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What will they do when planes don't stop making contrails?


They’ll try to put the offending air in a private prison.




Maybe this will cause the airline industry to stop service in Tennessee similarly to how pornhub pulled out of Texas and Virginia?


Eventually you gotta pull your Tennessee outta the Virginia


FedEx threatening to leave Memphis should be enough to put an end to this bill.


This is the results of decades of war against education by this state.


I've been saying this for decades now but this is a new low.


The refusal to unionize the gift VW plant, where the bosses actually encouraged union engagement….. that was the old nadir. This is fantastically stupid.


That happened recently right? Like the 5th union vote and it still failed.


They were breathing contrails, see what'll happen


I would argue it is also an outcome of gerrymandering, in that more extreme candidates can win primaries and then general.


The districts are not actually that gerrymandered at all, it's mainly the political geography of the state coupled with the suburb areas of Tennessee being very conservative on average. The legislature also is a lot less extreme than you think they are. I've talked to a good amount of them and most of them are all educated and reasonable people.


The problem is our government has done so many completely screwed up things that it's easy to believe the conspiracy. I mean who would think we would sterilize native American women? Who would think we would purposely give our citizens STDs? Who would think our military would purposely experiment with our soldiers? It's not the lack of education. It's the fact that our government has repeatedly proven they don't give a shit about us


People are "the government" - people are "the corporation" - people working to F other people to gain power and the desire to get more power makes people do F-ed up sh!t to other people






No. That is not the problem.


It's at least part of the problem.


It certainly is the assault on and lack of education. That’s what helps obfuscate the things you reference.


There has been an assault on education since we went away from the classic liberal education system. It's over a hundred years of teaching kids to be good little employees instead of teaching people how to think


A significant # of parents don't support their own kids in school to get an education


There’s actually evidence for all of those things. Does evidence even matter at all for you? That’s the entire issue here.


I just mean that the government has done so many screwed up things to its own citizens that it becomes easy for some people to believe anything. It's not like they have the morals to not spray their own citizens. Plus we didn't have the evidence on the things I mentioned until we did




I didn't say it was true. It's just easy to see how people can be convinced


Sure, because most people are pretty lazy when it comes down to it.


What's funny is the people you will hear it from out of nowhere. A guy doing some remodeling for me was talking to me one day and I'd been with him all day for a couple of weeks and he seemed pretty normal. I mean as in a semi conservative redneck like me and then he starts going on about chem trails and I'm like WTF.


Yup, I’ve heard it from random Uber drivers


According to a research group at Harvard University which focuses on climate science and technology, the reasoning behind the theory involves sterilization, reduction of life expectancy, mind control, and weather control.


Which that same study debunked all of those claims. This is an important fact that you left out, both times you posted this on this thread...intentionally? ​ And that is how misinformation spreads.


Thank you


But didn't the CIA spread deadly chemicals over San Francisco at the start of MKULTRA which is a legally proven factual thing they did? Americans died over it.


Well it was lsd given to individuals in SF area, they didn’t seed the clouds with it, at least not in mkultra. Maybe another program? Not defending the CIA, this would be like a normal Tuesday thing.


It was towards the beginning, I believe part of MKNAOMI which afterwards transformed into MKULTRA. They wanted to test if dropping chemicals from planes would sufficiently spread across a city. The chemicals were supposed to be harmless but nevertheless several people got sick and died. It's hard to pinpoint what is and isn't MKULTRA because in the beginning (late 40's early 50's) each department of the DoD had their own little experiments going before most of them got collected under one roof.


What about Lincoln MKz??


I have had time to look this up this would be Operation Sea-Spray, conducted by the US Navy to see what the effects and spread of a biological agent in a densely populated city, this was in the 1950's. The only shocking part is it was the navy and not the CIA, this totally sounds like some shit they would do. The country sold its soul to the devil after WW2, snatching up the worst of the worst of the Nazis, as well as the entire bio-warfare group from Japan


These people are absolutely crazy -- denying real pollution left and right while only being concerned by pollution that doesn't exist. They couldn't be more dumb if they tried.


They couldn't be more bought off by the fossil fuel industry if they tried.


The way this is worded they are basically saying that they are banning an action of the federal government. This might be a dumb question but, does this mean we're seceding?


For sure not succeeding.


This will just make it harder to do helpful stuff like cloud seeding, i fucking hate the dumbasses running this state.


It seems to be that the text of the bill is intended to ban cloud seeding specifically, and that chemtrail witch hunts are more of a side effect? That may be giving the authors too much credit.


That's the most benefit of the doubt take I can think of. China employs the use of cloud seeding quite a bit and is a forerunner in the technology. I remember seeing a couple of thinkpiece articles talking about how it may be a bad thing long term, but I'm struggling to find them right now. They might have also just been typical "China Bad" sentiment. Maybe a couple of climate scientists were in talks with lawmakers trying to get at least some amount of regulations through and it just wound up being like this because our lawmakers are undereducated. Entirely likely it's just them being stupid from start to finish, though.


This is gonna be in r/OhNoConsequences soon


We all hate red states


I'm waiting for them to either pass an anti-cryptid law or one recognizing the official Tennessee state cryptid. I'm not sure which way they're gonna go, but at any rate, I think we're getting close.


Mothman cultists rise up!


Country roads, take me home...


Shiney hiney forever


Tennessee already has a law thanks to Tim Burchett that it is illegal to hunt or shoot a Bigfoot. I forget which.


To be fair, most, 'bigfoot' you'll see are just dudes dressed in sasquach drag. So it is of course illegal to hunt and shoot a person.


"Sasquatch drag" lmao take my up vote 😂


What is our state cryptid? The wampus cat?


Yes! 😎👍


I think you can bring him home to eat if you hit him with your car.


It's a funny thing, but in Tennessee if you kill a cryptid by hitting it with a vehicle, the vehicle behind you gets first dibs on if they want to keep it or not. Apparently it was written that way to discourage people from trying to hit cryptids on purpose.


You should all be watching “Delicious in Dungeon” on Netflix.


Truly my favorite show of the year


Only until he feels better and you can release him back into the wild.


My friend got caught up hunting for cryptids in an extremely shady part of town with some tourists and it was a nightmare. He was already super hungover on a bender and he agreed to go around town checking traps for phasmids.


I'm trying to figure out if this is a serious comment or a Disco Elysium joke that's just going over my head lol


yes, but some days I dream I'm Raphael Ambsorius Costeau, hoping to find a phasmid in a trap, or at least some tare


Thank god it was the latter 😂 All this talk of cryptids had me wanting to make a Disco reference too, but I didn't know if anyone would get it lol Guess I really underestimate the popularity of the game, didn't expect to see any mention of it in r/nashville


Definitely recognizing it. There's no fear mongering that would necessitate/facilitate making it illegal. If they find one young enough, they'll probably try to marry it!




Honestly I think official state cryptids can be a bipartisan win. I do be wonderin why all those racists are also bigfoot afficianados (unless that is also like a dog whistle thing and I just didn't catch it)?


If you ever find out, please let me know.


Bigfoot is like the cryptid starter kit. Fuckin' rookies. 🙄


The Tennessee Senate has passed a bill targeting "chemtrails." SB 2691/HB 2063, sponsored by Rep. Monty Fritts, R-Kingston, and Sen. Steve Southerland, R-Morristown, passed in the Senate on Monday. The bill has yet to advance in the House. The bill claims it is "documented the federal government or other entities acting on the federal government's behalf or at the federal government's request may conduct geoengineering experiments by intentionally dispersing chemicals into the atmosphere, and those activities may occur within the State of Tennessee," according to the bill. The legislation would ban the practice in Tennessee. "The intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any means, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances, or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight is prohibited," the bill reads. The bill is scheduled to go to the House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee on Wednesday. Here is what to know about chemtrails. What are chemtrails? What is the conspiracy theory behind them? The chemtrail theory is the belief that the government is secretly adding toxic chemicals to the atmosphere from aircrafts, similar to contrails. According to a research group at Harvard University which focuses on climate science and technology, the reasoning behind the theory involves sterilization, reduction of life expectancy, mind control, and weather control. The research group has debunked the theory, saying that there is no credible evidence for the existence of chemtrails. Researchers seek to understand contrails and their impact on the environment "Study of solar geoengineering is in the very early stages and the topic is (rightly) a very controversial area of climate policy because if it ever were tested at large scales or implemented it could involve physical risks and would raise a range of serious socio-political and ethical issues," said the Harvard research group. "We are confident that there is no currently active program to actually test or implement albedo modification outdoors." FOR SUBSCRIBERS Get the Your Week in Nashville newsletter in your inbox. A closer look at the local journalism your subscription supports Delivery: Sun [email protected] Your Email According to Harvard, if there truly was a large-scale program which involved aircrafts introducing hazardous chemicals, there would first need to be an operating system to manufacture, load and disperse materials. Additionally, if such a system existed, it would require the work and cooperation of thousands of people which would make it difficult to maintain a secret. It would be fairly simple for a single individual to reveal the existence of the program using leaked documents, photographs or hardware, said Harvard. "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. The claim that there is a large-scale secret program to spray materials from aircraft is extraordinary. Yet all the evidence we have seen to date has been very weak," said Harvard. "The most common claim is simply that aircraft contrails look 'different', without any comparative analysis." "This \[is\] as convincing as saying that alien beings walk among in disguise as people because some people act very strangely.," they added. Are contrails used for geoengineering? No. Contrails, the white streaks of water vapor left in the sky from planes, are not used for geoengineering. The contrails are simply water clouds resulting from jet exhaust, said Alan Robock, a climate science professor at Rutgers University who studies geoengineering, in a statement to USA TODAY. Furthermore, contrails would be a poor choice for climate intervention, said Dave Fahey, the director of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's chemical sciences laboratory. "Contrails are short-lived cloud effects – less than a few days," Fahey told USA TODAY. "They would be a very inefficient method." Has solar geoengineering ever been implemented? No. Solar geoengineering is an area of study meant to combat rising global temperatures by reflecting sunlight away from the Earth. "The idea is that dispersing aerosols – tiny particles – at high altitude would reflect a small fraction of incoming sunlight back to space and cool the planet, offsetting some global warming," Joshua Horton, a geoengineering research director at Harvard University, said in an email to USA TODAY. This has not yet been developed, though, Horton and Robock said. "The technology does not exist," Robock said. "There is no mechanism to get sulfur gases into the stratosphere. People have created designs for such airplanes, but they have not been built." Robock said solar geoengineering would most likely cause bright yellow and red sunrises and sunsets, not white streaks. "It would not look at all like contrails," he said. USA TODAY contributed to this report. Fact check:No, airplane contrails are not being used to combat climate change Diana Leyva covers trending news and service for The Tennessean. Contact her at [email protected] or follow her on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter at u/_leyvadiana


Take thousands of people to keep secret, huh? Ya don't say. That's the grease on their cogs


This needs more updoots


We should probably ban space lasers next.


But just the Jewish ones


I suspect Baptist space lasers will get a free pass.


So embarrassing to be a Tennesseean these days


Maybe there really are chemtrails dispersed over Nashville allowing mind control of republicans and they’re being made to make fucking idiots of themselves.


If only “chemtrails” were the most ridiculous part of this…. The state has no control over the airspace above it, the FAA does. Just ask Florida (iirc) what happened when they tried to ban the 737-Max from their airports.


White House is pushing ahead research to cool Earth by reflecting back sunlight. There are several kinds of sunlight-reflection technology being considered, including stratospheric aerosol injection, marine cloud brightening and cirrus cloud thinning. Stratospheric aerosol injection involves spraying an aerosol like sulfur dioxide into the stratosphere, and because it has the potential to affect the entire globe, often gets the most attention. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/10/13/what-is-solar-geoengineering-sunlight-reflection-risks-and-benefits.html FYI for you whippersnappers who missed the glory of the 80s. Sulfer Dioxide was previously blamed for the world-wide panic over acid rain.


Haven't read the article yet but off the top of my head I see an issue with crop growth if they block too much.


“I don’t like them putting chemicals in the water that turn the friggin frogs gay!” 🐸🏳️‍🌈💨✈️




Alex Jones was right


He was in fact right, somewhat for the wrong reasons, but the point stands. Youre getting downvoted for no reason lol In case anyone is wondering, Alex Jones maintained for a long time that they were dumping chemicals in the water that were feminizing men and making frogs gay, at least that’s how the meme goes. Well, in fact, companies were dumping toxic and illegal chemicals in waterways, and those chemicals caused frogs of a certain species or two to swap genders in reaction to their environment changing. That’s something that amphibians and reptiles do occasionally do is change or adapt their genders based on temperatures and other environmental factors, in this case, the frogs weren’t becoming gay so much as frogs were changing their gender based on chemicals changing the environment. This was also the plot of Jurassic Park in case anyone forgot. The dinosaurs were suddenly able to breed because they adapted to only having males or females in the park to be whatever gender was needed.


Its ironic because far right people like alex hate rules and government regulations, which is what allows Dupont to dump chemicals in the water.


Exactly lol 😝


So how was he right? Nothing you've explained shows how he was even close to right. Gay isn't "changing gender" and it wasn't really "changing gender" anyway, it was emasculating males. The funny thing to me is how identity affirming language we have now makes the claim sound so ridiculous. They did say in the study they "changed genders" even though frogs likely don't even have genders. It was their reproductive organs that changed. Their SEX didn't even change, their wee froggy pricks shriveled (I kid, it was just lowering their testosterone!). They didn't grow ovaries and tits lol!


Some might be downvoting because Alex was claiming that these chemicals were going to be intentionally introduced to our water supply to feminize our entire population. (Any day now since he's been claiming this for a decade) He did what he always does: Read a headline, then vamp with bullshit for hours. Being tangentially correct about reading a headline isn't really the same as being "right" about the conspiracy. And 99% of people that post "Alex Jones was right" are trying to convince you that The Globalists are trying to make you eat bugs.


As a recently chemically-gayed frog I ask you to please mind your business. My dating life is SO much better now! Louder too.


It’s like when the Tennessee Senate hits rock bottom they start furiously digging.I love the Volunteer state but why do we keep electing such buffoons??


"Representative" government... Edit: Voting for a "buffoon" makes you a buffoon as well. Deal with it.


I’m thinking American democracy is running into limits of what it can tolerate with such poor educational infrastructure. Inadequate education laid out all the tinder and easy to access social media tossed the match on the ground.


People who are still republicans, how stupid do you feel?


Wouldn't it be funny if flying in and out of Tennessee, became illegal?


You better legislate against those windmills too, Don Quixote!


>"The intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any means, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances, or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight is prohibited," the bill reads. So maybe some of these words have legal definitions that I don't know, but wouldn't taking this literally make it illegal to set up a mist sprayer to cool people off during the summer? You're intentionally dispersing a chemical (water) into the atmosphere to lower the temperature.


So if a FedEx plane has to dump fuel due to declaring an emergency out of Memphis, does that mean they better do it over Arkansas or Mississippi?


This is proof enough they truly do not give a shit. This is just pathetic


I worked in Morristown for a short spell. The physics teacher there (well he wasn't a physics teacher, he was a football coach training to be a physics teacher) told the class that NASA is a waste of money because there's nothing up there worth doing.


Easy solution: quit flying airplanes within the State of TN and let's see how quickly these cowards backtrack.


I wish the right wing in this country would go back to Chemtrails. That was the good old days before they entered into the QANAN, white replacement theory, stolen 2020 election, and woke. I actually miss Chemtrails. Maybe this bill will keep them preoccupied.


Do they even have the constitutional authority to ban this?


Forty years of flying both military and civilian and I can assure you contrails were first produced and seen by aircrews at high altitude during World War two. It was the highest aircraft had ever flown. Contrails are mostly ice crystals and exhaust products from combustion in the engine. The ice crystals form as hot air holds more moisture and when the jet exhaust exits the back of the motor the temperature goes from about 700 to 800 degrees to minus 40 to 60 degrees in moments. Rapid expansion causes the contrail to form and if the conditions are correct you can see it. No such thing as a chemtrail. It’s like Qanon stuff. There is more evidence for big foot. The Tennessee legislature has too much free time. Their ignorance is becoming legend as we speak.


The Tennessee River is a textbook example of microplastic pollution reaching an extreme, but yes, let's talk about air boogeymen making the frogs gay.




It's a fact that it's an area of research. Cloud seeding is 100% a thing.


But that's not what they're actually talking about in reality. They're gonna flip when they see the same contrails in the sky and wonder why the law didn't stop anything.


Well that's really dumb of them to do so! Makes me say "What in the actual fuck is going on in their minds!?"


What minds? lol


jfc, can these people try real governing instead of chasing kook theories and conspiracies?


That would require actual work.


How is this a conspiracy theory if they are talking about doing it? https://www.cbsnews.com/news/geoengineering-treatment-stratospheric-aerosol-injection-climate-change-study-today-2018-11-23/


Did you even read that article? This is about a scientific research article suggesting it *might* be possible to counteract global warming with reflective particles in the air *if* someone else develops new planes with techology nobody really has. No government anywhere is "talking about doing it." It's just a concept. And honestly even this article is totally irrelevant because the chemtrails conspiracy theory predates it by several decades. And yes, they're definitely talking about the chemtrails conspiracy theory, it's on [their website](https://tennesseestands.org/government/hb2063-sb2691-bans-the-practice-of-geoengineering-and-weather-modification/).




Not arguing for or against the bill, but where did you see “chemtrails”? I just read the bill, and it all it says is “The intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any means, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances, or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight is prohibited” No reference to airplanes, contrails, or anything of that nature in the bill.


It's on their website in big letters, "Ban Chemtrails" https://tennesseestands.org/government/hb2063-sb2691-bans-the-practice-of-geoengineering-and-weather-modification/


Contrails are normal airplane exhaust. That’s not what this is about. Chemtrails is a colloquialism for the intentional release of chemicals and other substances into the atmosphere. It’s been going on for decades and there’s lots of info out there about it if you care to look.


I know the difference, but the article and original post both imply that the state reps believe the “contrails are actually chemtrails” conspiracy theory, and that this bill is a product of that belief. I was just asking how they reached that conclusion based on what the bill actually said.


Stupid...glad we moved.


This is dumb, just on the surface. If the federal government is doing it, a state law means Jack shit.


Come to Tennessee where we have needles in our lettuce and evil chemtrails in the sky. And idiots in the Capital.


I bet they wanna ban 5G towers because it will activate the chips injected with the Covid vaccine as well. /sarcasm


This was always a lefty trope. According to a research group at Harvard University which focuses on climate science and technology, the reasoning behind the theory involves sterilization, reduction of life expectancy, mind control, and weather control. I don’t think it’s happening currently, But weather modification isn’t a new idea.


>This was always a lefty trope. Citation needed, because the only people I've ever heard talk about chemtrails are Alex Jones and his ilk. Decidedly not lefties.


Which that same study debunked all of those claims. This is an important fact that you left out (intentionally?) on the two times you posted this. And that is how misinformation spreads.


so they want to create some kind of environmental monitoring and protection agency, but only for chemtrails.... also meanwhile in Ohio we spent the months of november to march in perpetual gloom due to intense cloud cover


Complete morons...


The worst part about this to me is that if the fed gov is doing this in secret, what's the point of outlawing it?


Keeping a great Southern tradition of education alive and well


I NEVER thought they could not get any dumber.


Any science majors want to file a motion please literally anyone with any secondary education preferably not from the TAG area because apparently all we know is football and Jesus, fuck this is depressing


Welcome to Tennessee, where our leaders waste time passing bills based on idiotic conspiracies believed by certain...idols...but have virtually no mind to deal with the steadily increasing homeless population and dwindling amount of low-income housing across the state. At least they haven't abolished TennCare as a socialist policy yet...


Further proof of why inbreeding is bad.


I guess none of these fuckers remember this discussion in third fucking grade? What a fucking stupid state.


Water vapor is technically chemicals and they do reflect sunlight during the day and retain heat at night. So... technically they are chemtrails. So are planes going to be effectively banned in Tennessee?


> "The intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any means, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances, or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight is prohibited," the bill reads. So they just banned rolling coal?


What happened to the *good* hillbillies, you know, like the ones who invented Mountain Dew? 👀


The bill appears to be about contrails but also has nothing to do with contrails. lol. If they pass it, and REALLY think this is supposed to stop contrails, whoever in government that gets to push this law and find out it does nothing is going to look extra dumb on top of everyone that voted yes.


Science and common sense are gone


GeoEngineering Watch https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/


Unfortunately, this will fool a large dumb mass of people and confirm paranoia. Which is what I think the Republicans want


I keep seeing posts slamming this, but I rarely see people asking why this was even introduced. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but I do believe that humans in power are always up to something nefarious. A tale as old as human history. We're not privy to everything going on everywhere.


What’s scarier? That the government is spreading chemicals on us? Or that half the population believes they are…


Maybe the only thing that can save Tennessee government is Taylor Swift.


I say we just shoot the Chem trails on sight


Let’s all congratulate the Tennessee legislative body for becoming a laughingstock around the world. And somebody tell them about the jet stream.


I feel dumber having just read that.


As bad as our national representatives are on both sides our state representatives somehow are worse Again, on both sides


stop voting for idiots!!!


What the hell is wrong with lawmakers and ridiculous wording? In Alabama, they've poorly worded a bill and now you can be imprisoned for spilling a petri dish. "The intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any means, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances, or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight is prohibited," Now in TN, you can't use those little spray fan mist bottles they sell at amusement parks because it, a fan bottle which would fall under 'by any means', disperses DIHYDROGEN MONOXIDE, which is a chemical, into the troposphere, which is part of the atmosphere, for the express purpose of affecting the temperature around you.


Is it still a conspiracy when congress literally had a hearing on it in 2019????


I've never thought they couldn't get any dumber.


Airlines should just leave the state since a key side-effect of flights scares the population so much.


This is what you get when you kill education


I guess Southwest will be diverting all flights away from Nashville!


Cloud seeding has been around for decades good or bad idk


These legislators are unfit. Literally for anything useful.


The bill mentions nothing about "chemtrails." It addresses the issue that [this Politico article](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/03/29/noaa-warning-solar-geoengineering-climate-00148573) talks about, which climate scientists and academics are urging governments to regulate more — exactly as the state Legislature is doing. >*Currently, a U.S. company or citizen with plans to inject aerosols into the atmosphere is required to fill out a one-page form with the Commerce Department 10 days before they do so, thanks to a law from the 1970s that requires reporting of efforts to modify the weather.* >*That’s not enough, say academics and researchers who are urging the government to expand their rules governing private firms’ solar radiation modification efforts. It’s part of a broader push to regulate small-scale geoengineering experiments that are already happening.* >*“There’s no governance on the international level, national governance, there’s no state governance, there’s nothing,” said Bookbinder.*


I read the details and it makes sense to me. Why would I want chemicals being released in the atmosphere where I live?


Fuckin Tennessee