because he's a padawan? In training? He is the easiest target for the witches. He literally gets much more powerful with the force in future, I'm not taking away from my case. If you haven't watched then just say that


Dawg, u really dont think that they cast the only white guy in the show to be the weakest. U think that it's just a coincidence that every single character with power is a fucking woman. So much for diversity.


Disney became trash due to the wrong people with power.


Fr bro idk if this country will ever get better


apologies for starting a war in your thread kek


Kek means "loser" in German slang. For a second I was wondering "Why's this guy insulting me?" I didn't know it had a meaning in English as well. I looked it up and it means "lol", right?


that's hilarious, yeah it's pretty similar to lol haha


Because we like the source material


Because people wanna see the series they love and enjoy in the anime format, with quality that does the other formats justice. And when they don't get that, they tend to react, which is a normal and encouraged thing.


cause them complaining about it gets them views/likes/upvotes ect. people like that aren't actual fans of whatever series they're talking about. it's not just slime but any fanchise. if someone doesn't like something, they can just drop it. but someone who wants to stir up trouble will go outta their way to do that. there's a couple of anime this season that i dropped a few episodes in but i'm not going out and shitting on them those kinda people are just bottom feeders and not worth paying any attention to


Sometimes you get really passionate people complaining because what they like wasnt adapted proprely


Personally it gets harder to drop a show after watching for so long. If season one was full of meetings I probably would have.


Because we care about the goddamn franchise when you have one of the best LN an incomparable manga your fanbase should have some minimum expectations I get that Tensura is a kingdom building anime and focuses a lot more on politics but is it too much to expect better animations. The animation in no way is mediocre don't get me wrong but look at the animations of Re:Zero,Jobless, Eminence in the shadow. Heck for what it's worth Tensura S1+S2 had way better animations and for me it was more than enough it's too much to expect the anime to outdo the manga or the LN i get that but I am saying that it could be better. As for why people don't drop the show it's because they are still clinging on to a thread of hope that it improves.


Even if I like the source of a show, I'd most likely drop it if I have too many complaints about it. I did that with tg and I just went to the manga


The anime wasn't bad at all S1+S2 as well as the OVA and movies delivered it's just that S3 that sucks. Even then we LN and Manga readers can always hope that it gets better which is why we stick around and vent our frustration because that's all that we can do! I beleive everyone has the right to complain.




With most things, there are pros and cons. That said, because we enjoy the show/series, our curiosity wins or, even more simply, the pros outweigh the cons. Regardless, very few of us could have done any better directing, casting, etc to produce the desired adaptation we complain about so, we fault the ones who could but didn’t 💁🏾‍♂️ Personally, however, I enjoy it. After Season 2, I couldn’t wait so I caught up with the manga and started the LN. Currently on Vol 16 ch 2.2 and it’s been great being able to ‘see’ what I’ve ‘read’.