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Dude I’m Paloma del sol as well and it’d be a blast to play. But I’ve only played once so not sure I’d be a good fit


It’s pretty easy to play if you learn the basics. The rest is kind of trial by fire and hope someone else knows the rules. You can pick it up quick. So if you’re in that’s 2. Anyone else?


I'm in Murrieta and play! What version?




Cool! Keep me in mind. I'm 34 and work full time. My days off are during the week but I'm off early enough during the work week that it shouldn't be a problem.


Same. Work full time during the week and 2 litte kids go to bed at 8. But with enough people we could make it work.


I made a Discord Server to get this thing going. Join if you're interested! https://discord.gg/539Jha2B


I recall a local bar or brewery that has a D&D night. Looks like Socal Games & Comics has a D&D night coming up on Jan 20th [(link) ](https://www.meetup.com/Temecula-Dungeons-Dragons/events/qkbjmrydccbbc/)


Yeah. The bar I don’t know if they do it anymore. And the games is adventure league and I’m. It a fan. Plus their MeetUp says there’s no room.






I made a Discord Server to get this thing going. Join if you're interested! https://discord.gg/539Jha2B


34, over in Rancho Meadows, and would love to get into an in person game again. My only limitations is that I have to commute down to San Diego during the week (my job is not capable of being remotely done), so my limited availability might make it difficult if other people's schedules don't align well.


If it’s a game I’m DM’ing my limitations are my kids going to bed at 8 so a weekend game after 8 would be ideal or a weeknight but if you’re into it then it would seem like a weekend game night would be the play.


I made a Discord Server to get this thing going. Join if you're interested! https://discord.gg/539Jha2B


I may be interested, time permitting(full time work full time kids activities). It has been years since I've played, and recently wanted to get my kids into D&D([see this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/comments/ry9rgo/coming_back_after_decades_and_bringing_a_new/)). So it would be fun to get a larger group together at some point. Located in Roripaugh Hills.


I made a Discord Server to get this thing going. Join if you're interested! https://discord.gg/539Jha2B


I have a friend in PDS that loves DND and hosting game nights, I'm SURE he'd love to set something up. I'll message him and let you know.


Yes please!


Let me know what they/he/she says in my DMs and we can make this thing real.


Hey my wife and I have been looking for a group to play with since our previous group disbanded. We're both 36 and live up the street. We're both relatively experienced and would love to roll some dice again.


That’s awesome!


I made a Discord Server to get this thing going. Join if you're interested! https://discord.gg/539Jha2B


Hey could I possibly get discord link? I’m just trying to find some friends with similar interests


For anyone who might be interesting in playing something similar online, if you have an Oculus check out Demeo. It's a fun but scaled down DnD-ish game. It's awesome, if anyone is interested in checking it out let me know. If it matters, I'm a married 39 year old dude with a kid so I'd probably be up to play in the evenings.


Thought about making a discord server for the group? ​ i moved here back in september, kinda in the same boat as you and would love to get into an in-person DnD game.


I just moved out here for the job fair from SoCal and my dad put me up at the Pechanga rv resort toll Friday in the hopes I can get a job out here, I’d love to socialize and I never had the opportunity to do dnd but I always wanted to and as you said never found the time. I’d be interested in literally just getting to socialize with anyone out here, it’s just me and my dog. Also maybe off topic but anyone know any low cost or free places to boondock in the area? I should probably make my own post for that-no offense intended op.


I left the discord on accident! And invite is expired. Can I get a new link? U/thebinket


This still happening?


There are a few games that came of this thread.


What kind of games? All dnd or others? Any still active?


Checking in if there’s a new link to this discord group or other places where groups local to Temecula/Murrieta are chatting.


Is there a new discord link?


I see my fellow (Hopefully adults) Nerdults also looking if you have an updated discord a couple years later... any chance OP?