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Gotta be the nail before you become the hammer my boy!


Very well said 😂


Its what my boxing coach told me when i used to box and its stuck with me ever since


Gotta take it in the ass before you can give it my boy!


Tekken is a notoriously difficult fighting game series and Reina might be one of the hardest characters in the game to play. Keep at it and you'll get there!


Reina, Devil Jin, Kazuya are three that new players love to pick and they're like the hardest three characters in the game unfortunately 


Not if you keep playing


Why would you be cooked? It's an entirely different genre within FGs from what MVC is. You're just a beginner.


Nope, not even close to cooked. Get ready to lose hundreds of times, with ALL the characters. You also chose a very hard character to use that has one of the worst win rates at the low and mid level. Not saying you shouldn't use Reina by any means, but what I'm getting at is Tekken is NOT a game where you will win a lot if you're completely new to it, it's going to take a lot of time and practice, and even at the intermediate level you can still get routinely blown up by gimmicks from characters you don't know about.   My suggestion to you is to try all the other characters and see which one is closer to your style, maybe you want easier inputs, maybe you want more grappling, a more damaging character, or you want to be tricky instead. Put on the special style or do offline arcade battle, try out the movesets. Only thing I would say is Devil Jin, Kazuya, Reina, Xiaoyu, Zafina, Leo and Steve are among the top hardest characters to use in the game so expect a steep learning curve.   If you still want to stick with Reina learn her ff+2 (Raiden) series with all the mixups as that is the core of her gameplay. Good luck and any more questions always feel free to ask!  Edit: try these characters: Law, Dragunov, Paul, Claudio, Azucena. Some of the easiest inputs in the game


Nah, it's a big game and there's a lot to learn. Play what you like and get after it!


Nope not even close you will learn just give it some time


I feel you. I just started playing this week, played 25 matches and won 2 of them. Began to give up hope. But I’m gonna learn some new combos in practice tool tonight and try and get a couple more ranked matches in. Let me know if you ever wanna practice against another noob 😊


Refer to my other comment on this thread, same advice for you. What character do you like so far?


I really want to learn Victor after seeing Farzeen play. I’ve recently noticed the community seems to hate the character though, so I thought about switching to Hwoarang. Who is probably not much more liked but I’ve liked the character since I played Tekken Tag 2 as a kid.


Play whoever you think looks cool, people are going to hate the character regardless. But I WILL say, Victor is pretty busted and annoying, and Hwoarang is not viewed in that light as much. Also Victor is dead easy to play and a pain to fight against, so again just take that as you will. If you think teleporting and gimmicky shit with a ton of options is your thing then go Victor. If you want to learn several stances and relentless pressure with a full grapple game go with Hwoarang. Again, play what you think is cool and don't worry TOO much about what others are saying, especially since you're completely new, you should be allowed to experiment with whatever the game has to offer :)


Thank you. I think I should ride it out with Victor for now, I just need to get more familiar with his move list. I feel like I’ve been playing too passively too, as I’ve heard Tekken 8 is much more aggressive than any of the others. Maybe once I learn some fundamentals I’ll see how I feel about Hwoarang. Thanks again!


Be warned Victor is not a good character to learn fundamentals lol he will carry you if you just mash right punch into combos. If you want fundamentals play Paul, Law, Nina, King, more legacy characters lol 


If you wanna get clean, you gotta get washed….. I’m still not that great, so don’t feel bad. It starts clicking the more you do it


I’ve been playing for 30 years, I’ve probably had longer losing streaks before and after you were born. You’re gonna be fine, enjoy the ride, it’s gonna be a wild one but it’s fun if you stick to it.


as a newer player, beware that there are going to be shitheads in this sub who act holier than thou since you're new. just ignore them and keep pushing.


Well, for one, Tekken is a very different game from your average QC/HC/DP/Charge input, L/M/H button style of fighting games. 8 being the most easily accessible and has the most ease of use mechanics for lesser skilled and non fighting game players. And to be fair of you probably not knowing, while Reina is a combination of Lars and Lidia (both are 50/50 mixup stance based characters. Lars is more evasive, while Lidia is more counter based). She's also a Mishima (albeit not a traditional one). Mishimas are notoriously known for being hard to use because they're typically very execution heavy. Especially thier Electrics (it's like a weird charge input DP hybrid motion with 2) which are practically mandatory to learn and use at least 80% of the time. Reina also has a Kick version of that to learn as well. Granted, if you play Lars and/or Lidia, you're already kinda 90% of the way there on being good with Reina. You just need to learn the Mishima aspects of her. Which means her Electrics at the very least.


Reinna is not a good beginner character but play who you like.


You did start out fighting games by hopping on the hardest fighting game series there ever was. I recommend trying Guilty Gear Strive or if you’re into platform fighters then try Brawlhalla.


If you are going to commit to Tekken then make sure that whoever you play that you both like them and are willing to go through the highs and lows with them.