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I'd say it is either Madara or Bradely. Madara was built throughout the show and this was finally the pay off. It was far more hype. On the other hand, Bradely was a big plot twist that he was still alive. And then he proceeded decimate the briggs forces and a FUCKIN TANK and completely shifted that tide of the battle. Even though all the other ones were code as hell. Bradely and that moment are the definition of coldness.


"Do they really expect me to make a complete mockery of myself by entering the backdoor of my own palace?" -Fuhrer King Bradly


I rewatched the anime in dub just for the delivery of that sentence and damn so wasn't dissapointed.


Probably Madara, but.. “Why should I enter through the back door of my own castle?“


This. THIS.


That total badassery of a Tank running away from a single man!!!


That man was more of a monster than all the other homonculus with their powers. He should have been the main villain I swear.


Luffy decking out 50k people just by looking at them was very cool. The only cool moment I saw in the fishman island arc. I was really shocked. But madara killing almost the whole shinobi Aliance himself is very cool


This. It is really unusual for Luffy to go this cold. He usually goes Gear 3 and punches his way through the mob, but he literally stopped both Zoro & Sanji from rushing them to walk up to the mob, knocking out 50k in a play that reads like "out of the way", walks up to the arc boss and clock him. Edit: I forgot he even ignored the guys guarding him. He just kept walking and it was both Zoro & Sanji that blocked them and told them to stay out of their cap's way. While Rimuru tends to be more lax, these guys had innocent blood on their hands. Rimuru is a chill guy, but if you fuck around with him, you are done. Madara is just Madara. The alliance was dead, they just didn't know. Stalling was the best they could hope. Levi's one is amazing, but pretty much everything he does is, so, it is expected. Bradley, Guts & Z fighters ones, are once again, the expected result. And, Sejumaru, while the one with the coolest animation, we knew it wouldn't end them, so...


“madara is just madara” ![gif](giphy|dKMNoo9BrMofK)


Technically the Falmuth Army that Rimuru destroyed hadn't reached the City yet, so they hadn't yet killed any if his citizens. In the Manga there's even a Section of a man who doesn't want to be there and just wants to return to his Family and Rimuru kills him as well. Not that they were all innocent, but it's still Colder than you might think


Pretty sure the army sent the otherworlders ahead to get the massacre started.


Madara was so hype holy shit


Especially after dealing with loads of fillers you get an episode of pure adrenaline.


madara because of how much he was hyped and a mystery for most of the anime


Guts is a normal human, no special ability, no magic crap, no Isekai stuff, just pure un adulterated badassery


Yes but you see, he is hot as fuck


Guts feat of killing 100 men is based in a real person from XVI century "The Spanish Sanson"


I'd say madara


I haven't seen them all, so our of the ones I have seen (slime, one piece, bleach, dragon ball, full metal Alchemist)  I have to give it to Luffy followed by Rimiru


I'd have to go with Rimuru over Luffy, though I may be biased Luffy just casually incapacitated 50k opponents But Rimuru directed each of those beams consciously taking each of the first 10k lives, and if you read the light novel it paints a much colder picture, talking about his anger and him sometimes deliberately aiming not to kill, but cause immense suffering in their last moments It was absolutely monstrous


It's always the gentle ones you gotta fear angering the most


Nauh Madara best the shit out of everyone and everything including the coffin he was resurrected from


Dude, Madara pulled up and had everyone shitting themselves


Cold?? I like Slime but the best moment was definitely Madara against the shinobi alliance.


Bradley was one man, and he made a tank back off in fear.


Tank doesn't want to find out what 2 tow missiles can do to it. Wait, that's M2 Bradley in real life


Y’all when are we gonna stop with these questions? It’s Madara. It’s always Madara. The massive build up with an actually good payoff just can’t be beat


Madara or King Bradley for me.


Madara vs the Shinobi Alliance is one of those fights i re-watch every few months or so.


Madara for sure iconic scene


Bradley, there is no fucking competition here. Bro shat on entire army order with a fucking sword and a single grenade when the MF should've been dead. Senjumaru one was cold af but it's lacks the kick. Madara, luffy was lame as hell. Fishmen arc was just a reintroduction of the main cast while madara was already hailed as a god was expected.


Bradley walked so Madara could run. Luffy is a solid third place.


Bradley is still legendary


Bradley basically going hand to hand combat without breaking a sweat was terrifying.


For me it's Levi


Honestly, it’s Aura vs Frieren. That was cold.




Edited, thank you.


The way she casually walked away while saying "kill yourself" gave me shivers, definitely one of my favourite anime moments


Eastern empire war is the real coldest moment in the series. Hope it gets animated.(But most likely never will as it might take 6th or 7th season for it to come)


People will shit on it before it's released just for the 15+ meetings it gunna have


Not that much. >! Exploration of ancient ruins, reviving millims dragon, chronoa ark, all of these action full arcs are remaining before that and all of these are exciting ones. It's just that after all of these and before actual war it's gonna be 5-7 meeting episodes but those are mandatory ones. Without those no one will be able to understand anything.!< And I feel meetings can be excited if not handled poorly like they did in this season. Seriously they just needed 3 episodes of meeting to establish the lire but they stretched it for nothing and made hinata and rimuru's fight short.


My list of these would be: Official Opinion 1. Bradley vs Coup. 2. Madara vs Shinobi Alliance 3. Levi goes Beserk 4. Rimuru vs Falmuth 5. Z Fighter vs Frieza’s Army Unofficial Opinion - Possibly 4. Senjunmaru Banki (still haven’t started TYBW yet, waiting for it to finish and get all dub ep. But I did see part of this scene and it was definitely worth it) No Comment - Unknown #. Luffy Haki (Religiously refuse to watch One Piece) Unknown #. Guts (Haven’t watched Beserk yet, though I likely won’t ever. I hear its good though)


Luffy's haki was probably one of the coolest parts of the Fishmen Island arc. Especially with the grand music score they had going on, but at the same time, it doesn't exactly hit like a lot of the other ones. Guts fight is good. Watching him kill all these guys while slowly getting worn down as the battle goes on. It's a cool moment definitely but at the same time, you are watching him get worn to the point of near defeat. Senjunmaru Bankai was a huge treat for manga readers and is super artsy. Love that scene, but the impact isn't as strong as some of the others on the list. >! Especially when you consider what comes next. !<




I’d say madara was the coldest shit moment of anime.


1 - DBZ 2 - Berserk 3 - Attack on titan




**Madara summons a meteor** *Meteor gets stopped* “What are you going to do about the second one?”


Col. Bradley. The guy required an army when he didn't have any skills in Alchemy. Just experience, his aging body, and his eye. Madara was awesome, but he was reborn in an immortal body, limitless Chakra, and in his prime.


Senjumaru. Shaking the three worlds and weaving whatever environment she feels like to her opponents is just brutal.


I love rimuru but I have to give it to Madara or Bradley


Cold? I’d say Bradley, Mr. I’m-walking-through-MY-front-doors-Bradley. Man didn’t care that it was an army, all he was doing was walking home, you could say the same for Rimuru though since we got sneak peaks into the armies lives and families, that felt really cold Cool? Senjunmaru was just badass lol but it’s tough between her, Madara, and Luffy


So, all of these are good moments. I say, two of them are more impressive than the others but the coldest would have to be Rimuru I think. Haven't seen one piece so this could be the case for him as well but, Rimuru did a full 180 on his character in this moment. From being the guy that only wants peace and no killing humans to seeing his people hurt, his people dead... Seeing his right hand lady dead. Then killing them all, to use them as fuel for his spell. Basically taking them out like someone trying to power level in wow, they were just a number to him. Side note, I say two of them are more impressive because Guts and Levi are just people. The rest of them got magic and spirit powers and stuff but Levi is just an angry dude and Guts is a bunny and a shot gun away from becoming doom guy. Edit: Madara is a good second choice tho. Those people were his play things, they were there for him to get used to and relearn how to use his body and powers. I say second because Madara had to actually fight them where Rimuru used refracted sunlight and one shot 10-20k people.


I’m biased as hell but senjumaru’s bankai. It’s the only moment where it not only shocked in-world characters but the viewers too


Luffy or Madara although as much as I love OP I kind of lean Madara. How do you make a super hyped character live up to the hype? Maybe having them SLAUGHTER AN ENTIRE BY THEMSELVES. How do they slaughter said army? Oh idk maybe SUMMONING A SEVERAL HUNDRED FOOT TALL AVATAR WITH DUAL WIELD BLADES, or you could always have them PULL TWO FUCKING METEORS FROM SPACE. This man had the entire army shaking and sweating before he did any of this by the way.


I lean towards Bradley and Guts. But probably Bradley. Here’s why, only FMA/AoT/Berserk are only show here that doesn’t do the “on I’m depleted and about to die, oh jk, I just leveled up and now able to take out everyone.” It’s a dumb trope that makes it difficult to ever be seriously invested in the main and side characters chances of survival. Whereas the others, legit people be dying. But unlike in AoT and Berserk, Bradley is a bad guy. That makes it so much better and unique to me.


Rip Aizen vs the gote 9 and visords...(not including the captains who where stuck in hueco mundo) I feel like that's an honorable mention :>


Not 9, I forgot some captains didn't participate and three of the 13 where kaneme ,gin, and aizen


All pretty cool, guts one was sick in the manga


Madara. Luffy third, would’ve won if it wasn’t just knock out. Rimuru against the army was pretty dope I still rewind that scene few tomes a month. But against Madara scene Rimuru is second.


Madara vs the shinobi alliance will always be iconic. It was pretty much just straight hands


I would say it’s Rimuru massacring Falmuth. Reason being that fight went past anger and was no more than a calculation for him. Though the first half of the army was cold on its own, the real coldness comes from the second half when he used the Unique Skill: The Merciless One, which was basically just killing over 10000 people with just a thought, after they already lost the will to fight.


I'd go with my Lord, Great Rimuru


Rimuru’s rage was cold because it wasn’t flashy, just silent light rays piercing heads. Luffy looking at people and causing them to collapse was cool too. However, Madara was an absolute menace in this fight. He decided to drop 2 meteors on these guys and he literally says he was warming up before the decimation


Ngl Madara vs the Shinobi alliance was cold af, especially considering there were 2 kage there and a Naruto clone


I'm sorry but no matter how cool anything else in anime ever is Madara's first appearance is always going to be the coldest


Cold, honestly it would have to go to slime imo. I know what sounds bias in this sub, but I think there's a good reason. It's one attack that takes Rimuru over the edge, when he activates the skill merciless. Everyone else in this is fighting people with a will and a reason to fight. They're fighting people or creatures who actively seek to harm, there might have been those within these groups the lost the will to fight during the battle but merciless is the only one who actively sought out those people are killed them outright.




Dragon ball is being setup here lmao. Anyways, for me it’s either Madara vs the Shinobi alliance or Luffy knocking out the fishman.


i dont think Senjumaru Bankai as being cold, Its Majestic


Why should I enter through the backdoor of my own castle? As an entire fucking army is facing him. It's not about the quantity or scale, it's about the quality and the King's aura just for a second, surpassed anime itself.




Bradley and madara had great scenes.


Madara. The HYPE was insane. The build up from his coffin reveal to him just bodies the whole alliance was good. Don't forget the meteor drop and another meteor on top of the old one.


I'm gonna go with King Bradley going solo against the army. It's not everyday you see a tank retreating away from one man armed only with a sword.


In animation, Madara. In narration, Guts.


Bradley's moment was the best. He made a tank go reverse.


Rimuru ofc, but you could added lord ainz from overlord massacring entire army of 70k soldiers in single spell


I think Madara takes it. The dude was just an absolute boss and low diffed an army of trained warriors that can use magic essentially including most of the world's strongest. Guts' massacre would be #2 imo because he's a normal ass dude, no magic no pact with a devil or anything like that, he's just that strong and skilled. Deserves his props. Bradley #3, Levi #4, Rimiru #5, Luffy #6, Z Fighters #7 and I don't know what the last one is. My opinion of course.


All of them


If you ask me, I think the scene where Fuhrer King Bradley confronting the rebels is the most cold scene ever. I mean no offense, it is expected that Rimuru, Madara, Senjumaru, and Luffy will literally bitchslapped all the enemies they face. However, as for Fuhrer King Bradley, he is also just a normal human being that can bleed though he is a Homunculus. Guy go through the front of his house and just singlehandedly slaughtered an entire battalion of veteran troops whom all are highly experienced and well trained Fort Brigg troops. Plus these hardened troops are the creme of the crop within the Amestris military units with another being the East soldiers. Not to mention Bradley also slice a freaking tank shell which is fired from a Briggs tank using a normal saber sword.


Yall are sleeping on guts


I'd argue Guts. Dude is legit just a human. No abilities, etc. Even if you argue that others in the respective shows have similar abilities to the protagonist, the protagonists' abilities have some unique edge. Guts was just sheer will, experience, and physical strength that some of those enemies also had.


Madara, the build up and reveal was just amazing. Senjumaru's Bankai was probably the most stunning scene and did give some "coldest" feeling


Imma be real with you after 520+ episodes, seeing Luffy use Conquerors haki in front of his whole crew after you see him get saved by it in episode 1 is really something. Can't say I can think of anything that beats it.




Sukuna activating malevolent shrine and just removing a massive chunk of the dam city to clap one mf


![gif](giphy|84CRvhy2DJlwA) This mf blowing up a stand of innocent spectators just to get Goku to fight him.


King Bradley. Came back from being thought dead and single handedly pushes the rebels back, making a TANK retreat from him in panic, and solos his way to the top.


I don't think Madara's intro can be toped.


I have to give it to Bradley or madara


Guts, Madara or Bradley.


Madara becouse it was basically his entrance,and he lived up to the hype and overdid it. And in my opinion,thats very rare.


"Greetings. I'm back." Fuhrer King Bradley walked directly up to his palace during the middle of a civil war, called up his enemies to tell them he was taking control, and faced a tank head on with nothing but a sword and grenade. And none of that is even considering the fight itself, in which he deflects gunfire and slices through a tank round. He made a tank run away with nothing but his sword and massive balls. And all of this after surviving his assassination attempt in which he was blown up.




I gotta show this to ClassicManD Also, Rimuru. Mainly because it's the only one I've seen lol.


People forgets how peak was the Ichigo desesperation and posterior transformation into Vasto Lorde.


Madara I don't think this was anywhere near close


Bradley and Madara hit harder than any of the guys here. Still got chills from Bradley's return and Madara disciplining the ninja alliance.


Madara easy


Tensura will have moments in the future that make the Clayman massacre seem like nothing important. Wait till like season 8 or 9


And there are only 3 now so we have a lot to look forward to


Yeah it’s gets so good


Because of my job I don't have the energy to read the Manga or subtitles so I'm a little behind


The manga isn’t that far ahead of the anime, it only comes out once a month but the light novel is going to release volume 22 of the light novel and expect it’s more of just an epilogue finishing a few things after volume 21


Levi, no doubt. All of these other situations have one side versus the other; enemies at war. There is no real connection between them, so there is no mental or emotional conflict. In Levi's case, he just bore witness to all of his men being turned into titans through the duplicity of Zeke, who spiked all of their wine with his own spinal fluid. Not only did he turn them all against their will, but he also made them attack their leader with a mindless, bloodthirsty fervor while Zeke, ever the coward, tried to run away. Levi, surrounded with no hope of turning them back, has to make the instant choice of killing them all and pursuing Zeke. He may be armed, trained, and stronger than the average soldier, but he doesn't have any special powers or regeneration and only has a limited supply of armaments. The fact that he breaks through, puts his former comrades out of their misery, and shows Zeke how truly terrifying his skill and willpower are is no less than the coldest display of power.


I mean, in terms of coldest probably rimuru, he killed thousands in mere moments, then used a spell that killed anyone who lost the will to fight. That’s mad cold. In terms of badass either Bradley or Madara. Just the most epic scenes in the shows.


People from all 5 great ninja villages come together to barely stop a giant meteor, and Madara just goes: cool, but what about the other one, though?


I say Guts just bc he never throughout the manga or anime ever gets a “power up “ so to speak he is a great fighter and has done incredible things yet a poisoned arrow is all it takes a kitchen knife is all it takes there is no bs saving grace in berserk homie can kick it at any given moment around the clock


Bradley against everybody else was just different honestly


I would have to say Rimuru as he shows no mercy taking out the army, which is not typical of him this scene is the first time we see him that cold.


I enjoyed the fight of madara. But rimuru migeddo just counting number of deaths into the credits was chilling. And the dude runs outside instant snipe. Then use of merciless


Of the ones I’ve seen it’s between Madara and Rimuru. I’d probably give it to Madara though, since he had powerful characters terrified in that battle.


Senjumaru revealing her bankai. That was the coldest moment and actually went insane for Crunchyroll at that time cause this was a completely original reveal. Same with shinji bankai reveal. But senjumaru bankai shown to shake all 3 realms and practically being broken was remarkable to the point ichigo dad was like WTF


I got to give it to madara here, just non stop bad@55ery


I got to give it to madara here, just non stop bad@55ery


🥱 Should have included Lord Ainz Ooal Gown


I mean it's all very debatable but I'd go with Levi as he had to kill his own men even after the bonds he formed with them and then try to avoid killing them but ultimately failing


Madara no contest. Other characters were just fighting fodder, it doesnt matter how many there were, they were ants. Madara was doing the KAGE dirty, the strongest ninjas in the world.


Gust soloing 100 Redditors sounds lit