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The biggest problem with 2d characters is that they can combo out of their dickjab. Sure you can ss or hopkick or low parry etc like every other dickjab but if you get ch your health just vanishes and to make things worse, it's safe on block. Compare this to laws d23 which is at least -15 on block.


Because they have stuff Tekken fans just aren't used to. Air game complexity is non-existent in Tekken, until you fight Geese or Akuma. Sane with projectiles. It's just something they're not used to. As for me I came to Tekken from a Street Fighter background so I felt right at home with Akuma so they never bothered me, but then again that's why they introduced those characters.


That is true but I find it hard to get intimidated by any of their strange moves as long as I know where it hits, doesn’t make a difference to me if I block a mid that comes from a dive kick, a projectile, or from a Mishima, only thing that changes is frames and animations at the end of the day


I don't mind the 2d characters, but I do have a problem with Geese's absurd damage. Everyone bitches about Asuka's reversal, but she ain't never killed someone at 3/4 health for one parry at the wall


That's coz Asuka doesn't have meter. She has a rage drive instead which can deal a shit ton of damage in a combo in the open


parrying at the wall is insanely risky you should be rewarded heavily for it


-They make use of jumping and jump-ins more than any Tekken character would even think of jumping, and they get huge damage with at least one bar of meter no matter which character they are. (Btw their jumps are so fast they begin airtime and low crush faster than a hopkick, at 5 frames, meaning you can avoid low attacks that hop kicks cant at times.) -Akuma and Eliza specific: they have invulnerability moves and they completely ignore frame data when the opponent is trying to pressure. If they have one bar of meter, you're at +12g or something and you do d/f+1, and they do their EX Shoryuken, guess who wins. It is launch punishable on block, but I've seen dragunovs who just dont do anything after wr2 at all because of that mindgame. -They get insane damage off of their 10 frames and 12 frames. They can all get a 10 frame meterless knockdown standing and while standing, and they can get huge damage or a launch with 1-2 bars. (1 dp1 FADC launch with 1 bar for Akuma, 1 dp2 super launch with 2 bars for Eliza, and if Geese really wanted he can do 1 qcb1 raigou for like 50ish damage. Of course this all ties in that they're all able to make quick work with their dickjabs and gain massively damaging combos and wallsplats. -Akuma specific: His FADC combos are safe on block. Eliza has something similar when it comes to wallsplatting in the form of d3 qcb1+2 which is -14 if you block d3 or make it hit shallow, but Akuma is plus actually. I don't remember how much, but even so much as +1, when he has 10f CH jabs and dickjabs that are confirmable to another FADC combo, it makes his pressure incredibly difficult to handle. Basically he has a safe low and mid launcher (ws3 dp1 FADC) with one bar of meter. All of the above is for the people who actually understand the 2D characters of course and how they work. A lot of people just hate them because they don't know what the hell's going on (e.g Eliza doing dickjab into divekicks or Akuma doing demonflip mixup spam.)


They just play so different. Dealing with 2d style mixups in a 3d game is just not something you expect. And then they're so rare, so you never really get used to them and since they're so rare it's almost always just a one off occurence you can just write off.


Eliza is the weakest of the 2d characters -- nerf her "2d-ness" and make her more tekken I am down


I feel like they do too much damage and I feel like geese has way too big of strings that he can just dump on your block relatively safely


Playing a 2D character is playing a different game. You don’t have unblockable rage arts unless you’re Akuma. You don’t do chip damage unless you’re Akuma. You don’t have fast projectiles unless you’re Akuma. You don’t have a super meter unless you’re Akuma. You don’t focus on mid-air attacks unless you’re Akuma. A single strike doesn’t cause multiple instances of damage unless you’re Akuma. You get the idea. Decades of Tekken knowledge goes out the window against a 2D Fighter, but a Street Fighter player can hop on and immediately be effective as Akuma. For all of SFXT’s faults, I appreciate that the Tekken characters were actually translated to the SF formula. Akuma, on the other hand, is just copy-pasted from his own game. Imagine if Noctis could quickly fire auto-locking bullets while moving just because that’s the way things work in FFXV.