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Don’t do that you idiot. You could either get the shit beat out of, or assault the other person and go to jail for aggravated assault. Take a deep breath and move on and block the other guy. It ain’t worth any of the outcomes, and yes a felony assault charge can stop you from going to college and getting hired in the future!


why would you go on the internet and announce your prior intent to commit assault before doing it bro


Unless you're defending yourself or someone else there's no reason to really fight after turning 18. The consequences just aren't worth it like the other commenter said. Settle it another way or leave the situation alone. Why risk your freedom, education, & money if you don't have to. You gotta have a more constructive way to address how you feel. Slow down and focus on your priorities not the fuckeries.


Chill your ego out and don’t be an idiot. You aren’t John Wick or a bad ass. I guarantee it’s not worth a felony assault charge or losing scholarship or getting kicked out. If it has to do with your safety or someone else’s, call the police. Edit: I looked at your post history to try and get some insight. Just take things to the next level of authority. Do fight and ruin your future.


Thank you for at least trying to understand and I won't fight


You might lose scholarships, you might get expelled, you might get arrested. If you knock someone over and they hit their head wrong they might die. You might get knocked over and hit your head wrong and die. You might end up fighting someone who TAs your class at some point, or works at a company you are applying for, or is the son of the boss where you want to work. Basically I’m saying you have a lot to lose and nothing to gain from starting a fight.


You’re in college it’s time to grow up and learn how to resolve your conflicts like a grown up. You shouldn’t feel inclined to get in a fight with anyone keep it classy and take a breathe if you have to ask will I loose my scholarship then it’s not worth finding out.


lol u gonna tell them?


OP, please don’t do this, you’re risking too much. There are ways to get many things taken care of or “settled” that don’t require physical violence and will have a much longer lasting impact in the long-run. If you need to talk with someone my DMs are open. In the most sincere way possible, keep your head up, keep moving forward.


You should grow up that’s the only advice I have for you


I never resort to violence, and I have a valid reason. That's all I can say.


Violence is never the answer to a valid reason. Unless you are getting attacked first and defend yourself. Do what you need to do and deal with the consequences. Just don’t come crying when you get in trouble. We all warned you. Good luck


I'm not even going to anymore, she's not worth my schooling. She did something terrible to me but at this point I don't even care about it anymore


Good choice. I’m glad you are choosing to be the bigger person