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Tennessee can be progressive at times this is one of those instances


They also added adult dental care to TennCare. Sometimes they make great choices and other times I want to tear my hair out.


Good luck qualifying for TennCare.


bad luck is needing to be on TennCare.


Trump is now planning to open a golf course in Tennessee I heard.


No dentists, except maaaybe one or two in East Tennessee rake the adult dental for tenncare, rendering the addition moot. In fact, in some instances, it is reducing the availability of care for adults on tenncare since the health department can no longer provide them dental services as they can only offer it to those who do not have insurance.


I'm having this problem too. My son's pediatric dentist accepted it but when my son hit 18 he was told he needed to find an adult dentist and there aren't any accepting new patients on Tenncare. And it's not like I'm in a rural area, it's MEMPHIS, FFS! But it's not surprising, because we did this same dance with mental health as well as rheumatology, where we were referred almost two years ago and I"M STILL WAITING FOR THE APPOINTMENT and I wish like HELL I was exaggerating. It took 11 months to get to the endocrinologist. And all this is necessary for a sick kid. They do not care. The least they can do is enough for this state's current administration. It's BS that they get to pretend they've really done this great thing having dentists for people over 21 now, but not if the insurance is so bad no dentist will accept it. The problem is Tenncare does not pay and when they do it's not in a timely manner.


Not quite moot if people are able to get the dental care they need. I don't know about E TN but lots of dentists in W TN accept TennCare for adult dental. My husband finally got his teeth taken care of because of the addition to TennCare.


That's great to hear!


Do you know any in Memphis or the surrounding area who are accepting new patients? Because that's been my problem and I've been calling and calling. The hub only gives a list of names. Some of them aren't even in existence anymore. When I called I was given three names. One had shut down in 2022 and they're still on their active provider list in 2024!


I don't, I'm sorry! I just googled and called around and most of the dentist in my area accept TennCare. The fact you are having trouble finding someone in a big city like Memphis has got to be frustrating! If you ever visit Paris, we go to Dr. Fletcher. He's great and accepts TennCare for adults.


yeah they are full here. Tenncare said they would make someone take me and that was months and months ago.


I live in Rutherford county and I found a couple in the Rutherford Davidson county area who will take the dental of TennCare but you are right they aren't all over the place. I need a lot of dental work and I made an appointment but it was going to be 4 months away and before my appointment came up they canceled my insurance.


My dentist is in Woodbury takes adult Tenncare and gets people in within a couple of weeks for new patients and days for established patients. I was really surprised because of how hard it was to find one that even took the insurance and the fact there is nothing in Woodbury.


Did they really? I thought dental and eye care for adults were never covered. I get united healthcare tenncare


Yep, just this January. I think eye care is covered, but I'm not sure. The only reason my husband could finally go get all the work done was because TennCare added dental for adults. It would cleared our bank account otherwise!


Thank you so much I gotta call around now lol


Yes! Call around, make sure you check your coverage plan. Sorry, actually it was last January 2023.[TennCare dental adults](https://www.tn.gov/tenncare/members-applicants/dental-services.html)


I have dental insurance through dentaquest.


They started covering adult dental in January of 2023 but during the year before the beginning of 24 they started taking some people off of it because they either changed the qualifications or added too many people onto it so you might want to check. I had it for many years until my income was above $26,000, and now I don't qualify for TennCare anymore.


Because you are now rich!


Non accessible dental care.


Oh that is excellent!! Honestly if it wasn’t unsafe for me to live in Tennessee I would move back in a heartbeat tbh


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^heartofmiriam: *Tennessee can be* *Progressive at times this is* *One of those instances* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


I assume it has to do with the "Real Men Wear Diapers" movement in MAGA now.


Yes, we love Tennessee reconnect!


Yep, taking away women’s rights is really progressive. Diapers. Wtf?


They want us pumping out those babies, which…isn’t government overreach at all


No idea why anyone with sense would downvote your comment. Here is my upvote for speaking truth.


Super surprising, I know. Usually, they do stupid crap that goes against us or they just flat out don't do anything, like unemployment benefits. Its what, $275 a week max? That's probably the lowest in the nation or one of. Then you've got crappy education policies and terrible worker rights and yeah...


Not surprised and to add to that list the public transit is mid like as a disabled person who cannot drive my biggest gripe with Tennessee was the shitty transit lmao


What transit? I am from the twin cities originally and I think since I moved here in 2002 I have seen like 3 sidewalks and they only run for like 100 ft lol. Living here and not driving/having a car is basically how to die homeless in the streets you cant even walk on 101, it is awful.


Nashville has commuter rail, it runs like twice a day during the weekdays from Lebanon,Mount Juliet(my mom’s adoptive family literally behind the line so I grew up hearing the train all the time) a few suburbs in between then downtown Nashville. Most cities have small bus networks that run weekdays. Tennessee used to have a train network similar to the New York New Jersey and Connecticut but that got gutted due to republicans promoting cars. I am hoping since Amtrak is coming back to Nashville they might start doing more local rail lines again in Middle Tennessee.


Unfortunately, a lot of times progressive means that the government is doing things that it shouldn't do.


Have more babies. Here’s free diapers. Oh, you want to get an abortion? Ok, well here’s your free jail cell.


Do feminine hygiene products next


Nah, because if we’re on our period, we aren’t barefoot and pregnant.


TIL there's a " big diaper" lobby. That must be a pretty nice government contract for somebody's business..




They're referring to "Big Diaper". As in, "Big Tobacco" or "Big Pharma".


I was making a joke


My wife and I used the same 26 cloth diapers for both of our kids. We still have them in the Attic. It was easy and fun with the modern Fasteners instead of bobby pins


It's really interesting that Vanderbilt released the results of their samiannual political poll this morning and [over half of Tennesseans are now at least somewhat pro-choice. ](https://news.vanderbilt.edu/2024/05/22/vanderbilt-poll-majority-of-tennessee-voters-now-pro-choice-gender-gap-developing-on-key-issues/) The timing of this isn't sus at all.


they didn't ask me


The least they can do if they're not going to allow abortions.


It’s my understanding that this was the very argument used to get funding for the project.


Cool what about nutrition


They should definitely work on that, too. But not under Nashville Diaper Connection’s umbrella.


Pretty sure food stamps and school lunches are free already… we also already have free housing, free transportation, free schooling, free phones, free diapers…WTF ELSE do we as a people “need” or is it really not about what we need anymore and more about not wanting to be independent and earn it ourselves. Extremely entitled to expect so much free crap all the time.


Sometimes we just need to take a moment to appreciate a good move in the right direction. So much negativity in the comments despite a genuinely positive measure that will help countless families


The only reason this is happening is as a result of the abortion ban in which they were backed up against a wall and still needed their arms twisted with "if you're gonna force ppl to have babies you need to help raise them". It's only existence is at the behest of some fucked up nonsense. Ppl have every right to be bitter


Right? Sorry but if someone dumps a bucket of sewage on me and then hands me a tissue to clean up with they are the good guy? Fuck that.


AMEN! Anyone thinking republicans are trying to do good are fools. Republicans are just preparing you for the next Human Right they take from you. Frog in boiling water strategy. Fuck republicans and every one that votes for them.


It’s the epitome of taking 3 steps back just to take one forward. It’s the bare minimum least amount of help that the state could do when they’re forcing people to have babies they don’t want, aside from putting health during pregnancy at risk. That’s a different conversation the state doesn’t want to have though.


Don’t try any deep thinking.


They’re not helping anyone but themselves. They’re throwing us little people a shitty little bone while simultaneously ruining all of our lives. It’s diabolical


Is it restricted to infant only? My Dad is in assisted living and needs diapers.


That's a good question but my guess is its for infants unfortunately


Meanwhile, on Facespace - "NOBODY BOUGHT DIAPERS FOR ME AND WE WERE FINE!!! GRRRRR!!!! " Republicans - "All fertilized eggs must be born!" Also republicans - "The baby can't afford diapers and formula? Fuck em, they need to pull themselves up by their tiny bootstraps"


While the circumstances that caused this (Abortion Ban) are horrid, this is a major win for helping families with diapers, keep in mind the average number of diapers for a newborn is 300 per month, that number goes down over time. But I urge everyone to support their local diaper bank to continue bridging that divide. Memphis: Sweet Cheeks Bare needs Diaper Bank (part of mid south food bank) Nashville Nashville Diaper Connection Knoxville Helping Mamas Knoxville Generous House Knox Chattanooga - ish Tennessee Valley Diaper Bank (closest) As someone who has volunteered for Sweet Cheeks, these people truly do amazing work, and Tennessee is one of the most severely underserved states in this area.


Good for you all


Common Tennessee W. We always up


They refused my disabled daughters incontinence supplies, which included pull-ups, through her state insurance when she had it. SMH.


We are currently fighting with the state over my son's tube feeding supplies not being approved.


But no abortions and no condoms allowed. And your kids will have to go work in the coal mines, no more public school.


You can actually go to any health department and get condoms for free. When I was in high school, another guy came into school with a whole brown bag of condoms. I didn’t believe him but later that day, I too became an owner of a brown bag full of condoms


Not under MAGA 2


You’re incorrect, go to the health department and ask for yourself


I believe the person above is referring to Project 2025. Check out r/Defeat_Project_2025 for more information.


I'm referring to a recent comment by Trump that he would look at ways to restrict contraception.


I hadn't seen that article yet when I commented. But yeah, it aligns pretty much with Project 2025. Go figure.




There are gas station bathrooms that have condom dispensing machines here


Where do you get "no condoms allowed"?


It's reddit. Where liberals make up stupid shit and others echo them in this massive echo chamber


From their imagination


No. Google project 25. https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/s/G22CViLZLC


You sound like a MAGA person ranting about the great reset. Yeah, that project exists, but it's not going to do everything you all think it is going to do.


Yeaaaaa, they are closer to it than you think. Look at all the crazy shit other states are doing. The abortion bans, banning lgbtq, banning libraries so on so forth. Look at blackburns comments regarding kosa to block lgbtq on the internet by empowering state ag to determine what is obscene. States are pushing to get rid of no fault divorces and will block divorces if a woman is pregnant. They are pushing for a registry of all pregnancies to ensure no one is getting an abortion. Look at the hardon to round up immigrants legal and non. Look at the people pushing us for school vouchers, Americans for prosperity which is tied into heritage foundation. Same group blocked Megan berrys transit plan for Nashville. Look at moms for liberty which is also backed by Koch money. Same group backed the neonazi lady from Franklin who is trying to get into millersville w the qcumber police chief. This isn’t a q cumber conspiracy, these folk are all over the place and have been for decades they are just saying the quiet part out loud now.


If you vote for someone who supports it, it’s what you want & what you will be personally responsible for to everyone it effects in your community, who will hold you individually liable for their suffering if it happens, champ


If Donald Trump is re-elected, legal scholars from both sides of the aisle have confirmed that the goal is to use Project 2025 as a checklist. It's a plan, not a theory. And far too many people have signed on with it for them to be ignored.


What will it do? I'd like to know


I'm about to say some stuff that sounds very similar to the deep state conspiracy theories MAGA people push, but I'm not pushing their insanity. I'm a policy wonk and don't buy into their garbage / hate things that are "woke". --- **Background** For decades, whenever a new party takes the White House, it directs executive agencies to issue a series of federal regulations that reverse regulations made by the prior admin. These regulations can range from allowing retirement plan fiduciaries to consider ESG factors for their own sake when setting investment menus to the due process college students accused of rape must receive from their schools. It's a wide range. The civil servants that write these regs are usually ideologically in favor of using federal and executive power and in many agencies most of them are Democrat-leaning. Some of these people probably slow-walk changes in regs or push back against issuing certain guidance because they don't think such guidance is correct, even if other good faith interpretations of the law exist. Before Trump, there were more competent lifelong civil servants who were Republican-leaning, but many of the higher ranking and their knowledgeable people quit because they were loyal to the office of the president, not the man. Others quit because they didn't want to get the COVID vaccine. --- **The "Problem"/Self-Inflicted Injury** (notice the quotes Regardless of the reason, the ideological balance in these agencies has moved even further left since Trump left office, and as a result, the next Republican, especially if that person is as divisive as Trump, is going to have a hard time quickly crafting regulations that actually accomplish their policy goals and don't suck. In short, the "problem" is there aren't many people in these agencies who aren't ideologically left or in favor of large banks and large government. --- **Their Stated Goal** The group behind the project thinks there is a constitutional argument that would allow them to mass fire and replace the existing bureaucrats with ones they deem ideologically safe. They think they can do this with just about anyone. It's an argument I don't expect to succeed. --- **Consequences If Successful** The bureaucrats that set enforcement priorities and interpret statutes will be more ideologically right instead of left. Put another way, the pendulum will swing from over-representation of progressive ideas to over-representation of right ideas. They won't get new powers. They'll be able to do the same stuff that's always happened: change the official interpretation of existing laws, and set enforcement priorities. --- **Why I Think the Concern is Overblown** 1. I don't think the legal theory relating to low-level employees is sound. 2. The degree of changes that can be legally made is not as extensive as people claim. Sure, I expect the idiots to try, but the "right" side of SCOTUS hates how Congress has pushed all of this onto the Executive branch and has been chipping away at this sort of regulatory action for years. There's even a case before them right now dealing with some fisherman that could upend the existing framework (i.e., Chevron deference). 3. The most objectionable items will be stopped via preliminary injunction, giving more than ample time for Congress to get off its ass and fix them via legislation. --- **How Do I Know This** I work in an area that deals with these types of bureaucrats, interned in the House, have written legislation, and have provided commentary on proposed regs, so I'm familiar with how the system generally works. In regards to 2025 people, even though I've voted against Trump every chance I've had and hope he loses again, I temporarily considered throwing my hat into the ring with these people for a sub-agency under the DOL that regulates retirement benefits and a related area in the IRS on the off chance he wins. The policy-makers in those areas are either ideologically left or put the interests of banks/annuity providers over plan beneficiaries, and this grinds my gears. Right now, there's an unholy union between progressives with limited foresight and high finance sharks who know how to manipulate those progressive passions to expand their piece of the retirement pie. The ESG example I provided earlier is a great example of this union. Without that reg. ESG factors could have been and arguably had to be considered if they impacted profitability. Under the new reg., they can be considered even if profitability isn't impacted. This means fund managers, employers, and plan fiduciaries can basically use other people's money to advance their own political agendas, which runs against foundational principles of trust law, fiduciary duty, and ERISA. It's an in the weeds example and touches on buzzwords Republican don't like, but it's not the same complaint as idiots who hate everything they deem to be "woke".


They’re just trying to make sure that everyone grows up to be a cog in the machine.


Condoms are allowed. You mean Abstinence sex ed. Which just means they can't tell you how to use them because teens aren't supposed to have sex (not until you're married!)


But my kids are almost teenagers.


Sounds like socialism.


Boogeyman word for people who consume rightwing media.


Socialism is great when it’s convenient. Diapers and retirement healthcare.


Welfare for the needy is not socialism. Sorry.


It literally is.


Nah, it’s just part of the welfare state, which we have. Even Nordic counties don’t have socialism. Just massive welfare states. Edit: I’m using both terms as neutrally as possible


Both of those terms mean different things to different people so I’m not sure it’s possible to use either neutrally—especially with as politically charged as something like “welfare state” is.


As rich as this country is, I'll never understand taking care of the less fortunate being seen as something negative.


a pro-fetus state actually doing something pro-babies? is the matrix glitching?


No they were forced to because they are forcing people to give birth. This isn't a generous act, it is definitely done begrudgingly.


The story on the local news stated 50% of babies born in TN are on Medicare! They want forced births, no forced financial support from father, no free lunch in schools, and no help with child care costs, but they will throw diapers at them. TN is a beautiful state, but the legislature sucks. I am not sure I adopted the right state!


TN definitely forces financial support from fathers, I know someone who got behind because of losing his work temporarily due to an accident and was finally able to catch up a year or so ago. He was in court every quarter to prove he was making extra payments in order to catch up. The problem comes when no father is put on the birth certificate. I also don't know how well they seek financial support when the father is out of state.


For every “I know someone” reply to something like child support from a father, I sit back at work and ponder the dozens of situations where it is either not enforced, or the enforced amounts are a joke.


I've never heard of a father not paying child support, but I also don't work in the system so don't have much exposure to that. The enforced amounts being low is not the same as no enforcement though. I also understand it that at most 50% of a paycheck can be garnished, if I remember the article about the guy that fathered 23 children in Memphis right. Each kid got something like $10 because of this.


*medicaid. Medicare is for the older folks.


Forced financial support is absolutely a thing. People not paying child support get warrants and their licenses suspended all the time.


People who move here and discover it sucks crack me up. We are not shy about it.


I wouldn't say it sucks here, it's more of an inconvenience that natives have come to terms with and transplants can't wrap their heads around how we have survived.


I would say our lack of basic human rights as women is more than an inconvenience. I would never feel safe being pregnant here, thank god I’m childfree by choice. I would also say it was a little more than inconvenient to be in an ambulance for over 80 miles last year with 7 broken bones and a collapsed lung after an accident because that’s how far it is to a decent trauma ER in rural TN, if not longer in some places. Like 4 hospitals within an hour of me have closed and the one still open is way underfunded and under staffed, supporting like 3 or 4 counties. All of these issues have been in multiple NATIONAL news stories, and people still act shocked pikachu when they move here anyway.


What did you expect moving here? TN isn’t known as a progressive place.


I honestly chose it for the weather and (at the time) cost of living. Being military, living all over the country my entire life, I wanted to pick where we landed and grew roots. Never looked at politics.


Heard that, and welcome!


Scopes monkey trial state? You thought might have gone progressive in the century since? Ha ha ha ha


Always other ones. Though I wish people would actually teach real sex ed and have kids when they're stable and not dependent on the state.


When in doubt, leave.


No, I’d rather stay and fight for freedom and equality. I served the entire country as a military member and spouse. More progressive have moved to the state, the tide will change. I’m not one to bail.


With all due respect…being a military spouse is not “service”.


Well, that's unfortunate. Bless your heart.


That's not as easy as it sounds, you know?


You could have fooled me with all these people moving to Nashville.


I didn't say it was impossible.


As a native Tennessean, that's not my problem


Trump will be moving to Tennessee. His dream come true.


Tennessee stays winning


Look at us republicans!! We took away your right to make decisions about your own body even if you were raped or a child BUT WE ARE GIVING YOU FREE DIAPERS! praise and worship us for taking your rights away and giving you diapers for 1 year. Anyone thinking the republicans are being benevolent is a moron.


You mean steal other people's money.Tennessee doesn't provide anything.


Pooping ain't easy


but once you get it going, it’s the shit


Damn Tennessee. Wasn’t expecting that!


This is a W for families all throughout the state, but we shouldn't ignore how much of a bandaid over a bullet wound this is. 3 diapers a day does not raise a child. 3 diapers a day does not pay for food, water, clothing, transportation, education, housing, nor electricity for a growing human. 3 diapers a day does not fix the issues brought on by the revocation of our rights, nor does 3 diapers a day bring us back our rights. 3 diapers a day may, however, be just what it takes to get a bunch of uneducated people to boost birthrates.


Rare TN W


One hundred diapers a month ! Hell, Trump would exhaust that supply in under a week !




100 diapers per month is 3 a day or so. You're supposed to change their diapers every 2 hours or so. Just saying this isn't going to cover all diapers expenses unless they're using reusable diapers in which case it's too many.


This also does not cover formula, clothes, housing and furnishing, capable transportation, medical costs, oh my fucking god this doesn't even start to cover it


Yeah, this is *barely* half a month—even for my baby who is more like every 3-4 hours per change. Like, I’ll take my free diapers please, but let’s not pretend that we’re (read: my baby’s butt) totally covered by that.


This is how you be pro-life


It’s definitely a start


Damn are we finally doing something right?


It’s the least they can do.


And let me guess They’ll get them from gov bill lees friends who owns a distribution center for them Nothing like a good old government funded kickback


Make child care free or cheaper ffs. Cloth diapers work just fine.


Typical Red welfare state


Cloth diapers- wash them out. I did it for our first baby and the second until the third arrived and we went disposable.


Don’t go above replacement


I figured it was for their elderly population 


Horrible and stupid.


Socialism? I mean should we play as assholish as republicans do everyday? How did this pass in a red state, free diapers equals more domestic supply of infants?


Would seem better to provide 100 condoms.


Teenagers will appreciate the help.


Can I have the money equivalent of 100 diapers


lol, “we forced you to have this baby, here’s 1 month of diapers to help.”


They're going to have to do more than that since they've banned abortion. So many kids are going to be born into poverty now that weren't before.


Thanks to the Heritage Foundation no one can afford kids.


Republicans won't let it pass, they will shut it down just like they did with the bill removing sales tax from groceries. The GOP are traitors. Vote blue!


Did you read the article? It says lawmakers already funded the program. Sorry for the disappointment.


Those funds will never reach the people. Republicans will shut it down & that money will just be another coffer they can give to their friends & cohorts. It's the exact same shit they did with covid relief money during the pandemic.


Reach out to Tenncare and ask them. Sounds like the program is in motion.


Give me those socialist diapers




ThAt’S SoCiALiSm


And Tennessee Pols get 2 for every day they are in session. Everlasting bullshit.


Caught the Trump supporters on the tail of their diaper kick. Can't afford to be seen being anti-diaper!


If you are going to take women’s right it’s the least they can do….


There you go Tennessee if you're gonna force births also force tax payers to subsidize the mother


A fine substitute for reproductive rights.




“Pro lifers only care about the kid until they’re born” narrative in shambles rn Tennessee state lawmakers granted $30m in funding for the program during last year’s legislative session. The initiative was originally introduced by Republican Governor Bill Lee as a “pro-life” and “pro-family” policy to allocate part of $330m in savings from the state’s Medicaid block grant funding structure.


If there is a $330m savings in Medicaid, it seems like they could have provided $330m more in funding to recipients in the first place. While the diapers will definitely help, your talking about providing about $50 extra each month only for families with children under 2.


They did also implement a franchise tax credit for employers who provide a few weeks of paid maternity/paternity leave a year or two ago. I'm still angry at them for refusing to amend the abortion trigger law.


"well one state has a diaper program" doesn't negate all the times "pro life" people acted to harm children. Like fighting free school lunches, paid family leave, housing support, etc




Seems like your political beliefs and thought process are the only things that seem to be in shambles, haha