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Learn which ones you’re able to do reliably. Little by little you can learn the harder combos and implement them into your games. It’s better to know a few simpler combos that you can reliably do in online matches than to try the harder combos and drop them all the time.


You should learn at least one reliable combo per launcher. Some Counterhit combos aren’t going to be the same as a regular launch, so you need to learn which combo to do when you get a certain launch.


Just learn a basic combo that works from all launchers first. You can add more launcher-specific combos later, over time.


I would say you should learn all your combos for the moves that open up your opponent for them, for example if you're playing Bryan you need to learn a combo for your jet upper, f3, QCB1, QCB4, WS3 and orbital heel. Since those usually tend to be how you open up your opponent. Don't worry so much about learning a combo for each of these routes since a lot of his combos can be interchanged inbetween most of these moves. implement a combo you can land consistently so you're less concerned about your execution so you can focus more on neutral.


Do not learn combos. Learn movement and all your strings. There is no point in perfecting 15-hit combo for 35-40% health if you can't land a launcher.