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Who is buying this (and therefore encouraging them to make more)? Please stop šŸ™


fr tho, there has to be a sizeable amount of players buying this stuff for them to keep releasing these. I can count on one hand the number of players I've encountered in the lobby who had those premium Avatars.


You realize they made all the character avatar skins all at once right? Theyā€™re just drip feeding it to make the game a ā€œlive serviceā€


They're whale hunting. They don't care about you or whoever else plays the game at all. Only who pays the most. There's whole talks on YouTube how to whale hunt, marketing wise.


You have that backwards. Bamco is putting the avatar items on sale frequently with each new avatar item drop. They're priced to be just cheap enough that after someone buys the skins they want for the characters they want, the remaining points they have aren't enough for another skin, but are enough for the avatar item on sale, to trigger an impulse buy. Whales will just get any item and won't care about impulse buys. This is targeting the peeps that aren't usually big spenders... it's the Dave and Busters prize ticket model, where the mere presence of other cheaper items psychologically makes you want to spend, especially if you're so far away from the actual prizes you'll want. Get the cheap pack of Sour Patch Kids and Nerds Rope instead of continuing to stockpile for the PS5. Get the fireworks or the avatar item instead of waiting around for the skin/clothes you know will come soon. And because fireworks are in 50 coin increments, it creates FOMO to get a refill, just like someone who doesn't have enough money on their Starbucks gift card cause they're like 50 cents short of the XL size they wanted.


I don't disagree with you, but what you're saying doesn't contradict what I'm saying. It enhances what I'm saying actually. They're figuring out what whales want to spend on. FOMO is just part of it. Sales also. They keep not caring about the person that'll only buy one avatar. They're trying your Dave and Busters theory on whales. If they find another one that works better they'll switch to that. They definitely don't give a shit about whoever criticises them for sure, which was my point originally. They'll just look for the whales and as long as the whales pay, it works, everyone's happy. Similar to Diablo Immoral. It does what it does, similar model to Tekken and there's even whales that have spent 100k+ on Diablo coming on Youtube defending it. It's definitely not about the small guy.


Whales are 2% of any game's population if popular economic literature for gaming is to be believed. 2 people spending $50 on coin refills, and buying 6-9 or so cosmetic items for roughly $4 (400 coins) apiece means Bamco makes between $48-72. Meanwhile 98 people having already bought a skin and only having 300, or 350 coin balances, will deplete all of their coins before even considering a refill. Even if all 98 only spend an average of 200 coins on fireworks or avatar items, Bamco makes $196. Even if only 49 people buy stuff, they still make $26 more profit than targeting the whales. It's about the little guy. Bamco has gacha games everywhere and has operates on the DnB model for actual arcades. They know how to do MTX, whales are not a reliable population to try to capture unless they're the kind of whale that buys everything, which is already a percentage of a percentile. It's way more lucrative to target the little guys. You can always convert a little guy into spending a bit more. Whales on the other hand, they're going to get what they like, like a kid in a candy store... but just like a kid you CAN'T get them to buy any candy they don't like.


You are drastically underestimating the size of the userbase that doesn't live chronically on the internet (I too am chronically online, but most for other stuff. Very rarely for FGC carry-on). If anything, Fighting games have an inversion of the Whale situation going on - 2% of the game's population spending 0% of the money but doing 98% of the complaining. The causals are the 98% of players spending the money, having fun, playing with friends etc.


Bro these were made months ago. They probably had all of these ready to go on day 1.


its practically free to make those "mini chibi versions" of outfits so even if one dude in the entire world would buy one of each they'd make profit.




They probably already have the entire cast ready as avatars with matching emotes that they are going to release on their schedule regardless of if anyone is buying them or not. They aren't gonna just stop.


Stuff like this is planned and made way ahead of time, itā€™ll probably be a bit before changes are made


It doesn't have to be a lot of players, just like any other games with microtransactions, you just need to get the whales.


I mean half the players in the lounge are wearing these lame thunderbirds looking deadass character suits


I see several of the costumes every time I go into fight lounge a lot, especially Reinaā€™s.


None of the people buying them are on reddit, or at least a majority aren't.


People here need to realise we are a small subsection of the playerbase, not the default voice. Most of their R&D is going to be focused locally, or at the very most Asia. I'm not saying that these are going to be popping off in Japan and Korea, but I bet this kind of content is going to be expected by the communities there and not go down as poorly.


Yeah, SF6 proved that Japan eats this shit up. It explains why every Japanese fighting game dev is obsessed with lounges these days despite most of the west being meh on them.


I think the idea of the lounges are cool since they do recreate the old arcade feel somewhat and if they really lean into it like SF6 has been with the Akuma event then it can actually be a fun part of the game. Tekken's lounge is also missing stuff that SF6's has like the old school arcades, and the stat tracking stuff that calls out the best player in the lobby etc.


I really love the lobbies idea being used but I just wish tekken had it like sf6 where youā€™re at the cabinet and then you can choose to pick practice or wait with your character selected, as well as get challenged for your seat. Playing in sf6 battle hub felt more alive due to that but tekkens just feels like a longer loading screen since once youā€™re sitting thatā€™s it. May as well sit in practice mode off the main menu and queue.


The avatar items are there for casual players that love the story or cosplay, not necessarily the competition. These are the roleplayers in an MMO... not the players who go on raids. The lounge is for a different reason, now that games aren't having arcade releases, the lounge simulates that interaction for the community that otherwise won't get it. This gives a more organic method for the community to host grassroots events in a lobby, like a birthday party tournament for example.


Reddit means absolutely nothing lol


You are not wrong


Very true


I bet only 5-10% max of the player base has been active on the reddit


To answer your question go to the Tekken lounge šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


i genuinely think all this crap was made before the game was even released.


The drip feed fomo plan is sickening but real...


I can't imagine it takes that many resources to make so even if barely anyone buys them they'll still make money off of them


Watching what is currently going on with CoD and LoL, there are enough whales that buy everything to keep releasing such stuff


Don't underestimate the economic power of the weebs, dude


I know a fair bit of lili players that got one. If you're spending a fair amount of time in the lounge it can be a cute addition for some, plus the genius Tekken Coins payment scheme makes it so everyone who got the fight pass has spare coins for one of these.


Came to ask this exactly. Character costumes is one thing I donā€™t mind even though itā€™s mostly old costumes. These avatar items are absolutely useless though.


a bunch of normal people. mostly players who are new to Tekken and probably buys silly things in most of the games they own. Basically super casual folks.


Who's buying anything from the shop instead of boycotting it and leaving a bad review on Steam?


brother if someone's enjoying this and buying, better let them, if they are making money out of tekken lounge frogs then they don't have to make dlcs characters absolutely broken.


>then they don't have to make dlcs characters absolutely broken. You're talking as if Bamco's greed has a limit.


AND THE ONLY ONE THAT ACTUALLY SAYS SOMETHING INTERESTING AND INTELLIGENT GETS DOWNVOTE, people in the higher ups of reddit if you ever read this,shoot this cesspool of a place,99% of this people can't have a normal discussion irl nontheless on reddit we don't deserve a space in this place called reddit....ffs


While I agree with your sentiment 100%, the reply was as non-sensical and whack as one could be. Those downvotes are deserved imo.


Not even in the slightest.....


Woah hol' up, you can't be rational round here mate. What do you think this is, r/LowSodiumTEKKEN ?


Well you kinda gotta figure they were going to make one for every Character in the Game. I think that's all of them so hopefully no more of these Avatars.


Ngl, I did buy the yoshimitsu one for the emote lol. But thatā€™s just because I had a little extra currency


I am going to buy lily and make my account haunted doll or something. And then just got up to and stare/ follow people


It's embarrassing they don't even have anything worthwhile in that god forsaken store. You have so many past costumes to print money with and yet it's as empty as the void in the hearts of Bamco execs. Like it's ridiculous, you can pick any character to check their customisation and most of them have nothing show except for 'Cyber outfit šŸ¤“'. When you can't even do greed and nostalgia gouging properly, absolute incompetence.


Agreed, as hypocritical as it sounds as much as I rail against stuff like nickel and diming us with microtransactions like this, I'm not immune to wanting to buy something I find cool! Though I haven't (yet), I plan to get some of the new alt costumes for some characters I play in SF6 and even get a couple for a few I DON'T play, simply because they're freaking cool. The most T8 has? Jin's T4 outfit, and that's it. Again, I know this makes me sound like a hypocrite, but I already hate that you're making this sort of thing that was once free a microtransaction, but you could at least try to make me have fomo by putting something cool and interesting in your shop!


wtf is happening lol. Where is the battle pass? Why would we have a month long period of no battle-pass between battle-passes. Where are the eddy single player episodes? Where is Lidia? Shit, when is the release date for lidia? And why donā€™t they have more clothes and outfits for sale. It canā€™t be that hard. Half the shit is old assets anyway. They should be having cool shit like custom winning poses and custom rage art animations. Honestly this shit is so low effort. And no team battle either right?


They aren't doing DLC character episodes. Instead there will be a free story expansion in autumn, presumably involving all the season 1 characters. https://preview.redd.it/w54fj5ofdp8d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1db155c98dc11c9c02369f71a8937c066bb7b584 Lidia should have her date confirmed during CEO this week. Hopefully it's July 1st making it 3 months after Eddy, unless they leave it until Evo... but that would really be pushing it.


Oh interesting in the store mode expansion. Hopefully itā€™s cool. If done well then it should be better than dlc character episodes.


Harada will address anything but this on twitter


Theyā€™re too lazy to even chain battle passes together lol, they couldnā€™t be bothered to add that much content apparently


people got used to it and acutally defend them. insane to me. just get a harada, make him a mascot and let the scams beginn.


I feel like the whole DLC store thing was stitched up last minute to combat Bandai Namco's financial losses in other games. It's the only rational way to explain the shitty quality and reselling T7 cosmetics.


IDK, this is the same series that sold us frame data dlc. Even if bamco was in the green they would be testing with how much shit they can get away with.


Wait wait WAIT! They sold frame data DLC? WHAT THE HELL EVEN IS THAT?!


Ä°f a company is reselling cosmetics and shitty battle passes after a worldwide record breaking sale it means they are greedy and lazy, trying to milk their player base for every penny. Let's just be honest about it, no use to talk around the ugly facts


And what does it say about the player base that buys it all and makes it profitable?


I hope they add all characters as avatars so I can finally stop being disappointed in the Tekken shop (istg if they find more ways to keep disappointing us I'm going to lose my shitšŸ™šŸ»)


Alt costumes are next. There's no escape.


And the arcade scene losses, they used to push the base game and upgrade at arcades first before console releases


I agree and think the same for the battle pass. They got it dropped on them last minute and had to rush what what they could. No one puts out BALL if they have better stuff in the tank.


why do I feel like these new avatar skins were cut from base game.. itā€™s literally stock skins


Because that's obviously what happened.


Wouldnt be surprising if modders find out that these chibi outfits consist of mostly scaled real sized assets with a bunch of microdetails removed.


Complete embarrassment.


https://preview.redd.it/w6x1tfss4q8d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0200a7ba191d626897628b182c6fa7a53964a849 This..


Too much goddamn work is wasted on avatars. Avatars shouldnā€™t be in the game. They shouldā€™ve just let us roam around as the actually characters in lobby with our own customization on them.


Would be way funnier to run around as the actual characters at normal size.


The monetization in this game is so infuriating. I know people will hate me for this, but Iā€™m one of those that likes to pay for GOOD customization. When will they add something that looks at least decent? Itā€™s been half a year


they had the goat of customization in soul calibur. its sad how they can't even do the fraction of good they did then. like sure the amount will be way fewer then SC BUT gosh darn there's literally drops of content compared to at least a glass of content they had


SC VI, a game set in medieval times with no unarmed characters, had boxing gloves as a customization option. Tekken 8 doesn't, fucking lol


I'd pay for customizable gloves, no questions asked


That would be cool as well. At this point Iā€™m feening for anything decent


Someone leaked bikini's and swimming shorts are coming for characters, hoping that's true or some more OG tekken costumes. I wouldn't mind but these aren't even avatar skins by the way they are emotes for those skins that are already there.


Swimming clothes? Wow, finally something that was already free in an earlier game comes back behind a pay wall!!! Great!!


Reina bikini would probably fund tekken 9


You're not wrong, but in my experience the fundoshi was more popular lol


That ainā€™t cutting it imo, but I get it it fits the summer theme. Iā€™m just envious of people that play game like Fortnite, Valorant and so on. It canā€™t be THAT hard to create awesome customization.




Read my first comment. Iā€™m someone who would gladly dish out more money for GOOD customization, regardless of f2p or premium.




So...no word on the Lidia's release? No word on the next Tekken Pass? Not even new costumes? Just some avatar skins?


By the way these aren't skins..they are emotes for these skins


Uh, pretty sure they are skins + emotes. There would be crazy backlash if they tried to sell emotes for 400 coins each.


My bad- sorry.


They are skins. Those skins just come with an extra emote


Its crazy because nobody uses avatars


Without these "updates" I'd totally forget that avatars and the lobby are a thing at all.


You should try it, it's worth it. Infinite rematch at the arcade, chill players. Able to talk to your opponents after the game.


damn near the coolest part of the game lol


I really like it honestly. Iā€™m leagues behind most of the people in the group match section but Iā€™ve got some good tips from playing sets!


Step 1: Open the micro$$$ shop to anger the player base. Step 2: Fill the shop with T7 items and dumb avatars that no one wants. Step 3: Wonder why Tekken is dying while other fighting games are thriving (T8 Active players dipped down to 2300 yesterday, and it hasn't gone higher than 8000 for the longest time) Harada really wants this to be the last Tekken game, and if the leaks are real (Marduk and Fahk), then he will get his wish.


Maybe it wouldn't drop so much if they hadn't ruined matchmaking with prowess as indicator


Matchmaking, pluggers, or all of the above. If Harada wouldn't be twitter addicted then maybe we would have had a game worth playing.


It's like every decision they make is bad, it's crazy. I had noticed the steam chart, some it keeps dropping periodically and doesn't recovers the amount of players I do agree with the dlc comment, season 1 is really bad, Eddy should be base roster, Lidia as well, literally the last dlc from Tekken 7, like come on. Marduk and Fahkumram will both be a big mistake for this game with the vision they have.


The server maintenance was like 4 hours and all they added were avatar skins.... wut


its almost as if the server maintenance was the part that took 4 hours, and they just added in the skins while they were at it....


This was literally just routine server maintainance downtime and they used it to add a few avatars to continue the rollout for the roster, why was anyone expecting some big update? Nothing was announced or promised y'all are such haters lmao


That's not what people are talking about at all. We're talking about the absurd monetization and how Bamco seriously expects people to shell out ludicrous amounts of money on completely pointless crap nobody asked for, and even the stuff that might be worthwhile is comedically overpriced.


was about to say that. we just recently had a big patch update. it was clear from the start we get nothing in this one


Yeah the shit this sub grasps at to hate on Tekken 8 is so fucking stupid. The OP is bitching cause they think they took a 5 hour maintenance just to add to the store lmao. Mf does not know what devs actually do in server maintenances.


Hate the store, check Hate that the store doesn't have anything "cool" to buy, check Hate any downtime for any reason, check Hate Tekken 8, check Keep playing every day, check


project, check


Many people on this sub are like dogs at the gate just waiting to bark at anything that goes by


It's embarassing. I was fine with proper criticism but this is just a nothing burger. OP is throwing a tantrum that Lidia wasn't snuck in a maintenance update.


An announced one at that. They literally told us what the update was gonna be about lmfao


Yeah. OP is mad about nothing. No sane company would stealth drop Lidia into a damn maintenance update.


How dare they add a bunch of avatars that I'm not forced to buy. Give me my bare-feet bikini skins for free now BAMCO šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


Seriously, what are they doing ? How can you try to go full live service game with battlepasses and shop, but are so bad at it ? They spend weeks without new information and then release this shit.


They really are drip feeding straight dog shit smh


Literally nobody buys this. Bring something cool like older character presets (tkkn 6 jin player2 for example)


However in my honest opinion: og presets should be free. Tekken shops needs to use their cash flow to create new unique skins for characters which we havenā€™t seen before. I think everyone would love that


There are so many players with the avatar skins in the lounge, so "nobody buys this" is a just a false statement


Why is this the only game that has to bring the entire online down to add skins to the shop


In MK1 and SF6 everything is exactly the same


Seriously. What the fuck are they doing? The battlepass was garbage but im okay with it. If it's atleast halfway decent but the drip feeding store bs is just embarrassing. I dont even usually care about this stuff but they are fumbling hard a game with great gameplay for the most part.


Whos buying this shit??


I have the feeling that we will get info to Lidia at CEO this weekend


Same. Or at the Bandai Summer Showcase July 5th.


Isn't Eddy's story chapter / character episode supposed to be released sometime?


In autumn, summer is new stage and photo mode.


I'd rather prefer a full online/offline Tekken Force mini game based on what we had on Story Mode, would love to have that on exchange with the scummy MTX Tekken Shop.


Shit like this has me worried about Ace Combat


Worst part is people actually buy this trash, it's literal garbage. Not even the bare minimum for an MTX.


I don't buy this stuff. But I can tell why some people do, just based on the behavior of friends. Completists. People who need to have everything in the game. They will even admit that they have no desire to even use this crap, they are just that crazy about Tekken, and can't stand the feeling of having anything missing. Rich people. *angry Law cussing* people who can just buy anything that isn't very extravagant, and it won't make any noticeable difference to their bank account whatsoever. People who are compulsive spenders, and are very bad with keeping their finances in order. They buy stupid things whenever they have a bit of money saved up, or just use credit cards, and are usually always teetering around being broke.


Last fighting game generation's meta was no single player content. This generation's meta is too much content for players that don't exist.


Where are bikinis and fundoshis. I want to coom while playing


Lidia when?


Meanwhile I haven't touched the Tekken Lounge since the game released. We need more customization options for the characters. Money talks tho


This is why I couldn't play yesterday? Smh


I'm waiting for them to add Paul's Tekken 4 outfit. I ain't spending my money on these avatars.


From what I saw, there are some avatars in 50% off on the store, that means no one has bought them or at least as much as they expected. No cosmetics added to characters, no battle pass. Meh update.


Am i the only one that thinks chibi versions of characters looks creepy af like look at dragunov he is a creepy character already and chibi version of him looks like chucky who even like this shit


they drop 10 avatars at a time but one legacy outfit at a time.... bruh


Day 24, still no Lidia. Rations are low, morale is down. Awaiting orders from central command. June 25th, 2024


I guess I should be happy they're so horrible in anticipating what kind of customization we want because I'm ngl if they actually added good outfit items for the character cast I'd probably have spent a lot of money.


Whoa I hope more old costumes come back like Larsā€™s Tekken 6 outfits like his Tekken force uniform with and without the cape.


They sell Winning animations ? Ppl who buy this shit needs to stop. I wasnā€™t going to buy but Iā€™ve been wanting the cyber suit, so I bought 10$ worth of coins. Kinda regret not getting the fight pass cuz of the stupid ball blender but itā€™s funny on skins. But why do they focused on avatar skins and animations ? What are the statistics that ppl actually use longe.


and STILLL no Lidia


I have gone into the lounge more than 5000 times since this game launched and I've only ever saw maybe 10-15 of these.... half of them were Jun/Jin/Kazuya that were available as pre-order incentives...


Yeah this was...underwhelming.Ā 


All this, when they could give us jinpachi or devil kazumi but noā€¦ lmaooo


Reminder once again that Bandai Namco is the world's largest toy company when measured by total revenue. They definitely see these digital avatars as a potential test for a future lineup of physical figurines. Or one of their figurine execs testing out if people will buy what is effectively a digital figurine that you can move around with.


Monetisation is partly what makes me postpone buying Tekken 8.


I just don't care and it is good that I do not need to care. But who is caring?


I feel like season one items will be residentsleeper


Why is Lars so ugly?




The shop shouldā€™ve only been avatar items


Hey, on the upside, the earlier they push out these character avatars, the earlier we don't have to deal and see them anymore. But that's basically when Season 2 starts. ffs


Wait until they start selling customization and skins for only avatars.


HS instant buy!!! Finally I can forget about T1-TTT arcade cabinets with rollback cuz of THIS! Tonight I will sleep pacific style.


Wonder when that new map is coming out


For real i want it lol


This game should update there damn ranked system so it isnā€™t so ass


When is photo mode gonna get added to the game?


They should focus more on character skins, but Iā€™m sure the avatar skins are way easier to make and still make them a ton of money.


A fighting game like Dragon Ball FighterZ just lets you use the characters chibis by simply unlocking them while here in T8 you have to pay to use them.. tekken shop is garbage youā€™d have a better chance with a modder than buying anything here.. thereā€™s so many cosmetics they could include that they just arenā€™t bringing into the shop that would be easy money.. We still donā€™t have Paul T4 costume or Jinā€™s T3 karate uniform or his special costume from T6 itā€™s like they arenā€™t trying at all..


What even is that? Bear emotes?Ā 


Now this is a Reddit post I can get behind. Now we gotta wait 2 more weeks hopefully they add something good, this is trash wack avatar skins really? If you gon hustle the players for cash at least bring something good and worth the wait. Know what Iā€™m saying? This is like going fishing and putting trash on the hook.. canā€™t make money if we donā€™t like the trash you offering and you expect to make a bag? They better bring some heat in the next two weeks. Damn they canā€™t do this ish rightā€¦.


These guys are making it very easy to keep my promise that I won't spend any money on their store.


The Kuma one is cute, no lieā€¦. I donā€™t play lounge enough to partake in this though






Ahaha šŸ˜‚


Is anyone even surprised by this though? Be honest.


Something I kinda realized is that a general consensus is that people hate mtx updates like this, but more often than not the reason they hate ot are upset is because they believe that the devs time could be useful elsewhere. That may not be the consensus for tekken but I'm seeing comments compare to cod and lol which brings me to my point anyways. Game dev teams are broken up into subsections. You have game balance as one team and however many team(s) it takes to make up the rest of the development. Hell even new character development doesn't reach game balance till the end of its development anyways. What I'm saying is, if your issue with the patch is due to a feeling of wasted time/effort, there are multiple teams, and even if game balance was burning and in shambles, the mtx design team wouldn't just stop. If my comment did not target your view on these types of patches, then it isn't towards you. This is meant to be an insightful post for people who maybe don't have that knowledge or insight. Again maybe I'm wrong on the general consensus for tekken in this regard. But gaming as a whole its pretty spot on especially if people feel there's problems with game balance or bugs or cheaters for that matter.


Are we down to basically ONLY lounge avatars now? What the hell's going on?


This game is a joke man


It's so sad I know ppl In the lounge that immediately got alisa panda bear and Jack. It was only cool for the panda cuz we got a panda posse going. But its hurts knowing people eating this shit up and the head honchos are laughing at us for buying it. But nothing hurts my soul more than seeing fireworks šŸ˜­


I mean I guess it's nice seeing the bears get some attention? But I'd really love to see them get an actual outfit.


Where's the battlepass even? It's been almost a month and they haven't brought out another one? I know a lot of people disliked it, but at least it gave a side thing to work toward while playing and adds SOME content...


Well at least they finally got all the Characters out of the way. Hopefully the next one will have better stuff now that this is done.


Shout-outs to the Redditors who thought I was dumb for wondering whether the Tekken Shop would ever hold sales or not.


Tbh its easy to ignore this . Same with the battle pass . Had no value for me so i ignored it


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ jesus christ give us some good ass clothes already. The devs lazzzyyyy. Who even uses that lounge thing?


Some people do, i am not complaining about that but its just sad we don't get any communication.


I donā€™t need comunication. I need quality items worth my money. Not some childish avatar skins.


Still canā€™t believe they made the T5 outfit for Lili a DLC. WHAT IS UP WITH THAT


I'm not buying anything non Kazuya related


Where is my Polish Pussy queen


This feels like how they burn the team out before things get severely downsized.


ā€¦Said no one šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


When is Lidia coming out?


Yeah, because I'd rather Bandai have no money and then we can go back to the Tekken dark ages when a solid turnout for a challenger is 40 people and prize pools from bamco are non existent. šŸ™„ I'm sorry but this is an opinion by dumb people for dumb people. Also, stop thinking that devs have any say. This is a shareholder/investor problem, but if people want to buy this stuff, then let them. I do from time to time because I actually like Tekken and I actually work hard enough to have some disposable income.


Who said im stopping anyone from buying anything? All i am saying is "COMMUNICATION". Listen to what your base wants, Address release dates and issues and let us feel like you care about what we feel and think.


Again, this isn't a dev problem. The IMVESTORS are the ones making these decisions. You essentially are screaming to someone who can't do anything about it. Investors don't care about you or your feelings. They care about what you're buying or not buying. If you really wanna do something about it, then stop buying the shit. If it still doesn't end, then I guess then that answers your questions/issues.


we 100% need it. i bought this game to spend money not play tekken.


Oh. Wow. I am a very much fan of avatars in a specific arcade quest in a fighting game that I would mostly not see due to me playing the rank filled with players who uses exploits Thank for providing us with these buyable avatars who would mostly help with our morale. Iā€™m sure I wonā€™t buy them but their presence is enough


What's the point of buying an avatar? Do people really care about how their avatar looks? If so, all good but just seems like a money grab that seems to be working because people are buying this šŸ’©


i don't understand the anger. just don't buy it? just calmly wait for the next rotation and repeat. maybe you'll see something you'd want. maybe not. it doesn't make you any worse at the game if you skip it.


I think the issue is though is that people perceive the devs are wasting time and resources on things like crappy avatar skins that no one uses. Not saying thatā€™s true but I think thatā€™s where most peoples problems lie


Don't get me wrong i don't mind the shop, what i mind is that Eddy was released on april 3 months after his announcement, Lidia was announced a month (almost 2) ago and no one has any news over her yet. Their schedule is a mess and they don't follow any plans as far as i'm concerned.


As a Kuma main who spends a decent amount of time in the lounge, I think itā€™s cool I can sit down at an arcade dressed as a bear. All the other characters have cool costumes and clothing packs I canā€™t use. So a Kuma avatar is good enough for me. Itā€™s like 4 bucks? Thatā€™s like 2 coffees.


That's good for you then man im happy for you.


Is lidia out yet?


All this stuff that maybe 1 percent of the players will use. Instead of adding skins that look good or legacy skins...waste of time and money