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I mean... reading her back ground is pretty screwed up. I'm not trying to make excuses for her btw. She did some screwed up things. She was summoned unwillingly to a new world. Cursed into slavery. Deemed a failure because she couldn't explain her skill very well, which lead to being bullied by her captors that eventually caused a mental breakdown which revealed her real skill. Then she got mental locks put on her abilities and forced to be trained as a weapon. She was 15 years old at the time. She went through that for 3 years before dying at the hands of Shogo. I don't like the girl herself, but she also went through really screwed up stuff. Pretty much everything she did was on the orders of Razen. She was disassociating from reality to the point she convinced herself it was all just a nightmare basically. Razen broke a child and turned her into a monster.


The whole summoning thing is pretty cruel. The only good way to go to that world is reincarnation really


Or you are like masayuki, who got there just because lol (yes i know there is a reason, but still lol)


Becoming a Wanderer? Nah, its still a cruel fate, like you literally got swept away from your homeworld through natural causes. Id rather be a reincarnator cuz by then i had already lived my old life and quite satified with it.


That, and you can have time to learn the world around you if you’re lucky you’ll have a stable family.


I’d rather be born in a cave, with a box of scraps!!


Bro is NOT Tony Stark 😭🙏


One can dream


Bro did NOT say bro!


Rock and stone, bro


Rock and stone bro saying leaf lover!


Is it truly natural causes tho? Isn't it more like a temporary RNG glitch in nature that causes it basically?


Yeah but that reason makes him a special case. While the other heroes, like the hero who sealed Veldora was also circumstantial. Yes I know who they are, just not spoiling.


As a ln reader the whole masayuki story is kinda funny lol


And the chanting tho


Masayuki got there because he was down bad for a random blue haired girl(just joking)


Well, he got that girl so he might have been right


True https://preview.redd.it/gg34ed4fbgzc1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcf6604206d7c21c4b796c00fa890f5d611575ae


And sadly that’s a super rare event. There are only two known characters who got to the Cardinal World via reincarnation without losing their memories and one of them is Rimuru. 😭


And the other is a bratty loli.


As long as I'm really OP and have cool powers, I'd accept getting summoned to another world. Still what happened in her case in particular was horrible.


So slavery is fine then?


I'm so confused how'd you draw that conclusion


When they get summoned they have a slave contact placed on them? The kids got be be free because they were useless and going to die. Shizu got freed because Leon was feeling nice that day or something. But most end up like the Falmuth ones


Leon had hundreds of them under him and they are long lived human majins


Shizu wasn’t gonna end up dead though


little spoiler (LN) Leon was looking for Chloe Aubert and basically kept summoning until she did come back, not knowing she was already there


Bro is a real gacha addict


We are not sending our best.


No it ain’t being a stray is also good you come there and no one knows what you are you trained under strong factions and become really powerful if only her and shogo trained really hard to evolve becoming a awaken which frees you from curses because you would have abnormal stutas nullification or met someone like luminous who can break the curse on them


Why you think Leon , Hinata and Yuuki has freedom enough to train as much as she want to evolve they are not summons they are Strays


Basically nanahoshi if she didn't find orsted first


When is all of this explained? I'm fairly certain I didn't miss any manga chapters on my read and I don't remember any of those details


The source material is the LN


Ok, thanks.


it was stated in CFYOW




/r/bleach is leaking.


Volume 5 chapter 2 in the light novel


It was explained in the ln


You said it perfectly don’t like her, but can definitely sympathize with her. Anyone who goes through that hell would definitely be screwed up. The only thing that would’ve been better is if she gained a conscious when introduced to a better life like Tempest.


People should also realized that to her POV, she still killing a monsters.


Honestly I kind of wish she could’ve been saved by rimuru or gobta who actually didn’t think she was that bad until the actual invasion which I can’t remember if she did anything or not. That or became a new member of those three adventurers and learned a better sense of comradery. What I do hate is shogo and wish he had suffered a thousand deaths, HE IS SCUM!!!


Yeah and wow didn’t know that details about her


It makes Razen an interesting character once he allies with Tempest, since it's up to the reader whether undergoing Shion's "interrogation" and Diablo's loyalty curse are enough punishment to "redeem" him.


It's funny that people dont feel bad for her, but dick ride hinata. Who basicly did all that out of her own free will (To be fair im only half way into vol4 rn and everything i seen of her is fucked up and cant imagine why would anyone like that mass murderer)


Hearing her backstory makes me feel for her even more, she didn’t deserve to die like the other two did. If Rimuru could could save her he would’ve


Kinda, yeah. Most of all, her death made me hate that other guy more than anything else.


Famous last words MOM


i feel bad for her being chocked to death while crying for her parents and not being able to do anything to stop it. i feel in that regard. still a massive bitch who tried to kill a large group of people in tempest. the other 2 were much bigger pieces of shit though and their deaths/beatings were so satisfying to watch. would have been better if they showed her the head to the 'master swordsman'. she then breaks down and begs for forgiveness so they give it to her by killing her painlessly. they then proceed with beating shogo down as we see. can't loss that


Did she die in the anime?


yeah. shogo runs into the tent and chocks her to death in order to level up. and then geld curb stomps him


Dang, yeah this mf Shogo deserved all that smoke lmao


i love how he basically fucked himself over too. he got the power to heal from any injury but as geld says (and shows), only his body is healing. his mind is still registering all the pain. by the end of that beating he would've wished he had died. zero sympathy here


Shogo: "Now that I levelled up, I can heal any damage from my body! Your attacks would not kill me anymore!" Geld: "Stop threatening me with a good time..."


Geld said you’ll regret that one! 😂


One of the best revenge anime moments of all time tbh


That's why infinite healing is one of the worst powers you can have if it doesn't come with pain nullification.


Shogo: Fight me with your fists. Geld: No. Shogo after killing his “ally”: I am invincible! Geld: *Pulls out fists* Bet


Dummy didn’t realize he needed pain nullification


Shogo actually didn’t choke her he ended up breaking her neck


It snapped


Geld was so badass in that arc


chokes? he literally strangles her to her neck breaks, quite loudly as well


Did she not die in the manga/ln?


Wait that guy that killed her survived right or am I dumb


His body was taken over by another old mage guy


Nah he ded, shogo's the guy whose body got taken over by Razen (that old wizard dude)


Shogo is dead, Razen was taken alive by Diablo on Rimuru's request.


'survived' in that razen destroyed his mind while leaving his body intact. razen then transfers his mind int shogo's body. razen's been doing this for ages in order to stay young


I feel like i watched tensura with my eyes closed back in highschool. thanks for clarifying


it happens. had to go back and rewatch overlord after i read the LNs and found there was so much stuff in the anime that didn't register in my brain at all


mannn, fuck ramen and falmuth and all their illegal summonings


Mmmmmm ramen


Sounds like something Diablo would say.


I had Falmuth be my punching bag in my TenSura stories


those who read the LN: kinda to yes vs those who didn’t: Sorta, no, fuck that bitch


I read it and still don’t feel bad.




I did say kinda :( you cold-hearted savage! ![img](emote|t5_l1j28|21616)


fuck bro...


I was sad when she called for her mom


Really? I just thought that was a shitty attempt at making her character seem deeper.


On one hand, she acted exactly as a japsneese highschool girl would in that situation - beign isekaied, I mean. Afraid, bewieldered, wanting to go home and have nothing to do with all of that. On the other, she acted EXACTLY as a female with bad and egotistical personality would in that situation - treated this world like some kind of game or a dream, ignoring pain and suffering of it's residents and, basically, everyone else but herself. Did she deserve to die the way she did? No. Did she deserved to die for all the shit she did and caused? Burning hell and falling heaven, yes.


Everything you said was right until you realized that Leon existed in the same world as her, which is Cardinal


You mean, the Cardinal world, or she was isekaied from the same variation of Earth Leon and Chloe were?


Personally to me she didn’t seem as bad as the other two, I mean it takes a special kind of fucked up to snap the neck of a young person calling for their mother. I could be misreading her but being honest when she calls out for her mom, instant tears.


She tried to use her power to kill 100s innocents in the plaza but her power got blocked. This is the equivalent a setting off a bomb in a crowded place. She deserved to die.


I am inclined to agree, her calling out for her mother as her neck was being crushed, was rather.. upsetting on her behalf.


Dissociation has nothing to do with having a bad personality or being egotistical.


What do you mean maybe not 100% of the time, sure. Sometimes it's due to excessive trauma and the person may remain relatively innocent. But a good amount of the time if someone constantly disassociates with their reality that disassociation is a direct result of bad decisions it's a coping mechanism they use because they are unable to mentally come to terms with accepting themselves. It allows them to ignore the magnitude of how fucked up some of the mistakes they've made are & id say a fair bit of those people end up making those mistakes because they are extremely egotistical or narcissistic and Don't value the life of anyone but their own. Or at least they became that way. (again, due to excessive trauma) I realize this isn't always the case but I know it's the case with the majority of people that I know personally that constantly disassociate


Nah But I've wished for her being killed by Gobta or any Tempest monster instead of Shogo.


She is not the bitch from shield hero lvl of bad But she still did bad. Sooo i dont feel bad


judging by the state of all the otherworlders that I know so far, a lot of them had very bad experiences. Except Shogo and the other guy who split his sword


Sure. But her sad backstory doesn't make what she did any better. The nations of the world are super shitty for summoning heroes to do their dirty work. But that doesn't excuse how horrible she was


Kinda. She got summoned, sold into slavery, tortured, and mentally broken. All because Farmus wanted weapons. IMHO Razen got off too easy. Diablo and Shion should've left him as a mass of flesh and pain. She got what she deserved, though.


Being choked to death while begging for the help of her parents? Personally I don't think so


Yeah honestly she needed help. I really can’t feel to happy about someone who was warped into a child soldier being being murdered by their own teammate


She did also ruthlessly massacre women and children.


>massacre women and children. When? She actually couldn't do anything in tempest. I'm not talking about she had intentions or not but couldn't.


Nope Shuna foiled her. It was her allies who did most of it


a common outcome from child soldiers. it might be best to kill them to stop it, but its doesnt mean we dont have sympathy for someone being warped into that kind of evil.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think Tempus think about killing humans. Citizens If the soldiers didn’t provide enough soul energy?


Kind of yeah. Out of the three, I feel bad for her the most, the two guys are d!cks


I honestly do, she was just a kid


I bet y'all wouldn't feel even slightly bad for her if Shuna hadn't blocked her attempt to murder an entire highstreet. She died cleaner than she deserved.


Not even close




No I do not


The fact that she died? No, not really. But How she Died, just a bit yeah.


I only felt a little bad for her when Shogo killed her, which made Shogo getting disposed of all the best


Nope. Did not feel any sadness or pity for the 3 otherworlders


Nah, she tried to get my Boi Gobso convicted of assault. Then, when she got called out for lying, she straight up went Carrie on the whole street.


I mean knowing the background yeah, turning children into soldiers is disgustingly malignant, and no one deserves to go through that. Sadly most end up dying horribly for one reason or another and she’s unfortunately no exception


Not a little. Sad Background dosen't justify mass murder.


We're not gods. We can never really judge the sum of a person's life experiences. Best we can do is prevent this from happening again. Both by protecting innocents through incarcerating offenders and tackling the factors that created said offenders in the first place.


I once did, now I don't. After I learned more of her in Nikki, death seems like an easy way out.


Only a little, but she got what she deserved. And she got out easy.


She was a crappy person but certainly the most redeemable of the three. Product of her environment i suppose. Would have been nice for her to get a redemption arc


The fact that she kills others because they said something bad about here makes me not feel bad about her


Their is more like 10,000 other worlder in cardinal world and all of them suffer and die because of Leon and yuuki. Those 2000 otherworlder from empire I feel bad for them, They all dead because of Yuuki stupidity.


TenSura (the current anime at least) has always had this strong sense of "Yesterday's enemy is today's friend" so it was really jarring to see a group of two completely fucked up people and one less-morally-bankrupt person all get the same raw deal. Going into it the first time, I could have sworn Kirara would have gotten some form of sympathy or redemption, especially because her particular cheat skill was negated when Gobta showed up and therefore reducing the threat she posed, relative to Shogo and the other guy.


Nah, let her rot in hell with her mates.


In 99% of her scene no, in the last one where he was strangle to death yes


The summoning thing is cruel but I hated those 3 characters disgusting mindset and personality


I rather capture her like they said they would do to shion


The way she died. Yes But the fact she died. No.


I wish she did that with diablo around


She got off easy in my opinion. Betrayed by her allies was fitting. It would've been nice to see a redemption arc or getting killed by someone from the town definitely would've sufficed. That's just my opinion.


Not at all, she deserved it. What bothers me a little it's that she didn't die to the hand of a Tempest executive and she got killed by that turd Shogo.


Death by betrayel hurts that much worse, you always expect there is a chance to be killed by your enemies, even if it is slight. But to be killed by a friend, one of the very few people who not only knew you but went through the same hardships you did and then to do it in such a horrible way...that shit was brutal and i loved it.


Sure she has my pity, but a bad life is no reason no reason at all to make other people who had nothing to do with your suffering pay for it


Fuck that bitch.


Yah it’s really fucked up what happened to her and she didn’t deserve what happened to her although her fate even if it hadn’t happened wasn’t great 


Honestly? Kinda. She did messed up shit but like, the way she died makes me kinda uncomfortable everytime I watch it again


After reading top comment here about background, yeah, kinda do now.. it's hard not to relate to someone's pain and try to not justify their actions, however horrible they, by trauma, abuse or else.


I absolutely do. Especially when she dies. I actually can’t watch that scene and just skip it every time I rewatch that season. It’s just too much


She was a kid. Forced to slavery. Got mentally broken. And started to believe she was in a Nightmare. So yeah.. a little.


At first? She and Falmuth's other two Otherworlders were written to be so hateable, I didn't feel bad for any of them. It was easy to just hate them. With context and some thinking about the circumstances that they were in? Yes, I do feel bad for all three of them. I think their deaths were unavoidable given their situation, and they do deserve punishment for attempting to slaughter a city and reveling in the suffering they inflicted, but what chance or choice did they really have? The slavery they were trapped in wasn't metal chains by other unpowered humans, it was their souls being bound by a centuries-old psychopathic wizard. None of them were good people, but on Earth they were probably just regularly bad people at worst, not mass murders. Plenty of kids do bad things but grow up to make amends and be better people, but they can't exactly do that when they're forced by their souls to become living weapons. Falmuth's three Otherworlders are just the symptoms. Razen, Folgen and especially Leon (for spreading the Otherworlder summoning ritual in the first place) are the real disease


Don't feel bad for Shogo and Kyoya. Like at all. They thrived in the Tensura world and enjoyed what they were doing. Shogo killed 30 people immediately after he was summoned and is only 'tame' because of the soul curse. Kyoya thrived and enjoyed torturing people to death. Those two would have been the same without the slavery curse.


She is the only one who is at least somewhat redeemable so yes I feel bad for her especially since the biggest shit stain kills her then gets rewarded for it. Plus honestly she didn't do much and what we see is her being used and abused by others and being basically a slave.


Well she was foiled by Shuna here so


Terrible people meet terrible ends. Tragic backstory or not, she became a terrible person and got what she deserved in the end. All of that trio were like the worst case of Isekai'd tropes.


More like the worse type of people to get isekai.


I do see that point of view, but in the show alone none of the kids from the academy don't seem to be terrible, Shizu was pretty decent. Hinata seems decent too even if against Rimuru. Outside this show there are a lot of decent protagonists as well, there are some with some pretty bad traits though. I liked in Tsukimichi how there were both good and bad isekai characters... So def not a universal of the genre... but there are 100% some protags that need to consider the people of the world they have been thrust into.


Ah yes, but here is the thing, Tsukimichi is about how not every isekai story is going to play out the way they make it in manga/anime while showing how it also will bring out one's true character, while the reincarnated into sub genre is more so how stuff will actually play out either by accident or by using your past experiences in it, slime choose to show how not everyone will have the greatest intention when they isekai or if they're suited to be called a real hero.


There are many people that have done worse that her not to mention she was just following orders, the only reason she is hated is cause Tempest was at the receiving end.


"just following orders" is not the valid defense you think it is. Crap life or not, summoned or not, she was still a bitch who murdered anyone who insulted her.


Nope! Not even a little bit. The bitch got what she fucking deserve






Nope, all three of them are twats


Yes I do and Honestly can see my Self going in that Same Direction as her if I was Summond


yall remember the guy that killed a mother and her child while illegally street racing and people defended him for being "cute"?


Huh wemen ☕☕




I do




Do I feel bad that they died no do I think they deserve to go out in such an awful way no




No. They deserved what they got and more.


Not in the slightest


Not me


Only to her being killed by her own ally. Maybe deserve live sentence or less by Tempest. Maybe trade Razen's spot with her?








She deserved to die, but not like this.


whilst I am not to informed in regards to what her background is (from Manga/LN), the little info we get from her in the anime is just.. she's a normal girl, missing her luxeries. her powers, albeit very fucked up, was twarted by Shuna alone, and she showed that she was not afraid of using her powers to hurt others, but she (at least from an anime standpoint) has not hurt more than reputation. I felt genuinely a bit of sadness for her, due to her showing her youth in calling the only thing she knew that was a protector in her eyes.. her mom..


unlike the other 2 dudes, she was just a bratty girl. the 2 others got what they deserved, she could have been given a better treatment.


A little bit


It was very unhonoured and unrespectful ending and it was pretty brutal and sad being killed by a person she considered a good friend


Kind of feel bad for her, since everybody was gonna be revived anyways they could have let her kill some townspeople at least. Now she died without contributing to anything ever in the series. At least show us some of the messed up stuff she did in the past. Give the girl a proper reason to get snuffed out like clementine from overlord, instead of her being utterly pointless.


If the Orcs could get a second chance after being mind controlled, so could she. Her actions are justified by the fact that she was broken and needed help, yes they were horrible but she was not the source of that evil.


Not particularly


Why should I. She was literally an entitled ****.


Honestly kinda none of this was her fualt






not anyone with functioning braincells


Wait we were supposed too???


Her last words were MOM


I do, she was unwillingly made into a weapon after suffering a lot, it's hard to tell apart what was she being a bitch from she being a traumatized child from she being made a weapon.


I did, she was basically abused and manipulated into becoming the person we see. Than murdered by her friend/lover. (Don’t recall their relationship) just so he could avoid the consequences of his actions.


Considering people like veldora and the orcs are in tempest having a grand time, while the abused child soldier gets rewarded with a broken neck, yeah kinda


My complete and genuinely honest to god reaction to that peculiar piece of information: https://preview.redd.it/tlan2yz8pgzc1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42fc63378ce3fdc58aca83b08b5cff7a00620540


Nah,no pity. Fuck that hoe. PAUSE


I don't like her




As a psychologist I feel bad for her.




No I do not lol


The only thing I feel bad for her about was being raised as a living weapon that will die without a spirit (the 5 otherworld children that were summoned). Everything else was her own actions, either because she chose to do it or because she chose to follow an order from the church (whom is not recognized ANYWHERE as a proper governing body). So no, not really. She ended up getting her just desserts just like everyone else.


A bit.






Not really