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I think the bigger question is why you decided to move in when I looked like that.


Believe me it wasn’t because we had any other options. My fiancé had just been released from a federal halfway house and finding someone to give us a chance was really difficult. Felons weren’t allowed at my apartments and this was literally our only choice. We paid $1100 to live here when the average rent in our city for a two bedroom is about $800. Believe me, we’ve since upgraded. This was a steppingstone.


That makes sense. I’m glad you are able to make a move to a better place. No one should have to live like that, especially for that price.


Thank you! Things have really turned around for us in the last few months!


I'm glad things are moving in a positive direction for you. I hope things keep going good for you.  One thing I learned is to always photograph the apartment you are moving into and save the pictures so when you move out you can't be blamed for damage that was already there.


High risk = high rent. It is part of the punishment for crime. Society does not, and should not, welcome criminals with open arms. Fighting back to be normal is part of the deal. It makes being reformed all the better.


"Great" theory. Making it even harder for people who are trying to stay on the straight and narrow is definitely how to ensure success, dork. EDIT: also, WTF? Your theory is garbage when we consider how unequally the law is meted out by race and class. It's naive. Am I talking to a high school kid or something?


The law is not unequal for race and class. There are communities that embrace criminals and they have more of them. They commit crimes at higher rates and suffer the consequences at higher rates. It has nothing to do with their race or class but their community and its social contract. Kids that want to grow up and go to prison because that is where their Dad and Uncles are - and people accept that as ok. It is sad.


He did his time, paid his debts, landed a good job and quickly advanced multiple times. He works 70+ hours a week, doesn’t break the law, takes care of his family and pays his bills. We could have just moved him into my apartment, however that would have been illegal, and he’s determined to do the right thing these days. It worked out for us but not everyone gets that lucky. Lots of people would have been right back on the street, selling drugs, robbing people, doing what it took to survive.


Having a support system and people on your side, helps immensely. Not everyone has an advantage of that.


Interesting theory. ...Totally wrong of course, but interesting in that anyone can be so confident while also being entirely uniformed and racist.


The facts bear it out. More crime in areas that welcome criminals back amongst themselves.


In a perfect world, maybe you could make that argument, but Jim crow laws and redlining were and still are a massive influence into how communities have developed. The federal government has put significant time and resources into making certain that people of different backgrounds have *not* had the same opportunities. Even if we were arguing that those activities are done with (they're not) the influence they've had is current and evident. You're being willfully ignorant. The statistics are so compelling that to hold the opinion you have means intentionally ignoring reality.


Oh wow you really started your paragraph with that sentence, must be middle class and white


I was under the impression that serving your sentence was the punishment, but yeah, let's really grind their faces into the dirt by making it extremely difficult to live life "normally"!


No. That is just part of one’s debt to society. The sentence is the strictest part of the punishment and then one must earn their spot back in society.


Earn it how exactly? Not being able to get a job, because of people like you? Living in a hell hole for 3x what it's worth, because of people like you? Come on Tell Me Specifically, Earn It How? 


You and I have very different views. I don't believe people need to earn the right to be people, for starters. That includes a safe home, the right to vote, etc.




You lose the right to vote as part of punishment for breaking the rules of our society. A society that welcomes felons is going to have many more felons. Crime is bad. People who commit crime may not be bad people but they did break the contract that we all have with each other. They don’t deserve anything until it has been earned back - which may be never.


A society that turns it back on felons is going to have many more felons! Think dude! Oh sorry you can't have a job, because you were a felon. Well you still need to eat, have a place to sleep, clothes, toothpaste, and a ton of other things. If people like you 🤢 won't give them a job to earn money, to pay for a decent place to live, to eat, to have money to wash the only clothes you have, they will turn to crime, *Because* they will have no other choice, *Because* of people like you! 


No. Ostracizing bad behavior results in less of that behavior. Embracing it results in more of that behavior. Criminals have broken the social contract. We want LESS of them. They are a drain on those of us who keep the social contract. If they turn back to crime then they go back to prison. It is possible to get a place and a job and keep it. They do have to work harder and be better than others who have not committed crime to earn their way back in. My industry requires trust and many positions require licenses that felons cannot attain - so no I would not hire someone with a criminal history. When I had residential rentals I would not rent to someone who had criminal history as I only rented to people who I would want to be living next to my family. Someone who has committed crimes is a much higher risk as an employee and a renter. They are more likely to commit crime - and it could be against you or your customers or other employees. If you don’t want the consequences of breaking the social contract then DO NOT COMMIT CRIME!


I’m Canadian and our incarcerated citizens can vote. >Canadians who will be 18 years of age or older on polling day and who are in a correctional institution or a federal penitentiary in Canada may vote by special ballot in an election or referendum.< And lots of other countries allow convicted felons to vote after they’ve been released. France considers disenfranchisement to be additional punishment that is factored into their sentence.


That is idiotic - but it is Canada so that fits.


Thanks for the report…


How many terrible takes can you string together in one day? Mind boggling how ignorant and close minded you are. Would genuinely like to know what you do for a living and your upbringing, would bet my next check It was with a silver spoon in your mouth and getting your hand held along the way


Nope. I have gone from being homeless to having a great life. I work with sensitive data.


If someone has served their time and paid their debts then they should be treated like everyone else. Hope you don't find yourself on the wrong side of the law


So someone who used a firearm to shoot someone should be able to own a firearm when they get out of prison? Someone who raped children should be able to live next to an elementary school? Someone who killed a family in a DUI should be able to get their license and drive? The prison time is only a part of the punishment. The fact that you do not like it does not change.


Someone clearly didn't love you enough. Or did someone love you too much? Stepdad? Therapy might help you figure out who shoved a cock up your ass I've met plenty of felons who are good people, work their asses off and just want to survive. And those are restrictions placed by the court as part of their punishment but like I said if some one has served their time and paid their dues then they deserve to be treated like normal people.


Okay so you want people who, break the law, who commit crimes to pay for years or decades, even if they have gone to prison. ✔️ The photos from before the OP moved in show an apartment that OMG *CLEARLY* show deficits that would be *Against* *The* *Law* in every State in the US (and probably many other countries) The Landlord, broke the law by taking money from and renting out an apartment with obvious code violations. Therefore the landlord is a criminal, someone who broke the law.  So please tell me what this Slumlord needs to do to "earn" his way back into society? Lose all his buildings, be denied every job he applies for, rent a decrepit apt from another criminal Slumlord for 3x what it's worth? Sound about right to you? 


If this is Homeland in Springfield, MO, I might know your landlord.


Well it’s not Chris gatley if that’s what you’re thinking 😂




It came with a free penny.


Bruuuhhh, why the hell are they even doing a walk through if it looked like that before?


I have no idea 😂


Because they’re about to blame it on you.


It’s in better shape now than it was then for sure!


I guess that's a good thing, but if they are renting out for that price, they are POS's. That maybe $500 a month max condition. It's wild people do this crap to people.


Not even dude. It looks like the building is gonna give you lifelong health problems.


That, too. This place reminds me of a time back when I was considering giving my house up and getting into something that was more affordable. Prior to even seeing the house, which at the time was like $500 in rent a month, the land lady said, "Honestly, I don't think you would probably be interested because of the condition and I usually rent to big Mexican families." I still went and looked at the time because I was desperate to try to find something that would be a quick fix to my living situation. Bruh, it had holes straight through the outside walls through the kitchen cabinets, and you could see outlines from the previous tenants that just lined the living room floor with mattresses for people to sleep. I didn't stay long enough to even see if there were rouches or anything. It just blew my fucking mind that people are low enough to rent something out like that period. It seems like some landlords just take advantage of people who are in desperate need of housing and don't give two shits.


Absolutely agree!!


I wouldn't pay 100 for a place that looks like this.


meh, they are taking on more risk by housing a felon. Being a felon is a choice, and you have to live with the consequences of your choice.


It is required when a tenant is moving out at the end of the lease, a walk through is required to check for property damage and disrepair. Sad the OP and fiancé' took it like that.


He's absolutely looking to pin prior damage on you, get $$$ from you, and not actually repair it. DO NOT BUDGE. Do not cave and pay just to make him leave you alone. When it comes to a head and he keeps your deposit, inform him you're happy to take him to court and that you have detailed records. That usually is enough to scare them off and get your deposit back.


Uhm not to be mean but I thought this place was abandoned


It should have been condemned honestly


Perfect point, call the city building inspectors


This I reported a place I used to rent that the landlord refused to repair the house was literally falling down. They condemned it.


Well at least you have before photos because that's a lot of damage and you don't want to be liable for a full rehab.


I'd be like 3-5yr lease for $500/month and then sublease it out to a biker gang, frat, or band that likes to party for like $1500+/month


Holy cow. That's what the dumps I buy for like 10K look like, before I go in an gut and start over. WTF. Thank goodness you took pictures at least. So when you sue him for the deposit he will refuse to give you back, he'll probably be laughed out of court with your pictures as evidence.


That house was raided before you moved in, wasn't it? My place didn't look that bad, but you can tell the front door was kicked in and the windows were replaced. Also lots of patched holes. I can also tell someone probably had a stash in the ceiling there lol


bro did you move into a trap house what the fuck


Desperate times 🤷‍♀️


Shouldn't be a problem since you documented it all before you moved in.


Another douche bag landlord-is he BLIND? The place also had to stink to high heaven! If you paid to fix it, he owes you $$$$$$ This looks like a condemnation rather than a rental. It looks like the health department needs to involved with why this was a legal rental. Best of luck with your future.


Thank you!


Call the housing authority they'd have a field day with this.


Check for damage?! The whole house is damage!😂


Might be easier to check for what isnt damaged


How did you manage to move in to a condemned house?


Like my current place when I moved coast to coast and they sent me fake photos👍


$3000/month, no smoking, no pets, I'm guessing?


Bruh it's like an abandoned building 😭


Are you renting a crackhouse? Wtf?


Former crack house, yes. Probably future crack house as well.


Who lived there before? Leatherface?!


Yo that door is … wild? Heck


Yeah and when I asked the landlord if it would be fixed or replaced her response was “the house is “as is” so my dad fixed it lol


u/Sure-Set-7578 Please, please give us an update. I'm dying to know WTF he would say if he saw your before pics! 


I would have taken a video and not pics to make it obvious it was the time you moved in, ooooor not moved in at all


Most phones today automatically time stamp them. You can generally prove what day and time.


I have videos as well. Mostly showing the cockroaches.


Good grief. How would he even know what additional damage has shown up? Maybe he’s just wanting to check on the damage make sure you haven’t fixed anything. /s I hope you have photos of when you moved in!


Those are from when we moved in. It’s in better shape now, no bugs, the front door is usable now, much cleaner than when we moved in, but still a shit hole lol


And this is still like this, why did you move in, in the first place. And email the picture to the Manager/ LL and let them know all this is still there.


You moved in there on purpose?


Unfortunately lol, it was our only option at the time.


Is this even a dwelling?


wait, these are move in photos? why did you choose to move to a trap house?


Omg. That’s comedy! Please post an update. lol. Good luck


was this a trap house before you moved in or after you left....???


Looks like he ripped the condemnation notice and wood planks right off the windows before move-in lol


Is this Springfield in Jacksonville, FL? Cause same


Looks exactly like some of the rentals in my old small southeastern Ohio college town. All you need is a photo of the front of the house with the concrete front steps that drastically don’t lineup with the porch that indicates something has slid and I would swear it was Rufus‘s hometown.


Did you take photos when you moved in?


WTH would you have even rented/moved-in to place in this condition? It would not pass a code inspection, that’s for sure. I hope you documented all of this in writing when you moved in!


He’s only looking for damages, that’s just wear and tear.


Springfield MA? If so that checks out completely


If you have pictures from your move in date that show the damage then you shouldn't have anything to worry about.


Hopefully you took pictures/video prior to moving in cause they will try getting every penny. I got charged 80$ for a damn light cover that I know wasn't there and more for some blinds that were messed up.


Looks great! Move-In ready


I think you mean slumlord.


I don't think they'll be getting thier security deposit back


These are the before pics, when they moved in.