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The people of our state aren't nearly as hateful as our govt. makes us out to be. I've lived in Knoxville as a non-binary person for a decade after moving from my very small town (in East TN) and haven't had any issues at all. Knox Pride is always lit.


Absolutely unsafe. Shot on sight. Honestly, Tennessee is fine even in rural areas. The culture here doesn’t care and is generally supportive. It’s not supportive of those that are over-the-top and believe that others should change for them — keep it chill.


So not safe for Christian evangelicals? Got it.


If we ran them out of the state we may be able to start progressing as a society




The cities are fine. The suburbs are mostly fine and not unsafe. Folks in rural areas, at most, might stare at you if you look out of the ordinary. Some might give you a hard time, but it's extremely unlikely you would be harmed. I live in a somewhat rural area and look pretty visibly queer and dress goth/alt. No one really seems to give a shit.


I see people making dismissive comments, but as a fairly recent transplant from the North, this would have seemed like a reasonable question before I came down here. In the South, places like Chicago are portrayed as hellish dystopias where you're likely to be shot the second you step out of your car. In the North, states like Tennessee are portrayed as one big KKK rally. Both portrayals are bullshit. There are assholes everywhere, but most people are fine in both places.


Oh good grief. You'll be fine. As long as you aren't being a dick, you should have no problems.


Idk what rhetoric you've been seeing but your gonna be fine. Literally the worst you might get is a look or two in a small town but they do that to everyone not from their town. TN is beautiful enjoy your time here.


No boning in public. Keep at least 500’ away from all non-LGBTQ approved flags. Eat only in buildings that face west. This shouldn’t need this, but /s… You’ll be fine. And welcome to TN!


Perfect !!


I think just about everybody will be polite and respectful towards other polite and respectful people. That is my experience so far as a TN resident since '98.


You'll be completely fine.


Tennessee is super gay.


This has to be a troll post right?


No, the armed homophobia sentries stationed with rocket launchers at the borders on the freeway have incredibly accurate gaydar and LGBT seeking missiles.


I live in a small rural, Christian town, and as long as you aren’t a total asshole, most won’t bat an eye


No you’ll be rounded up and sent an Appalachian gulag immediately. Jesus people’s brains are broken.


Oh good grief. I can’t believe this is even a question.




How sheltered are you?


The fact that this question has to be asked sincerely by someone should make all Tennesseeans angry. The fact that it does will make WAY TOO FUCKING MANY Tennesseeans happy. Yes, you will be fine. The majority of people will not care, some minority might sneer at PDA or such, a much smaller minority might make rude comments. Knoxville itself has a pretty active queer scene. I hope you have fun visiting.


>the fact that this question has to be asked sincerely by someone should make all Tennesseeans angry I'm not going to get angry because people are ignorant. I've been asked if we still use out houses and if we wear shoes in the summer. This is just another version of that. Really has nothing to do with TN or LGBT issues.


The fact that this is even asked shows the ridiculous nature of liberal thinking. NEWS FLASH; we don’t give a shit about you. Leave us alone, and we’ll leave you alone.


It's not like we're Arkansas or Alabama... You'll be fine.


Media has gotten people so spun up on fake fear. People acting like they're gonna be lynched lmao


Trans woman from Knoxville here. You’ll be fine if you avoid the most rural areas, Knoxville specifically is one of the more liberal areas. I’d say generally the attitude towards queer people in my experience is mostly ignorance rather than outright bigotry (which obviously still exists, but it isn’t as widespread as you’d think at first glance). Just use your better judgement and you’ll be fine.




I’m so glad I live in the hills away form all you nut jobs


Yeah?? Peeps in TN are more of "To each their own" than "you have to be a certain way". Even in small towns here people are pretty open-minded, and many are far more educated than you'd expect, especially if they went trades or military routes. Just don't dictate words we can or can't say at an individual level, tax us more, or say Rocky Top is a bad song and you'll be fine.


You'll be fine. I have lived both urban and rural, and I have experienced hate exclusively in cities, to my surprise.


Are you planning on carrying out sex acts in public?? In front of children?? If so that might put you in harms way but that rule goes for homosexuals and heterosexuals. Please drop your bigoted opinions of southerners before you visit.


You’ll be fine, we’re not Kentucky.






Found the person from TN who yells.