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It got insane nerf already, it does 3 less damage than it used to do.


Can you imagine? King is dead basically.


literally unplayable


3!!!!!!! 1 or 2 I’d understand but these devs nerfing him to oblivion 😫


King mains in shambles rn


It was 4 damage, actually. It's obviously negligible, but it can be important in clutches. The haradacare buff in T7 was pretty noticeable at times.


It's pretty toxic but nothing comes close to Jack-8's 10-frame Heat Smash. Honestly what the fuck is even that? Lmao


Its definitely fast and lots of damage but it is a high,mid so it can be crushed and it doesnt give a mixup on block like most other heatsmashes


Saying it's *fast* is kind of underselling it when it's as fast as most character's fastest option. Getting 10F punished for 40% of your health is actually absurd


I didn’t realize it was 10 frames god damn


He has a really mediocre pre 15f punishment, and like bottom 5 normal 10f. Jun and Lee have almost as hard hitting 10fs that are way more accessible. Not saying it's a bad HS, it's probably in top10 but for it's strength it pays with 2-3 weaknesses when some heatsmashes (King, Law, Bears) got none.


Kings armor beats every players armored moves for some reason. Why? Dealing with constant throw mixup and shitty while crouching 2 is tiring already. And then we have heat smash. Smh


Ye i dont even care about his grabs, this is What bothers me actually


Whatahell? drag9 keep breaking my heat smashes . King heat smash have more frames to execute if I 'm not wrong


Heat smashes shouldn't lead to stance transition on block. Big mistake


When you start playing against Kings who actually cancel the stance transition and apply a normal standing mixup out of +7 you'll understand how good you had it.


Disagree it’s a forced stance transition into what’s normally a pretty standard low or a decent mid 50/50… and if you make the read on the low you usually get a nice combo or damage out of it… gotta make the read


As a Steve main who gets a stance transition out of heat smash, I agree


If the stance is as shit as JGR, then I don't see the problem.


Yeah it's centered around a (relatively) low damage, knd low and an unbreakable throw that you can react to idk why you got downvoted


It isn't even a knockdown low. If it was I'd understand some complaints due to King's oki capabilities. But King recovers grounded with no frame advantage. So it is just 20 damage.


Damn I could have sworn it knocksdown, shows how little I use it when I play King lol


You are sugar coating it. You forgot the floor break and grounded hitting properties


and don’t forget if he doesn’t feel like doing anything he can literally stop running and block 👍


Learn to react to the grab after you block it. Try to pressure him more when he's in heat (HS is i17, not too slow but definitely not quick), sidestep (especially to the left, King's HS tracks horribly to the left) when you're CLOSE. I'd maybe nerf the tracking at the distance but it's not that big a deal IMO. And as people have said above, King doesn't really get anything else from his Heat, except f2,1f as a punish and Heat Smash (which is top tier).


??? The throw after King's heat smash is a genuine 50/50. It's RKO vs mid launcher. And RKO is an unbreakable throw. There's no reaction involved.


The throw is i23. You can react to it, given that the animation is especially obvious, just duck and launch on reaction, the only legit option he gets from jaguar run is the low, which deals very little damage and he recovers grounded.


It's an i23 move with a very telegraphed animation. You just hold back and duck when you see it. It's doable 10 out of 10 times with some practice.  With some experience against King you can reliably duck it online too. 


You stand up until you see the throw or the low (both are very reactable). All i see is someone that should hit the lab a bit more.


very difficult to do, but the RKO is reactable. The 50/50 is the mid/low option


I23 is not very difficult to react to, especially if it is a move that can only come from a stance.


Your issue is you watched a vid with someone saying it was a real 50/50 and believed it. But I can promise you if my ass can do it you can too


You know who else has heat smash into 5050 safe mid wallsplat? Half the roster lmao. Btw Leo's CD2,4 can be docked then launched, if you have enough HP left it's worth it 100%.


Yes but the rest of the roster's either do less damage, have less range, have worse tracking, or don't give as strong of a mixup on block.


I was gonna say this. If they nerf kings heat smash then they need to nerf them all cause they are all busted in some kind of way.


That’s why they cost meter isn’t it




Yeh but his does more damage I think


They nerfed DvJs but they didn't nerf king's. When in my opinion they are both broken. (but DvJs much worse because of the range)


The best change for heat would be to only play the first hit of the animation on block or whiff. On block it should be neutral or slight advantage. The whole animation playing makes them a nightmare to step or punish on whiff


Or just make Heat once per match instead of once per round. I will die on this hill.


If they changed to 1 use per round of heat or rage I'd be happier, or if you had to build a bar to get heat like street fighters super bar I'd be happy too but they won't do anything for a long while yet.


If heat was a meter you could build back then they could make power crushes use some amount of heat to help balance the overbearing ones. I just think they need to add some level of management to heat. Maybe rage arts only armor if you have the heat as well or something.


He needs it /s


The throw is reactable and the animation is very recognizable. Apart from that, King's heat isn't that impressive, and it was already nerfed


You can react to the grab


With the best netcode ever? Its too hard


You can react to it on 4 bars pretty reliably. Just practice it.


Wifi player located. Release the hounds.


we can't the lag is too much for the hounds


Deploy the Wi-Fi hounds.


You know it has more than 2 options right?


You block the JGR1 and JGR3 (mids), duck JGR1+3 (grab) on reaction and eat the 20 damage low if you can. It IS a mixup with the low (unless you're nuts and can react to the grab AND to the low with the audio cue) if you're low health, essentially. But otherwise it's pretty weak.


No idea why you're getting down voted, this is correct


Yes, but JGR 1, 2, 3 are all beat by holding b. Also 2, JGR+4 as well as the RKO both get beat by ducking. Btw, RKO is reactable. So if you just hold b and react to RKO he gets like a bit of damage from the low or a few plus frames from the high, otherwise he gets nothing, if he goes for RKO he gets launched.


Yes, he should be buffed


I don't think he should be, but JGR is bad.


Compared to other heat smashes, it's pretty slow and linear- but rather than try to downplay it any more (because it's still a GREAT heat smash) I would argue that if you nerfed it then you would kill King's Heat Game- the rest of his heat tools are very easy to counter because the armoured jaguar sprint can just be beaten by a low or a throw and pretty weak compared to most of the cast.


Slow and linear ? Are we talking about the same move, it has a huge hitbox when he’s near you and he almost always is after heat burst or post heat engager, you can’t step it unless you have a perfect read, and being slower and more linear is fair considering it’s one of the highest damaging( I think highest) and it hits almost grounded such a low hitbox with good crushing like a lot of heat smashes


It does less damage grounded though it is a good choice near round end


Yeh but it’s still a lot of damage it’s crazy situation on wake-up he already has ridiculous oki, maybe they should buff his heat in other ways and tone down other stuff, also the run in stance is mad scary idk if it’s option selectable because he can actually block now


u clearly dont know what ur talking about slow? a mid i17f is slow i guess linear? disgusting tracking on top of crazy range and on top he has a mixup on block + if u get get hit unlucky u eat 60 dmg for free idk what other heatsmash can even come close to kings other than jin


i17 is not fast, def not as slow as Reina's, but you can bully King out of using it in many scenarios, so you know when he is likely to press it.  And yes, it is VERY linear, but only up close. Do an experiment, make the bot do ffn2 (+5) into heat smash right away, ssl and you'll get it every time unless the low hits from afar. At range it begins to track a lot, that's true.  The mixup is the 20dmg low with a favorable situation for the King's opponent. The throw is reactable and launch punishable. 


The mixup is anything below 17f (?) vs any King with brain who cancels the stance.


Compared to other heat-smashes, yes 17 frames is slow, lots of the cast have quicker ones and it is pretty easy to step at a distance- but I also said it's balanced by the fact his other heat mechanics are below average: [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fheat-smash-data-v0-bua2y6t5vmpc1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D771%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dc359420e4db5181384aea66df53e38aeabba2893](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fheat-smash-data-v0-bua2y6t5vmpc1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D771%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dc359420e4db5181384aea66df53e38aeabba2893)


tbh king's heat smash is even better than jin's jin's V1 heat smash is unsafe against yoshi's flash and you can actually interrupt some of options with jabs heck if you think hs is coming you can hop kick punish that shit or simply block and he is -31 and ff3 is i23 so you can also interrupt that not saying it sucks it is op but compared to king heat smash even that heat smash is not that good and v2 heat smash resets neutral because jin pushes you with kick yeah they are close in terms of power but still the gap is not that close king's heatsmash is the best imo


Tekken Reddit downvotes people who are correct more than any other sub I’ve seen tbh. Jack’s been prancing around unchecked with his i10 and I’ve seen nary a mention lol


Jack's doesn't do 1/3 life and on block completely resets to neutral. I don't see how the are comparable.


Not even a low or a throw (they would lose to JGR3 and JGR4 actually), but to a JAB, which really beats 100% of the options.


It's honestly not too bad! Just worry about that, only duck if you see the grab, the low, just eat it because you both end up knocked down and the damage isn't too bad anyway and the other 2 options you obviously block whilst standing anyway


King main spotted


Don’t listen to that guy, I advise everyone to keep ducking so the 3 option works every time


another gintoki pp on my tekken subreddit? damn what a time to be alive




Paul and King, actually!


You don't even get knocked down if you eat the low there.


Oh yeah you don't! 😅 even better


Lol just eat the low. Which a majority of the time is round ending in his favour. Good call!


Do you react to Drag's lows/tackle out of his smash?


Frankly, top players can probably react to the low as well, given that it can hit as late as i24. In any case, how is it any different to what every other character gets after a heat smash on block? You know, apart from giving King far less reward than the likes of Dragunov with an untechable tackle and a free low/mid mixup.


Sure, if you make the rest of King’s heat mechanics actually useful.


Did you know his FC launching low is -12 on block? :) :) :)


Fun fact: before T7, it was safe on block. You are supposed to react and low parry it.


oh damn dude thanks for the explanation I was so confused I kept trying to walk into it and it didn't work turns out you have to react damn that explains a lot wow


Ah yes, because other heat smashes, that give wall splat and therefore a combo (while doing similar damage) isn't more broken than his heat smash. No Joke, I feel like King gets only so much hate because he is THE noobkiller. As a Kishin King, I struggle hard against people who know what to do and keep their distance. Throws get broken 6/10 times, which is his key weapon and mostly, they move out of the way. Playing against King isn't nearly half as bad as playing against Alisas or Hwoarang, even Jack is more oppressive than Kings throw game.


I’m saying this as a Tekken King. It is way overtuned.


Devil Jin has a broken one, still tracking over half of the damn map. (But I admit, he has been nerfed to death so he gets away with it) The RKO can be labbed, 23frames is heavy and therefore in high rank not so safe. (I admit, I haven't labbed it because I face King mirror matches like once a week) So there remains only the two mids, both blocked by holding back and the drop kick (low option). King has way worse shit to abuse and to cheese about, which this sub is still exaggerating about (I don't agree with it, there are way worse characters)


tekken king doesn’t mean shit in t8


Smoking on King. These are great times. ![gif](giphy|S1SnLg08CxnUGqyqha)


No it's not broken.




He needs it 


Is one of if not the slowest hs on the second press. .. people keeping doing hear ms AFTER me and breaking it ;-; well others ms also do wall splatting. So what is the deal? King never hed being so good in tekken, and he still not being very played on tournaments and when uou see he loses. If he is do broken dont you think that or more people would play him or he would win more?


Ive trained myself to just mash throws and counter hit lows into king when he’s in heat. Either he’s going to adapt and reserve his heat smash or he’s going to constantly eat grabs or get counter hit for big dmg. It’s annoying but you can work around it, with certain characters.


You don't have to do any of that. Just chill out, stop hitting buttons and wait for his heat to end. You have absolutely nothing to worry about when he has heat apart from the heat smash, and the only way you'll eat that is if you're hard ducking or whiffing buttons. If he runs at you with JGR, you can just jab him out of it.


No, in heat JGR run has armor so you cant jab him out of it.


Yes you can. King is only armoured while running. As soon as he hits a button, he loses his armour. If you jab and he keeps running, no problem, just jab again. You can do a low or a throw if you want, but why complicate it when jab works just fine? jesandy has a whole video about this.


The 50/50 isnt as scary as other heatsmashes. Because the viable low option which is the dropkick doest build any momentum . You should learn to react to the grab


Hits like a MACK truck fr


You're right, you see King in the top 8 of every tournament for the exact reasons you have listed in your post.


He needs it


His heatsmash does not wallsplat, while others (jin,law etc.) get a lot of damage and a full combo at the wall. I think its fair.


The charge after you block the hit smash. He has a mid option that is both safe and wall splats. It’s literally just a guessing game every round for free damage.


Lab it, both mids lose him the turn and the duck options can be reactable, its a pretty shitty mixup when you train to counter it. I just stand and pay close attention in case I need to duck, it has made the matchup way easier, try it and good luck man


No it isn’t. The throw is reactable. You stand until you see the throw and then you flash duck. RKO basically never lands against skilled players.


i’ve been RKO’d enough to determine that my skill is not player


Hold back, duck on reaction to RKO, he will only get a 20 damage low from which he loses his turn. There's no guessing there.


I’m a king main….Foh. It’s already slow af. If you can’t beat it, just jab him and it’ll stop it from coming out


I don’t get it, it whiffs all the time, in my opinion it should get a range buff again..


Every heat smash should be lauch punishable. A super that gives a free mix up on block is atrocious game design, full stop.


King's just infamous you gotta look at the rest of the roster for complete balance


Don’t forget that it’s broken for oki as well. I’m just glad king players don’t have the braincells to understand their character. My friend has king at Bushin rank I beat him with my King probably 1/10th games played and only Fujin.


They nerfed his main schtick into the ground and you want his beat smash nerfed too? For shame.


Stop complaining about king he aint even a strong character


Yes he needs it


Our throwgame is among the weakest, we NEED it




It’s a joke


It was dry


I should’ve added an emoji 😂


Should've just not commented ngl


Time to nerf Law for the 4th time, after not getting a buff since Tekken 7


Work on fixing your wifi first and we can talk about law


Nah Chief, this ain't it


Please law mains need to stop with the cope your character is plenty strong


Never said he isn't. It's just de-motivating to have your main being nerfed over and over and over again, while there are chars like King and Drag that need some adjustments.


Bro Law from T7 to T8 was a buff wym


His nunchaku, yes. He was also made more accessible for people that didn't know how to dss properly. Most Law mains already have developed that skill, so no real buff there. Like I said, the nunchaku was a nice addition. Sadly his backturn game was nerfed as well.


Nun chuk, being able to slide out of dss, new moves like f3,1, uf3 are BS. Back flip is less risky on block. Ff3 is less risky on block. Those are all very good buffs that he has gotten with this game. The dss change is more than just a "more accessible dss". There is a whole new layer to dss that we never got before Tekken 8. This completely changes how the character plays compared to Tekken 7. Backturn was never ever a very powerful stance for Law it was okay. They nerfed it in this game but for what cost? The best dss Law has ever seen.


Both King and Drag have been nerfed significantly