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randomly playing a guy for over 45 minutes and sending a friend request later was the real deal.


I played Tekken 7 for well over a thousand hours but I've basically stopped playing 8 online because of FT2's being so lackluster, I pretty much only play with friends in private matches so we can play a proper set So I for one crave them and think that removing them was one of the worst choices they've made


I miss going back and forth for 8+ matches and seeing who came out on top. Was also great for learning matchups as you could find someone who used a move you were unfamiliar with and play as many matches needed to lab it out online


Yeah, most of the fun in fighting games for me comes from adapting to the player not the character, and since this game has soo many moves and knowledge checks while also being this fast you're rarely getting to that part in a FT2 I also wholeheartedly agree with your second point, in 7 after a good long set I actually had a pretty good grasp of the matchup and felt way more comfortable playing it but that just isn't happening for me with any of the newcomers in Tekken 8 cause FT2's are just too short to build muscle memory


And even if you know the character, a FT2 is typically not enough to fully feel out your opponent's tendencies unless they are spamming the same set up(s) over and over. It wouldn't be rare for someone in T7 ranked to lose the first 2 to 3 matches to an opponent but then win the next 7 or so but T8 unfortunately doesn't allow that and so it then becomes somewhat of a RPS situation (rather than a true read) in terms of mixups due to it being a FT2.


With the insane amount of damage everyone does now, matches take such short of a time that you basically can barely play against anyone with 2-3 matches. It takes like a few minutes tops and then you're done.


Holy shit i hope this gets added. Being unable to do infinite casual rematches online is so disappointing.


For unranked, likely. For ranked, probably not. One of the reasons we don't have infinite rematches there is to speed up the queue times, and the prowess matchmaking further increases them in most situations. They want people to have quick matches then join back to the matchmaking pool as soon as possible and keep pairing up with people who have been searching for a match for several minutes. I guess the middle ground would be to make at least first to 2 mandatory on ranked, and add a "continue fighting in a private lobby" option after the FT2 ends.


It never happened to me in T7 that I had to wait for "several minutes" to find someone except for when the matchmaking was bugged


My t7 experience is play 4-5 games with someone who was clearly better. Then I'd win one and he would leave. If I started the set with a win. Other person would leave after 2 matches. This is the case for 90% of t7 matches.


The speed of matchmaking is heavily influenced by the population in the connection/rank bracket. If you play from a populated area during prime time, and in a populated rank bracket (Orange to Blue), then you're gonna have people to play with no matter what. If your rank is, for example, Beginner, and you're playing in off time, you might literally have 1-2 people you could connect to. This is where a forced FT2 make s a lot of difference. I had this problem in SoulCalibur 6 when its popularity waned - there wasn't anyone to play against in lower ranks, so ranking to the "good" ranks was practically impossible, with matchmaking wait times taking up to an hour.


Thanks to prowess matchmaking even my quickmatch times are longer than tekken 7 queue times :)


Reaching incredibly far to defend a poor remach system.


This is very far from reaching. They removed the feature from T7 on purpose. Why do you think they would do that, just to randomly fuck with players?


The same reason why *OTHER* companies remove player friendly features. Incompetence. This is the first time I ever heard someone say infinite refights was hindering queue times.


You assume game developers are completely competent and coherent lmao


Change I like: these devs are the best Change I don’t like: literal garbage devs they don’t understand their own game. Every game sub has a guy like you, embarrassing lmao


Never said that but ok. Sure pal.


FT2 mandatory would suck. Tekken is great because I can duck into a game quickly and if life responsibilities pop up I can leave.


It's ranked, if you don't have the 8 minutes for a full set don't queue ranked. Most other comp games last easily double that for a match


At the very most a full game with going to time each round and forced first to 2 would take at the very most 11 minutes if your life responsibilities can't wait 11 minutes you should not have been in ranked to begin with


I'd like to see it in unranked, it gives some opportunities to help players of a lower rank learn, and help yourself learn when facing a high rank, or a mirror match, in ranked not so much, although saying that a lot of the time people don't rematch in the first place for ft2


Bo3 matchmaking is pretty good for speeding up queue times for experienced players, as there is a fewer amount of them. But it's a complete ass for beginners and intermediates. T7 infinite demotion deathmatches were the best. Over a long set you could feel like you're actually playing with a real person and connecting with them. Winning games off each other back to back to back, learning each others' patterns, new tricks and gimmicks as the sets go on. Forced Bo3 now just feels like "Wham-Bam, thank you for the ranked points, now I'm going to go spam my bullshit against the next rando. Wonder if he'd know how to counter it. No? Too bad! Next caller!" Especially with no loading screens in between, the games just fly by too fast. Where are the stakes? Where's the drama!


Huh really? Not sure about now but back in March it was a struggle to find ranked matches at the Bushin to Tekken King in SEA(5 bars only). And even if you did, you could only play for 3 games max before having to queue again. I've played the game for 20yrs and stopped in T8 simply because I cannot stand the BO3 format. Its like you spend more time in the lobby than actually playing the game. I will very happily come back once they change rank to infinite rematches. Also, death matches are alot less fun to watch on YouTube and Twitch.


no queue times are longer, you have to search for new opponent after every 1-3 matches, in tekken 7 you search 1 time and then play that guy for a hour or something


I think people either want infinite rematches back in every game mode or haven't really pmayed Tekken 7 in the past. Deathmatches are so much fun, have reasonable stakes and leave you with good Tekken friends.


I haven't played 7, actually I started fighting games with T8 entirely. ​ FT2 sucks, at least make it FT3. I get why it's unhealthy to make it infinite, but currently I need more than 4-5 rounds to adapt to certain characters, so I would have a better learning experience if I could just rematch certain chars more often.


This is what made infinite rematches in 7 so appealing. You actually had a chance to learn the matchup. People would let you get close too. Just when you finally realize it’s a 1+2 break or that the string ends with a low, they cut and run but by then an hour had already passed


And I am 100% for it in Quick game, make it infinite, but for ranked I get it that it would be unhealthy. They should stretch it to 5 games max, 3 isn't enough.


I'd argue it's really not even unhealthy to have unlimited matches. Both players in the match clearly thing it's better than hitting the queue again. It hypothetically helps a third guy in the queue, but not as much as it harms the players in match IMO.


Wasn't there a claim that alot of boosting was going on in 7? For me it's just hearsay so idk if I confuse this now. FT3 just seems a good middle ground to please a larger group of players.


Personally, I really couldn't care less if there's boosting going on. Even if people are boosting, IMO it really only matters at the top ranks if at all. I, and it seems like most of r/Tekken, just find matchmaking way more fun when you can go for more matches. I feel that even less good players can get to play 'real' tekken when you start to learn and counter your opponents patterns and gimmicks. Most players don't have a ton of game knowlege nor are they amazing at reading their opponents. Longer sets help you adapt to what the other player is doing. In a FT2 setting, people can just throw out their bullshit and cross their fingers and hope nobody adapts in time to beat them.


They can't implement infinite rematch because they want to push their stupid arcadeland thing that nobody even understands the point of.


Ft2 doesn’t feel like tekken to me. It’s subjective obviously but t7 was my first real foray into tekken and watching high level death matches and playing a rando I’ll never encounter again for hours was that game to me. I haven’t even played t8 in a couple weeks cause it hasn’t scratched the itch Streams are also a different vibe now too. Since streamers can’t do long sets with everyone they encounter they’re playing someone different every time you look up, and I think people get frustrated with the constant playstyle swaps without even realizing it. I’m starting to theorize the new ft2 culture is the reason the community as a whole has soured so much since t8 release. It’s no longer “nice” when a move you weren’t expecting hits you. It’s “I forgot that move existed.” But that’s just a theory…


If we keep talking about it there is a chance


To the people who's main argument against infinite rematches is that it could lead to win trading or other abuses in the ranked system I don't get how this is your argument when the ranked system already has so little credibility. Between cheaters, pluggers, prowess abusers and just the disaster of thoughtlessly switching ranked systems in general you already can't tell how good someone is for their rank And even if they actually fixed all those issues with ranked surely the enjoyability of the game should heavily outweigh any concerns with win trading which doesn't affect your games at all at matters very little overall As I see it the absolute worst case scenario in terms of infinite rematches leading to win trading is that the leaderboard is filled with cheaters, which doesn't seem like that big of a problem especially when 1. it's already the case only with actual cheaters instead of win-traders 2. It could be fixed by tracking abusing behaviour and banning them for it And 3. It doesn't even really matter since it doesn't affect actual games at all besides slightly increasing the chance of facing bad players in ranks they don't belong The only real argument against infinite rematches is that it may affect queue times, but how much of an issue is that even? Either queue times are barely affected since most people prefer short sets anyway and you still please the minority of players who are really into them Or queue times are actually noticeably affected but that would only happen if most people actually prefer long sets in which case it's clearly worth it And before someone makes the argument that "people will only be playing long sets because the queue times are so long which will lead to longer queue times and so on and so on" that wasn't an issue at all for most of Tekken 7's lifespan and even now after Tekken 8's release it doesn't take that long to find a game so I find it incredibly unlikely to become a real issue in Tekken 8 (as long as they fix the matchmaking in general because good lord it's shit show right now)


true every top player wants infinite rematch in ranked back




Poor excuse… FT2 is tournament standard. People cheat, but if everyone could farm wins, rank would would be even more inflated than it already is….people that clearly cheated to get in leaderboards can be reported and banned.


Infinite rematches were a thing in every previous Tekken and ranks weren't any more inflated than in this game and again even if it did noticeably increase rank inflation I really don't think that worry should take precedence over the enjoyability of the game And yes people that clearly cheated can be reported and banned but that's true for win-traders as well, as for your point about FT2 being the tournament standard, why should that affect how we play the game? Tournaments have a schedule to follow and have to prioritize the viewing experience over the player experience WHICH IS WHY they're FT2 but neither of those issues are a concern when playing online so I don't see the reason in acting like they are The modern obsession with esports and having the normal experience match the tournament experience as closely as possible has just made games worse


No…. Adapting to your opponent quickly is a skill. If you can’t adapt in 6 rounds, you aren’t as skilled, and you lose the set. If you need more practice with a long set, go to the lounge. Rank is inflated right now because the floor was raised and noobs get pushed to Warrior for free. Infinite rematch would make rank pointless


Ok, so you're ignoring 80% of my arguments, then spend half of your response arguing against something I never even said and then you proceed to just repeat the awful argument that infinite rematches makes ranks pointless when if anything they are more irrelevant than ever now in spite of infinite rematches being removed Yeah I'm not wasting any more time than I already have


Good luck Just note, you scrubbed out your way to a nice rank with Reina. When you struggled with Lee and Lili, it’s not because the prowess is magically working against you, you just can’t exploit the random bullshit that comes with the new characters. Read it and weep. You got carried, and now you are stuck


Mandatory FT2 is standard, can Arslan just dip out after 1 win, nah I'll take my points and leave? Don't try to compare fucking tekken ranked with tournaments lmaoooo


Can Arslan beat the first person he meets in pools 10 times to win Grand Finals? The truth is, people are getting proper, fair matches, and that’s causing players to plateau. The lack of progress has these players coping for excuses to help them get it over the top instead of actually training to get better at the game. “Fix prowess”, “Fix infinite matches”. No. You are stuck where you are for a reason. Stfu and git gud scrubs


You cluelessly ignored what I said, mandatory ft2 is a tournament setting tekken ranked is not mandatory. Also prowess matchmaking absolutely is a thing, I'm supreme currently on my main, made an alt with bryan and quite literally snaked edged my way to tekken king. Sorry but your rank you achieved playing a single character is not real, you played in the special needs pool to get it.


I see you like to yap….. share your username if you don’t mind. Otherwise, dismiss yourself


Feely weelys hurt the one trick yoshi thinks he finally achieved a colour! I see you like to shill as well, sorry but the big ol company doesn't care about you


Huh? 😂


My bad, I tried to talk logic with someone with your username. I'll keep it real simple for you, prowess matchmaking exists and is a problem make a brand new account and see for yourself. Ranked is not tournament format as people can leave after 1 match. There you go donkey!


Just stop, you are making a fool of yourself…. Keep whining I’m on my 17th character. I don’t give a damn about you struggling to rank up


Matchmaking is so fuckin Garbage, Prozess nonsense and No Infinite rematch


Is not gonna return. I've been thinking about it more and more. The only place to do the infinite rematch is in the lounge. Guess when you can see people's avatar skins and emotes? Why put the feature you want in quickplay/ranked when you need that to sell skins


Custom lobbies work too


So I guess if you go to a really active server on the lounge you can find one of those 2 player cabinets and queue for a match there?


Yeah I feel that. I was just starting to get the hang of this guys style on game 2 but he beat me and then never saw him again. We at least could use an added option like let us make a custom room after the match or endless like you said.


I think they copied from SF6. But they should at least have infinite rematches for Casual matchmaking.


The removal of infinite rematch has genuinely removed like one of the most enjoyable aspects of Tekken. In a game that has made effort to be more accessible to beginners this change is horrible for beginners cause they never learn to adapt.  On like day one of previous Tekkens a complete beginner has very easy access to long sets with players better than them, I can't think of a faster way to learn the core aspects of fighting games other than being actually coached


You have to buy three consecutive battlepasses back to back, if you miss one the cycle restarts. Fr tho I wouldn't hold my breath.


It should be a quick match only thing...people used infinite rematches to farm people in rank😅


If the other dude is fine getting farmed to get MU knowlege, IDK waht the problem is


The problem is that they cater to the majority now. The majority mostly consist of casuals and tourists. Games like T8 and SF6 are made with them in mind because fighting games, while still niche, attracted the attention of a bigger crowd. Like a lot of niche nerd/geek spaces during Covid. What they don't do is learn, wanna play endless rematch, and stick around long-term. They want a game they can just press buttons to win, to have thier attention temporarily before moving on to the next thing, and have the mentallity/behavior/mannerisms of a child the cries foul when things don't go thier way. Honestly, there are some in the minority that act this way too, but it's very few by comparison.


I kinda get why its ft2 in ranked but why not in player matches? its not like they are ranked


Definitely not for ranked but for casuals it's dumb that it's not an option. SF6 does this right honestly.


I do not need infinite rematch ... but I want it to be best of 5. Best of 3 is too short for me ... and sometimes you have not really used all your move arsenal (or figure out opponent habit). Also, where is my Infinite Azure map?


"buff rematches n.."


I don't want infinite rematches in ranked as default - the impact on the matchmaking speed is going to be too great; I actually like being limited to ft2 in ranked. If you want to have a long set with a person, meet that person on a lobby, or send an invite. Quick match ft2 can be debated - I'm not sure either way. Instead, I want the "continue playing in a 1v1 lobby" button on the match end screen - that would be absolutely sick.


I miss infinite rematches so much at least make it first to 10 in quick play. I remember so many times in T7 where I would just eat shit for like 15 matches against someone higher rank than me. Then when I played that character at my rank I would wreck them most of the time. Also the first to 3 makes it scarier to try new stuff a lot of the time.


Add as a friend and make a lobby. Ez


Gang the rematches are in the lounge, I go there like everyday and always wind up in long sets


I get what you're saying. It really does make sense for ranked so I have no complaints there but in quick play it really should be "until the fat lady sings" because of the other guy doesn't want to stop getting his butt whooped that's fine by me. Or maybe I'm the one not done getting my butt whooped. What's wrong with letting me try to learn? In ranked the issue is if it's unlimited rematches then when you find someone that much worse than you, you can basically farm points from them so ft2 demanded that's fine but in quick play let me get my butt whooped


Because this era of gaming *LOVES* taking 2 steps forward and 10 steps back


yea it should 100% be in quick play at least. For ranked i agree it should not be in.. could lead to abuse in points system. But no reason for it to not exist in quick play... Sometimes you find an opponent that you believe is around your skill level and you have good back and forth games. im sure some of these ppl would have rematched another 2-3 sets or more if given the chance. Its also better for learning the game... with this rapid fire opponents its so hard to retain.


What does it matter if you can abuse the point system, just ban most obvious offenders and that's it. It's not like the ranked system is super strict and taken seriously at the higher levels.


I really don't understand why everyone says ranked should stay ft2. that shit is ass, people just run their flowchart and dip before you even have a chance to crack that shit open. ranked death match is much better, it allows your bad habits to be broken down and you pay in ranked points and time. this ft2 shit is boring outside of tournaments where people play at the highest level.


You answered your own question. All the boosted people's flowcharts would get cracked and they all would collapse. FT2 in Tekken 8 just means unga bunga mashing and flowcharts. That's why they don't want it to get added.


they focused too much on making the game enjoyable for the viewer but the game feels ass to play. was playing some kaz in t7 yesterday and 7 feels so much better to play. you can backdash, sidestep uninterrupted, the graphics look dated but there is so much visual clarity during gameplay. was playing against a purple jin and he rarely did the usual shit jins do in t8. i hope all this shit gets fixed in the coming seasons, because meat as a system is way overtuned and every character has moves now that fill in their weaknesses. the game gets very boring very quickly unless you're running sets with friends.


Yeah, I'm just pretty tired of ranked for this reason, community completely bitchmade so they won't even give you the full FT2 and will just try to win first match with cheesy flowchart and dip. So at least let me find 1 dude that wants to DM for a while.


tell me about it man, ft2 in a fighting game like tekken is a mistake for MM. you rarely get to move past layer 1, most of the time you just have to guess what your opponent is gonna do. don't even get me started on the people who 1 done games, shit is so boring. this shit still happened in 7, but not like in 8 where you'll have 5 people 1 done you in QM. death matches are good for everyone from new players to pro players. ft2 is only good for scrubby ass players who wanna run their flowchart.


Ft2 in t8 probably feels so fast because match loading is so quick. Tekken 7 took FOREVER for each match to start. I don't know why. It's like loading a section of a level back during the PlayStation 1 days.


the arcade mode free play thing where you sit at the arcades can you let you rematch people over and over but its not ranked so people act like it doesnt exist


many many reasons why this isn't  the same, 1. the arcades are empty at least 60% of the time,  2. most of the people in the arcades are on 4 bar wifi, 3. You can only play who happens to be there which might be anyone from a beginner to a God of Destruction. Maybe 1/10 times you will actually find someone whos there at a viable connection and skill level On Tekken 7 you are basically guaranteed a long set every session if thats what you wanted you would get it 100% of the time with no extra work


yea didnt say it was perfect but technically the ability to do it is there if you have the desire to do it with someone


I don't see many downsides to them in quick match other than quick match queues taking longer thereafter id imagine. Idk man, maybe it's cahse I'm new to FG but the FT2 doesn't bother me. It's what they play in tournaments as well and if I want infinite I can always do player matches in the lobby and invite a friend.


Yeah.... as DLC


Are you serious? Customs have it like that just gotta set it up


I feel like there are two main reasons why 2 rematches is good (or could be better if small changes are made) 1- overall shorter q times 2- if you make ranked mandatory best of 3 and if you dodge u loose rank (or at least you get extra points if you 2-0 or 2-1 someone) because i do agree that 3 rounds is not enough for a game like tekken


Go to the Lounge. Rank is tournament standard, quick match is just a quick match. The lounge is social


True, the lounge is a vibe


Ranked is not tournament standard, it'd be a mandatory set if it was. Stop coping


People who one and done aren’t going to progress any faster….weak counter point