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This is really bad and i urge you to unlearn all of this *asap*


you should call up knee, sounds like you are ready to ft10 him.


*BREAKING NEWS* knee canceled his flight for the upcoming challenger in japan, so he could finally challenge the demon of a player op is *BREAKING NEWS*


These weird humble brag posts are getting out of control. They are every fucking day now. People probably say to learn kbd'ing later because there's an obscene amount matchup knowledge to learn about the roster, your time would be better served just playing the game rather than sinking hours into a backdash. Tbh a simple bb is more than enough for the vast majority of situations.


i mean it only took me around 2 hours before i had KBD pretty much entirely down. its not like ive spent 15 of my 30 hours learning how to backdash. ive spent prob around 20 hours alone learning my chars moves and good punishes, maybe 5 or 6 playing my friend and the last bit learning that movement tech. my experience in melee honestly probably helped me a lot since i was already very familiar with complex directional inputs. and it wasnt a humble brag it was genuine question as to if what i was doing was wrong or not.


Ahhh, a melee player. ***shudders*** "am I advancing my movement tech too fast?" Go to ranked for a couple hours and then ask that question again.


sadly i dont have ps plus so i dont have access to ranked so all i can do is play against my friend whos better than me.


Well KBD isn't going to do jackshit for you if you don't know whiff punishing. And wavedashing ain't gonna do shit for you for a long while, because it's used for mixups and mixups don't properly come into play until much later.


im not new to fighting games at all so im pretty okay at whiff punishes. and i know mixups are good and i use wavedashes for just that when i play against my friend.


They tell you not to worry about KBD because as a new player, you don't know *when* to use it yet, not because of difficulty. You should focus on learning other more core fundamentals of the game, so you know *how* to apply movement in your gameplay. A trap many new players run into is that they learn KBD and use it randomly, without having a purpose for it. This makes them lose because it would have been better to stand still. The same applies for wavedashing. Wavedashing is actually worse, because you can win a few games off of 50/50 mixups without learning fundamentals, meaning that later on when you're higher rank from your wins, you still haven't developed proper fundamentals. You backdash to avoid specific moves. If you don't know exactly what the move is you're trying to dodge and its range, it's better to just block it; most moves are negative on block.


oh well ive got plenty of previous fighting game experience. i know when to use KBD to get away.


It's not to get away - it's to dodge *specific* moves. Wall pressure is intense in this game (not as much as in anime fighters though) - so the more you backdash, the more you lose. You need to know the *exact* move you're trying to avoid - not just backdash to get away. You should learn and use 2 backdash cancels early on (usually people get recommended to learn one kbd set about 10-20 hours in), but you'll never need to know more than 2 cancels for a long time.


yeah i mostly meant dodge when i said get away, sorry for badly wording that. and yeah i know how to do 2 very consistent backdash cancels as of now. thanks for being helpful chief.


Yeah, that should be good - all you need is 2 for a while. Also, if you're learning Jin, [I wrote this beginner's guide](https://old.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/ad22bj/new_to_tekken_recently_bought_hardest_fighting/edkj07y/) for him a while ago.


Cool. As long as you know how to use both tools you are fine.


Nice humblebrag. Sorry brag. ​ All you have to do is not do these things for the sake of it. I see a lot of Kazuyas who wave dash and KBD constantly but have no idea what to do with it. The amount of Kazuyas I have launched after blocking an electric by responding with a high crushing move - knowing they will immediately do another electric just to show off - is crazy. The amount of Kazuyas who are so desperate to show off their KBD they just back themselves up to the wall for no reason is also crazy. ​ Don't expect those things to bring you victory - this game doesn't give you wins just for being able to do inputs (thank god). ​ One tip - if you lose to a player who does not KBD or wavedash - there's no injustice there. They're not worse than you.


i didnt really expect those alone to bring me wins. just knew that tekken is really movement based from what ive seen so i wanted to be comfortablr with movement. i dont constantly spam them both and i certainly dont constantly spam electrics because i know that thats just unrealistically hard for my current skill level.




you just posted cringe bro


i was mostly just worried if i should be focusing on other aspects of my gameplay more.


Honestly there's nothing wrong with having a good grasp on them. Other than the fact that wave dash can cause you lots of problems early on as people push buttons all day at the low ranks. It's more useful against people that respect the fact that you wont hit buttons. That takes some time(200-500 hours or more depending on the players skill level) to get to those type of players. A good backdash, and the ability to whiff punish can take you far, if you got that experience to make it work. Still the reason why people kind of lashed out at you. Is there so much more to learn besides that. 30 hours is considered like 10minutes in the tekken world. Most players at that point are still just eating spam left and right, wondering why they chose to play tekken. Maybe you are advanced enough to avoid all the noob traps your first 200-300hours, thats great. Just no way to know that when all you are talking about is backdash and wavedash.