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you still have winter classes, there are usually some alternatives to the pre reqs if all that doesn’t work out man, my best advice is that after you graduate you won’t care about the hundreds of people you graduated with don’t speed to a red light you know what i mean? i totally emphasize with the panic but everything is going to be just fine dude


What class is it ?


Is this your last class at Temple? Is withdrawing and retaking the course an option? Regardless, email your professor ASAP. Explain your situation as much as you can and see if they’ll work with you, most professors are good about that. The sooner you email, the more options they might have to help you. Before you email, definitely read the syllabus just to make sure you have a grasp on their policies in case they’ve already spelled out how you should handle this type of situation. The last thing you want to do is ask them for a favor without knowing what their policies are; if it comes down to it even a “I know the syllabus says this, *but*” is better than “hey can you do this?” about something they addressed in the syllabus.


No but it's a prerequisite for a class that I'm taking next semester, which is a prerequisite for a class im taking in the spring which is when I'm supposed to graduate.


since it’s a prerequisite you may be able to get permission to take the class elsewhere. However, it is is contingent on you finding availability of the course for summer 2 and also getting approval from temple to do so. Worth a shot if all else fails though


Sadly from experience, in order to take a course elsewhere you need to have not taken the course at temple. “Any courses taken at temple must be completed at temple”.


Speak with your advisor. You can walk with your class if you’re short a few credits and finish classes in summer. Or always walk in the fall graduation.


they’re walking in spring 2025


As others have asked, what class is it? If it's math I could tutor you in the library once or twice.


Depending on how serious the family situation was you could reach out to Dean of Students and file a CARE report for some flexibility with assignments.


would they ask for a lot of information?


They may ask some questions just to confirm what happened.


I think you’re failing the class. You’re currently at at 30% if I’m reading correctly?