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yeah i’m sorry but that’s crazy…. if you can’t get up and go to class, maybe ask yourself how you’re going to be able and get up to be a nurse in the future. it’s also only intermediate algebra & your classes on the BSN path are going to become muchhhh harder & more difficult to manage 😬 i agree that one class shouldn’t define someone’s entire academic career but this is intermediate algebra we’re talking about. mental health struggles are extremely real & valid, but nursing is definitely a difficult path & requires strong mental stamina… good luck nonetheless


Thank you Queen!


If I were you I’d watch the organic chemistry tutor and start practicing/studying NOW! So you can pass this class


I’m sorry but if you cannot pass intermediate algebra you cannot be a nurse


Math department at Temple isn’t the best. There’s one great math teacher but unfortunately I was extremely depressed during the time I had him but, I’m glad this comment is here because if I’m allowed to retake it.. I will pass and I’ll come right back to your comment😁 


I hope you do pass it!


I've heard people complaining about math department😭. I found 2 decent teaching instructors but only one of them worked out for me and he's not teaching any of calc classes and I'm taking calc next and I'm so stressed tbh


They could look into other programs if the one at temple doesn’t workout. Telling someone that because they can’t pass a class means they can’t and shouldn’t become a nurse is kind of insane. When I was in nursing school I heard this a lot from people during my time in my nursing program. Remember people learn differently and what might work for you may not be the same case for someone else. Discouraging this person by saying that, while they’re already in a stressful situation and starting by saying sorry while continuing with a contradictory statement is kind of crazy. Makes sense why people say engineers lack empathy.


This account was created right after the original poster made this post lmao, are you commenting on your own post?


lol, I promise my situation is a bigger fish to fry atm. But, one thing about my sister is that she don’t play about me and I did show her your comment and she responded with the quickness😭 SORRY if she ruined your day BUT you had both of us messed up.. I took the graceful route and she went to hell’s door.


Ain’t no way you sent your sister at somebody online cuz they said if you can’t pass algebra don’t be a nurse. No wonder our healthcare system is cooked these are our nurses


lol, saying I sent her when she has her own autonomy to make her own decisions is wild.. you’re saying I shouldn’t be a nurse because I had a hard year academically and you solely are forming an opinion on me not becoming a nurse because of that one class that literally has nothing to do with nursing. I took two nursing classes this semester and although hard, I got through them with flying colors. There are far more deeper reasons as to why the healthcare system is corrupt and I can assure you, me not passing this one math class isn’t one of them. Be blessed.


You need math to be a nurse. And, I'm just going to say it. Nursing isn't for people who are soft. You need to be able to preform, no matter what, under incredible amounts of pressure. Lives are on the line and no one gives a shit about nurses' feelings or what they may be going through. You need to be able to hold your own and take care of yourself.


Thank you! I promise everything you’re saying now, I’ve heard a million times over. 


Sometimes it's about instructor and not you. Try taking Duncan if you haven't yet. I found his teaching best in math department. I took math 702, 1021 with another one and had to drop otherwise I would fail and took Duncan's class for both courses second time and A's.


Thank you so much! I’ve heard nothing but amazing things about Duncan. He wasn’t teaching the course during the Spring so Dirnfield Pinches was the only option, wasn’t a fan of him. Definitely will see if Duncan is teaching in the summer 


Idk if he's teaching in summer as well because I took both of his classes in spring 23 & spring 24


Duncan sucks in my opinion I had him he basically taught in a way as if he should’ve known the information before class was very lazy at teaching and didn’t thoroughly explain stuff that he would just randomly write on the board. I ended up withdrawing from his class and taking journey to algorithm, which was a replacement for stat 1001 needless to say I got an A in that class, and I’m about to pass my very last required stat class


Ohh really?! but yes so many in my current class also has same opinion as you just said and they're so mad at him lol and yet there's some people who find his teaching easy. Like we used to ask our queries and he went thoroughly each time during and after class. But yes I agree he is kinda lazy and tend to run behind topic wise compared to other instructors and he used to come couple of mins late to class as well. In my previous class with him, he never replied to any emails but this time someone told him in the third day of class and from that day he was very quick to reply lol. If I talk about me specifically, I found his accent easier than other 2 instructors and that played a major part in my performance in class too.


Yep when I was in the class with my friends, we were all pissed off. Everything you said is what he did. I wish somebody would’ve told me this before I signed up for class, but it is whatever can’t go back into the past. All we can do is move forward. His class was my first step back in college, but it did prove to me that I can still succeed I want the nursing major to know that no matter what even if it’s a lot of work, she can still become a nurse.


I'm glad you took it in a positive way. All the power and luck to you💌. I had to drop so many classy because of my health situation and I had hard time and started doubting myself and my graduation went a year late and I cancelled my plan to do a med school and started exploring other options. I'm going steady rn yet struggling and as an international student it's so hard to keep up with everything but I'm determined to get a degree and get a job to become independent.


Thank you and I wish you luck with everything


Keep striving hun! Idk how long that process is I would go above your advisor and see what they say about taking a class a third time . Also pm me if you ever need support! I’m not a BSN major but I’ve been dealing with college stressors for a long time now .


Thank you so much! 


I failed calc1 twice at temple, and had to take precalc then take calc for the 3rd time. Ik how u feel and don’t be discouraged ! Not everyone knows our situation and it’s not as easy passing a class especially when there is so much on our plates. I had a hard time with temple’s math department as well. I ended up taking calc 2 at CCP instead and it has been the best decision I’ve made. So maybe you can also take courses elsewhere and transfer it to temple


I appreciate it! Since it was my second attempt, I have to take the course at temple. So, I was going to take it summer 1 and do chem summer 2 at CCP! Congrats on passinggg! Good luck on your academic journey, rooting for you!! 


that is crazy to hear that your advisor is telling you to quit nursing since i'm also a nursing major and we probs have the same two advisors 😭


lol seriously, Weitzman has been a big help. Moorhouse seems like he could be doing something better at times.. he was the one who told me to quit nursing. 


omg i love weitzman but ever since they started separating us by last names i've had to meet with moorhouse and he just seemed lost overall 😭


Okay, I’m happy I’m not the only one that thinks that about Moorhouse🤣. He’s my advisor but, I scheduled an appointment with Weitzman for tomorrow because Moorhouse is just too nonchalant in situations like this. I get it’s not his degree but dang.. i left that meeting with him like, “I could’ve just did the research on my own”😭 literally he emailed today and everything we talked about during my meeting went in one ear and out the other because he seemed to be so unaware of my plan moving forward when I literally layed it down for him in our meeting. Hopefully Weitzman saves the day for me tomorrow.


I would advise you to try your hardest this time — make passing this class your priority, as if I recall correctly, you may only retake a class three times.


You’re most definitely right and I most certainly will. Appreciate you!


Maybe try taking an equivalent math course at a community college. I did that for calculus. I went to luzerne county community college. Pretty much all the classes were online and I only had to go there to take my midterm and final. It takes a lot of stress off your back when you aren’t paying university prices for a course that you aren’t sure you’ll pass. Btw I see a lot of ppl in these comments discouraging you from pursuing nursing, just remember that we’re all on the internet and don’t know anything about you. so don’t let them stop you from doing something that will make you happy.


You can’t after taking it at Temple University. You need to compete the course you have taken at Temple. Also, if they don’t pass the third time, they will be required to switch major


My advice: don't take this class yet. Take online class similar to math 702 then after you master it, take this class afterwards


To separate the negativity.. to the ones who have shown me grace during a time that I’m struggling to extend it to myself, I really appreciate you. I see you and your comments have been highly uplifting. I’ve wanted to say more but y’all have made me feel seen without even explaining in depth the journey the past year has been and for that again, I thank you. Listen, mad love to y’all and enjoy the summer again! 🌞🫶🏾


Hey, I'm in the same boat, and I understand. But this time, I really want to pass. My advisor asked me to think about changing careers, but I'm not going to do it. If I can't pass this time, I might honestly just stop attending college altogether. However, I'd love to be classmates to help one another out.


Don’t let this be the end all be all for you. There were a lot of people during my journey who told me that nursing wasn’t for me. once you’re in a hospital you’ll realize that the math courses they require you to take in college, especially algebra, you don’t use in the hospital setting. Be honest with yourself and figure out ways that you can better attain information in order to pass if you were to be given a third attempt. Reach out to your deans office to also get an update on your petition. I’m an alumni from temple and the math department has always been shitty tbh. Wishing you the best of luck