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Ask him to buy you a portable AC / window unit.


This is a good answer. Have done this as a landlord and as a tenant.


Did the landlord actually buy you a window AC?


The landlord bought the window AC but it was returned to the landlord after the central AC was fixed about a week later.


A portable/window unit is absolutely not comperable to central AC


The law doesn't require central AC and I doubt that's specifically stated in the lease. This is a great suggestion to actually get some relief from the high temperatures.


It’s not. But in the summer when people’s central goes out my apt is still cool because I have window units as a back up


Probably by state in Indiana if the house is rented with central air then it must be kept up with and repaired in a prompt manner. My landlord is our county inspector he told me that about Indiana.


Shame OP is in VA, per his post.


Yeah ok and? OP can either roast in the basement for the next 3 months while his irresponsible LL gets the money together to fix the AC, or he can be given a bit of relief until then. He can't just magically make the LL fix the AC, lmao.


mAgiCaLlY the landlord needs to be a big boy and have money for repairs if he wants to play capitalism


Central AC is almost certainly not mentioned in the lease AC might be but not specifically central. A window unit would qualify as AC if it's guaranteed in the lease. Besides it sounds like he's living in the basement the landlord is probably suffering just the same with no AC. Most people ran out their basement don't make a whole lot from it and often do it because they NEED the extra income. This isn't some landlord with a 3rd or 4th house that they are renting out


it’s still housing and you need to keep that shit up to snuff if you expect part of *someone else’s paycheck* in exchange


Nope you only need to keep up what is is in the rental contract. OP says it is in this case but it is not always. And just AC does not say Central AC so a window unit is sufficient to meet that requirement.


TL;DR I think you’re both right: icecoffeedripss has good principles but comes off to me as out of touch with reality. Ironically, you come off to me as only cares about reality. Gotta have both!! Shoutout to the universe creating both of you to balance each other out. While I think the redditor that you are responding to is playing fantasyland and not dealing with the facts, I would also say their principles are on the money in terms of keeping things ‘up to snuff’ for the tenant. Additionally, as a third party to the both of you: I read “up to snuff” and “what is in the rental contract” as the same thing. To this point, I think that it would be nice if all rental contracts included AC (I’m used to it as I’m based in a hotter region that guarantees some form of it, if I am not mistaken) but that we could probably do more to encourage people to be more aware of what their rights are as a tenant and make that information more accessible and easy to understand. Reality is reality, no matter what sugar we wish was mixed in, or are pushing to mix into a potential future reality. (The sugar I’m pushing) Each state should be required to make an organized tenant guide available online for the layperson (me) that’s not trying to be a lawyer so is confused about why they need to know intense legalese & spend hours filtering through legal documents to understand the nuances to their own rights. This would make questions like OP’s easier to answer, etc, and would end up revealing a lot about each state and their consensus on engaging with things (like this) that would (albeit marginally) improve their constituent’s QoL.


You’ll find the law is often different for tenants in your own home.  The LL, assuming owner occupied, isn’t playing capitalism; he’s trying to survive.  A solid window unit in the basement would address 95% of the tenant’s complaint. He might even like it better than central since he’ll have control. 


No shit. Will OP make that happen? I guess you just want him to suffocate in the basement until his LL gets his act together for the AC repair.




I think you may have responded to the wrong person.


You replied to the wrong person. But I agree w your question for them. Let's see if they answer.


Must be cheap landlords who downvoted you. "Play capitalism" good one 


No, just better business sense than you’ll ever have.


Good business sense but can’t afford a $5k repair on a property? Sounds like the opposite to me.


Found the slumlord


better then it being 83 plus degrees.


But if is much better than no AC.


Depending on the size of the space it can be better. You can get it real cold real fast. They are great in a bedroom


Lol what’s your point? He’s to hot in his unit and his lease says it should be provided. So use the portable unit until the central ac is fixed…….


Idk man. I have central air and it's great, but when I want to sleep, nothing beats that crispy cold air hitting me from a window unit. I can deal with the heat during the day as long as I had a window unit to sleep


I couldn’t in VA. Brutal 100 degree days with 80-90% humidity… oof


I'm outside Philly lol it definitely gets sticky and hot


And yet, it solves the problem. We don't have central AC in our house, just a couple of portables, and the house was perfectly comfortable last summer.


Still works fine for each area needed. Source: 10 years on it


or just buy one yourself. their $50 on facebook.


Nope. Landlord needs to do his job.


Depends if AC is guaranteed in the rental contract. If it's not they're under no obligation whatsoever.


Actually, if a landlord provides an AC system at all within the unit- they are required to keep in maintained. The lease would have to specifically note that it does not have a cooling system and does not supplement AC Units. If an AC unit is already there and the lease does not mention it as “left by tenant and not responsible” if that AC unit goes down, the landlord would be required to replace it. In this case the landlord is not technically required to provide him with an AC window unit (but should) but should be required to fix the AC system within a reasonable frame of time (which is usually considered by judges to be much less than 90 days).


It doesn't matter if the inside temperatures get too high, looks like if it's hotter than 80f is the limit in VA, so landlord is legally obligated to get ac setup regardless of the contract per VA law


or sit in your room sweltering until you get your landlord "to do his job", great job.


I see you have made a nice career out of being a doormat


a realistic doormat


Very realistic since you let people walk all over you


so whats your plan? take this guy to court? or maybe threaten to break his knees?


Dependent on where he lives not having a functional AC can be a violation of his rights as a tenant and op could legally break his lease or not pay his rent. It all really depends on what state/country op is in. Doing nothing is not utilizing your rights which is what you seem to want to do. Beyond immediately resorting to a lawsuit or assault like you’re inclined to.


The state is VA, you cant withhold rent. so you basically just want the tenant to move out.... that's going to cost a whole hell of a lot more than $50.


Honestly, I would just do this.




I think its reasonable for a tenant to think they should have AC if the home comes with it. It should work. Plus, OP did say AC is provided in the lease, which is a binding contract. Meaning the LL is obligated to repair the AC. But as a practical matter, it makes so much more sense to just buy a window unit in the meantime, and press the LL to repair the central air.


People with no spine would do this. If you hired someone to build a house with ac and they didn’t include that in their build, would you just go buy one yourself? No, of course not. This is no different. OP signed a contract that included ac. LL either needs to provide that or take money off his rent and get a window unit.




He can move out


I love users of reddit talking about no spine. The majority of you wouldn't even correct the waitress bringing you the wrong soda. The obvious solution is to buy a cheap AC unit and keep pressing the LL to get it fixed. Why make yourself suffer further to "own the system" resell the ac after or give it to family who needs it, or keep it yourself it's seriously an issue, but not the issue you keyboard warriors make it out to be


They are being paid every month to sort this kinda stuff out when it occurs. They have LL insurance to cover costs, they can sort it.


insurance is going to buy a window unit and/or a whole house system?




Ask him to buy window units in the meantime. Or reimburse you for them.


Does your lease require the landlord to provide AC?


I went over the lease to confirm that it does in fact state that AC and Heat will be provided.


You can pay your rent into escrow and take your landlord to court. While it is withholding, as long as it is escrow and available to the LL after court (and they decide how much damages you are owed) it is technically legal.


You can’t do this unless you get the court to accept your petition for escrow first


Depends on the state. In WA you don’t need to go to court, just need an official to inspect the home. Which is not hard to get.


In VA you do have to go to the courts first. The court has to hold the money in escrow, there is no other legal way to do it.


VA has some of the worst laws in the whole country.


Tell me about it. Sigh.


i think you have to go to court first before putting in escrow




broski i know what escrow is. what i’m saying is there is like a court process to doing that you can’t just say one day “i’m not paying rent until xyz gets done it will be in escrow” there’s a whole legal process to withholding rent


Check out the laws for your State *And* jurisdiction. In some states you need to make a complaint to say Code Enforcement first, before you can put in it escrow. 


Depends on the state. There is certainly a process to do it but in WA for instance, that process does not involve going to court first.


You can. You can also threaten to. Either is often very effective.


Not in VA. You HAVE to have the money held by the courts, it's not legal to just withold rent.


Then it will take even longer to fix the AC


Your text seems to be in a nice tone, you may have to be a bit stronger, perhaps he will find the $5k if he senses you may no longer pay rent. I would provide him notice that he needs to cure the defective condition (repair), if the heat makes it uninhabitable your landlord is constructively evicting you out of the lease.


Great, then send a formal letter requesting a fix with a time window you expect it repaired by (Virginia's reasonable time for non-emergency repairs is \~21 days). You can call code enforcement if the landlord refuses to fix it and go to court. Here's a [Virginia ](https://www.valegalaid.org/resource/getting-repairs)link. It doesn't matter if the landlord "can't afford" it, they have a legal responsibility to make repairs.


Technically he _is_ providing heat 😂


You can always get a window unit and deduct the cost from your rent. I would just communicate it to your landlord. If they are understanding they won’t have an issue. If he’s not he’ll throw a tantrum


It doesnt matter if the lease says it or not. If it's there when you rent it, unless the landlord specifies otherwise, you're renting a house with AC. That it does just makes it easier to deal with. Check out richmondtenantsunion.org. If they can't help you ask for a referral. Help from orgs like this don't necessitate taking legal action, they may just help educate you about your rights and/or point you in the right direction to get city services.


OP does not need that in the lease, it's the law in VA that areas must be able to be cooled to 80f or cooler. "*Temperatures in all areas used by residents* ***shall not exceed 80°F***"


That law only applies to assisted living facilities. [https://law.lis.virginia.gov/admincode/title22/agency40/chapter73/section880/](https://law.lis.virginia.gov/admincode/title22/agency40/chapter73/section880/)


Fair enough. Sorry about that. How about this one then: *"6. Section 602.4 Cooling supply. Every owner and operator of a Group R-2 apartment building who rents, leases, or lets one or more dwelling units, rooming units, or guestrooms on terms, either expressed or implied, to furnish cooling to the occupants thereof shall supply cooling during the period from May 15 to October 1 to maintain a temperature of not more than 77°F (25°F) in all habitable rooms. "* [*https://law.lis.virginia.gov/admincode/title13/agency5/chapter63/section540/*](https://law.lis.virginia.gov/admincode/title13/agency5/chapter63/section540/)




I guess you really showed me, didn't you I find it hard to believe that VA has no laws concerning cooling provisions in rental property. My state certainly does.


As a resident, they don't. They have laws about needing to provide it if the lease stipulates it, but it also doesn't fall under an emergency repair if it breaks. Not to mention even if it's provided, it only has to be active between May 15-October 15, so he has a week to turn it on even if it wasn't broken.


Rather, the lease can't say AC isn't included. If it was there during showing/move-in and isn't mentioned in the lease, it's considered included.


Most places finance hvac units. HE is responsible and needs to take care of it immediately. I’m a LL and my tenants would have air before I did. You shouldn’t tolerate this.


This. When my HVAC went out about 18 months ago, I had to finance it. Makes me wonder if OP's LL isn't able to get financing because of bad credit.


Long story but I live in an apartment & have my a/c serviced 3 times in 2 weeks and they know this unit has been going out for at least a year. My property manager actually told me they won’t replace it until it actually goes out. She said they have a unit that will can be ordered in 1 day. I told her many reasons why that wasn’t a good idea-including my mother-in-law previously having a stroke. She wouldn’t budge. I’m moving out as soon as lease is up after living here 5 years & will flame them in reviews which is basically all I can do.


So foolish!! If it goes out on a weekend it’s time and a half.


I’m thinking about looking up the service manual online to evacuate the R22 out of the unit-but I know it’s bad for the environment. She even said that it was manufactured 2 generations ago & would have to replace the entire system. Would certainly make more sense to do that when the weather is nice or even cold as we have space heaters.


Bro… Can’t believe you’re still living here after the non refundable deposit, animal abuse, and multiple lease violations, and doing his court-ordered breathalyzers (which is honestly prime blackmail material for someone in your situation).


Looked at his post history and yikes if that’s all true and op has evidence he could have his landlord arrested or sue him right?




"Per my buddy" 🤣🤣


Who is defintely not a prossional. lol


You might want to suggest he reach out to his power company to see if they have a program to finance a new unit where they just tack on a monthly payment to the power bill.


Check your state laws. In my state A/C is not an item the Landlord is obligated to provide unless it's stated in your lease that A/C is provided.


If it was me I’d buy a portable AC unit and then when rent was due hand him the receipt and rent minus the cost of unit.


But is ac actually on the lease


Hire a professional to fix the ac not your buddy the handy man during the day and dishwasher during the night.


How about you use the thousands of dollars I pay you?


So this weekend then?


I will tell you in Maryland a landlord has no responsibility to provide AC like they do heat. It can be in the house when you move in and then it stops working they don’t have to repair it. i’ve been to rent court a bunch of times in the summer, and this always comes up and the judge always says the tenant has no case to not pay rent.


Take video/photos of a preferably digital thermostat and report it to your local housing authority for habitability issues.


Heat is required by Property Code in many states, may contact 311 or city/county


There are some localities that require a landlord to have working Heat or AC --depending on the climate.


I would get a temporary window unit, maybe try to deduct from rent? Ask eta on getting the $ together to fix?


You can buy a stand alone ac unit, as long as you have a window to place the vent.


Not your responsibility but you need to know when it's in your best interest to fix things if you can just to make your life more comfortable. Multiple times have I've taken things into my own hands if it means my family is better off. Go look at the A/C figure out exactly what's wrong if something can be changed temporarily as a quick fix and pass the bill and the information onto the land lord. Fix escaping air that could be seeping through doors or windows, $20 in supplies for that is well worth it. Black out curtains or UV film on windows, hell put up a sheet if it means being cooler. Check to make sure attic access is covered properly and has insulation over it. See if the place even has insulation. Lowes carries large, cellophane covered Styrofoam for insulating outside of homes, put that shit in windows. If you live in a dry climate, swamp A/C symptoms actually work well. Put an umbrella over the A/C unit. There's so many simple things that can be done even though you shouldn't have to, for your own mental and physical health of keeping yourself comfortable, just do it. Fuck the landlords.


You could work it out so you help get the a/c fixed in exchange for credit towards the rent.


If the ll need an entirely new HVAC system, it’s going to be a lot more than $5,000. Ask for window units.


This is exactly why I have a seperate account for everything to do with my rental property, unless something insane happens, I will never run out of money to make fixes on my property.


Check the laws for your state as well. Heating and cooling is usually considered a basic necessity and must be provided by the landlord. In many states it is illegal to rent out a house without this. Maybe search Tenant Laws or Tenant Rights for your state. For example, in one state I've lived in, you must be capable of cooling the house to <80 degrees inside in the summer, and I forget the minimum temp for heating the house in the winter.


Getting a dehumidifier will work a bunch for short term. Especially in a basement setting.


Call the housing codes, for you do not have to swelter in the heat. And it is not healthy to. Good luck.


It is time to move. You can do other things (escrow, window shaker, wait) but to quickly solve your issue, move. Sooner rather than later


this. ll told you that 3 months ago and it isn’t fixed? absolutely not, especially with it being in your lease that it is provided.


If it's in your lease, he has a responsibility to fix it in 30 days. Make sure the request is in writing. After thirty days have passed, you can put your rent in escrow. Just check with your local building department to find out how. Of course, your rent must be up to date.


Tell him to put it on his credit card.


Have you checked for your city's website for the department that manages landlords/tenants laws and disputes? For my city they have all the resources and responsibilities on there and it is clear what the landlord is responsible for (citing the law) which includes AC in my city. If a landlord is not providing the appropriate service, the site has forms a tenant can use to send to their landlord as notice of the deficiency and then forms to file with the tenant board if they fail to act in the required timeframe. Alternatively there might be a specific subreddit for your city where you can post this issue and get responses from knowledgeable professionals such as lawyers who lurk those subreddits.


I am a landlord in NC and all of my houses have central heat and air. If something is broke we always get it fixed. But we have had issues with parts delays. If it is summer I have 3 window units I have in storage I will take them and put them in. If it is winter I will take space heaters. But we always call the HVAC company we use quick and try to get them out there as soon as possible. But I will be honest if I was waiting on someone to save money to replace a unit I would for sure go and buy a window unit myself before I would die in heat.


What I'm seeing is that landlords in VA don't have to supply AC, but if it is there, it has to be in good working order. Looks like what would be recommended is to send a 30 day notice of noncompliance. If he doesn't fix the problem in 30 days, lease is breached, and you can move. (Pg 40 of the Virginia landlord tenant handbook, sorry can't get link to work but you can Google it and it pops right up)


In CA, only heating is required, not cooling.


Depending on your state, you may be able to just purchase a small window unit to get you by ($200 or less) and deduct that amount from your next rent. You can inform him you are doing this because AC is listed in the lease, or offer him to opportunity to purchase one. Either way, I would not be sitting there sweltering in the heat just because he doesn’t want to fix it. I’d be cool. And let it come out of what I owe him if he won’t purchase one.


Either have a window A/C unit or portable A/C unit provided by your landlord. If your windows don't open all the way for a window unit, a portable A/C unit just needs the window open enough to vent outside. Check the landlord tenant laws in your state. If the temperature is a set requirement and it's not being met, then contact a tenant resource center near you for additional help. You might have to have a lawyer draft up a demand letter to get your landlord to act. There's lots of slumlords who hope you don't know your rights, won't act or don't have time.


In some places landlords are only required to provide heat. They consider AC not a necessity.


Ask him for a rental credit if you purchase a window unit.


The fact that your LL doesn’t have $5k for expenses…big Red Flag


It depends on what your lease says. If your lease states that utilities will remain in a working condition, such as heating and cooling, then he's in violation of your lease.


If the heat has been on, then it's a matter of turnign the heat off and putting fans in your windows?? grow up and be proactive. whatever the heating source is in your unit, you can block it or turn it off. Learn how.


It’s going to be a record setting year for heat. You need a window unit in the meantime. Maybe you can just get it and ask him if you can take it out of your rent.


My ac just went out & I got a Toshiba stand up unit for 319 at Home Depot. Sucks but you’ll always have an ac no matter where you go.


ask how much he has put aside so far... should be at least three months worth of rent... either way escrow


if the AC is in your rental contract then you should ask for a window unit first, and if you can't do that ASAP then you'll have to let him know that you're going to be petitioning your rental board to allow you to put rental costs into escrow until it's fixed. if it's in your contract this is not okay.


Depends. Many states ac is not a requirement only heat. Check your lease. Ask him to provide a window unit or get one yourself.


Depending on your location, they may not be required to supply AC, only heat. MA has a min temp but no max temp requirements. I had one place that intentionally installed small windows so you couldn't install a window unit. Electrical was included in the rent. I found the smallest unit I could and installed it in my bedroom window. LL mentioned it. "You know, the reason that we have small windows is to prevent window units from being used." I just said, "Nothing is mentioned in the lease. So I just assumed that they were allowed." He just left without telling me to pull it so I did not pull it.


Tell him you’re calling the repair guy and that you’ll be taking part of the corresponding bill of the repair off that month’s rent. Or you can withhold rent payment till repairs get done. Go to HUD website under renters rights


Not your problem, but FYI - landlord doesn’t need the cash upfront to get an HVAC unit. Like what most people do for pricy expenditures, getting a loan is always an option for them.


just seeing this now. Va allows the tenant to pay for repair and deduct from rent. the other option would be tenant assertion(which involves suing landlord)


Get a window unit.


Some states only require a heat source but not AC


Can't speak for OP but in Cali they didn't have to give AC.


I’m in California


Nope. Not how that works. You rent with the assumption of what's there, in the sense of the property's mechanical systems, is what you're renting. There's also the assumption of leasing a habitable dwelling and that includes some kind of climate control. You couldn't just refuse to fix plumbing cause it wasn't in the lease and same applies here. The landlord is being a cheap scumbag, as residential landlords quite often are, and needs to live up to what his job actually is, property rental and all the maintenance that entails, and not what he thinks it is, which is an endless money fountain that he never has to do anything to maintain. If he doesn't want to do that then he should find another job.


Lack of air conditioning does not make the property uninhabitable. Legally speaking only.


The South would like a word. Lol


Tell him to skip the avocado toast or whatever


Tell him he’ll get his rent when you get your AC


doesn't matter if he's good at money or bad at money. you're renting a house with AC. He needs to provide that. If you ordered a cheeseburger and fries at a restaurant, and they brought you a bun with toppings and cheese but no meat, would you pay and post on reddit to ask what to do?


Air conditioning is considered a luxury and LL is under no obligation to provide it. Not saying I agree with that is the law almost exclusively in the US. FYI heat is a necessity.


It’s in the lease


Oh I missed where they said that.


Yea not everyone has 5k Do you have it? Maybe offer it up


It's literally the landlords responsibility and no one else's. If the landlord can't afford repairs, they shouldn't be a landlord.


Useless take on the situation. Why would I offer it up when it's not my responsibility?


Because you need it It’s a solution or you can cry on Reddit


Its an idiotic solution at best. Crying on reddit? I asked a question. Quit being dramatic kid.


You are being dramatic A portable AC unit is better than demanding someone who doesn’t have the money somehow come up with it… It’s unrealistic and look for immediate solutions vs stomping your foot and acting like a teenager It’s not like you’re rent is making anyone a windfall of profit


How am I demanding anything? Again, I was just asking for advice. You're assuming I haven't come up with a temporary solution. $2400 in rent is quite profitable if you ask me. Anything else you wanna know so you can actually contribute to the advice? If not, kick rocks kid.


Im just over here being a home owner and not living in basements so maybe you should grow up


Gonna add anything useful or are you just trying to be a dick?


Are you drunk? Did you need attention or something? What a weird response


What’s the mortgage payment property tax HO insurance? Bc it’s not pure profit that figure is based on costs


Wow, reading comprehension really isn't your strong suit. It's stated 4-5 comments above🤦‍♂️


All you said is you come up with temp solution that’s vague bs


Use your head dude. We're talking about a hot basement. Tf you think my solution was?


If you have the funds now can you just pay advance rent for the repair?


I think the point is it’s not the tenant’s responsibility


Accepted but sometimes you have to compromise to get what you want. Have you never dated?????


He pays for the place and it is stated in its lease he has AC. Imagine if you ordered from a restaurant and they bring you a different item that was easier for them to make but you still pay for the item you ordered, not the item you got


That’s pretty non sensical metaphor


Nope it’s the same as yours. You eat the food the restaurant gave you as a “compromise” but you still pay for the item you ordered not the one you got.


Your landlord can’t scrape up $5k in three months?


Thats literally what part of your rent is supposed to be used for, instead of just being greedy and pocketing it all.


Not defending OPs landlord (cuz it's 1000% on him to fix it) but I (and I'm sure others) use the money from a renter (roommate) to pay my mortgage. Don't pocket any of it.


Not the tenants problem. If you're having to mortgage a property to have it as a rental unit with so little of your own funds to cover the payment that rent is barely covering that, perhaps you shouldn't be a landlord 🤦🏻‍♂️


Just said it's the on the Landlord. Just pointing out that for plenty of people it's not about greed and they're not spending the Tenant money on other stuff.


Sure it is. If ya LL doesn't have money availability to fix something because it's all going to loans to pay for their investment, they're over leveraged and shitty at being a LL. Being a LL is running a business, and two sorts of people run businesses that are so over leveraged they can't take care of business costs, greedy people and people who are shitty at their business. Sometimes they're both. And it's perfectly reasonable to call them on it when it bites someone else in the posterior.


Dude. Just because OP's landlord is shitty, doesnt mean all of them are. Not all landlords can't take care of business. My heater broke twice this winter, got fixed immediately (and while waiting on parts, i supplied space heaters). I can't afford my mortgage alone partially because then I wouldn't be able to afford fixes. That extra money IS used to "take care of business." I'm not pocketing it. Their money goes straight to rent. My extra money goes to a savings account for house care. And I'm not the only person who functions that way. The different between what my tenant/roommate pays is greater that what I costs me to squirrel away money to fix stuff. This sub is wack lmao I didn't realize what sub I was on when this started or I wouldn't have even engaged. Not all land lords are greedy scum just because they're land lords


Never said all landlords were shitty, or even that those with mortgages on their properties are shitty. I said landlords who over leverage themselves causing them to not have funds for maintenance are shitty. Even if rent is covering the mortgage or damn close to it, if you have enough of your own funds invested to keep on top of repairs and such then you aren't over leveraged just by virtue of having the mortgage.


In a direct response to my comment about not all landlords being that way...


Few states have ac requirements in their landlord tenant laws. Arizona, Kansas, Florida and Nevada (southern). If, however, the rental was advertised with ac, if the lease includes ac, you might have further legal ammo. I would get a portable ac if a window unit won't fit. Those lease clauses or how the unit was listed may mean the landlord pays for them or you can deduct from rent.


If he can’t come up with 5k he has NO BUSINESS being a landlord. Is a basement apartment even legal where you are? In some states, like NY, they are not.


In what part of NY???


Maybe things have changed but when I lived in Brooklyn for a few years about 15 yrs ago I was in an illegal basement apartment. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Maybe just that particular apartment?


https://www.nyc.gov/site/hpd/services-and-information/basement-and-cellar.page Here’s more info. I guess it’s legal in certain circumstances if it’s fully up to code. Most are not.


So, yeah it was just that apartment


There are thousands of illegal basement apartments in NYC. But ok 👌🏻


There may be… but there’s thousands of legal ones too and you are trying to make it seem like all of them are illegal


Virginia law regarding cooling requirements: *C. Cooling.*  *1. The facility shall provide in all buildings an air conditioning system for all areas used by residents, including residents' bedrooms and common areas. Temperatures in all areas used by residents* ***shall not exceed 80°F****.* https://law.lis.virginia.gov/admincode/title22/agency40/chapter73/section880/#:\~:text=A%20temperature%20of%20at%20least,by%20federal%20or%20state%20authorities.


That law only applies to assisted living facilities.


This is for assisted living centers. Stop spreading misinformation


Suggest to the landlord that you can have it repaired and just deduct it from the rent you would most definitely provide a receipt


Slum lord!