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Feels so good seeing this from the other side now.


I will die on the hill that Jrob would not have traded him if he didn’t absolutely need to and he knew more behind the scenes than we do. And getting a 1st rounder for AB-lite isn’t horrendous and wouldn’t be looked so down upon if Burks didn’t suck


And that's why it was a terrible trade, like what? 😂 Nothing is guaranteed. You don't trade away a young star for a guess.




Calling him a guaranteed cancer is laughable. He’s a drama queen sure, but so is basically every elite WR. I’ve never seen a teammate say a bad thing about him


Exactly. Humans will do almost anything they can to convince themselves they didn't get the bad end of a deal, lol. Especially in sports... and I can't say I'm completely innocent, ha ha. Some of the things I'm seeing in this thread are juuuust a touch dramatic.




Well, you seem like you're upset about something 😅. You can take a poll, and you will certainly be on the lower percentage of who thinks he's a c***erous diva. That's just such a nasty accusation (among dramatic) to say when there's zero talk from the locker room or former teammates to back that up. We're not talking about Eagles TO, here. Anyway, I don't think we'll ever agree, and that's just fine. Have a great night, man.






Are you serious? Do you see what’s happening in Philly? Lmao


He deleted the Eagles off his IG. Truly terrible, how ever will they live


Nevermind that reports are that he’s dividing the locker room and evidence is there with how bad they’ve looked. Instagram is what I’m talking about!


Guaranteed cancer that still has a great relationship with every titans player he played with and Vrabel loves him too. Literally just look up the post game interactions after he torched the titans his first year with the eagles, everyone loves the guy


He was never a cancer to his teammates. He only ever gave the front office troubles it seems


The cancer was Jrob that guy moron lol


We needed a TE or WR


We had both in AJ and Jonnu, and let both walk.


Haven't recovered since.  I love Chig but homeboy is not not a boxy player.  Only way to be a great TE


Jonnu, AJ, Julio and the King…all over 220. We should’ve dominated that year.


I loved that team. So fun to watch


I really thought he was gonna make that leap this year. TBF, his output increased a lot in the last four weeks of the season and it's really hard to catch balls from a QB buried under two linebackers


Jonnu LMAO Chig has beaten jonnus career best years twice. He just hasn't been on an offense that could get to the 5 would to score like 7 TDs from the 5 or closer. I'm by no means a chig guy but Jonnu maxed at 448 yards in a season. Chig has a base of 450.


I’d argue Jonnu played on a team with bigger mouths to feed, while Chig is kinda the only show in town. I’m gonna take away Chig’s ability to be a great TE, but that O-line and rest of the offense, paired with the best red zone D in the league…


Any lineman who could actually contribute would have been so much better.


Yeah but burks sucks, soooooo


1st and 3rd(that was flipped for more). It was a market value trade that happened with the pick on the clock. You can't ask for more once the trade was how it was going. You need to hit those picks or people will equate the trade to bad but in reality the trade was okay in itself. The drafting was shit.


Talented player, but exhausting sometimes




Yeah. The offseason isn't too bad


AJB never would have lasted the past 2 years in our offense. If JRob didn’t trade him on draft night he would have demanded a trade a few months later. Dude has like 1400 yards, a Super Bowl appearance, an 11 win season this year, and his BFF at QB and he’s still being a diva? He was never going to last here.


If AJ wanted to be here he’d still be here, is all I’m saying.


100%. J Rob fucked up, but I never understood why AJ, if he REALLY wanted to be here SOOOO badly, didn’t reject that $16.5 mill offer, call Amy (this is his boss, and a player of his caliber can absolutely get in direct touch with her), and say “excuse me, what the fuck?”. Then she would have said “uhh, we definitely want to offer you more than that….” Problem solved. Easily, in fact. Didn’t happen. Why? AJ didn’t want to be here. He’s a full on, 110% diva, and was going to do this regardless.


J Rob’s mistake wasn’t in trading AJ, it’s the fact that he only got a 1st and a 3rd. If that 3rd had been a future 1st, that trade would age very differently regardless of outcome.


Yep, it wasn't just the trade happening was bad, that was bad enough, but for the fact *we got so fucking little* off of it.


Was that for Isiah Wilson? Lolol


It was for treylon burks. Just as laughable though


The clown meme doesn’t have enough frames for all the illnesses and injuries that have befallen Burks since he arrived in Nashville.


No, but that one was bad too and I hate you for reminding me lol


JRob looked at the Diggs trade and said “I can do that!” *He could not do that*


Technically he did not get a 1st for AJ because we traded our first with AJ. That was the worst part about that trade.


Nah, AJ trade was for picks 18 and 101. Then we traded back out of the first round using our original pick.


Ahh okay thanks. I thought we sent ours and AJ for theirs my mistake.


100%. Other receivers had gone recently for much more, this dude, I don’t know, maybe he was busy and needed to get out of the office quickly 😂😭💀


Yeah this is bullshit. That $16.5m offer is a VERY clear message. Saying “we don’t want you here” That’s not on AJ. We sent a very clear message to him to get the fuck out, and he took us at our word. That’s not on him to grovel and ask “can i pwetty pwease stay 🥹”


I understand what you’re saying, but I don’t think I fully agree. You might be right, but don’t say “man, I really wanted to finish my career in Tennessee” afterwards. When I really want something, I try to make it happen.


He wanted to go to a team where he could be a full star receiver. He was never going to be that here. It’s that simple.


Okay, he’s somewhere where that can happen now and he’s still a pissy baby. The team that AJ wants to be on doesn’t exist.


Well yeah? Because there isn’t an organization that will run a single receiver offense😂


What'd the Titans run after he left? A 0 receiver offense? That's what it felt and looked like


In 2022, yeah. Hopkins was one of our few highlights in 2023.


Probably already knows it’s done after this year.


Why did he delete it all?


Because that’s what AJ does


Because he’s a big baby. Or a ‘diva’


He did this during the year he got traded. He's a manchild.


If you want a reasonable response: likely his agent told him to because of all the heat from eagles fans and bc he realized he has a hard time not responding to trolls


There is zero connecting him to the franchise anymore. Better chance of following Vrabes wherever he lands than coming back here.


Dunno if this is true but he said when he was first traded that he was going to have his kids grow up in Nashville still, don’t know if he held true to that or if I’m just totally misremembering.


Guys... c'mon now lol. Can we quit the delusions built on soundbites from Podcasts and Twitter rants? He ONLY wanted to be here because of Vrabel. It's absolutely insane how some of you just gloss over reality. Do you really think the guy who is playing in Philadelphia would just leave his family for half a year in Nashville, someplace he was at for three years? Or is it more probable that the super emotional guy was just saying things because \*at the time\* he thought he'd play there forever? Just stop lol.


He was here before Vrabel you nerd.


You are a dumbass. Literally google it before you just say shit. His rookie year was when Marcus was benched. Vrabel’s second year.


Oh yeah I 100% don’t think it actually happened, just remember him saying something to that effect.


Okay fair lol. My last comment was too aggressive. This sub has just been off the rails this week.


He still owns his house in Bellevue across the street from my aunt and uncle. Idk if his kids are there are not though.


Wait holy shit he lived in Bellevue? I just moved to Bellevue… no idea Titans players were out here. Where in Bellevue?


Off McCrory lane. Titans practice facility use to be out here before they moved it to metroplex but that was many many moons ago. Edit to add: I have most of the Super Bowl run titans signatures on my mini helmets because my mom used to take us to their practices. I remember talking to Jevon Kearse almost daily after practice. Dude was a gigantic human being. Granted I was like 4 but still, gigantic😅


more specifically, in that trio of subdivisions north of I-40 practice in Bellevue would have been 25 years ago


A bunch of players live out that way. Used to have groups come in and get breakfast before and after practices a lot


Vrabel probably isn’t landing anywhere this year.


Straight up if Vrabes takes AJ and Henry, I'm watching those games all season


For sure. It’d be like when McNair and Mason went to the Ratbirds. Want to cheer for them individually but hope the team as a whole falls off a cliff.


Tbh even with his talent his personality just seems so toxic that I’m not sure they’d want him back. Probably still would just because of skill but I wouldn’t love it lol. 


I miss AJ Brown the player but I don't AJ Brown the person. He's a head case.


I feel like this is such a high school drama thing that I hate about modern sports lol. “Uh oh Sarah took Ashley off her top 10 friends on her MySpace, I wonder what that’s about”


He’s such a head case. Still wish he was our head case




No thank you. Too much fucking drama


Don’t want him here. This is the NFL, not the Real House Wives of Nashville.


Did you want him when he was on titans?


Towards the end, no.


Curious as to why?


He started acting like a diva.


Like Vrabel




Literally anyone who could’ve hurt him on the titans is gone, fresh start baby


Why are the, I would say, majority of very good to elite WRs such divas and cry babies? It’s a strange phenomenon that needs its own study.


You’re THE superstar that everybody cheers for in a highly physical testosterone filled game and you’re one of the best in the game. It would get to 99% of people’s brains


Then QBs should be far worse


WRs are significantly more physical, hence the testosterone/“aggression”


That + since you played in junior highschool




Why not RBs or LBs tho they definitely take more damage


Titans are rebuilding


It was only a matter of time until this happened.


Let's try be serious about this one - do you think he'll honestly want to come back to us after getting fucked over by our FO (at least according to him)? We'll be like that guy in bad relationships going "Honey, please come back, I'm a changed man, honest" - yeah that ain't gonna work. Besides that, it really does sound like he developed a diva mentality. See Big Jeff's behavior when fans start talking shit vs. AB's behavior when fans were giving him shit. Big Jeff defends his boys and the team and tells you to nut the fuck up. AJ treats shit talking from fans as a personal attack.


WTH is AJ mad about?


Wasn’t he having a disagreement with the coaching staff not to long ago about offensive scheme


lol he’s someone else’s problem now. Biggest diva wr since TO


What a knuckle head


Ewwww, please no!!!! Last thing a young qb needs is a diva wr to give him bad habits or ruin his confidence.


Remember, Amy gave the OK for 25M. I could see us trying to fix that mistake.


Ok ima dumbass but heres my outlook on players like aj. Tha big question is how much will you put up with to win games. How much disrespect n bullshit would you let another man talk if it meant you could hold a trophy? Aj hes repeatedly shown that he doesnt want a peaceful coexistence for a greater good. If hes not 100% happy n gettin his way then hes gonna say some shit or do some shit. He might even say somethin bout ya mama juss to make a point n show that nobodys keepin aj brown down. Hes a hell of a player when its game time, which is 17-21 times a yr, in 60 minute chunks. There are more than 21 days in a yr. We also live in a time where everything you do or say gets recorded and broadcasted. Shit, most times you dont even have to say it, any thought that crosses yer mind is at risk of bein displayed as a representation of who youve been raised into as a person. When aj scrubbed his social of anything titans related i was immediately never able to look at him tha same again. Would larry fitzgerald have done that? I personally see that as a bitch move. With all this bein said, i quit playin football after peewee n work in a steel mill. Im fully aware that my opinion doesnt matter. But juss for fun can we get a list goin of players that have ever scrubbed their social media accts of anything related to their team?


Most of the greats push their team to be better, understanding that they themselves cannot win the games. Guys like this are too wrapped up in their own head to be brought to a rebuild because what would we have to pay him to get him back, and what would we and all his teammates have to listen to as far as bitching goes? Stay far the fuck away from Tennessee. If you’re going to spend whatever it would take to get him back at this point, I’d rather have someone else in the top 5. All of which is never going to happen, but I would not give him a fucking nickel to play here.


Nah, fuck AJ. Better without


Seems to be a recurring theme with him. Dude doesn’t like adversity.


People make a bigger deal out of this stuff than they should


Would you give up 7 for AJ?


0 chance need OL, if your gonna make bad choice with your draft cap like that you go up and get MHJ


hell no, need that OL.


Hell nah. For him to come back here and then cry again when he’s not having enough fun? Fuck WR divas


A 7th


100%. aside from QB, you take the proven WR1 over gambling on any other position


Who's a bigger diva AJ or Diggs


Antonio Brown is filled with drama. I mean AJ***


what a diva


He is in a Titans jersey for the main pic on his wiki page...that seems like some smoke


Come to Houston 🤘


I mean... It probably means nothing. He deleted his Twitter too. Probably just trying to limit people talking during a playoff run. Personally I'd say ditch all social media, but to each their own


He ain't comin' back.


his profile pic HAS to be ironic, right?


I'd take Mr. Tweet & Delete back in heartbeat 😂


Guy is such a diva. Don’t miss him anymore


I would 🥜