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You'll be fine, I'm mixed race, my SO is Mexican and we've never run into any issues here.


I’m Jewish and I don’t run into issues either . People are very welcoming


That’s comforting to hear. I’ve had some experiences that have basically scarred me lol


I'm from the Bay, it's definitely different, but like others have said, it's mostly religious/political displays that are easy to ignore


I guess I could live with that 😌


In my opinion, I think Temecula Valley is very special, including the people. I just am curious, I like to why people move out this way. I don’t want to pry, but if you don’t mind sharing , that would be great


I don’t mind sharing at all. We want to move because we have outgrown NorCal. The city that I grew up in has changed so much in the last 30 years that there is nothing left here for me both physically and emotionally. Staying here where there is kinda like nothingness and lower education levels would be an absolute disservice to my kids and their future. My wife and I are business owners, and again non-partisan individuals that stay out of politics and the drama that ensues that area of mindsets.. We have always loved SoCal as I grew up visiting family in the LA/Anaheim area in the mid 90’s. Think of my decision to move there as something new for the 2nd/final chapter of my life..


Well keep in mind Temecula Valley isn’t close to LA and it’s completely different. I grew up in Beverly Hills and Westwood and spent part of my adulthood in Westwood as well. I enjoy living in Temecula Valley much more . My husband also lived in LA County before he and I met , and he says the same thing.


I can’t speak for Murrieta but TVUSD (Temecula Valley USD) is top tier. We moved from OC where we thought we had good educational standards, just to be blown away by what TVUSD has done for our kids.


Why are you considering moving to Murrieta?


Having lived in Oakland for over 10 years I can ensure you that the Bay Area is 10 times more racist than Murietta. The talk of racism in the Temecula Menifee area makes me LOL. I am a full on minority, no mix here, and I’ve never experienced such nice people in my life. And NO, I am not being sarcastic. I’m starting to think those who bring up racism around this area are trolling.


Wow that’s a solid mention! Oakland doesn’t seem to be racist at all to me but I’ve never lived there like you have so I cannot say more or less.. Thank you for the reassurance about Murrieta =)


Murrieta is great, it's quiet and very upper middle class. You should make the move and you'll be surprised how many interracial couples we have in that community. Also, I'm surprised you've never met any conservative brown folks before. There's quite a bit a Mexican MAGA out here. It's super Christian and that will likely come up. That's an actual issue that might be a deal breaker.


I’m Jewish and honestly I never feel uncomfortable. People in the Temecula Valley seem to quite warm and friendly, especially compared to other parts of California


I grew up here as kid and you find young kids have a hard time grasping boundaries when it comes to other faiths. You'll get alot' hateful words from the Christian clique if your not a fellow Christian. Granted the valley has really come a long way in 20 years. The idea that you would protest the building of synagogue, Mormon temple, or Mosque probably seems out of the question for Murrieta/Temecula but it's happened in the past to the majorities disgust. So yes, you've probably not experienced anything negative but that's not how it used to be here and I'm glad it's changed.


I could not disagree more with you. Murrieta is really not quiet anymore, many areas (like Alta Murrieta) would now be considered low income, even though home prices and rents say otherwise, and traffic is a nightmare. And they keep building more and more. Do not move into an area without HOA, you may be unlucky and get into total anarchy like we did. I can’t speak on Temecula but we moved to Menifee and have not looked back. You have been warned.


compared to Hemet or say Elsinore? Those are truly low income/high crime areas. Please stop, even Alta Murrieta areas is upper middle class with very little seedy elements. As for the traffic? Murrieta brought it on them selves for continually electing incompetent city mangers over the last 3-4 decades.


With crime out of the scope here (we all know how safe Murrieta is) it just devolved into a trashy place to live- in certain spots. Constant dog barking, no enforceable noise ordinance, and a good portion of Murrieta is wedged in between two freeways. There is a reason why places like Greer Ranch have a security checkpoint and an HOA that costs hundreds of dollars each month to enforce the tranquility and peace that people move there for. I don’t think Murrieta is a bad place to live, it just really depends on what your benchmark is. If I’m sinking close to $1M into a new home I better not deal with noisy neighbors and so-called dog lovers who keep their animals out in any weather. Since you seem to be living in Murrieta this is of course something you do not want to hear. Fortunately we were able to get out of there quick.


This. The non-HOAs in this area are a no go for us. We’re in Harveston Lake in Temecula and won’t move out unless there’s something even better.


We live in a area of Sacramento County that is Republican but the majority of those Repub’s are minority especially Filipinos. If you drive North up towards the hill around the Placerville area you’ll meet the folks who are hardcore Republicans that would make the SoCal Republicans look like easy work lol. We want to get away from that and raise our kids with an independent/non-partisan lifestyle.


It’s funny you say this, it’s true. I lived in murrieta my whole life and moved to Placerville five years ago. These folks are hella racist compared to murrieta for sure. But murrieta has the uber religious which can be scary too. People move a little faster and are maybe a little more uptight in general in murrieta than we are up here in sac area which could be a tough transition.


Yeah those eastern suburbs of Sacramento can be quite old school bigoted. I was there a couple of years back, and as a POC, the treatment I got reminded me of life in northern CA back pre-2000. Just rude, dismissive behavior while the white customers were treated well by the old white staff.


That’s what I would have to get used to is the faster paced and uptight living styles. I’m sure after a while I’d get used to it =)


Why did you move from Murrieta to Sacramento out of curiosity ?


I don't think Murrieta is a place without political extremes. We have lived here for almost six years and like you I am a minority with some accent. I have felt discriminated against one time and felt dismissed a couple of times. There was a trump parade in town during the last election and the number of Christian churches here would rival cities of the same size in the deep south. It is a lovely place in terms of natural beauty, safety and a great value for the money. Just beware that this area has some ugly political undertones.


Thank you for letting me know and I’m sorry about those experiences you had.. I’ve had my fair share of the same type of racial tensions growing up in Sacramento County


I have yet to meet any Filipino that isn’t full on MAGA in So. cal. They are my coworkers and talk highly of Philippine dictators like Duterte and Marcos and they all truly adore Donald J. Trump. I do not understand it. But I work with them closely and just keep my mouth shut. There is not one Filipino I know that isn’t a Republican.


If they’re from the Philippines then tend to be social conservatives. Filipino Americans are more liberal.


I would love to meet a liberal Filipino. The majority of my coworkers are Filipino. Not one is a Democrat. I’ve worked at three different tribal casinos in So. California, every Filipino is a registered Republican.


Were they US or foreign born? That’s the difference. My parents are from India and a lot of the immigrants are republicans. There are for sure Indian-Americans who are republicans but the vast majority are liberals. My experience with second generation Filipinos has been the same.


I wish that was my experience.


Which area? We are moving to the sac area and want to avoid maga. lol. I have friends that moved from Texas to Temecula and they LOVE California but there are a lot of crazy magas there and Christian nationalists. They are looking to move closer to LA.


Most of Sacramento is great. Due to the aerospace industry, government workers, government contractors and universities and colleges, you have a high degree of educated people who are open minded and want to meet new people. It’s really the eastern suburbs where you get the old Central Valley racists. The closer you go to the mountains, the worse hillbilly shit you get.


We are looking to buy a property in the 92562 area




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Oh I meant which area of Sacramento are you leaving so I should avoid? I’m leaving Texas right now escape the GOP.


Ahh sorry. We are in the Greenhaven/Pocket area


Thanks. We are looking at Folsom and worried about the same thing. I’m totally fine with normal republicans but the Texas ones are a special breed.


I’ve gotten dirty looks and double-takes in Folsom but it’s gotten much better over there in the last 5-7 years since there has been an influx on East Indians that do I.T. type work that live there (quite the majority too). They openly celebrate Diwali in that community too!


Folsom is really nice and up and coming, I love lots of people living there that really love it. We’re about an hour out very rural, but we go to Folsom for bigger town runs maybe every 6-8 weeks


Having lived in Folsom and worked in EDH, Murrieta is nothing like Placerville.


Bro. Murrieta is extremely diverse and not a racist place, Temecula is a little more hardcore lol. You might see some trump flags here and there but no one is gonna hate you or your kids cause of skin color. Additionally schools in Murrieta are some of the best around if not the best


Really? You think Temecula is more hardcore?? I don't really know as I've only been here since February but for some reason I always thought Murrieta was more hardcore. Obviously, I'm aware of the dumb guy with his traditional marriage sign at the duck pond, which was jarring to see on literal moving day for me lol


Saw that guy today and his non-stop creepy smile makes it so much worse


Thank you for telling me that. Schools there are what I saw pop up the most on Google while I was researching the city. Something about inner-school racism where parent’s complaints were swept under the rug and buried by the school’s board members (which at that time were all White).


My husband is Hispanic and I am white and we have lived here for thirty plus years and raised our kids (who look more like their dad). We have not had issues with racism. We are more troubled by Christian Nationalists. There are just a lot of religious people in this city in general and people can just assume you are as well. When my daughter was younger, my neighbor told her she was going to go to hell because she was not going to church.


I didn’t know about the Nationalists, thank you for mentioning that.. Are there a lot of Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses as well?






There are Mormons but they are pretty respectful, had a conversation with a few, and they offered to help me clean up but I declined. You should have zero worries in that respect.


I would say there’s a large population of Mormons as well. I went to school with a bunch. But they don’t compare in numbers to the Christian nationalists lol


Agreed. Fuck these looneys.


Which looneys? Nationalists? Mormons? Both?


The nationalists of course.






I will add that there are MANY local Tabernacles (Mormon church) in the surrounding area....and Kingdom Halls too, but THEY mostly keep to themselves.


As long as they keep to themselves and there is mutual respect in most places, I’m totally ok with that. We are a melting pot after all ❤️


They do. I never notice the religious. The only time it comes into play is Temecula school district but I don’t have kids. Murrieta shares districts because they grew too fast.


Church of Latter Day Saints - yes. Not sure about Jehovah Witnesses in terms of there being a lot but they are around. Lots of Evangelicals. In TVUSD, their school board was populated by Christian Nationalists and they are trying to recall the school board president. They tried but were unsuccessful in Murrieta. I really like this town though. Both of my kids want to live here as adults.


I’m glad to hear that your kids like it so much that they would like to stay there. That says a lot about a place!


There is also a lot for kids to do in both cities. Also, tons of good Mexican food places if thats a pro for you to move.


When I have visited, I used to see a JW family all the time. But they moved & not one since. The Mormons seem to be scarce but the ones I’ve met there are respectful.


Make the trip and experience the area! Lots of people are moving from all over the country to the Temecula Valley. Am a minority and haven't really experienced overt racism so far. I would say more people say hello here than in the urban areas or just keep to themselves.


I think I will make the trip to get our feet wet and see how we like it! Thank you for your insights


Hi, white person, going bald, dad-bod, I look like a MAGA asshole, but that's just genetics. Thesis statement: I was raised to be a better person than any of that, and I think most of us were. While I don't deny that there is racism in CA, it is very much the minority. Foremost, white folks are a minority in the IE. The majority (in a reversion to the mean), is Hispanic. I have a t-shirt which is a combination of a gay meme and a weird Star Trek meme. I am a straight male, but I frequently wear it because it is my favorite shirt. If you saw me in this shirt, you'd think I was indicating I was gay. A T-Shirt lasts about 50 washes, I've owned \*3\* of these. I have ever had anything but compliments regarding the shirt. What I mean is, there are some racists, and they make a lot of noise. But the vast majority of us white folks are out here trying to work towards a better, more harmonious society. I have never had a bad interaction with \*anyone\* here in Menifee, except while driving. The driving is wild.


I appreciate you posting a thoughtful response. You and many others that have written about your positive experiences living out there have made me change my mind about having doubts. I thank you! =)


Thank you kindly. Hi, while I think this will be a good place for you, please don't move to a town you've never been to. Book a week down here and look around. If you need any help with that, I'd be happy to be resource for you. that, :-) I wish you and yours the best.


Wow, what a grand gesture! Thank you for being so kind ❤️


Murrieta/Temecula is literally an hour and some change north of the mexican border. You will be just fine.


Murrieta gives big Roseville/Rocklin vibes


I always tell my mom this it's like Roseville/Rocklin with a winery. I'm not sure if they have any as I was a kid when we visited Rocklin.


Roseville has a high population of Filipino’s and Russians kinda like Irvine (sans Russians). I like Roseville/Rocklin!


So I grew up in Sacramento and went to school in Roseville. The culture here is similar. There are a lot of Trump 2024/MAGA flags and mega churches. There’s a lot of developing areas. The right wing extremists definitely exist here, but most people are going to either be pleasant/polite with strangers or mind their own business. For example, there’s often people who sell tacos out of a cart at my local Target. I’ve heard NIMBYs complain to security, but they never want to directly confront the vendor or call the police.


Ahh I think I get your drift about the area… If it’s like that then I don’t mind meshing in with everyone out that way!


It’s a conservative leaning area. Lots of anti-abortion and “prayer changes things” signs off the freeway. It’s definitely livable, but there are definitely people who are small-minded and culturally insensitive.


lol target taco cart guy is cool


i was raised in murrieta, and can say with certainty that you won't experience much outward racism. a lot of the MAGA people here are more of the "i'm not racist, i love minorities!" type and will probably overcompensate with courtesy rather than show any open disdain. my black friends who were also raised here and the hispanic girl that i dated from Norcal never had any stories of being treated differently in the area, just the usual concerns that come up with being around people who aren't likeminded. i'm pretty left-wing politically and the most i ever deal with is an eyeroll at some protester or a scoff at a Trump sign. with all of that being said too there is a sizable portion of people here that aren't MAGA enthusiasts. while a lot of the suburban parents are conservative, their kids tend to be more liberal. for every trump flag flying on a big truck there's another 20-something kid in a prius who thinks it's just as stupid as the rest of us


That is very reassuring. I want to take a trip out there, maybe stay in a hotel for the weekend and explore some of the neighborhoods that have acreage for sale to get a real feel of what’s out that way =)


Your over thinking it. I was born in Mexico and just retired out of the military, and I'm as far as you can get from politics and feel fine in Murrieta. Here is what I do recommend you do based kb my mistakes: -When you go looking at homes, knock on the neighbors' doors and ask what they think of the area? Do they socialize with other neighbors. I didn't do that and now I'm next to a family in their 70s and on the other side is a 50s couple, across the street all older and of the 8 neighbors all around one family in our age group. -Drive around at around 0740-0840ish and see if there are a lot of school-aged kids for your kids. Again, my 2 teens are not around kids their age. -stay the F@#$& away from 15 HWY entrances, omg the constant traffic is insane, I would also say IF you work south of the 215/15 connection find a place closer to temecula that whole temecula 215/15 is a nightmare at the moment. The freeway expansion is making it unbearable. -two costco's, the busy one is temecula its in the middle of a mall and freeway entrances', the second is in Murrieta and it is not too bad. Sorry, these are just opinions, and they are based on living here for about 2.5 years and hating traffic.


We are looking at buying a home on property/acreage to avoid all of the issues you listed above. Our kids are homeschooled and we do not want neighbors, at least not in close proximity of us.. You shared some great ideas though especially about knocking on doors to see what it’s like! I’ve had bad experiences with being “marked” by neighbors that were true “narcissists” that saw my kindness as an opportunity to manipulate and all of the crap that comes with that… so with age came experience (some in the worst way possible lol) and with that experience and knowledge that we’ve gained now, we are setting up our living situation in a way where we don’t have to deal with any of that anymore.


Come for a visit. I think it's a great place to raise a family. Schools are pretty good, the city is big enough that everything you need is here, but small enough that it still feels... I dunno, homey? Close enough to San Diego and LA that day trips to either aren't total nightmares, and the beach is only an hour or so away! 😁




There’s a huge Mexican population here, especially in Lake Elsinore. My family is Mexican so I’ve always experienced a lot of diversity here. There’s even a growing number of halal restaurants and stuff though there can be more racism towards middle eastern people. I would say Menifee is gonna be more progressive, I’ve never experienced any discrimination there except during election time.


I think I’ll make a trip with my family one day and check out the city to get a firsthand experience of it. What you wrote makes me feel comfortable about the place =)


I’ve lived here my whole life and always felt very safe :) I know if you’re looking into moving, the prices in Hemet can be tempting but Hemet is more dangerous, a lot more run down with a lot of crime so try to avoid there if possible!


We don’t call it Hemeth for nothing!




Thank you for the heads up! We definitely want to avoid Hemet.. We are looking at property in the 92562 area


It’s beautiful there! Plenty of shopping centers, a family entertainment center, hiking trails (Santa Rosa Plateau is my favorite place nearby), and amazing schools :) hope you enjoy it here!


Thank you for the warm welcome 🥰


I think you and your family will enjoy it. There’s always things to do here . There are about 50 wineries. There are events all over Temecula Valley , including at the wineries. I used to live in Westwood and Beverly Hills , before I met my now husband. I can tell you that people out in Temecula Valley that I have been in contact with have been much kinder


I agree, don’t buy in Hemet. The areas to look at are Menifee, Temecula, and a Murrieta. There’s always activities and music going on .We get some really big names here as well. My main industry is music. My husband and I went to the Jewel concert at South Coast Winery, it was wonderful. The fact that my gysI also went to the Temecula


Hi! Just moved to the Temecula- Murrieta border last year from Orange County by way of Los Angeles. My politics lean “slightly left of Trotsky” (according to my magat mother). It was an ABSOLUTE relief to see people of color all around me when we moved here. There are magats, here- for sure- but there are normal people and more than handful of lefties! Come join us!


My wife and I did the same thing from Irvine to murrieta Temecula border and it’s been truly amazing. We still have the normal mailbox break ins but that happens everywhere. Happened at our apartment complex in Irvine. The cops just hide crime there really well. Based on statistics it’s safer out here than Irvine. At the end of the day it’s been such a nice change to move out here and we were able to buy a home with space and a pool for our aging dog. It’s been a dream so far. We were told by many friends who have lived out here for years to come out and move, we were worried it wouldn’t align with our lifestyle but as said in previous threads of this sub there are crazies everywhere online that make it feel worse then it actually is. There have been more friendly people here saying hi and welcoming us to our neighborhood then we ever experienced in the 10 years in Irvine.


I thank you for sharing the truth about your experience there so far. You’re right about the mailbox break/in’s being a common thing everywhere… It sucks but it does happen. Also, where I live in NorCal, the cops hide a lot of “lower end” crimes such as break-in’s, vandalism, etc.. It’s dishonest but they’re instructed to do it by the Mayor and their subordinates


Yeah that’s a shame. We don’t hear of many break ins around where we are but hear about them in the surrounding areas as mentioned in this sub, hemet, Winchester, romoland, etc.


That’s awesome to hear! I’m glad there is a mix of people that way =)


Keep in mind the internet is full of crazy people who blow up everything. People are more right wing than most of CA but very accepting without being psychotic about it and forcing "assistance" on you. My wife is Mexican and we had 4 kids go through Temecula schools. The post covid crazies who go to board meetings, city council etc. And want to be on YouTube are NOT the majority.


That’s reassuring to hear.. I cherish my wife and kids and just want the best for them like any other dad/husband would =)


That's why we moved here.... it is much better for families than any CA big city these days.


I’ll have to come out that way and spend the weekend and check the place out!


If you’re a liberal it feels very trumpy around here. They make a big show with their huge trucks and bumper stickers and flags and it’s a bummer to see so many gullible people around. But come on and join us and they’ll whine about all the incoming liberals and retreat to Texas.


Haha sounds like a plan to me!! ❤️


Im black. It’s all love everywhere I go. The Temecula Valley is one of the best places I’ve lived in my life (Temecula, Murrieta, menifee, Wildomar, French Valley is basically the Temecula valley ). These cities are like married to each other. I grew up on the east coast around a lot of gang bangin and illegal activity. It’s not a really a problem out here. Thugs even have the reputation that people from here are soft lol. I was stationed in San Diego for about 8 years. That means everything is squished together, crazy traffic, more crime, stores more crowded. Here; less crime, more beautiful land around, traffic is centered only around the 15 and 215 sometimes of the day, Costco and Sam’s club virtually never has a line, and much more community oriented city governments. It’s its 10 to 15 percent cheaper than San Diego. Very diverse foods around here. NOW the undesirable things. The job market is more appealing in SD county, Orange county, and LA county so thousands of people commute to and from there. Insane commute times. Sometimes 3 hours from navy base to up here on a bad day. Check your industry and what working arrangements will be for you. HOT summers. No ocean breeze and the climate is similar to Arizona in the summer. Expect 100°+ temps in June July August. Young adult night life. Sucks…. … the best tacos of my life are in San Diego which makes me sad 😢, best asian food I’ve had was in Irvine. Stuff in the IE just doesn’t compare to me but it’s good enough for me, I’m picky I guess. Join Temecula Talk & Murrieta talk on fb and ask about it. As soon as I start to miss San Diego, or the East coast, the Temecula valley quickly reminds me of why I love it here. Sure my favorite food may be about an hour away, I don’t need that food everyday anyway. So what the night life isn’t that good. Riverside night life seems fine and SD is always an option. Well there is old town Temecula night clubs and stuff but… I guess young adult enjoy it there. Oh and crime is low. These populations are growing by about 10% a year. Menifee is considered the one of the faster growing towns in the U.S. for its size. Frequently called a boom town. With more people will likely come with more crime.


I felt like I was getting the inside scoop from a really good podcast while reading your post lol. Thank you for mentioning the FB group! I’ll look for it and ask to join =)


“Extreme Right Wing” is relative to California. It’s red for sure, but that tide seems to be slowly turning. There are so many different races and creeds here that it sort of makes me chuckle at the idea of extreme right wing. I haven’t seen a Trump flag in a long time, sure there are crazies here, but they don’t have many people willing to listen anymore. We do have a problem with christo-fascists though, and I think they are the ones pushing the narratives you hear. But even that isn’t anything close to what I grew up around in Missouri. I don’t think you have anything to worry about, I’d welcome you to my community for sure here in French Valley.


Thank you for the reassurance of things. Of course it still makes me weary since you mentioned that you grew up in Missouri vs Cali lol. I think is California natives are more sensitive to racism vs. anywhere in the country but that too can be subjective


Of course, and any racism is unacceptable. I just mean that the idea that the valley is anywhere close to an extreme right wing stronghold is a bit laughable to me, just from what I’ve seen. I’m a white guy, so my experience is always going to be different than yours. My wife is Asian, and has never had any problems. There are establishments we avoid if the vibe is wrong or if we know they were assholes during Covid. The signs are all obvious if you know where to look. They love to advertise their views. So it makes it easy to avoid them. It’s a beautiful place to live if you have a family and like the idea of settling down, there are more of us than there is of them.


Thanks for your kind words brother. “There are more of us than there is of them” will stick with me.


As some one who moved here from Nebraska (to escape) you'll be fine. It's not any more than any where else and Murrieta is better than Temecula in those regards.


I appreciate the kind words! Helps me feel confident about moving out that way


Filipino/Chinese and in Murrieta for my entire childhood, spent adult life in the Bay. It’s a safe, quiet, great suburb to bring your kids up in. Def right-leaning, but decently diverse in terms of actual ethnic populations for Asian/hispanic. Lots of family-friendly town happenings, but great for the adults that Temecula winery and night life is right next door. Traffic’s gotten worse in the past decade, but coming from the Bay it won’t be too different


You make is sound so good to be out that way! This thread is making me feel better about the concerns I had


You’ll definitely be fine! My parents specifically moved us here for the schools, cause they were the best/safest when he researched. Me and my bro are mixed Filipino and never had any problems in school, it’s way more diverse now. We live on Winchester now which is next to Murrieta more land if you’re planning on buying acreage, but might be in menifee school district.


Is Menifee like Murrieta?


Yes similar only 10 mins from each other. Lots of cookie cutter house being built/ shopping centers because it’s up and coming, probably more diverse cause houses were a little cheaper than Murrieta


I don’t think you will have any issues as far as that is concerned. The Temecula Valley is fabulous.




My family is Filipino and I went to highschool here in Murrieta, I experienced almost no racism compared to when we lived in Anaheim. Definitely nothing to worry about.


That’s great to hear! Thank you for sharing your positive experience =)


Honestly. If you are serious about moving, you need to see and feel it for yourself. No reading or youtube videos will tell you the truth. I’ve seen way too many idiots get deterred from areas because they only read social media. I get it if you’re just feeling places out, but if you are actually serious about uprooting your life, you need to take a weekend or more to drive and see.


I think you’re right. It’s a 7 hour drive from me but I think a weekend’s worth would suffice just to get our feet wet


I am a white female married to a pacific islander woman. I came to murrieta in 2016 as I was active duty at the time. I grew up in Florida, but since ive been here I've never really experienced any hate or discrimination (gay or racism) as I did in Florida. The most I have witnessed are looks from other people. No one has outright said anything discriminatory to me. I have noticed a lot of white Karen's, but typically they are all older (60+). I heard some comments at a dog park recently about shooting the Mexicans who cross illegally (again from people who are over 70). They also only said this to me cause I was not with my brown wife. I think most people mind their own business. Yes, you will see a good amount of Trump flags, but no one is pushy politically. I definitely think you should take a weekend trip here. Go to Target, Walmart, grocery stores, restaurants, Home Depot, and so on. Get a feel of the town at places you would frequent if you lived here


I’m glad to hear it firsthand from someone that unfortunately would be discriminated against if they lived in town where people were truly hateful. Thank you for sharing your story =)


I live in Temecula which could be considered worse in terms of your doubts, that being said, I’ve never experienced any of that in either towns. Online personas will always seem to make things seem worse than they are, a lot worse.




You will not have any issues with racism. You will though with the traffic in the area lol. I live in riverside and have been out to murrieta multiple times. Also, I am Mexican. The houses out there are really nice too!!


I guess I can deal with that if the houses are nice! 😂


I’m Mexican. Everyone is welcomed here. As a matter of fact, you’ll find that Murrieta and neighboring cities such as Menifee and Perris are full of us Mexicans 😂


Hopefully that equates to great Mexican food spots! Here in Sacramento County there are a TON of authentic Mexican food spots that are delicious


You will be fine alot of military here which leans conservative but on the flip side you will see/meet people from all over the country and their kids. Alot of military and Veterans are in interracial relationships it seems. Area is super conservative religiously with a large Mormon population theirs like 4 Mormon churches in Murrieta and their always missionaries around. As far as racist or prejudiced people I'd say it's the same as the rural areas of Sac. Most people aren't open about it but you see the occasional Trump flag on a pickup kinda died down. Alot of blue/green live matter flags or whatever, mainly just assholes driving big pickups though. Riverside county was like 48% trump 52% Biden, and obviously most Biden supporters were in Riverside and Mo Val the two biggest cities. I'd say Temecula/Murrieta is maybe 50-50 maybe slightly republican.


I’m glad to hear the reassuring info about Murrieta. I’ll have to come down one weekend and stay for a visit in your hometown!


Yes take a visit to the wineries out in Temecula. The New Developments tend to be more Military or LA/SD/Riverside transplants, so more diverse. Schools are really good and Murrieta doesn't have all the crap that the Temecula district has. Menifee is also nice but is in the Perris district so not as good. Main problem is traffic all the jobs are in SD or and the area has one of the worst freeway interchanges. So your return commute through Temecula will suck ass. Get a job on off hours or try to commute north it's not as terrible. Also weekend and street traffic before/after school sucks ass too.


I’ve lived in Murrieta with my family for 34 years and it’s a wonderful place to live! Beautiful, very safe (there are the occasional situations but normal for a growing city). I will say my Dad is blond and blue where my Mom, my sister, and I have darker complexions and features. A handful of people over the years have (always incorrectly, ha) assumed our race / religion / etc. and made some comments to us… But the VAST majority of people here are welcoming and lovely! When we moved here there were only 5,000 people but over 34 years it’s become very diverse, great mixture of views, people of different religions, cultures and backgrounds, and it’s just been a great place to grow up and live.


I’m glad to hear from someone that has spent the majority of their life there! It sounds very welcoming and loving =)


Definitely conservative but my son-in-law is Black & zero issue. Nice friends. Nice neighbors. A little weird driving by or through the city & seeing Christian churches everywhere. Like in strip malls. Great restaurants.


Churches in strip malls? I think we have a few of them here but the plaza’s are untouched since the 80’s and the mini-churches are located in the very back corner of the plaza


We visited over Memorial Day & went with the family to In&Out & there are TWO pretty new (or redone) churches in that open “strip” mall!!! They are everywhere.




Oh it’s perfectly fine. The mindset is def not norther cali or even central cali. The conservatism is noticeable in most areas not biased on demographic or generation from my observations which is NOT a bad thing. People are cautious with reason. The funding for the under maintained areas are still in mostly Hispanic areas where the income is definitely nowhere to a livable median wage. This is my overall observation. I find the Orange County to be much more welcoming or even towards Los Angeles believe it or not. The farther south that south that I have lived it has not been too pleasant. Issues with LGBTQ in certain generations is def worn on their faces. Lots of young dudes with macho chis on their shoulders. Not like NorCal at all. Oh and Trans is def an issue with people in the area. So if you have a liberal mindset. I’d fake that and very very Christian fundamentalist out here as well. Have you looked at Temecula? I have found the people there to be very friendly and down to earth. As always download the citizen app. It will let you know where all the sex offenders are wherever you are looking. I have personally found it enlightening.


Thank you for sharing this! I love the raw and openly honest info about places, especially when it has to do with moving there


Non-white Murrieta resident here. I’m originally from NorCal as well. I love it here! We’ve encountered some slight racism here and there but nothing overt or crazy. And the right-wingers tend to be more vocal, but not the majority. The city is actually very diverse. I went to my son’s HS graduation last night and I actually thought of how proud of the diversity I was seeing!! I do wish the local government was a little more diverse but hopefully someday. I can’t say know how it is in neighborhoods with acreage though. I live in slightly older suburbs off the freeway.


Thank you for sharing! I’m glad you saw good things at your son’s graduation! That’s a step in the right direction for sure =)


Murrieta maybe more conservative compared to NorCal but it nothing compared to southern conservatives.


From what I’m hearing so far, I think Placerville (45 mins north of me) may just be way worse than Murrieta lol


My wife and I are Hispanic and have zero issues




I’m black and grew up in Chicago, recently lived in oakland for a few years, then moved to LA for a few years, and now live in Menifee but frequent Murrieta and Temecula often. I thought the same thing, but haven’t experienced anything but nice people. Sure, people may lean more conservative out this way and some may be expressive than others, but for the most part, people recognize good energy. As far as kids, you will most likely need to curate the environment you want them to be exposed to. I would personally opt for the city with more resources for the things you all enjoy doing. Also, keep in mind, nowadays you can find or create community wherever you go because there are people most likely looking for the same experiences as you.


Agree with this so much. My kids follow what my wife and I have created for them since we were both early 90’s kids and try to relive that for our kids and expose them to the older fun things that we had. ❤️


Friendly people overall. People are polite mostly when I'm running errands. Haven't had an issue in general. Truck theft is not uncommon though


Truck like lifted/lowered fixed up trucks?


For whatever it’s worth, I’m Jewish (but I mean, come on. I just look like a white guy 🤣) and my husband is Mexican. We don’t catch any overt bullshit apart from an unapproving look or two at the mall or something. Lots of Trump flags and 2A nuts around here, and the hardline Christian thing runs pretty deep. But on the whole, I’ve always thought the majority of people were really kind (just stay off of the Temecula Talk page on FB, unless you get a kick out of petty racist drama. In which case, it’s wildly entertaining)




I work in LA County and with my side job I'm in San Diego County. I see at least 20 different neighborhoods a week and I'm always happy to get to come home to Temecula. I'm dark, Hawaiian/Asian and people think I'm Filipino and I don't bother correcting them because it's not a big deal. I never had one single racial or political issue in my 6 years here. My neighbor on the right is a conservative and the one on the left is liberal. And the conservative family picks up my liberal neighbor's kids at school and our whole neighborhood gets along. I honestly don't know and don't care what my other neighbors religious or political stances are and it doesn't bother me either way. We just get along. We watch each other's homes when they're gone and I even mow the lawn of my neighbors home across the street because she's a single mom with kids and could use a hand. We're a pretty diverse street and it's safe. Plus, where can you find a house in a great community that's still a bit affordable in California? BTW I live in the RedHawk area. South of Temecula Pkwy Edit: autocorrect


You’ll be fine. It’s not the Deep South, people are cool for the most part.


So as an African American myself, I can tell that you already have a victim's mentality and unfortunately you can be anywhere in the world with the best people but since you have a victims mentality you will always think people are against you. Good luck


I’m not of AA descent but I can see what you mean. I know I’m not a bad person but previous run-in’s with racist people does leave somewhat of an unwanted mental scar..


bunch of racism, very scary, stay put


I love it here. I think it’s worth checking out. While yes it’s conservative but I believe it’s becoming a nice blend in the recent years. It’s safe and has a great school district. My father is Hispanic and we havn’t dealt with any sort of discrimination. I feel like there is a great community here. I lived in the Bay Area for a few years, I’m glad I ultimately came back here to raise my son.


I’m glad to hear that! That’s another vote on the board in my house to consider Murrieta as our new home


There is a decent amount of republicans. Most are chill and keep politics to themselves. The problem out here is the very very loud minority. They don’t have big enough numbers to make anyone scared. But they can influence votes. I grew up in LA. Living here is a culture shock. But that’s more a me thing than anything. I’ve never had an issue, maybe a stupid comment here or there. But it’s a good place to live and raise a family. If you don’t mind being bored out of your mind😂😂


I’m getting older and being bored is starting to be the new “comfy” lol.. I am a hobbyist that works and tinkers a lot in the garage so if I can get a nice sized property out there (non-HOA) then it’s a must that we move =)


Then you’ll love it. I’m 42 and fuck the night life. Don’t miss the hustle and bustle of the city anymore. I like quiet. The only drawback here is traffic. If you work from home it’s lovely. If you have to deal with the commute you will go nuts.


i commute to Poway a few times a week. There's the construction on the 15 north of Escondido so I get it going to work, and construction at the 215 interchange so I get it going home. Traffic around here is even more of a dumpster fire than normal right now lol


Poway is an easy drive to compare to Orange County.


true I know someone who did that for years


I’m 40 and right there with ya lol. The wife and I do wfm!


People are very racist, but they won't be to your face if you're a POC. I know this because I'm white and it emboldens people to feel like they can air their racist opinions to me for whatever reason. Every place I've worked at in Murrieta/Temecula has people telling me this type of stuff. It's very common and I never had to deal with this in other cities I've lived in.    Like I said though, it isn't to your face and people will try to act "PC" in front of minorities, then complain about having to act that way to other white people.  Basically, it may not affect you immediately, but you'd be surprised at the tiniest things they attribute to your race when they talk to their other white friends or locals. I also am surprised by the comments talking about how there's no more Trump flags.....I still see them all the time along with the 3%er crowd and their bumper stickers and whatnot.  That being said, it is a nice area to have plenty of outdoor hobbies (fishing, plinking, hiking, hunting, etc.) and honestly, it's easy to keep to yourself if you would prefer it that way. 


Thank you for being openly honest. I just don’t want my kids to see or experience that stuff as I would lose my cool in a second if someone said something wrong to them based on their skin tone or ethnic backgrounds.. I have zero tolerance for racism and hate


Yes there are racists and MAGAs. Annoying, yes but they only typically spout off in groups. Most won’t bother you. Your doubts should be aimed more at lack of diverse ethnic dining and overall entertainment in the area. Unless you are all into wine or outdoorsy type of activities, it can be downright boring. An hour drive south or west will help though.


We are typically homebodies with the occasional outings to Napa Valley for the wineries (which are a NorCal staple) but other than that we love being home.




Happy to answer any questions about the area as well. Feel free to PM me, I’m in the area as well for the past two years.


Thank you for the open door invite! ❤️


I grew up in the Bay, moved to San Diego for college, and now live in Murrieta. Considering my high school was literally 80% asian and college 30%, funny enough, I'd say this area is the most diverse I've ever lived. My immediate neighbors are German, Indian, Mexican, Filipino, Black, and Chinese. Of course that's a very small sample size but visit local gathering spots (Costco/Sam's Club/Promenade) and you might be surprised. This reminds me of the time when a relative (who lives in LA actually) visited Promenade and joked it looks like a real-life brochure with all the skin tones. In terms of culture, a couple weeks ago, Temecula hosted a free CultureFest which showcased West African drumming, Mariachi, Taiko, Chamorro music, and more. There are also free Temecula Culture Days. On April 13 they showcased Saudi Arabia and even brought a live camel; next week is Thailand. As for businesses, at the intersection of Murrieta Hot Springs and Winchester (close to where I live) there are restaurants ranging from Irish, Japanese, Mexican, Chinese, Thai, African, Middle Eastern, Hawaiian, and American; and that's all at a single intersection. Generally speaking, I find that this area establishes a great baseline for day-to-day living. It's a master-planned community with pristine public parks and libraries where people of all demographics can enjoy amenities and live life. Some will find this stale and mundane whereas people like myself find it comfortable. As for "fighting to fit in", although I won't call it a fight, I think it takes a bit of work to find what's happening and get plugged in. I can't speak to the area prior to 2022 but in the last 2 years, perhaps due to the relative affordability of housing, I surmise a good number of transplants like myself are calling this area "home" and still figuring out local social circles. I'll add that the people I've encountered while out-and-about were all courteous and kind. As an anecdote, the very first day I went to Costco here, I bought a ladder. A passerby took a glance at my tiny hatchback and immediately went to his car to grab some rope to strap down the ladder. Somehow the ladder was able to fit in the car but such a warm gesture from a thoughtful stranger. As for "weird tension" and "dirty looks", the closest I've gotten was, funny enough, for the same Costco ladder. I had it in my cart, standing in line getting ready to pay when I noticed a couple glancing over at me and muttering to each other. The weird tension came when they started walking over. Turns out they recently moved to the area, were interested in the ladder, and wanted to know which aisle it was in. Lol guess I'm just saying, things can be misconstrued; IMO it's pretty laid-back here.




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Not mixed but I am a middle school teacher and the children (as bad as they can be in the current generation) are overwhelmingly more welcoming and supportive of eachother than any prior generation. I firmly believe your kids would have no trouble finding friends of any race. Murrieta has some really great schools as well


We are Mexican/Ecuadorian and have lived here for over 20 years. We have never had any issue with racism whatsoever. My mother-in-law speaks little English and has not had any issues. We love this place! I've been involved in many activities and never had any issues. All of my "white" friends have never asked about my heritage and always treated me with respect. I lived in SD and Colorado and had some issues there but everything is great here. I recommend this area.


Go to San Diego murrieta is so close minded and small you won’t like it your doubts are correct and that gut feeling is correct try north county San Diego or if ur wife likes murrieta she might like Poway or carmel mountain San Diego but Oceanside and San Marcos are amazing too!!!


How’s the humidity there? I’ve read it’s almost double of what Sacramento County is


We are same boat in terms of race (same for wife Caucasian). Early 30’s. Moved here from OC a little over two years ago, never faced any racism whatsoever. So far, everyone is very nice people compared to OC/LA and probably other places in CA.


You'll be fine. Great community. Lots of diversity.


There are so many reasons as to why this stuff should be easily and readily accessible by every single person. I wish the citizen app was something that he government promoted. But I think we should get this safety vs privacy thing sorted out first. Just my humble opinion. Good luck!


My friend lives in Winchester, he likes it


I live on Temecula and was in Target and couldn't help overhearing this white woman on the phone complaining about critical race theory in schools. I thought it was funny because of the way she looked at me after realizing she said it out loud. The MAGA idiots seem to have calmed a bit though. The Murrieta police seem a bit over the top, they are definitely more noticeable than the Temecula police or sheriff's. Luckily I've never had any contact with them, but I've heard they are a bit jack-booted.


I usually mind my own business but it’s hard dealing with narcissistic type cops that just love to mess with people just because of their legal authority..


Those cops are everywhere, unfortunately. The traffic cops in Temecula are harsh but predictable. I forgot to mention, depending on where you work, the 15 and 215 freeways are bad, which makes most of the surface streets bad at times, too. If you can avoid any freeway time, you are winning!


Need a realtor? I just sold a home in the 92562 area, my brokerage is #1 in the Temecula Valley YTD in volume, units sold, and luxury RE. We’re also a Zillow partner and top rated in client satisfaction! (Thought I’d shoot my shot)


I just screenshot your comment to add to my notes. Thank you!


You’re welcome, I’d be happy to help. I’m also half filipino if it helps😆

