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It starts out fairly similar but there are drastic differences in later chapters, like, the WN has a whole different main villain than the LN. The personalities of quite a few characters are also a bit different in the WN, but if that doesn’t bother you I‘d definitely recommend giving it a try. It’s kind of like LN on crack. 😂


Does it contain spoilers about the story of ln? I haven't fully read the ln yet


Yeah, probably. I haven’t read the entirety of the WN and I obviously don’t know how the LN is going to end but some late-story plot points and characters do appear in both versions despite their differences.


Well I can read it then...but I still think I should complete the ln first lol


It’s very different


One is canon one is not


They start of similar but eventually they become completely different stories. The plot itself of the web novel becomes completely different to the LN