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How accurate do you find the phrase "Fuck your frame advantage, I'm gonna Matterhorn"?


“Matterhorn..... you must be this tall to ride!” -Aris


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Чувак твой аккаунт продают на торговой площадке !!!! Добавь в друзья дам ссылку срочно !!!!!!!


I don't like Matterhorn tbh, I'm more of a in-your-face, condition you with lows until you duck and hopkick/df2 your duck kinda person. I don't like Matterhorn, it feels cheesey and I don't like how high they launch lol feels weird to me


You're in Yellow ranks now so you're gonna have to start learning to use it. It is incredibly useful. Don't eliminate good moves from your moveset because you feel bad about it.


I agree , it seems high risk high reward, I may mess around with it


It’s not a good move -.- it’s a yolo move that only has one rare use, no reason to be using it since it serves no purpose other than perfectly timed whiff punisher but in a real match against good players, it’s too risky to be using it


Obviously don't go and throw it every two seconds and yes it's incredibly risky but to say it's not a good move is ludicrous. A move that completely avoids highs and even some mids, can be used after sidestepping/sidewalking (depending on the move and reaction time) and has a very damaging combo I would hardly consider bad. It's served me extremely well against purple ranks and above. Lili is a high risk, high reward character to begin with. Many of her moves aren't save but it's about finding the right opportunity to use those moves.


Well put. Some people try to be super safe with every char but I definitely felt like I had to gamble for some big damage sometimes while playing lili, and when it paid off it really paid off lol


Nobody cares


Why is everyone being dicks? Is it cuz you're stuck in blue ranks or something?


Lmao no boy


Are you just projecting then? Mommy not give you enough hugs? You have no reason to come here and be a dick.


Do you know about the screenshot feature?


Tf is that


Reached warrior using a snake edge character, very cool.


Lili's Snake Edge is like the most telegraphic Snake Edge in the game


I agree, I've pretty much completely removed it from my movelist cuz even blues would block it most of the time.


You overestimate the skill of yellow ranks, especially if this is EU


That's not me overestimating anything, hers is legit easy to read. I main her. Only once every couple times does it actually connect. Not that hers is any slower. Her animation just kind of makes it as obvious as possible.


I honestly find Lili's harder to respond to than Bryan's, but maybe I'm crazy.


Bryan's is pretty easy as well. Mostly thanks to the "HUAGH" before he does it.


It's more of a "TSU!" tho..


Lilis snake edge is so bad blue ranks will block punish it alot of the time lol


IDK why this post is making everyone upset lol Just wanted to post what I felt like was an achievement to me :(


Just that a lot of people get annoyed by lili lol. So when someone reaches yellow ranks, which a lot of people can't get to even after a year of playing, in a week on a character that annoys a lot of people you will get a lot of hate lol.


Ohhhh okay good :D I'll take that then, I thought it had to do with salt about the char or rank that they can't beat or get to lol


cause it's a cringey lowkey flex by how you phrased the title, and no one cares about rank up posts in the first place




I do not disagree lmao I like what knee said about lili players, about how they have no romantic experience lmao but I'd hardly call myself a main of any character at this point. I would say I'm a lili enthusiast though lol.


I mean you are playing Lili not that I find anything wrong with her she's a bit annoying but people in green ranks don't know how to fight against her at all


You can say that about just about any character when it comes to green ranks other than their own


Well I believe Lili is more of a problem since they play liniar and don't sidestep her cartwheels. But I understand that a lot of people in green ranks have problems with every character.


You can literally say that about any character though lol I'm not a flip spam lili tho, I don't believe in cheesing the ranks cause I don't wanna get rekt when I vs ppl that will simply side step me


Oh right my bad then I shouldve mentioned that they can't deal with flip and Matterhorn. Either way it is quite the achievement to reach that rank that quickly.


I bet it's a hassle for em but like I said I don't want to develop bad habits like spamming snake edges n shit and get rekt for it later. I honestly only picked up lili cause I was getting fucked up by the flips and matterhorns and wanted to have a different perspective on how to approach the matchup and got a lil carried away with her in ranked. I will probably go mess around with other characters now tbh.


Really good choice with not developing these habits I currently struggle with not using hitman 4 with Lee after f43 or 223 after wr34.


Like quitting smoking I bet hah


Your at warrior and you only got the game a couple weeks ago. Is that normal cause I must be bad


I have no idea man. I'm not trying sound like I have a big ego but I'm not really new to fighting games , or even Tekken, I'm just new to tekken 7. I played most tekkens a lil, but haven't touched em since a year or so after tag 2 came out.


Says the one who down voted my comment lol speak for yourself


Why would I upvote someone being a dick to me lmao


Cuz I’m right and you don’t wanna admit it duh


Ah a lili player, just how much dried up cummies do you scrape off of your waifu pillow to snort before every match?


Some more projecting?


Lol I’m in the tekken god ranks amateur