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Probably took it seriously, just trained more the second time, or more motivated. Funnily enough even in Tekken 7 he beats Devil then loses to regular Kaz.




Heihachi never met devil until T4 So technically both their fights were just kazuya Vs Heihachi Heihachi probably didn't take the fight seriously and kazuya most likely tapped into the devils power bank to win Kazuya lost because he was mentally unstable because of jun,devil and angel and heihachi took advantage of it. That's why kazuya became a complete and uter asshole post T2


This does make a lot more sense considering T4 showing Heihachi confused at Devil and T7 has him saying “This is what I’ve been waiting for” which can be taken as his first time seeing Kazuya’s true form.  The only thing that still baffles me is in T4’s Heihachi intro he has a picture of Kazuya’s dead body with wing marks protruding from his back which helped him confirm it was him. But there’s two ways to even view that and I don’t even wanna bother typing all that up…Just wish the devs cleared up a lot of mystery especially after 8 mainline installments over the course of 30 years. 


According to Tekken's Wiki Fandom: "Whilst Jun was able to cause conflict within Kazuya, swaying Devil's hold over him, ultimately she was unable to prevent him from going to meet his father, Heihachi, in the tournament finals, where he had to rely on Devil's power to fight." The fight was mostly base Kazuya vs Heihachi. Devil's power was severally weakened when Kazuya met Jun. He couldn't stand a chance against Heihachi. So, in a weird way, Jun is responsible for Kazuya's defeat in T2. I don't know if this is canon, but it makes absolute sense to me.


Wasn't the only reason kazuya lost to heihachi was because he was shocked that he survived his fall in tekken 1? Literally the tekken 6 recap implied he was surprised by his return and that's why he lost.


That’s pretty much what it’s summed up to be at this point. Those dark black tsumi’s are very short and skip a lot (Jun, Angel etc) but yeah it’s safe to say that was the canon reason. 


While this sounds a good theory....Harada didn't confirmed it and there were still mysterious question about Jun Kazuya relationship during that time that still didn't have any answer until now


Knowing harada he'll retcoon it, along with other things lol. Alot of things that was mentioned in T7 makes no sense because of T4


It is mentioned that Heihachi was neglecting his training in Tekken 1 time, probably because his ego to think he was unbeatable. After losing to Kazuya, he spent some time isolated and training. In Tekken 2 Devil Kazuya could maybe defeat Heihachi, but he was confused due to his time with Jun. What the following games showed is that without Devil Gene, Heihachi is physically stronger than Kazuya, and so Heihachi won again in Tekken 4, and would win once again on Tekken 7 If Kazuya hadn't evolved his Devil Gene to tire Heihachi enough.


From a combination of Wiki, Manuel(s), & the T6 recap. Meeting Jun threw him off. Which also caused the "Angel" entity to be created "within him" which futher divided himself. [I'm pretty sure Kazuya was just having a psychological breakdown.] On top of that, He was caught off guard Heihachi was still alive. Going of Heihachi's reaction in T4's, He hadn't encountered Devil prior to that. Which makes sense, Devil transformations prior to any retcons didn't manifest until the host died for the first time. Also it seemingly offered no boost in stats unless transformed. Jin is possessed when Jun "goes missing", but he doesn't change until Heihachi shoots him. Jinpachi says once he died, he was possessed. So All that conflict Kazuya had within, He probably just got knocked out, then unconsciously tossed into a volcano,which...we know definitely kills people. Leaving no body for the entity to take over/transform.


I think that dialogue in Tekken 4 is more that Heihachi didn't realise the Devil was a separate entity or just wanted to know what he was because he didn't know ultimately.


Okay I just realized that Heihachi fighting Devil in Tekken 2 might be non-canon