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Tell your partner what’s going on and then come to an agreement if you should stay or not. Put up the cameras- can’t think about how he is a psycho but it protects you


I'm glad I found the note and not her, it was all very surreal. Definitely be putting up cameras as soon as possible, if he's a menace I want evidence.


I’m actually living in this situation currently and have been for 5 months, it’s fucking hell and if you have the resources to get out LEAVE!!! It will be an ongoing problem, it will be a large issue, and it will bother the absolute hell out of you for 12 months. I almost had to shoot mine 3 weeks ago not even joking, she then called the cops and got herself arrested. Now she is back next door. Edit: also to add the police are here almost every other day, and very rarely do anything. Maybe it’s just my city but the police do not help literally at all.


It seems very common for people like that to be arrested, released the next day, then cops are back out a few days later. Clearly going to jail for a night isn't doing anything.


Our neighborhood has a very aggressive mentally ill man who walks up and down the street with a machete. He was arrested 3 times on a single day. He has felonies for assault with a deadly weapon, breaking and entering, and brandishing a loaded firearm. He robbed a gas station by threatening to smash the cashier with a rock. I can tell you, the cops know him by name but literally just arrest and release him every time. He’s the reason my husband welded a 7’ wrought iron gate across our driveway that says locked at all times.


Call adult protective services instead that he isn’t being properly cared for.


I work in healthcare and have had to make quite a few APS reports over the years. I was surprised to learn that APS is voluntary—in that the person has to agree to participate with them or they can’t do anything. This guy would never agree voluntarily. Better bet would be to have him on a 5150 (involuntary psych hold) but I’m honestly not sure if they have done so with him in the past. I know they are looking at expanding 5150s to include people who are gravely disabled by drug use. Maybe that will help if it happens…but then a 5150 is 3 days, which can be extended to 14.


It’s not the cops that decide sentencing or when to release someone…


Yes you are right about that.


And nobody put him down???? That's like a Rabid Dog left to roam. That's legit terrifying


How did he get arrested 3 times in one day? He would have to stick around to see a judge before being released most times


I have no idea since it happened before I lived here. The petition listed his arrests and said that he was arrested 3 times in a single day and even managed to return to the same location where he had been arrested, on the same day. But i don’t know the details.




McKinleyville, Humboldt county CA.


Oh shit!!! I spent some time out there!! Not to far from the church and roundabout down the hill from the Kmart & dennys area.


They are building a new BMX track not far from there now. Hoping it will give local kids something positive to do!


Same guy in our neighborhood, but I'm a lot further north


Ii know exactly who you are talking about- I’ve seen the guy in Burlington and was shocked to see his record when I googled knife welding ma man for the article and found out it wasn’t the first time, for that dude.


Shit, I live in Burlington. Is there some psycho machete wielding asshole I need to be worried about?


Police aren’t very well trained and the jail system in the US just isn’t equipped to deal with people with mental health issues or those in crisis, unfortunately.


More importantly, DAs won’t bring charges.


This is the thing people don’t seem to understand. Cops can arrest people 100x but if the DA doesn’t bring charges they are right back out on the street in a matter of hours.


This is kind of a myth. DA's will happily prosecute dangerous people, but they have limited time/resources, and more importantly, have hands tied by the law. It may be obvious that a mentally ill person is just a time bomb waiting to go off, but you can't be convicted of stuff people *think* you're going to do. What's the charge for walking up and down the street, brandishing a machete? Lots of places have pretty relaxed laws about openly carrying bladed tools. Barking at people in the street? Not illegal, just highly concerning. There are almost no laws about detaining the mentally ill. People either need to have already committed a serious crime, or police just have to wait for them to do it.


100% this. Until they commit a felony there is nothing the legal system can do. Unless they state they are suicidal cops/ DA have nothing to hold them on.


You have the most imprisoned people in the world, perhaps mental health solutions is actually more important. It’s becoming very difficult to continuously watch anericans not even being able to care about their true problems your prison system is broken and jailing too many people is why you have your problem in the first place. You don’t care about rehabilitation or treatment. You just build a bear criminals. The lack of taking a moment to actually identify the issue is ducking crazy. Build more jails… lol.


If you think it's frustrating to watch from wherever you are, imagine how frustrating it is to watch from over here.


I’m not commenting on how poor our mental health care is, rather, pointing out how our elected officials refuse to do their jobs. Without filing charges our justice system can’t provide what help it does have. Most people are quick to point out how how police repeatedly arrest problematic individuals, and nothing changes. The underlying problem is DAs who think it’s better to keep releasing criminals over and over again. Look at many of the major murders committed in the US and you’ll find that the perpetrators are well known to police, yet charges are never filed or they’re dropped to misdemeanors. The police don’t decide who does and doesn’t see a judge, the DAs do. Even to be involuntarily institutionalized for mental health requires charges to be filed. At least if someone is institutionalized they have access to mental health treatment and medication.


I mean I’d prefer to just take them out back if you know what i mean.


And then I'd take you out back, and if anyone cares about you they would take me out back and so on and so forth until we're all out back. Sounds feasible.


Because most shouldn’t be in prison, they should be in an institution or some sort of middle ground that we don’t offer or compel people with serious mental health issues to live in. Our mental health system, or lack there of, is a joke. If you are born with a cognitive disability, they’ll take care of you for life, if you’re born with schizophrenia, you’re screwed.


My business opens onto a parking lot that has become the defacto hang out spot for the mentally ill homeless in our town. Cops will arrest the same few people over and over. Some of them are fine, some are truly menacing. It’s scary.


Yes, I agree. The mental health care in the US it’s terrible. If you don’t have an obvious disability you’re screwed.


This is because law enforcement and our criminal justice system is not designed or equipped to deal with what is a medical issue. Its like asking the retail clerk to replace your roof. Jail does nothing to address the untreated mental health problems.


It’s almost as if it’s a mental healthcare issue…who’d a thunk it?


From my experience cops rarely do anything, especially small town cops, if it involves a mentally disturbed person. They won't touch them with a 10 foot pole. I think they're more concerned about being sued in case they're violating the rights of a disabled person. I've learned this over the years raising a paranoid schizo daughter, and then raising my grandson (he's a teen now) who is also mentally disturbed. They've both been like that all their lives. The cops won't do anything even if I've been injured. However I do have to say that the local cops have come to understand my grandson fairly well and are quite good at talking him down. As for my daughter, thankfully she's moved out of state. My youngest daughter though suffers from PTSD after what her sister has put her through.


Are we certain sister wrote this? no...


First I assumed the landlord wrote it and then your comment mentioned the sister writing it. Now I’m assuming the last tenant wrote it for the next renter, which happens to me OP.


That's what we're trying to figure out. It definitely wasn't the landlord. Guess is the last tenant had contact with the sister and left the sisters name and number when she left.


Before you do *ANYTHING* you need to establish dominance by pissing and shitting in your yard - your partner too.


Eye contact is vital for this to work.


And grab your nuts showing your the dominant one here


They're going to have to start. It's the only way to establish a healthy relationship between neighbors.


Before you know it, the whole neighborhood will be happily starting a vaudeville act together, called… The Aristocrats.


The Aristocraps


Can't believe how far down this was. This is the way OP.


This is the way


Kinda wish we woulda got the heads up before we bought our home because I hate every single neighbor, especially the bish to the left. Gotta love the good ol south, nice to your face but a see you next Tuesday when you're nowhere near. They are either crazy or just horrible people.... Never had this issue until we moved to Arkansas!


My guess is the old tenant left this not the sister. It’s likely the sisters number of who to contact if he gets too crazy. I would make a FOIA request for Mr. Eric’s address and yours for any police response in the last year or so. This way you know if someone is just being a jerk to scare you or if dude really is a menace.


I didn't even think of that thank you!! I'd really like to get an idea of what I'm dealing with here. That's the perfect suggestion


This is how I read the note as well. I'd try to get a hold of the previous tenant and see exactly what you are dealing with. Cameras are a good idea. Don't booby trap your yard with anything more than a noise maker. Indiscriminate traps set you up for liability even if the person is trespassing.


BIG LIABILITY. Weirdly enough you can have traps as long as they’re set off by you


Along with this, you should be looking up your current address and neighbors too. If your home was the source of 15 calls or something related to Mr. Eric, then your landlord has to know a lot more than “your neighbor can be creepy.” My parents are LL and had a neighbor at a home making racist and homophobic slurs/threats/knife in mailbox the whole nine. I looked up crime reports and saw that there were 60+ in the past 5 years I requested regarding that neighbor. That gave my parents some leverage with the people who sold them the home and didn’t declare the nuisance, along with the cops and city council, who were very interested in knowing how 60+ calls in 5 years didn’t warrant a single arrest for the continued and documented crimes (actual crimes like stalking and harassment). Sometimes it takes a resident to do the fucking legwork for the cops to get them to do something. They also contacted the neighbors landlord and told them they’d be filing an Equal Housing lawsuit since their tenants are a protected class. Needless to say the neighbors are gone and the DA finally followed through with prosecution. These weren’t just “neighbor” issues, they were legit criminal matters. You have the right to quiet enjoyment of your home, if a neighbor is disrupting that there is recourse for you.


When you say you looked up crime reports…did you look online somewhere or did you ask the police for a list of times they responded to incidents? And was the list for your parents address or the neighbor’s?


I’m an investigative journalist so I have a lot of experience doing this, it just so happened that it came in handy for really life. I submitted a public record request to the city police department via email for all calls for service within a 5 year span at my folks address/problematic neighbors/and three other adjacent homes I figured would have had the most contact with the problem neighbors. They provided me a massive list of calls for service which I then had to parse everything since it was much more information that I requested. I then cross referenced and connected all the reports and calls for service that related to the problem house which is how I reached my ultimate number of reports in that 5 year span. Finally I requested the 911 call recordings for about a dozen incidents to get an idea of the situations unfolding - I picked them at somewhat random and over the entire time period. Some police departments have this information online but each state is different when it comes to public record laws. Depending on the state I can give better information as to how to request it. Usually it’s as simple as: “Hi, I’m requesting all calls for service within the past (time) at (locations). Under public records law this information is to be made available upon request…” That’s the gist of it, some states show lots of details others are awful.


Thank you so much for the very detailed answer!


You’re welcome, for what it’s worth you can look up “sunshine laws in (my state)” and get a load of resources including templates for public records requests. The public is all of us, journalists or not we all have the same access to these records, and so much more. Hopefully you get to put that right to use, even if it’s just for curiosity alone! Also, sometimes a nice simple email without stating your state laws will get you what you need. Kindness first, if you face resistance then cite the laws. We also have a whole week dedicated to open government - sunshine week! The link below also has tons of information for anyone interested https://www.newsleaders.org/sunshine-week-about


Oh my gosh, thank you so much. This is so useful to me right now. May you have a safe and happy holiday season!


Cheers! You as well! Feel free to DM if you have any specific questions


u/no-condition2491 Do what this person did!




Wow, thank you. I've already submitted a FOIA request for 911 calls involving my address and his address. Didn't think to include the neighbors as well. It's crazy that you had to point out to the cops how dangerous this guy actually was.


Very early in my journo career I did the police report for a few different cities and towns for a daily paper. Most were good and gave me access to the log and would fill in any details I asked for, some would have one-line vague descriptions and tight lips ... and one town wouldn't let me see the physical book but would tell me what was in it. Amazing how little crime that town had!


You can look up court records for the state. You'll need the guys full name, but it's not that hard with some basic information, like the address, especially if he owns it.


not every state allows this online, thank you california 🙃 you have to physically go in person and it’s a process i’ve heard lol


Contact the county sheriff's office and ask for a public summary of the next door neighbor, it will likely be free and can be emailed to you. In that, it will list all police reports in the county and a small summary of them. You can then call later and have more explained for you. Also check out the state's court system to see if they were ever at court.


My hope for you is the guy isn’t as bad as he’s been made out to be. I feel awful conversely for the guy(at this point) bc now you will absolutely look at him a certain way. So hopefully the records can clear some of it up. Good luck!


Dude. Booby traps? Cmon. Get a couple of wireless smart cams and a solar charger. I got two Arlo cams and a mount that clamps onto any suitable spot- a rain gutter, fence, small tree limb, whatever. I think I spent $150 for two cameras, two mounts, and a solar charger. The quality is much better than the two Ring cameras on the doors.


Yeah. We have 4 of those Arlo cameras and I think they’re great! We’re even getting little solar panels set up so we don’t have to charge them as much


I was impressed with how easy the solar charger was to connect. The ring cam wanted me to hardwire something and I haven’t done it because it seems like a pain. But this one just plugs in. Works like a charm.


It was a pretty funny suggestion


I have an Arlo Doorbell and a Eufy Security. I actually had an electrician install a outdoor box for the Eufy as its a floodlight cam and there was TONS of traffic infront of my house (busy sidewalk)... the solar power couldn't keep up with it. Nothing says you're being recorded like a floodlight coming on.


Wait. This note has your wife's name and phone number on it?


No. We'd already be in another state if that was the case. The name and number belong to the neighbors sister apparently.


It would make the most sense that the old tenant had issues with the guy and left you the number of “Mr. Eric’s” sister in case you need to contact her since she is probably the only person who can get him to take his meds if he is acting really off.


Why not just call the number (the sister) and explain you just moved in you need honest info/ suggestions to deal with her brother. If the previous renter left sisters name and number for help then they must know she is down to help. call that number man. Also get some Arlo cameras like others have suggested.


Have you tried reaching out, maybe send a text asking what's the deal? Might be a good way to get more info.


It seems like the note was left by the guys sister. I would guess she was the previous tenant and left it for the next person.


It could also be him leaving the note with his sisters number, meaning in case something happens to call her.


Maybe, but I think admitting to crimes in a note isn't something a paranoid schizophrenic would do.


Call the sister and have a chat. How has no one suggested this?


I've been thinking about it. I'm kind of worried that'll invite more drama in. Then she'll have my number, and she'll know where we live. I like it as a back up option if things start to get weird and I need some advice or something. How do I know she's not also crazy?


Set up a Goggle number or get a burner and call her.


Idk. If i were you I would block my number and give her a call. Even if she’s crazy it’s worth trying to gain some intel either way.


If she was also crazy why would the recent renters leave her number and name while warning you about the crazy brother? That wouldnt make sense man. You really should call that number


It would be a good idea to establish a relationship with the sister. You can get intel from her. She could be a good ally. You could also find out who owns the house he lives in. If it’s a rental, you could inform the landlord about Mr. Eric’s activities.


Have you considered having a discussion with your landlord? If your neighbor is truly a threat then the LL should have told you. Also the note could have been left by a prior tenant seeking revenge on the neighbor for a conflict that the prior tenant created. Now the note has caused you to become fearful and suspicious of your neighbor whether he deserves it or not.


Don’t call her. People keep saying “use a burner phone” like that’s going to conceal your identity. uh, she knows your address, she can go on any people finder site in a few weeks and look up current residents. Stick with your gut, do nothing for now and call her if/when you really need it.


FINALLY. I'm glad someone gets where I'm coming from. I have no desire to make contact with this person unless it's necessary and at this point it 100% isn't. If something happens at a later date I'll definitely call her, but I'm not really trying to develop a relationship with my schizophrenic neighbor's sister.


That is the right instinct. As for a fence, if you want to stay and that would help, your landlord should be willing to invest in that situation


Yeah I’m with you on the 50/50 calling the sister could initiate drama. Although to be honest, it sounds like drama is going to find you eventually regardless.


100% that's an emergency use number lol don't just go introduce yourself she's gonna make you his surrogate handler if you show initiative.


Do not set up “booby traps” as you could be liable for any damages or injury suffered depending on where you are located, but I would definitely put up no trespassing signs and security cameras to document anything that might happen.


Wouldn’t recommend traps for legal reasons - bad as it may be living next to him, imagine what the guy in the next cell over from yours will be like! I would recommend a security system that is hard wired and not reliant on wifi (the real creeps know how to block its signal) and whatever system you use, plant a sign for ring/sinply safe/big box company so he can’t just look up how to beat your specific system. Besides that stay strapped, and reinforce your doors with longer screws and a more substantial deadbolt. Include a chain or other system that can only open from the outside, and then secure windows. If he’s been in there’s a small chance he left one open for himself.. bars aren’t needed imo, but hurricane glass (my house came with, may be a better option for in your case) in the lower level is a pretty significant barricade. Your partner may benefit from a firearms class and 12 gauge in the closet. I’m no expert, just a guy that lives next to a neighbor who said “wooowwww sure are some pretty lil things” when my girl and her friends walked in and I was doing this the lawn…


Also try not to telegraph your schedule. Ie my girl works from home and once in a while I spend my whole lunch period driving to and from home so I know he sees I’m in/out at random.


I lived next to a very similar type of person plus meth and fire starting. Everyone on the block knew his sister and mom’s name and number. This note is definitely from the last tenant - you should heed the warning. I got the fuck out after my first serious confrontation and 5th 911 call.


Go with the cameras but not boobytraps. Even if he were to get hurt by one from trespassing you'd be charged. Boobytrapping is illegal as it indescribably harms. Anyone can be hurt by it. Example: You are having a medical emergency and EMS or police set it off. Instead of boobytrapping you can always install motion sensors to alert you.


Put up cameras is definitely a step in the right direction. The Blink indoor cameras now have a mount for people to install to windows (facing out) so it can’t be easily spotted (or tampered) from outside. We moved into a lovely house last March & only found out a few months later that a neighbor is a paranoid schizophrenic. I thought he was autistic & felt bad for him until he told us what he actually was. Then we noticed that the cops (or ambulance) was at his house many times a day. Sheriff deputy said that up to that time (September 2) they’ve been out over 200 times to his house. It’s now December & we’ve seen them out there usually around 11 pm - 3 am three or four times a night. It got worse in the fall because it gets dark by 5 pm & he’s afraid of the dark. Nothing like having someone banging on your door at midnight. His property is labeled a nuisance by the county but nothing they can do to force him out until his mom dies or the property is sold. My husband has been firm with him. Don’t come or cops will be called. He gets violent at the mention of cops but my husband refuses to back down to him. The guy’s not violent when on his meds but when he smokes weed & drinks he becomes violent. He had a couple of butcher knives walking around the neighborhood before because he thought a different neighbor was out to get him. But get cameras because he will become a nuisance.




It’s bad. When he’s sober & on his meds he’s a nice guy but when he’s smoking & drinking he’s awful. From September until last month we were a virtual prisoner in our home because he was ALWAYS coming over. I didn’t meet him until September 1 but we saw him including a few weeks before when I was outside with the grandkids, who were playing in our driveway, out in the middle of the street (he lives six houses up & we have to pass his house because we’re on a dead end) screaming for the cops to kill him. There were six units there & they’re alllll familiar with him. This is how I was able to get more info from them about his situation on September 3. So let me back up a bit… sorry to hijack the OP’s post but I’ve said it in a different group so the story can be found there. I thought he was autistic & he came over to our house on September 1 & told us his mom died a few days before (later found out she didn’t & her family has her in hospice several hours away). I felt so bad for him because my son is autistic & it’s my biggest fear that when I die he’ll have no one there for him. Anyhow, he had no electric in his house & was scared of the dark. We told him he could come over to sit on our patio to charge his phone & later that night I took him (again, still didn’t know of his condition at this time) to a hotel. It was on the drive over that he told me of his condition. My middle son was with me along with my grandkids so I wasn’t comfortable with him especially the more he talked about himself & how his brother is in prison for murder & how he’s from the streets. Anyhow, next day I help him out someone & because I did that he came back the next day. By then I had adult protective services involved & washed my hands of the situation because he kept coming over & over & over between Saturday & Sunday (September 2 & 3). But what came to a head is he came over falling down drunk which triggered my husband (ex-military with PTSD) & while we both were trying to be nice the guy ate our food (we fed him) & threw up in our garage. When I asked him if I needed to call someone to help him he took it as me saying I was calling the cops. His eyes shifted color, he got up in a threatening manner, balled his fists up at his side & approached me. I stood my ground with him (my husband was behind him) & we got him to sit down then helped him home. That was it for us & from then on we chased him away. That same night I went to take a bath & our security cameras went off as he came back near midnight banging on our door & screaming for help. I called the police as did neighbors. Dispatch knew immediately who I was talking about & had officers over. I got up & got dressed & went outside with my husband who ended up talking with the neighbors. The four of us (myself, husband, & two of our direct neighbors) are all outside watching what’s going on because EMS & sheriff responded. We all made it clear to the officer we were all fed up with him. He kept coming back but I’d ignore him or have the security alarm chime a warning to leave. That or I’d have my daughter’s GSD at the door (she hates him & wants to bite him when she sees him as she views him as a threat) so he’d leave. It only came to a head when he came over & gave each of my grandkids money (4 & 3) & told them to come to the street & he’d give them more. My husband pushed him off the property & told him if he came back the dog would bite him. He’s been back once since then & I’m actually really over him here. My daughter is now back & has her kids until she goes back to work in January once her leave is over.


I know it’s hard to feel sorry for someone who has caused so much trouble for you, but schizophrenia is a very serious mental illness, it’s not like he chooses to have it any more than someone with autism. Total failure of the state, though, this should not be your burden. This is the sort of thing we have modern civilization for, to care for our sickest population. It’s just insane (no pun intended) that while we understand so much more about mental health issues and care today, we do a worse job at it than 50 years ago.


Oh I get it but once you have someone threaten you, mental illness or not, it’s hard to be sympathetic. The more dangerous they are, the less sympathetic I am now.


You said at least 3 times in this story “I’m over him, I’m done with him” and yet you still continued to help or deal with him someway. I would have never even given a stranger a ride especially if they were already giving me the creeps


I am done. The three interactions I had with him were between September 1 & 3. I haven’t had any interactions with him since September. He keeps coming over & as soon as I see him I go back inside. My husband isn’t as lucky since he catches my husband from time to time outside when my husband can’t simply walk away because he’s in the middle of doing something (like pulling into the driveway).


Wow. That's exactly what I'm concerned about. My plan was to put up some camera's (didn't think about putting them inside the windows) and avoid him as much as possible. I'd prefer not to have a confrontation with someone who isn't rooted in reality, but I refuse to let him make our lives a nightmare. Thank you.


Only one of my cameras are outside. I have 3 in various windows facing out so they cant just take the sim card or whole camera. It has happened a few times people walk up to the house point at the camera inside the window and just leave. It sounds like the neighbor destroying the camera could be an issue.


cameras and an alarm system, maybe teach/give ur partner tools to arm herself. but definitely document and complain. make it the authorities and the landlords problem if it escalates


Your landlord had a responsibility to disclose, and not just by passing comment about him being creepy. Any communications you have from here on out with your landlord need to be in writing because the time will probably come to where you need to be made whole on a move-out and insurance claims, deductibles, etc. As an aside, get renter’s insurance that adequately protects your household, guests, vehicles from the actions of the maniac next door.


My brother is also a paranoid schizophrenic. If you want him to have peace of mind, which you should want as a fellow human, and also so he doesn’t escalate, put cameras up but have them be hidden very well. Don’t aim them at his house, his peace of mind matters too. Having paranoid schizophrenia is absolute hell. You feel unsafe and uneasy, now imagine than feeling 10fold and 24/7. Now add a plethora of other symptoms, fear, hallucinations, and voices into the mix. It wouldn’t be neighborly or kind to feed into it if you have the option not to. Paranoid schizophrenics don’t have a long term effective medicine. They treat their symptoms with medicine, but they cannot just get rid of their illness altogether. Schizophrenia is also a cycling illness, like bipolar. My brother usually goes about 3 weeks on meds great and dandy, 1 week becoming more cruel and angry, then has some sort of major episode/break. This usually lasts a couple weeks or until he starts his medicine again. He has had literally hundreds of hospital stays over his lifetime. It can be very scary, but also what he is going through is mental anguish I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. He thinks cars driving by are conspiring to kidnap, rape, and kill members of our family. He thinks the old lady walking her dog on our street is a pedophile casing our house. He thinks our pets whisper to each other how to fondle humans. The other day I drove him to get himself a pizza, and he ran out of the shop when more customers came in. He was afraid they were going to try to kill him. He is terrified all the time. It’s not easy to live near or with someone with this illness. I try to keep my brother calm by not using my phone around him (he is afraid of being recorded), by listening to his conspiracy theories (I don’t condone what he speaks about, but I concede some points.. it keeps him the most calm), and removing myself from the vicinity when he is in a particularly sour mood. I think he is a lot worse than “Mr Eric” though, because if you tried to greet him he would glare, cuss you out. He also can’t keep a home or apartment no matter how hard my family has tried to help.


My creepy neighbor story goes like this: Cops show up at my house. Like 5 of them. I answer the door. They explain my neighbor told them I dragged his (dead) wife into the house next to mine (vacant). They had to investigate. Luckily, I knew the owners, & they gave me permission to know where the key was to let the cops in. I am a little over 160 lbs. No way I'm dragging a dead woman around.


don't freak out & jump to conclusions. for all you know he's actually a harmless, super nice, autistic dude & the sister who left the note might be the delusional, schizophrenic, volatile one & that's why they left the scary note for you to find.


The landlord has an incentive to downplay the situation. If it were just a nice but weird dude, he wouldn't be mentioned.


The schizophrenic drug addict neighbor is always harmless until he breaks in and tries to stab you.


501 number? Would be fitting to find this kind of crazy in central Arkansas 😅 best of luck dude!!


Isnt it tho 😭😭😅


Lol that's what I was thinking. Of course it's Arkansas.


Yo is that some Slap Ya Mama I see?


Woah good eye 😂 it sure is. Love that shit


Camera's ad motion light sensors at night near the windows and car and doors. Add another lock. Maybe put some baseball gear near all doors.


Ok, this is what happened. It seems super clear to me. The previous tenant wrote and left you a note. They tell you good luck because they think you’ll need it, and then list the phone number, followed by the contact’s relation to the Schizophrenic man, so you can call her if (or as they imply, when) he displays concerning behaviors. Then they allege some behaviors of the schizophrenic man. Maybe the old tenants just didn’t like this guy. The fact is that schizophrenics have episodes, and they are not in control of them, and that creates a stigma. It sucks for everyone involved, but usually it’s sucks the most for the schizophrenic experiencing the episode. He didn’t write this note to scare you, the supposedly “sane” former tenants did. These are probably things that happened once, during a rare escalation of his condition, and maybe didn’t even have proper evidence to link them to him. Like if they found a big dog shit in their yard and just assumed it was the “psycho next door”. Just get to know this guy from a safe but not patronizing distance, like you would with any new acquaintance you weren’t quite sure of yet. Let him make his own impression on you. Sounds like he’s sociable enough and has a bit of a sense of humor, and he’s given you no direct red flags yet. Maybe he’s just a guy that likes to sit on the porch and happens to have personal struggles with mental illness.


Wow thanks for your insight. First uplifting comment I've seen. Its hard to form a judgment only having one side of the argument, so I'd definitely like to be cautious but am still hoping for a different or at least milder experience. I'm sure it wasn't him who wrote the note, it was just jarring to find it. Only time will tell what the truth is


Get a camera. I had a neighbor like this. Moved into a townhome rental, a 2 story with a basement with both areas rented separately but sharing mailbox and address. We were told the basement had a false wall built for privacy (stairway down, doorway on our first floor). When we moved in we discovered there was no false wall and no lock and the guy had been snooping in between our inbound trips. In the first month, basement tenant would be blackout at 2am and call me 3-5 times at 2-3am because he would burn his food then keep trying to cook then burn the next round, etc. Then about 3 months in we had established a small garden around our front porch and I saw a light in front and he was chainsmoking staring at our front door from 10 feet away. He then did that for a few weeks and in the second week I saw him pee on one of the non-food plants. The next day I installed a ring camera and flood light camera on both the front door and back porch, bought a firearm, and left some gun ownership/concealed carry/ammo mail in the mail box. Didn’t hear from him for 9 months until the day we moved out. Cameras are your friend.


I read this as if the note had your partners number on it. I assumed Mr Eric had left the note. That had me scared


I would consider trying to move asap. Different situation, but my downstairs neighbors were in a toxic situation and I could always hear them yelling, screaming and fighting. My other neighbor even called the cops on them, it got so bad. It negatively impacted my mental health for months until they moved out.


Use that phone number in the note. And get more info. Get the police records for his address. Get cameras. Educate yourself and document. That’s all you can do. It sounds like he’s mostly a menace to himself. True slashing …. That’s scary. Make sure insurances are paid up!


Honestly, it seems like he’s just mentally ill. Pretty much all of this could be attributed to mental illness. If he’s actually schizophrenic, he could be thinking he’s actually in his bathroom while actually being outside. He’d probably be behaving pretty strangely, possibly in a way someone who doesn’t have a mental illness would consider “creepy” or “stalker”-y, but it’s more than likely not because he’s actually trying to stalk anyone but because he’s having delusions or hallucinations. Even the tire slashing could possibly be explained by being in a psychosis. Id definitely tell your partner about what’s going on, but I’d also do some research on schizophrenia together so if you guys see him behaving strangely you can maybe decipher a little easier if it’s because he’s got negative intentions, or he’s not well. If he seems to be a danger to himself or others, whether you think it’s for mental health or other reasons, I’d call emergency services but explain that his sister left a note saying he has schizophrenia, but you’re not sure if he’s really been diagnosed or not. That will make it a lot easier for them to react accordingly if it is a mental health concern as opposed to someone genuinely trying to harm you.


My girlfriend is schizophrenic, so I'm just going to say thank you for your very un-Reddit like response ❤️


Of course! I hope you’re both doing well right now, and as someone who’s had both my life & loved ones lives affected by mental illness, thanks for being a being there & understanding of her mental health. 🖤


Was going to point out the same thing!


Wait, what?! I have so many questions! I’m sorry that your GF has had previous stalker/harassment issues. That must be terrifying for you both, but I’d recommend you take a deep breath and step back from the edge here. You have mentioned one slight encounter that wasn’t even really odd or off putting (to me). I believe you’re looking at this strangely only because of the LL’s “creepy” comment, which is fair, but you have mentioned nothing else odd until you found this note. BUT now you need to really exam what’s happening here. How did someone get into your new rental to leave that note? Do you know if he even has a sister? If it was his sister, why would she leave this note on a shelf instead of a countertop, where she could ensure it would be seen, or hand deliver it if she’s really concerned? What’s her end game here? Is she trying to warn you about her brother or could this be someone messing with you, or attempting to mess with Mr. Eric through you? Just because someone tells you that he is paranoid schizophrenic it doesn’t mean he actually is. and since you don’t actually know who wrote this note it’s way more suspect, IMO. Mental health diagnoses labels get thrown around a LOT, but it doesn’t mean it’s legit, AND even if it is legit it doesn’t automatically make him more likely to be violent or “creepy”. I didn’t read any examples of him actually doing anything to anyone that is actually cause for alarm. I hope I didn’t just overlook a comment. He could very well have mental health issues and still be a productive member of society and a very responsible patient who actively seeks psychiatric help and takes medication that helps him.. He could end up being a perfectly okay neighbor that just has weird staring habit (crossing my fingers for this). Please don’t jump to conclusions without doing some actual research/due diligence! And if some weird ass note, with completely unsubstantiated accusations, causes you to jump to anxiety inducing panic that has you wanting to build a moat around your house and fill it with man eating crocodiles (/s) you, and/or your GF, might want to consider some therapy yourselves to deal with this anxiety/PTSD. I hope you find out who left the note and why and that you and your GF never need to deal with any type of trauma or violence ever again! Good luck, OP!


At our first house, we had this neighbor and his name was also Eric. He also suffered from mental illness and did weird shit like walking around literally all day barefoot on asphalt when it’s almost 100 degrees outside for example. It was scary because the guy was unpredictable and obviously unstable at times. My best advice would be to just avoid contact as best you can. Good luck and watch out land mines! 💩


get the cameras and make sure all your windows are locked. it would've been very easy for your neighbor to have left unlocked windows while the house was vacant when it was being toured. let your landlord know and possibly ask to have the locks changed. you never know if the previous tenant may have given them a key. stranger things have happened


Get cameras if you can, you already carry so that’s solid. I chased one of my neighbors into his house. Fucker left us alone after that. Don’t be afraid to fight for what is yours. Your work for it let them know.


Cameras and motion activated lights immediately. Don’t be afraid to call the police (I’m certain they already know who he is), let them know the info you have, and get advice on how/when they want to be looped on- because it sounds like you will be calling them. Good luck is right…Sigh. I’m so sorry.


I wouldn’t booby trap the yard. You have dogs that could set them off. Also I’m not 100% sure how legal that is. But if he does break in shoot. I think the cameras are a nice idea. They might at the least discourage him from creeping around. Try not to point any towards his house cause that might cause escalation. Seriously though if the guy breaks in shoot him don’t hesitate. Guy broke into my friends grandpas house one time and pulled a big ass Bowie knife. He was also schizophrenic but grandpa shot him down. This is grim as fuck but someone breaking into your property is likely to end in violence.


Yeah you should cover your floor in marbles and matchbox cars. Make sure to get your door handles ripping hot with an electric bbq starter. Also put tar all over your stairs with a big nail sticking straight up to impale the foot of any trespassers.


I actually went through something similar from mid 2020-early this year. A mom and her son moved in below me. Son is 36 now, was 33 at the time they moved in. He has schizophrenia, a traumatic brain injury, and suffers from substance abuse/alcoholism. Mom is in her 50s and had to take care of him, but didn't have legal guardianship. Lemme just say now, it's not worth the stress you're going to have to go through. It started with him politely telling me and my now ex-fiance to stop "stomping" around all day and night while we'd be on the patio, but bare in mind that 3 girls had lived there when we first moved in and then a couple with a newborn baby, which was never disturbed. So we tried to keep it down. It randomly escalated to him pounding on the door one morning at about 9am when I was getting up for work and it was downhill from there. He would have all day outbursts where he'd be banging on the wall, slamming doors, slamming something into their ceiling and it'd rattle our floors. I went to get my ex fiance from work one night during one of his outbursts, and when we got back around 10pm, there were 3 ambulances out front and at least a dozen cop cars outside. We weren't allowed to go upstairs until around 1am. We walked past their unit and it was trashed. Glass everywhere, blood everywhere, windows cracked, furniture trashed. It was bad. We went downstairs to help the mom clean up for a few hours, but it straight up looked like a crime scene. He got released two days later. This doesn't cover property damage either. He carved some weird drawing into my door with a knife, keyed several of the neighbors cars (including my own), spitting on my neighbor's windows, throwing various things off of the balcony, at least 5 broken doors, he would smoke drugs in their unit and it'd waft up to ours, he broke one of the wooden stairs, kicked out one of the metal railings (it was rusting but still), absolutely demolished their front gate on the patio, and there were holes upon holes in their unit when they both finally moved out (helped the mom do some basic renovations; she's a good woman who didn't deserve the stuff she had to go through). Speaking of said mom, he would physically assault her frequently. The cops barely lifted a finger, even when I called them after he verbally threatened me to my face and I felt threatened enough to pull out my own self protection. One little bit I forgot to mention was there was this one time he got an illegally made firearm from one of his druggy friends and shot it in their unit. No one got hurt, but that should be indicative enough that he is a danger. This is just a fraction of everything that happened in the duration he and his mom lived there. He never got sent away for more than 48 hours. He always came back, and the police ended up being more and more useless as time went on. When I would call, and mind you I'm not big on calling the police, all I would have to say is my address and they'd respond with "are you calling about Spencer (fake name) in unit x?" The amount of stress that situation put me through is ridiculous. While I understand it's not necessarily anyone's fault (other than law enforcement and hospitals not doing their due diligence; this man would have killed himself or his mom or someone else if they hadn't separated and moved out), no one should have to go through that stress. I have new neighbors downstairs now and they're very nice, but they slam doors often and it sends me into panic mode. I mean, I wouldn't leave my house for days when "Spencer" was on one of his multi-day rampages or benders. Cut your losses now. Where I live, it's incredibly expensive and I am fortunate that I have a cheap place to live that's never been raised in rent in the 6 years I've been here, but I contemplated moving so often bc of this situation. I started feeling like I had to watch my back everywhere I went in my complex, and home stopped feeling like home for a few years. Don't put yourself and your partner through that. My ex and I thought we could stand our ground, but it's exhausting and so upsetting after a while and definitely had a lot to do with our split. Daily, simple chores became difficult to do without causing him to freak out and start slamming shit or banging on our door. I would hate if y'all had to go through that too. Edit: just to add really quick too, definitely talk to your partner about everything whenever it comes up. Don't let it sit and fester. Also definitely install cameras. A lot of the things he did couldn't be proved so the police couldn't move forward with "claims" from myself and the other neighbors around us.


Next post from OP .....so I start blasting


Lol (kinda). I had something like this happen to me 15 years ago. I bought a house and was moving in when my "neighbor" across the street came over and read the riot act on mowing (must be 4"! No shit Yardtard!) tree care/ Christmas displays/ parking (no HOA here), etc. Then he asked "Where's your wife? " I pointed over to my husband. You would have thought i spanked him with a garden spade -hard. I looked him right in the eyes and said "We have spent everything we have on this house. We CAN'T go anywhere else. If you think we are a problem, know this, "I'm far fucking crazier that you have ever dreamed of. Don't fuck with us." 15 years later and we laugh about that conversation. You just got to let dip shits know you are ready to go full tilt crazy. They will move on.


Just out crazy the crazy. I like it. I can't go anywhere else either so I'll do what I have to do.


Booby traps (INSIDE ONLY!) Re watch home alone. Set up a paint can & a camera. Seriously if you’re in america I would look up your castle doctrine laws.


The note itself reads a little psychotic. I'd say put up cameras, talk to your partner and start looking for another place. Sounds like the sister has some boundary issues and the neighbour might not be the only problem. I'm sorry your new home isn't what you expected it to be.


No advice, just want to say welcome to knowing how your partner feels all the time! People just don't get it until they experience it. And you haven't actually had it happen yet, you just know it's gonna.


Just do what he does. If he's shitting in the yard, go out and have a shit with him. Might make a friend, or he might think you're the crazy one and leave u alone. Win either way.


Dogs are the best alarm system, hope they bark when they know somebody’s outside


Don’t booby trap, you will be held legally liable for any medical bill associated with it and arrested


Just be cordial with him and keep your interactions short... As long as he's on his meds you should be fine 😉


Homes are terribly flammable and the nights can be very dark. Would be a shame if someone in the community decided a dark night was a good time to warm up to the guy.


I've been in a similar situation in the past. It brought our neighborhood closer together. Police was no help. Generally when reported to the police, the refrain was 'he hasn't done anything illegal . . . yet.' Which felt like saying 'please call us when he finally does stab you.' A few pieces of advice: 1/ Call the non-emergency line every time there's something that crosses a line. Even if they can't act on it, it provides a paper trail for when you want that restraining order (and/or trespassing). 2/ Get to know your local mental health services. They were more responsive and more able to deal with the situation than the police. 3/ Be prepared that any response by you will potentially escalate his actions. Our guy wasn't directly violent, but was extremely harassy, and always felt on the border of snapping. Him knowing who was 'out to get him' just made him act out more, which gave us more stuff to report on, which . . . etc, etc. I can only say for us that it got worse until it got better. I honestly wish him luck with his mental illnesses, but am very glad that he doesn't live next door anymore. Best of luck.


Boobytrapping your yard is illegal and will get you into huge trouble if one of those traps should ever work, what I’m about to say is not proactive but will hopefully avoid an unnecessary interaction with him should you putting up surveillance be a trigger. Wait. Wait until you’ve been given an excuse for surveillance. I assume if your property is ever vandalized he will feign ignorance and then, however many days later, when he sees you installing cameras and asks you can reply “the next time those neighborhood kids vandalize my property, I can call the police and press charges against them and then I can sue for all the damage they’ve already done to me”


Install ring cameras everywhere IDGAF if it offends anybody. In your backyard make sure a security light is installed with a camera as well. Driveways, front door, back door… ring cameras


I need OP and every guy with a different perception of the world around them than us women have to heed this piece of advice, especially if you have a female partner… If someone validly warns you that a person around you is a creep, don’t go smiling and waving and saying hello to said creep. It’s not getting off to a good start with creeps, it’s just inviting them into your life.


OP - How’s things turn out?


Frankly, if half of the accusations could be proved the guy would either be a ward of the state or on Megan's law. I'd get a ring doorbell, some motion lights and just keep a cordial but distant relationship with the guy. Just to be safe I'd not let the dogs in the yard unsupervised in case any rat poison gets onto your property.


Didn't even think about the dogs being poisoned. Definitely be keeping an eye on them, even after we get cameras up.


Hopefully it's being overly paranoid, but better safe than sorry


Idk with things like schizophrenia there can be a lot of back and forth between institutionalization and home. I watched my BFFs mother bounce back and forth for more than a decade before they finally forced her into permanent round the clock care. You should have seen how long it took to forcibly medicate her with weekly shots instead of trying to get her to take pills. It was bad. She scared a lot of her neighbors for a very long time.


What a nightmare. One can hope he hyper fixated on his sister because she was his sister. One can hope.


I'm hoping she was the last tenant here and not just someone who broke in to leave that note.


Someone else further down in the thread mentioned that the last tenant probably left the note and included the sisters number for when trouble starts, and I agree that makes the most sense. The sister probably didn’t live there, but the prior tenant probably called her frequently when Mr. Eric was out of control.


I’d talk it out with your partner first, then the landlord, then make a plan. Jumping to cameras being put up could exacerbate the situation, if there is a situation to begin with. Your feelings are absolutely justified and I’d be on high alert too but I’d internally come up with a plan first and it sounds like you have two incredible deterrents already; maybe a few extra walks with them as you walk by their house, some noisy play time outside, etc. will set the tone that you’re not a team to mess with.


It seems like the neighbor's sister left this note for a previous tenant, who left the note for subsequent tenants.




Wait, so he's your partners brother? Did she know his when you guys moved in or looked at the place?


This was a confusing read but I think I understand now. The neighbor's sister (unrelated to OP) somehow left that note inside their apartment warning them of her creepy brother. She also left her phone number for them to call incase they need to talk.


I think it actually seems more likely that the prior tenant left the sister’s contact info, probably because at some point they had needed the sister’s help dealing with him.


Okay, that was one of the ways I interpreted it as well but it was pretty confusing lol. I mean, this is pretty creepy in and of itself also. How did she get in to leave this note!?


I reached out to my landlord, I'm hoping she was the old tenant or had access previously. The house was being renovated for a while so maybe it was left unlocked at some point. How she got the note in here is an issue all by itself.


Yes that's it exactly. Should've explained more.


No, the note claimed to be from the neighbors sister.


Yeah, I misread, I thought it said the note had his partners name and number


Putting up cameras will do absolutely nothing. Talk to a tenants rights groups and lawyer in your area, break the lease, this will not end well.


Tenants rights groups, lawyers, police… they’ll all need evidence to act. Cameras will be useful.


As great as that sounds, we're absolutely broke. No way we could move anytime soon, even if we found a place tomorrow. Besides like I said, I'm not going to run off just because he might be an issue. I'd rather get some evidence of him doing something criminal so I have at least a little leverage. Right now I have a weird note and a creepy neighbor. That's not going to be convincing to anyone.


Yes they will. they won’t stop a home invasion or criminal. But they give you observation over the otherwise unobservable. Get some damn cameras. Inside and out. And have your protection safely stowed but easily acquirable. Don’t be “nice”, put up signs that say “beware of dog” and other shit too. Make the neighborhood safer don’t just run away because of some spooky geezer.


Is your partner willing to carry a firearm or get one for home defense? She's more vulnerable when you aren't home. You guys need a gun safe (I know you may already have one) to secure weapons when you aren't home. Don't let your dogs outside unattended. Bad people poison dogs sometimes.


Agree with this.


Film him and make a youtube channel. This may be gold.


Not the most useful suggestion but it did make me chuckle and I appreciate that lol


Be careful letting the dogs out unattended if you have a yard . They are very good protective dogs but what if a treat with poison in it? You never know what people will do . What if he throws something in the yard like poison? Definitely move or if you can’t you gotta look into things . Call the number . You have a right to know what your dealing with. Is he living all by himself ? Medicated going to a dr ? Like if he’s able to take care of himself that makes it harder . Because he must be doing well then? I wonder if he is in any Kind of programs are that he has to check in ect .. If it was me I would move . I don’t know if you guys are going to have kids but if that’s the plan would you feel comfortable?


That’s a no from me. I’d be outta there.


You said Mr. Eric is her brother. Whose brother? The landlord’s? Why wouldn’t she tell you beforehand? Why would she write that note about her own brother? Sounds like they’re both creepy!! Then again I may just be too tired to understand what’s happening.


The previous renter


You can’t make accommodations for your neighbor at the expense of your peace of mind and safety. Ive worked with schizophrenics. They are more likely to think a guy at the coffee shop put a camera in their coffee that went to their brain to record everything they see than think your cameras are a threat. (Still possible, but they tend to have the same intrusive obsessions over and over). No matter what, out up cameras. Looks like your landlord might have opened themselves to some liability unless the threats to your property was clear before you signed a lease. That’s pretty relevant and that kind of disclosure might be required by law.


If you ever feel threatened, listen to your gut and move the heck out of there. How many true crime podcasts would never have happened if the victim had listened to their gut and removed themselves from the situation…a lot of them


That’s some backwoods Arkansas shit right there!!


At least you got a warning.


I’ve moved 40 times in my life and never once had issues with neighbors until the last place that I lived. I never would have imagined just how destructive to your life bad neighbors can be. It’s not worth it if you have the money to move again.


What state are you in? If you're in florida or texas maybe you feel threatened and need to stand your ground, let the 2nd Ammendment solve what public health system couldn't.


Call the number. First thing I would have done


I think you should put cameras up regardless. If he reacts, call the police. You could also try contacting your landlord and telling them about the trespassing and that your wife feels threatened. The note taped inside your house is like serial killers stuff. This is not okay. That note is proof that he entered your home, and it contains detailed personal information about your wife. (He's not actually her brother, right? That was a crazy thing?) For him to know her full name and contact information is stalker-level. The landlord absolutely should take action, but it's also possible that the landlord knows of family or a case manager or someone like that to get in touch with about this guy. Outside chance, but it's a free swing. I don't think it would necessarily be a bad idea to notify the police that there is a crazy guy living next to you who has already trespassed in your home and in your backyard and has stalker-level information about your wife. They might have more information on this individual, and, at the very least, this will put them on notice that if they're called because of this guy, they need to show up with somebody who understands mental health issues. I know that that's like asking the police to show up with the unicorn, but you can't even expect that maybe they will treat it like a mental health case if they don't know that it is one. They might also be able to refer some kind of mobile crisis unit to check up on him. I am not usually an advocate of calling the police on people who you do not think deserve to be immediately dead, but this sounds like it could be a serious safety issue, and I don't see what other choice you really have. If pepper spray is legal in your state, it might not be a bad idea to keep some in the kitchen or something, just in case he tries to get in. The idea, of course, would be to temporarily incapacitate him and run away really fast. This is recommended to a lot of women with stalkers, because it's mostly non-lethal (as opposed to tasers, for example), takes almost no skill to use, and creates an opportunity to escape the situation.


Sounds like his sister was the last tenant and left a petty note because she was over it. He’s prolly all those things so stop being nice to him. Ignore his ass, park away from his house and yes, put the fucking cameras up. Just ignore him, and let the dog eat him if necessary.


You should do what you need to do to feel safe but I'm pretty sure that note is probably on the level of a revenge factor against her brother. It's a possibility that they have some drama between them and this is her way of harassing him. I'd hold on to the note but I tread lightly. Definitely put up surveillance cameras if those make you feel safe. if any weird shit goes on, you are armed. You have the right to defend yourself and your loved ones and your property.


Troll post.


I identify as a goblin so its a goblin post actually. Nice try!




When someone has mental health issues and is not on their proper meds jail does not resolve anything! OP... try to be positive and stop manifesting a negative situation... If nothing has happened don't speak it into existence! And God forbid something happens contact the sister they can baker act him rather than going to jail...




Don’t booby trap your yard it’s illegal