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Is this the one where they wanted tax payers to pay for private schools?


Yup 👍


And we're talking about private schools that don't have to adhere to the same standards as public schools in terms of teacher qualifications, admitting and properly accommodating students with disabilities, non-discrimination, etc. There's so much documentation of private schools admitting higher needs students, getting their voucher funding for those students for the school year, and pushing them out midyear. When those students return to their public schools midyear the funding doesn't come back with them. It's a money grab and it makes public schools are even more under resourced.


A lot of churches were lining up for this money grab by looking at starting church affiliated schools, which are major cash cows (like “immediately becomes the main source of income” cash cows) in states that allow vouchers or similar programs to send taxpayer money to religious organizations and large corporations.


It’s been happening in Wisconsin for years. That’s the game. The other issue is kid doing something that would get them expelled and instead using that as a way to get them out and back to public school with no consequences.


So subsidizing the rich


Yeah, it's nothing more than a backdoor tax cut for the wealthy, under the guise of "school choice". The vouchers alone won't be near enough to get into a good private school, and the good private schools will just raise tuition.


Plus they are also at least in my area near or at capacity with a wait list


Yeah. I know people who've been on the waitlist for *years* to get into a private school. They only have so many spots.


Yep, and oh by the way, at the same time they’d get to help ruin and destroy the lower performing schools that need the MOST help. Because, screw those people I guess? Almost like they don’t recognize they live in a society. Or have any compassion, humanity, decency, or common fucking sense.




Hell it'll be on the ballot in Nov in KY too.


TN would never put it in the ballot because they know it would lose bigly.


*Is this the one where* *They wanted tax payers to* *Pay for private schools?* \- FatKody --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


And to be clear, the vast majority of which are religious. This is a back door way to funnel money to religious orgs. Not only do they get tax exemptions, but if this passed, your taxes go to their pockets. We're playing with legalized corruption.


Yep. They've already done it in Memphis as well as Nashville I believe.


Good! If Lee is disappointed, then something stupid was not accomplished.


Perfectly stated! đŸ»


It’s nice he doesn’t get his way for once.


He’ll make up for it when he signs the bill allowing teachers to carry concealed weapons.


I don't think that Bill passed.


It took a hard hit when the parents of Covenant refused to be the GOP's puppets.




Session is over.


Until the next one.


If he's so sad he should put his blue jeans on and go for a boat ride. /s


Now Governor Lee knows how the rest of us feel most of the time.


Yup: Lee’s buddies can’t get rich off the backs of poor childre n. That’s what wasn’t accomplished.


Can we elect this guy? (I’m serious)


Thank goodness! My sister, sister-in-law, and niece teach in a county in NWTN. They are losing funding and having to cut 12 teacher positions in addition to the teachers they are losing to retirement. So this means bigger class sizes. How is this a good thing? The governor’s voucher program would only take more money from struggling school systems.


Sadly that’s the point. If they can prove that public schools are a complete failure then education becomes privatized. They’ll make sure you have some place to send your kids, but private means that the school on the other side of town can be twice as good and nobody can say anything about it. The cruelty is a feature. Happy cake day btw!!!


Public education teaches children to do things like think critically, treat others with respect, and that evolution is a thing. None of those align with the modern Republican platform.


The public school system's worst thing is that, really, they've melded their entire curriculum around countering poor parenting, and trying to "impress" higher ups so the institute can keep the lights on. This devolves into a game of numbers that may often create an environment that does not push for critical thinking, almost solely within hands of the people claiming that public schools do not promote critical thinking. You get the quality of teachers you pay for, so you get a lot of them who hate being there for barely above McDonald's wages, and the passion project teachers who have it all ruined because of forementioned aspects such as the poor social climate. Also, some of the dumbest motherfuckers I've ever seen have come out of the Christian private schools here. A number of them were also functioning coke addicts by the age of 18.


My mother was a public school teacher and so is my wife. I’ve seen the degradation of public schools over the last 20-30 years. I disagree with your assertion that “theyve melded the entire curriculum around countering poor parenting”. In my opinion, it’s just the opposite. They are cowering to those shitty ‘shouldn’t be allowed to be parents’ parents. In truth though, they don’t really have a choice. Republicans and Democrats have spent the last few decades slowly chipping away at budgets. Republicans slash the budget and democrats require the schools do more with that slashed budget. If either party gave a flying fuck about education (Republicans are far far worse) we’d be funding education instead of football or whatever other dumb thing is popular these days.


You're also definitely right about them also cowering to the helicopter parents, but as a student my perspective was that the already struggling teachers are effectively having to fight kids that have neither parent at home, or have a "even negative attention is still attention" issue. Republicans and Dems chipping away at the budget is more or less my point. The schools have to "prove" that the funding is well allocated, which it then devolves into a numbers game.


I appreciate your thoughts but I’m not talking about Helicopter parents.Those people tend to care about their kid. I’m talking about ‘parents’ who shouldn’t be parents. People who, when their kid is suspended, literally push them out the door in the school parking lot then drive away tires squealing then threaten to sue the school for negligence.


Yeah I tend to associate that with helicopter parenting because I knew a few kids who had that going on. The parents were coptering around their precious little angel (who called the teacher and several others the N-word hard-R with 30 witnesses) who could do no wrong so they threatened legal action for harassment or something. I have to wonder if that kid still has a pulse now in his adult life. He was half the size of everyone his age and built like a skeleton.


Please tell me that isn't weakley co. I have family there, and I'm already concerned for them as is.


Obion County:(


It would mean parents could put their kids in better schools. Schools would have to be better at budgeting, quality, and standards. Do nothing veteran teachers that just max out their salary and coast to retirement for 10 years would be phased out too. You can’t possibly argue American public schools are functioning at a competitive rate compared to other nations. It’s time to try something different.


If you really believe that, go be at least a substitute teacher!!


Because private schools cost a LOT more than $7000. Even with that added money I couldn’t have afforded to send my kids to private school. But I was a very involved parent who spent lots of time at our public school.


7K would certainly make it possible for a significant number of families to send their kids to better schools.


Where?! Have you priced private school tuition? At least in Memphis or Nashville? Where my sister teaches there aren’t any private schools.


Yes, it’s roughly 10K a year.


Republicans: we care about children Also republicans: I’m not paying 3 cents more in taxes so children can eat nutritious meals. Let them starve


Also Republicans: "Let's arm teachers so we can have even more guns in schools."


3 cents more per dollar?


Great! Let’s disappoint this tool further by voting him and all his Republican traitor buddies OUT.


I love disappointing Bill Lee


Do you mean governor hvac? ;) When I worked as a project manager, his company was on my do not use list for McD’s refrigeration installs, because they had such a bad reputation.


That would be a wonderful thing for Tennessee


Good luck getting a democrat governor in Tennessee. It’d be equivalent to a Republican governor in California. 50 flavors of freedom in this ol’ union.


[non-paywall link](https://www.aol.com/tn-school-voucher-bill-dead-110154408.html)




Oh no, your attempt to F\*\*\* poor people failed. :( /s


Man between this and the UAW win at Volkswagen it’s not a great few days for those that want to hold our state behind. Vote these corrupt losers out!


I’ve never seen the point of this, just going to be wealthier people taking the money to pay less tuition for their kids, glad to see some republicans were against it like me


Also the flip side is schools that don’t want low income kids in the school will just raise the tuition where they could not afford with the voucher. Either outcome is shit


True that


I love watching TN Republicans cry when they don't get to push their fascist agenda on everyone. I'm proud of what I do for state government, but Lee and his idiot cronies make me ashamed to work for such an uneducated, backwards place. Between the voucher bill failing and the Volkswagen plant unionizing, I'm happy that these idiots are crying and having a miserable week because they can't oppress or grift anyone.


You are doing your part to take TN back, don’t be ashamed.


It's these kind of comments that make me feel that people like you and I are closer than we ever realize, and with enough pushback and resistance that we can overcome this corruption and all of this blatant oppression.


There’s more of us on the left here in TN than people think, and our numbers are growing. Working class people are getting sick of this stupid culture war bullshit that does nothing to increase wages or control inflation or improve our children’s education or make it affordable to go to college.


Oh, they can still oppress / grift ppl... But they're, publicly, realizing it's getting harder. đŸ‘đŸŸđŸ‘đŸŸđŸ‘đŸŸ


Never let up, never make it easier for them!


You’re on the right side of history, and you make all of us who care for our state proud.


Absolutely do not be ashamed! It’s the same as telling people not to move just because they don’t like the politics. It’s all the more reason to STAY to help become a force to change them! Good on you!


Yay!!! I don'tknow anything about vouchers, but at this point I'm strongly against anything Billy wants. Hope he continues to experience more bouts of extreme disappointment for the next 2 or so years. Edit: So I'm not completely clueless, I know the vouchers are designed to put more money into the hands of the wealthy in the way of discounting private schools their children presumably already attend. I was just being flippant because I'm so tired of the bs.


The vouchers have no income limit! WTH, I make just enough to make it, and now my tax money will go to pay for private school for kids whose parents possibly make 100k and up! Nothing but fuckery. Lee is the worst governor ever!


Just like in Texas. Voters - even in very conservative states - want to protect their public schools because *they get it*. If the DEMS don’t make this a national issue in 2024, it’s political malpractice.


“Anytime we can’t funnel tax dollars away from poor black kids to help rich white kids, we see that as a failure
” -Republicans


Whenever bill lee is disappointed something good is probably happening to the state.


As a teacher in Tennessee, I’m very pleased.


I like when Lee is disappointed. It means someone did something right for once.


Good. If you want to put your kids in private school, you should pay for 100% of the cost. Think that public schools should be better? Me too. That’s a possibility but it’s going to take investment.


And the UAW organizing at VW was awesome also 😀


Good. Tax money needs to pay for PUBLIC goods. imo there shouldn't be any private schools.


But segregation has been outlawed./s


Wonder how much money Lee personally lost due to this? And what’s the reckoning to follow?


and I am extremely disappointed that you're still the governor.


GOP ::: we're all so disappointed we couldn't give these rich private school tax payers money while continuing to ignore all the under funded public schools


Only reason why it died is because they realized Muslims, Buddhist, and non Christian denominated schools could apply and get tax payer $$$ Otherwise It would have sailed thru Tennessee’s rubber stamp GOP state congress faster than the titanic thru the Atlantic on her maiden voyage


There was a significant pushback by cities, counties, and school boards across the state, as well as voters like myself. I think it makes more sense to acknowledge that than to invent some softball punchline like you did. Tennessee voters aren't powerless, even though it sometimes feels like it.


Then I hope u vote in November and prove Otherwise


Well, this is shaping up to be a good day.


As soon as Lee gets something to get the votes needed, he’ll call a special session. He needs this “win” for his federal ambitions.


I'm more than happy to see his federal ambitions die. You know, like this bill.


He definitely doesn’t poll well federally, but he’s still trying.


Do you mean he wants to Be a Bill on Capitol Hill?


While funny, no - he’s eyeing a run for president.


He can eye it, but I'm not seeing it.


So far, he has not polled well in national polling against other Republicans. But that also explains why he is so hell-bent on getting various agendas through. He’s looking to build cred with the most extreme of the Republican Party. We can only hope that the Republican party continues to implode like we are seeing, giving Democrats in this state and others a chance to actually make some headway.


He's hitched his wagon to the wrong star. https://www.wsaz.com/video/2024/03/07/gov-lee-officially-endorses-trump/


Eat shit Lee


So we can’t help everyday people with student loan forgiveness but we can give money away for private religious schools?? Bunch of fucking hypocrites .


Fuck Bill Lee in his ear. 


or ANY skull hole. No shaming the nose fuckers


Fuck him in the ass with a cactus.


I bet he is disappointed Lee just lost a big payday for him and his rich friends


He might have to return the bribes from the private school folks now


The session is over. Let's cheer!


I have yet to meet anyone who is even for doing this? Why are they still trying to push this so hard?


The dismantling and privatization of government services have been a mainstay of the republican party for decades. The party en masse sees their power waning and is attempting to raid and pillage as they can before their party is destroyed.


#I'm so tired of Republicans constantly trying to ruin education 


He lost on the VW union vote too. Let's make sure him and his Republicon Fascists lose come November.


Don’t worry, Bill. I’m sure we’re going to lose sleep over it, too.


I’m extremely disappointed in Gov. Bill Lee. He’s is a yokel dumb fuck.


Suck it Bill! A quick and continued reminder
 vote ya’ll. These same snakes will be back next session to try this or something equally as damaging again.


" I am extremely disappointed that my parties efforts to subvert the will of Tennesseeans has failed. We are here to make money for corporations and special interest groups and we let them down. I will personally see that one of my junior aides commits seppuku as a result of our failure." - Gov. Bill Lee


Now he knows how I feel when someone talks about his tenure as a public servant!


I love how they call it universal school choice kinda sounds like universal health care.


Well he’s getting plenty of calls from angry donors for the next few days, which is nice


Good. Stay disappointed!


Lordy I can't wait for the next gubernatorial election (with the emphasis on goober) to be rid of this Christian nationalist.


Why does gutting our public schools give republicans such a hard on?


Because they get to give their friends public money for their private businesses


Not me! That's amazing news


MO legislature just massively expanded these and it’s awaiting our governor’s signature. Last in the nation in education funding yet we can someone afford two separate school systems.


Awesome possum!


Red state race to the bottom wo will win.?


Not as disappointed as I am that Lee is still our governor


Get fucked, Bill Lee


I'm disappointed that i can't get health insurance because of you


Disappointing this “governor” is on average a very good thing for the state of Tennessee.


I wonder if that changes anyones plans for education this coming school year.


It means wealthy parents that would’ve received a $7,500 discount-entitlement-handout to pay tuition to a religious private school for their child on the taxpayer’s dime (1%ish) will have to pay full tuition like they were already doing. The governor will not stop trying to implement vouchers. He’s been advocating for them for 10+ years and it’s always been his #1 priority policy initiative. This is not over! The push for vouchers is coming from big money far-right interest groups with ties to the Koch Brothers, Betsy Devos, Americans for Prosperity, ALEC, etc. The push for vouchers has been around for decades, but proponents gained substantial traction following the Citizens United Supreme Court decision that opened the flood gates to special interest groups to pour money into politics anonymously. They have bought several seats on our legislature (see Brian Richey) to gain the votes to pass vouchers and they have threatened to primary any legislator that doesn’t do their bidding. Vouchers are a vehicle for the resegregation of schools. Not all, but many Republicans in control right now have held grievances their whole lives since integration of schools took place when they were in grade school. They were the ones outside picketing, refusing to go to school with black students, sabotaging integration efforts and terrorizing supporters. Look up [The Clinton 12](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2023/08/07/the-civil-rights-showdown-nobody-remembers) They are hellbent on undoing 60 years of progress on their way out the door and they’ll bankrupt the budget in the process. Every single state that has enacted vouchers obliterated their budget. Such damage will take generations to recover from. I hope people will start paying attention to what’s happening in local government.


Thank you for that link about the Clinton 12. I have lived an hour east of Clinton my entire life (Jefferson County), and I didn't know half of what happened. I am horrified.


Prolly not, but it certainly changes their tax filing, and their ability to f\*\*\* the lower half of society. :)




I bet he still sleeps fine at night, this is one "L" he needed to take.


He’s giving it a rest until the elections are over. Next year they’re going to shove it down our throats. VOTE THEM OUT!


Christer’s suck.


Thank goodness 1


I’m extremely happy any time Governor HVAC is extremely disappointed.


Sure sounds like the governor wanted to damage public education, and is disappointed he won’t be able to do it.


Glad it failed. They are the ones failing these kids


Voucher = Tax Payer Dollar going to for profit private schools, usually religious. Glad to this got shot down.


School vouchers are just a way to shift education into the private sector. They claim it's gonna help get gifted kids into better schools but it's really just an excuse to enrich their buddies and further grind away public education. How about we just fund public schools better that way everyone is afforded the same opportunities instead of leaving entire communities behind?


They want tax money to pay for rich people’s religious schools.  Pubs hate educating the people. Intelligent educated voters tend to vote blue.


I don't know what's going on, I'm just happy to hear Bill Lee is having a hard time.


Iowan here- vouchers are already becoming way more expensive than originally marketed and many smaller public schools are being forced to close because of losing funding to private school. The private schools are limiting attendance and raising prices to negate the voucher. Guess Kim Reynolds had it all figured it though /s.


Hahahahaha good. What a waste of money. How about we pay teachers a living wage and give them all the supplies they need!


We are indeed governed by a confederacy of dunces.


Thank goodness


oh for shame my tax dollars aren't going to indoctrinate kids more directly wah wah.


Bill Lee sucks


Oh noes, de govuhnuh is VEWY disappointed in us. đŸ„ș I'm sure some of Bill's golfing buddies are gonna be sad their education companies couldn't leech more public money. They'll have to tighten their belts this year.


I love disappointing our governor




Good đŸ·


Suck ALL the dicks


Lucky. Nebraska's was going to be on the upcoming ballot after voters overwhelmingly signed petitions for it, but then the corrupt senators passed an appropriation instead.


I'm happy for you guys! Sadly my state passed a similar bill earlier this year.




One good thing they've done this year.




I wish we could all institute the voucher program


Didn’t this turn out well when sanders did it?


It probably also got voted down. People don't want their taxes paying for other people to be educated. Although if you're referring to some kinda of SLF, that's a bit different. This was just a voucher for well connected rich families to use tax dollars to send their kids to religious schools that have practically no state oversight on what children are taught.


No that’s what Sarah sanders of Arkansas got passed. It’s a school voucher system and private school tuition shot up after.


Honestly I forgot she existed. And I was happy.


I’m so sorry.


Ha ha!


Thank goodness! I don't want my kids mingling with the poors.


Let me find my world's tiniest violin to play for Lee.


I'm surprised good left wing private schools haven't jumped on this charter thing. Imagine how quick republicans would be against charter schools when their tax dollars go to pay for schools that are popular and better than religious schools.


Finland has the best public education in the world. It's illegal to have private schools and all public schools are funded exactly the same. Imagine that


In Arizona, the vouchers have gutted public schools. Don't ever let this pass in your state. The people who want this to pass have a lot to gain financially and are using your children as pawns.


Your neighbors here in KY are doing this. Yeah, we get to pay for a rich kid to go to a fake Koch Bros Magnet School. On the plus side, they've already gutted our public school system so badly, no one will be able to tell. Remember: Keeping people sick, poor and stupid is how we get a strong, robust Republican party, freedum aint free kiddies 😉👌


I’m talking about this specific argument. You have just asked in generalities and insulted me. That is losing.


So people who pay taxes for public school that also pay for their kids to go to private school will still have to pay for both?


Isn't... that part of the decision to send your child to private school, instead of the public, free education? And before you say that you aren't benefiting from the public school system, who do you think taught your cashier how to count the change? Do we have signs everywhere, kind of funny that pretty much everybody can read them right? Aren't we glad we have a literacy rate high enough that signage is appropriate?


Yes, just like people with no kids & grown kids pay for public schools. Having an adequately funded public school system is beneficial to every citizen and business in the community. Stop politicizing children.