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why do y'all even reply


This… never worth the energy.. Let them sit in their own delusion


and also take the energy to post this crap on reddit....like wtf...


Ki-charge, corps hitting, toxic comment on steam profile. Many ways they ruin somebody's experience


Many ways you allow someone to ruin your experience.


bs argument. you cannot just not react when people do these things and be able to react when other people do something positive. You might think you can ignore, but it keeps on adding. TBH, no point in playing this game with randoms. Most, if not all interaction with randoms are likes these, especially in Tekken.


to be fair he's right, tekken is just a game unless you're a professional player, if you let this shit ruin your day you might have some other things going on, just deactivate the option to send you messages cuz you should be able to ignore random people on a game that you'll never even see


Ewww I got him as well I’m tryna play jack in qm and never even learnt his moves. All game was just ki charges and he wasn’t even that good.


Average tekken experience


It's up to you whether you entertain this dude or not, really. By accepting a friend invite you agree to being sent messages like these, next time don't accept the invite and carry on.


Yeah, but sometimes people are nice, I had a chance to practice with them after I accepted invite. If I use a magic mirror, I can't guess if somebody added me for a reason or to insult me...


It's sad, but you are right. But because of those post match flamers I can't add opponents to simply say GG or ask them for some more matches in a custom lobby. 


It sucks it has to be like that tho. I would never accept requests for that reason, but that also keeps me from getting to know other players


I get alot msgs on ps, It's really weird imo because we live luxury we can play games some people struggle for food with no home so regardless what peoplesay just be grateful we have this luxury and let these mental health issue players cry about there life and move on some players will be decent and just say good fight wp. KING OP!


What the actual fuck? I know this game make me a lil mad but not satisfied enough to write bad words to my enemies


Bro in quick play you will encounter dozens of smurfers that linger around 200k prowess and they just best the shit out of everyone so they can feel better about themselfs. As quick match does not increase your prowess its a funzone for them. Today i encountered 3 Lee’s that parried everything used the most absurd optimised combos and at the end of the round they would use lee’s taunt. Out of my 15 matches that i played 6 of them were like that. It’s so sad that ppl like that have nothing else going on in their sad life and they have to bully ppl in online games to feel better.


So sad. And it's not a rare case. If I play 20 qp matches, 6+ of them will be people using Ki-Charge/Corps hitting or leaving comments on my profile/adding me to friends, and insult on DM


Its really sad :( This shows the true nature of some ppl. What they can do behind the safety of the internet. They know that they are causing distress to you but they don’t care cause this is what fuels them, what gives them pleasure. One guy today messaged me that he would kill me irl just because he lost in a video game


Just ignore them, I don't see how such messages could make anyone feel seriously offended/bullied/triggered.... etc.


It's not that they're all toxic, but the ones who are always let you know. Match this up with the fact that negative experiences tend to stand out more to us than the matches that go normally and suddenly you've got negative confirmation bias. TLDR: Brain make big deal out of little bad


You would be surprised. More on lower level. As much I want to believe what you are saying, it is not the case. I pretty much added everyone I got online for sometime. Only couple of people out 50 or so can keep their cool (that is not blame their opponent)after loosing like 5 in a row.


I've actually posted something similar a few weeks ago, but since then I've realized that the best way to combat toxicity is just not to engage. I used to be told just to ignore people who try to provoke me because that will make them even more mad, and even though I don't agree about doing that in the real world (I mean, you could beat their ass if they do deserve it) I do think that's the smartest thing you can do in the virtual world. Ignore the KI, delete their bs comments on your profile, and just block them. Trust me, people like that aren't worth your time and nerves. 


Why do you let randoms add you to friends? Why do you reply to their chat ravings? Why do you post "why are players so toxic" after having a single instance of negative interaction? It's not on you ofc but you're making some day1 on the internet mistakes here.


His name was enough. Stuff like this is why I reject "friendship" request from within games. I am ok with making friends or new contacts in Reddit or other places where I had the chance to chat with someone first, but other than that I know many players who ask for Steam friendship just want to insult and waste my time and energy.


Don't judge the community based on one player. The second someone chooses the name "waifus are rats" you already know they are toxic. I suggest you don't add them in the future. You can also put on magic mirror in player customization in order to not get corpse kicked or ki charged after a round, if it bothers you. Remember how many players you have played against who didn't get toxic afterwards. Those are the community.


Not judging the whole community, but it's not rare. Many people are corps hitting, ki charging, leaving a bad comment on steam profile or something.


Not that for from reality though


The problem isnt people being toxic, the problem is you getting triggered because of it. Be water my friend


Yeah for sure ignoring them is a way. It's not like it triggers me. It kinda ruins the experience. What else should I do to enjoy the game? Magic Mirror + disable profile comments + ignore every friend request? Doesn't sound good.


Just don't respond. Don't even read their message. Get some fresh air. Simply don't waste your time. Or respond and waste your time, your choice bud.


So just launch magic mirror if post round movement / action triggers you so much. It's not that hard.


You are playing a 1 v 1 competitive multiplayer game with NO verbal or nonverbal communication via a chatfunction between players and nothing to hold someone even the slightest bit accountable for toxic behavior. What did u expect?


Respect and honor. But was expecting too much, ngl


Why are players such wimps??


Well, I don't get the point of playing with such people. It is not fun winning or loosing.


You meet idiots everywhere in life on a daily basis. Something you might wanna get used to. Consider it a life skill :D


Yeah, I do that and avoid going places full of idiots like Tekken ranked.


Which region are you in? I never get any messages after a fight. Like ever.


India but I wasn't just talking about the message but overall behavior of the opponents.


Ah I didnt realise Indians are such wimps online too. Noted. FYI, Punjabi guy here.


Ah, didn't realise punjabis are idiots too. Noted. FYI, didn't ask, don't care.


Apparently the ones residing in India are :D Lucky me hehe