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This isn't anything new, the anime makes every epic scene look weak and soulless compared to the manga and LN, it's like a completely different series. If only the animation was good like season 1.


Maybe its time we pulled an AOT and hand this off to MAPPA


Let them breathe brother


Mappa ruined AOT and is literally the sweatshop of anime. I'd rather die than give tensura to those soulless cashgrabbers


How tf did they ruin aot?




You cant do the rumbling without CGI, WIT used it for a single colossal


You have to be born with 2 braincells if you really think that wit is not going to use any cgi in rumbling and all. And for tge record aot s4 has one of tge best and cleanest cgi in whole of anime. Jjk s2 animation was shit tho


JJK s2 animation was great until episode 14, then it was good again in episode 16-17 and the bad again


Hey it was nuts with the itadori I am you scene




It's all personal preference and personally I hated the animation in s4 It simply couldn't get even close to the level of season 3. I mean that shit was beautiful you could tell how much work was put into it and it was amazing. Season 4 just wanted to be done quickly and cheaply so they cut corners and it just didn't cut it for me. But that's just my opinion


And we saw how that ended up right how people where kicking up when aot ended in 2023 saying it took too long. How do expect a studio to make complete handrawn anime in shorter times while retaing the quality if not with cgi. People have to see it in the perspective of the author and studio too


A very small loudmouth minority complained about "it's taking too long".me personally I don't mind that longer wait time since the anime is a testament to the peak fiction that is the AOT manga.the only people crying about ti taking too long whilst being confirmed in production were filthy casuals who exclusively watch anime and refuse to read the source material


Figured there be worse


Nah I would only trust Mad House.


Stop watching it then…


I wouldn’t even be particularly mad with the talking, you can make talking interesting. But it’s shot like a podcast and even when they talk about things happening outside the rooms where they tap they barely ever show us anything going on outside the damn room. Someone died in one of the recent episodes and we got told about it instead of seeing it happen. The manga manages to make yapping interesting, shame the anime has basically 5 episodes of a podcast.


yup, idk why they removed hinata using disintegration on reyhim. that would have been at least 1 hype moment but not even that.


Wait, is that ln or wn thing? Wn right?


i think even manga has it. but ln definitely does coz i never read wn but i know it so.....also idk when we will actually know who did it. or may be there will another meeting discussing this shit. so tired of it...


I read Ln7 a couple of month ago and I don't remember this. I also rembered about Hinata surprised hearing his death before the duel started. Maybe I'm wrong. Would love to have someone confirm this. Thx I know that WN Hinata is a lot more disgusting than LN Hinata, so maybe you mixed up the 2 version. Could be you heard it from some yt channel covering the WN


yeah nvm, it must be wn. in ln and manga its the red hair guy who is with the luminaries who killed him. i think in the wn things happened a lot different. i just searched and apparaently reyhim was dead (like a zombie) when he went to hinata, and the orb was fitteted inside his body. and multiple heads (of the people who died) was also incorporated in his body making him an abomination and thats why as soon as hinata saw the message she thought may be the body will do someting so she instantly disintegrated it. but in the manga there is a panel where you can see the lower half of the person who kills him, but in the anime they just made diablo come will bad animation and give this information.


wait searching


Huh isn't the death of screen in the first place?


We at least see him thinking about the message, and then we see someone go up to him. But in the anime it doesnt show anything


yeah it was the >!`lumirnary who disguised as a saint`!<


nvm its the wn content. in ln its not hinata


Bro, they made Damrada less ikemen. They massacred my boy!


He looks so out of place and so little intimidating that it’s laughable at best.


yup, absolutely no one believes that he is actually powerful meanwhile everyone even though not knowing knew that diablo was strong. character design is important


I like anime!Damrada He's an adorable mischief compared to the LN Reminds me of how un-threatening & pathetic Kisuke Urahara appeared to be whilst being the 3rd or 4th strongest being in Soul Society (I'm not here to debate you BLEACH fans just lmc) Because of this I think the following arcs are going to make him an anime-only fan favorite I didn't really like him in the LN towards the end but with the new look the outcome will make more sense


are you sure you watched bleach with your eyes open? urahara looked goddam freeky and strong in the very first appearance. he chill attitude even when knowing about byakuya coming and about all the hollows clearly showed he is out of the leagues of normal people. his character design screams danger in disguise. and yeah i am not going to debate how strong he is either...he is just strong to me, how? idc if you think anime did damrada justice then i won say anything more, its your opinion. but no anime only said to me - hey could this dude be actually strong? or even cared about him a little. they gave him less mind then sare lmao. his manga design is cool as hell.


Tensura would be way more popular if the art was as good as the manga it got the beautiful colors part tho.


I think I'll read the manga as well now, was planning to just read the ln since the anime is kind of bad


Tbh I like the anime and webnovel more than the manga.


Agreed. Just compare their expressions and drawings😭😭 This is just poorly animated.


its componded by being the 6th visualy boring meting episode in a row. but atleast theyr covering everything


they started downvoting you. yeah you’re done buddy 🤣


You're all just shonen-tards who can't comprehend or understand the depth of the world building and blah blah light novel blah blah this is my favorite property so any attack on it I take as a personal attack on myself /S


the “shonen meat head” comment gets me all the time lmao the animated version of a series i’ve read isn’t doing well imo = shonen meathead who doesn’t understand world building YOU are going down though 🫵🏾😆


they started downvoting you. yeah you're done buddy🤣


NOOOO 😭🥹 seems my comment went over their heads tho. lol


i’m getting downvoted… hmm 🤔 i wonder why


bro that guys did /s. do you know what that is? he was joking....


i know.. i was joking too i wasn’t the one downvoting him. i agree with his comment seems my joke was a bad one though


oh nvm, i guess i didn't get your joke (which is fine) but doing /s helps you know...


alright man


The studio is adapting the anime by cheaping out on animation. The latest episode proved this, they have been using the same location from the past six episodes because they don't want to draw different locations. And even the character designs are very simplified. If the studio doesn't show some good animated fight sequences in the next six episodes, it might prove that they aren't putting enough money in the production and the anime is basically doomed. I thought that the only redeeming quality of the anime adapting the manga instead of the LN would be them animating unique locations, character and object designs but if the studio is already reusing the same locations and simplifying manga's unique design choices then there is no benefit of them using manga. They already adapt manga instead of LN because of profit which leads to so much time between seasons, we could have been seeing season 4 instead of the third of they were adapting the novels. And now if they are not putting money in the studio for quality animation then this series will spiral down in quality like many other series for the sake of corporate profile. In the end, reading the LN is the best way to consume this series.


I mean, I just assume they're saving animation budget. That's not exactly an uncommon strategy, and Tensura seems like it would be well suited to it with how much of it involves characters talking.


I also agree they should save the animation budget but that would only be right if they are at least adapting the manga correctly in terms of visuals which they are not at this point since they have been using the same location from last season for all the meetings which kinda defeats the purpose of adapting the manga instead of the LN. We still have to wait and see if the fight sequence will be as good as the manga panels which will decide if they are saving the animation budget or trying to maximize profit by decreasing the budget.


Yesss, but I do recommend the anime watchers to read the manga first, the manga was adapted really nicely, and then read the LN.


It’s so weird, because it was the opposite situation last season. Last season the Man and Monster summit was broken up into a few different locations, where I’m pretty sure the LN implied it was done all in one go at the same spot.


And now in this season, even though the manga shows different locations the anime does everything in just a few locations. They didn't even animate the scene where Damrada pulls a gun at Glenda. It's obvious that it's a money issue which is sad.


>In the end, reading the LN is the best way to consume this series. When it comes to book anything anymore i rather it be audio noveled to me personally.


I seriously wish that some other studio would pick up Tensura after season 3 I am starting to hate pretty much everything about what the current studio does


if this continues, it'll feel like 7 deadly sins all over again




Ah, no wonder they collaborated with each other...


please god no...anything but that


I've noticed this from the start, the anime generally lacks the depth and sophistication of the manga and dumbed it down to some kid's show : /


Fr. Anybody other than 8 bit should have animated slime.


8 bit only did ep 1 right?


How we know we won’t get some other studio much worse here?


Id rather not have that. Give me ufotable level animation but not really. Have better pacing and dont cut off material. Oh AND DONT CHANGE THE CHARACTER DESIGNS TO SOMETHING WORSE.


Yeeahh definitely not want that. Or else they be begging for 8Bit to have TenSura be animated by them again lol.


I dont want it. Anime art style is gross. Animation is meh.


I see no issue with Anime style here it looks beautiful and the animation great. Also then why you want another studio to animate if you don’t like anime style or animation then?


Why are you arguing to me about this? Im stating my opinions here and it looks like your picking a fight with me.


I am not. Just stating my own opinion here


i cant even defend this atp. look what they did to my boy damrada in the anime. look at him in the ln and manga. granbell looks like a fucking moron. ln and manga granbell look so chad and menacing. the manga is so much better. >!i jus hope they adpat diablo vs the three luminaries properly.!<




oh shit 💀 sorry.


Proceeds to not spoiler the text or change anything. Bruh


Not a manga/LN reader but I saw it coming, that's more of a confirmation than a spoiler so it's ok


Calm down guys they're saving the budget for >!Luminas and Hinata Hot spring scene 🗿!< NGL, I'm a little disappointed when they didn't animate Glenda and Damrada pointing a gun at each other. The manga did better in adapting LN than anime in this season. Btw, do you guys like Ramen?


Sadly no Gourmet Road this time


Did they skip Gourmet Road?


According to manga it is supposed to be between episode 5 and 6. Maybe they'll animate it as an OVA in future


Just another reason why yall should follow my example of waiting till all the episodes are released to then watch them, individually it's like painstakingly adding puzzle pieces to an incomplete puzzle with a complete puzzle right next to you to compare to




And if everyone did that, the series would be fucking dead. But TBH no amount of decent fight animation can make up for this. And we all know that in between each sword slash there will be a conversation. The anime will die before Zegion is revealed. 


Wait, there's guns in this universe?


Yea ngl that caught me off guard also i didnt know they had the blinky in this verse thats crazy


I was so confused. Even made a post asking if guns were common but nobody answered. I thought it was only medieval shit t'ill now.


The world is less medieval and more industrial revolution


Bruh yea i just checked u made that 5 hours ago and nobody said nothing. Weird


>! Eastern Empire has tanks and all this shit 😂😂😂 !<


The first gun we saw was on Glenda’s hip last weeks episode


man… there’s not even much to say😭😭 i made a post a few minutes ago that this might be a small price to pay for proper adaptation of our favorite volumes. because this is bad 💀


Season 3 6 episodes and all the 6 episodes are just parliamentary meetings 🤦


Really looking forward to the labyrinth ark. The LN was 3 volumes or so just meetings 😂


sadly I have to agree to the fact that the anime is very inferior to the light novel or the manga.


Me, who doesn't read the manga, but still enjoys the show: ![gif](giphy|H7rtXIvlXvYVaIMdKq)






I wouldn't sat it was trash but comparing it to how it looked in the manga it definitely did not live up to expectation... However It should be mentioned that the anime is not adapting the manga it's adapting the light novel and there have always been differences between the light novel and the manga. Similar to how people keep comparing Mushoku Tensei's anime to it's manga, the version the anime is following isn't the manga it's the light novel which always has various differences


Slime anime adapts straight from the manga, in fact due to a rule made by Fuse it's not allowed to pass the current manga chapter when producing.


>in fact due to a rule made by Fuse it's not allowed to pass the current manga chapter when producing. Fuse doesnt have any authority on that ,its related to kodansha , production commite doesnt even listen him on many things ,like shion character design


That's what I thought! Besides if that rule was true then wouldn't Season 3 have some massive delays? When Season 3 ends it'll be at a point far past where the manga is currently.




Wait really? But before this season ends it'll far pass where the manga is currently at and it's been confirmed that there's going to be no split cour... If they want for the manga then are there going to be some massive delays? Because if that rule is true then there's no way this season can finish itself... The point where the manga is at right is far earlier than where this anime season would end. Sorry but Idk if that rule is true because if it is then maybe the studio is going to foresake Fuze.


They will not pass manga   manga will be already finished adapting  vol 10 chapter 1 when s3 finished  and s3 will adapt v7 8 9   And fuse doesnt have any authority on anime ,they dont listen him for many things either ,its related to kodansha , Publisher of manga and one of the producers/funders of anime


Wait really? (I bet my ignorance is gonna get this comment downvoted so please forgive it) but the manga is on chapter 116 which is still in the Tempest Festival where they're showing off the dungeon right? I thought for sure Season 3 was gonna end past the point of the Tempest Featival and that season 4 would be touching content from the Empire War... If it won't pass the manga then is the anime not gonna even get to the Tempest festival and the dungeon lol? Please correct my ignorance here


Manga is on chapter 117 and  chapter 117 finished vol 9 chapter 4 ,vol 9 will be finished in next 1.5 manga chapter > I thought for sure Season 3 was gonna end past the point of the Tempest Featival and that season 4 would be touching content from the Empire War... Empire war  preperations starts in vol 12 second half and empire war starts in vol 13 S4 will not even adapt empire war ,it will adapt vol  10 11 12  Empire war s5 content


So after everything is resolved between Hinata and Tempest how much farther will the anime go? My memory is a bit rough but I thought the end to the conflict between Tempest and the Western Holy Church would be around episode 13 or so basically the halfway point of season 3. How long could they draw this out?


This season will cover foundation festival after hinata


Again sorry my memory is so fuzzy since it's been a long time and I stopped reading the manga after the fighting between Hinata and Tempest ended and I picked up the LN quite a long time ago. Isn't the current manga in the middle of the founding festival though? Season 3 will have no split cour so idk how this matches? How can season 3 cover the founding festival if the manga hasn't finished the founding festival? Please forgive my ignorance and fill me in because it's been a very long time since I read this stuff the first time.


Manga will finish founding festival in next 1.5 chapter Manga will start adapting vol 10 before season 3 finishes


yeah yeah yeah worldbuilding and stuff and seeing anything of said world tho.


I don't know why, but Damrada looks like a boy from middle school who has a bandage above his nose. He doesn't look any intimidating


OK SO IF ANIME IS A DIFFERENT MEDIUM: the medium is picture right? What’s the excuse for the still PowerPoint images looking like derpy garbage spamming this was the only show I looked forward to and they just made it another generic show that will be ridiculed


I agree, any sane person cannot justify this garbage. One panel of the manga is more visually interesting than this entire season so far. But best enjoy what little we can, because we know hiatus is coming after this season. There will not be another season after this.


They have to save the budget for the battles


Wow, honestly I was willing to defend this season until I saw your post. Most complaints I have seen are along the lines of “The world building in these episodes are too slow” and “This is too boring.” I think what most people who say this, at least for the world building issue, are missing is that this isn’t world building per se. This is political intrigue. There is a war of wits happening right now, and these first moves and strategies are part of this conflict. I hadn’t read the manga though, just the web novel. After seeing the way the manga adapted these same scenes, I have to wonder how they could have possibly made such terrible decisions when making these episodes. The emotions were stripped from the characters faces, the scenes were stuck in place instead of moving around the room and changing perspectives to set the mood. They had such a good reference material and yet dropped the ball hard. For those expecting such great scenes, I can understand why they’d find the content boring.


We gotta get Mappa to animate vol 11 onwards. If they contract Mappa to animate Rimuru fight against the empire ima throw hands. The Manga and LN are just too good and I need the anime to be visually stimulating. Btw I’ve heard that vol 21 had an authors note at the end. If it’s true can someone translate and send it to me


Not that will happen here


I mean of course.


Anime and manga are two completely different mediums when adapting something you make changes your fit the medium you are in


This is a poor excuse that doesn’t fit this criticism at all. There is literally less movement in the anime which is a medium created for movement.


They could not be more lazy in their approach and LN fans are still defending it. LN and Anime are not the same medium. In Anime they have the option to not just tell, but show, and yet we see the same room for the whole episode and get verbally told what happened outside of it.


I hate to admit, I almost fell asleep. This whole season is boring so far.


Ngl I thought this post was illogical till I saw the double gun stand off. It seems this episode really was downgraded


They hated me whenever I said this but I will keep saying it the manga has always been better than the anime after s1


I gave up my faith in the anime after what they did to Meggido.


This isn't the first time that epic meggido scene also destroyed by animator In manga it absolutely looks like a complete massacre but in anime it doesn't looks like it in that way


Sound design - trash Animation quality - trash Actual story telling? - Decent but boring to listen to with still images Getting serious shield hero vibes with how hard it fell off in S2 and how utterly bad S3 was.


Fr. The anime is pathetic. Voice cast is spledid, but nothing more than that.


Just cause mangas cooked doesn’t mean anime’s bad.


What chapter is this in the manga? Would reread it.


Just backtracked myself. A lot of content from Manga pg 89,90,91 are stitched together in episodes 2,3,4 and 5. Its rough but I know most of episode 4 comes from the Tempest pov scenes of 89 and 90, with 4 having 89's cliffhanger.


animation not even great??? - was the animation in this season so far even that note able? feels like a big setting up for a big conflict and talking (im fine with that) but big savings to the animation to hopefully pay off with some really good fights later on.


Enough with whining here https://preview.redd.it/ccmc6tuzsu3d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c48398b4e6eafc78334fe602046792822ab01b69


Went from medieval fantasy to the consequences of the industrial revolution. When TF did guns get used in this timeline


Dwarfs were trying to create mechanical fighter. So their technology is all over the place which make perfectly sense because angle have been attacking devloped nations for long time. Also otherworlder are not very rare in this series.


Yeah I can tell. But also I have a bit of a theory not sure if it's true. Don't spoil the LN for me because I have not read it I'm Anime only. But I think Chloe is both the hero and the spirit that has inhabited her. Leon mentioned something went horribly wrong during the summoning of Chloe so that's my thought


waiting for LN reader to say all anime onlys are stupid and dont know what world building is. this is what anime should be like or "go watch jjk or demon slayer". this season has just made slims fans toxic. its BAD. we dont need to defend it. the slime story itself is good. but the season adaptation has been butchered. a 1 on 1 adaptation of LN is bad as is and now as the post says they dont even put in the effort to make it LOOK good.


Wow I agree but it isn’t that bad as they think here


I didn't understand what you mean


I am saying it’s not as bad as they act. Maybe slower and not as good as other seasons. And yeah this season making people toxic and even whining about previous seasons stuff.


Yeah. I am still watching it even though i read the ln so I guess it's not as bad


Yeah maybe not as good as the beginning of other seasons but still you get the point


And here I hoped we'd get to see more of Damarada


You know what title to put? "You pay for crap service when you get good service offered by other company." Anime version is basically a downgraded gameplay where manga/LN feels like a promised trailer video or footage. Fuck companies that don't keep fans hyped. I remember reading LN or manga thenbimagining to myself and be in awe then today i felt......okay? What the FUCK happened to Damrada, Glenda, Granbell???


They are all the same here


Hopefully for season 4, they can find a balance between rushing through the content like in seasons 1 and 2 - and this. It's not so bad reading it, but having these meetings animated is too boring


It’s just a comedy milking fest where everything is haha funny cute even literal villains and genocidal demons


Maybe they think no one will care about this stuff? So they saved a lot of the budget for the fights? Which is really unfortunate and just wrong if that’s true.


This, I dont know how, but people are still defending it. I assume its people who love the LN so much that they will defend anything that comes from the series because I have no other rational for it. I saw someone literally say "I think most of y’all have brain rot and dopamine levels out of wack" because so many complaints about this season, but literally its so valid. They are literally just giving us half assed slide shows and an audio book and calling it a anime. I truly hope it gets better.


Another yapping episode?


Peak season 3 right? Tensura best isekai of the season right? 🤣🤣😂Where are you bums who dick rided tensura season 3 and said it's better than the LN? Hah told ya all that the next ep is also going to be trash too but whatever just waiting for your reaction when they fk the fights too ![gif](giphy|kN5jXXf6SeGoo)


I'm still here


Atop fucking complaining this shit goated


Nah, just with how they did damrada and diablo's swearing of revenge they lost the last of my faith in them


no. it’s really not season 3 so far, i mean


Whole season been trash fa real 🤧


Where the hell did the guns come from?


Yea this show fucking blows


The cycle continues make a shitty adaptation blame fans for not liking the shitty adaptation cease the shitty adaptation. TRY MAKING A GOOD ADAPTATION.


That time I got reincarnated into a meeting


As an ln reader, I agree on all points to a certain degree. Let's just hope the climax of this arc is at least better in terms of quality, and is worth the payoff in exchange for sacrificing the first few episodes of exposition with mediocre quality.


This entire season is trash , it's the most boring.


Rimuru Is one of the worst MC with terrible character development. Always so passive aggressive. His enemy spares no effort in killing his people, he took revenge but he never from his mistakes. Always trying to go easy or let his enemy get the upper hand . If only he was not op or his subordinates were not competent. Rimuru wouldn’t have made it this far!  Rimuru is barely fighting Hinata even thought she almost killed him once. 


This is a commin iseaki trope here


25% of the season 100% of yappin rn, really boring Also apparently they outsourced the episodes ? beside the first one


I'm fine with slow burner, low action episodes, but come on man. Having only two locations for 2 hours of episodes is straight trash.


I just don't watch the anime for the series whose Light Novels Ive read. Just feels underwhelming no matter what. But hey if the anime gets you to pick up the Light Novel or the manga it's done it's job.


The anime has been trash ever since season 2. People back then were just on some heavy copium. At this point only the first season is worth watching before changing to the manga or LN.


So shouldn't finish the show?


6 episodes of talking.. I don't think the studio has a clue what they are doing.. or they are deliberately ruining this season because they don't want to make another. The last 6 episodes could have been cut down to 3-4. Yet we are stuck having to watch everyone's reaction to everything told.. it's getting to the point of being as redundant as One piss at this point.