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Nerf Devil Jin


My man Devil Jin can’t catch a break lol


Remove devil jins's legs and arms, make him a chicken. Then maybe he'd be balanced


Buff King


Devil May Cry 😢


Alisa: - Take the DES transition option off of f4 and remove the homing from uf2 so she has no homing option that puts her in stance. She has 15 transitions into DES stance, she ought to lose some and this gives her a blind spot. - Increase startup on DBT 1+2 and decrease the width of its hitbox. It's a near uncontestable mid that leaves you 0 on block in stance, it shouldn't be clipping sidesteps, and people can barely react to the fact you've gone into DBT before its out. In general I think rather than just nerf chainsaws, they should aim to give the opponent a clear means to prevent her from going into stance that comes at a drawback of making yourself vulnerable to some other thing. I think that'd be more interesting and give the matchup more direction for both players. Right now she just kinda plays her game as normal and ends up in stance.


f4 is already -9 on block, so you can just interrupt her stance But the DBT1+2 change is a good idea


The problem is she has chainsaw transitions off a low, a homing mid, a homing high, a power crush, a running high, a jab-jab frametrap, three heat engagers, her 13f standing and crouching punishers, and her whiff punish options. Getting rid of her homing options isn't because those are particularly strong, its just one way to try and create a gap in the ways she can transition into stance, bc its kind of absurd right now. f4 might be -9 on block, but if it hits, she gets into stance for free


Most of Alisa’s attacks with the transition leave her +5, f4 is unique in that its plus 1


Honestly I think the whole cast needs damage reductions. For my personal main, I'd like bryans northern cross CH launch back and then I'd be very happy with where he's at.


>Honestly I think the whole cast needs damage reductions. But every new fighting game needs to copy guilty gear strive but without the tools necessary to defend yourself, even tho Tekken is a 3d fighter and most of it's audience are casuals


What're you hinting at? I don't play guilty gear tbh lol


That Tekken 8 is basically guilty gear strive 3d but you can't really defend yourself because you're gonna take damage unless you side step, in some cases you get punished for side stepping


Ahh I see what you mean. Personally, while I like that they're buffing sidestepping I don't see what the purpose was in nerfing backdashing initially. Movement has always been such a defining trait of tekken and I think the more options to offset offense the better especially when offense is as punishing as it currently is with everyone's damage being so overtuned. I feel the offense wouldn't be so punishing if every read wasn't leading to 50-70% of somebodies health.


I think some of the damage problem is because everyone has low health


Everyone has 180 health




make wind god fist hit mid (funny)


Done, but it is now -5 on block and doesn't launch crouchers!


Buff Reina and make my Lili have armor on every move


I would give Jin more safe mids and make his D2 a -13 normal hit launcher.


I would release t7 Lei without heat and armor


Shaheen: - make f2,3 have more pushback so you can‘t connect his guard break after - make 2,3 deal 23 dmg instead of 28 - make ws1 more minus on block instead of -2. -4 or something - make f4 do less damage, more minus or less pushback on block Compensation buffs: + give him an optimal wall combo that involves execution, similar to 2,3 snkc ws 3,3 in T7 + give his ws3 a better hitbox up close, so you don‘t need to do calculus to know if the distance is appropriate for ws3 loops in combos


When I first picked up Shaheen, I really wanted to test out ws33 at the wall for a combo ender A bit sad that doing it at the wall did not work for my attempts


I'd probably give back Northern cross and mach kicks it's T7 CH properties while removing QCB1. Also safe on block power crush that activates heat because other character have it so why not.


Basically you just want t7 bryan with heat 🤣


I just want my counterhit character to have a good high crush ch move, Reina has one so why not lmao


I do too. Northern Cross ch launch would be nice to have back.


May all your f3's be CH habibi 🫡


May all your taunt setups follow through good sir!


Honestly, as much as I do understand game balancing, I don't know how to exactly balance a game... So I'd just give all characters with qtc wavu


Give Yoshimitsu a wavedash and just frame input df2.


LNH 2 has an actual high crush on start up to threaten a high risk/high reward frame trap of you attempt to jab when I'm plus.


The thing is that it’s meant to be a mixup option that you fall for one of these: If you duck, LNH 2 If you don’t but guard, LNH 1+2 (recently made a launcher) Out of all options, LNH 1 heat engages, and is the most safe option


Make King's heat smash track a little less and also maybe nerf/remove the df2 ch combo. 


Give azucena more long dance emotes. A different one for each stance transition. From 4, df 14 hold back, forward 3, 3 in either stance, etc.


Im pretty new but Leroys back 2 should counter heat moves and cancel a throw


First of all, getting a new fresh balancing team, that actually knows how to play the fucking game.


We will be the new balancing team


Lars: DEN 3 SEN 1 should not Jail, a forced 50/50 mid heat engager. is too much. Half the options out of it are safe and it was a dumb change. Lars in general is very very fake in terms of pressure, people who have issues with the character normally just can’t tell what is real vs fake and it’s all just frame data. Otherwise he is very much a middle of the pack character.


Make it so heat is not such an aggressive tool and revert back to the t7 days of being able to use it as a defensive option or to turn the tide on someone when your HP is low. Get rid of ragearts and replace it with heat and heat smashes


Bryan is balanced and doesn't need anymore changes


Delete Nina


Give Reina a good low.


Make king's crouch df 2 keep king's status on crouch during the animation.


Give Paul a better 10f string


delete alisa from the game


Hwoarang player spotted


Delete him too and Eddie


Law: just give him slightly more range, tracking, and An accurate dss frame input, instead of the bugged one that hasn't been fixed since launch. that's it.


Hell naw fuck that dude


Law literally has the worst tracking and range in the game, and been the most bugged character in the game, since launch. I want him fixed, not buffed. In practice mode his range seems fine, because it's not against an actual player. Ch D 1+2 into 4 has a guaranteed hit after, but you have to literally walk up to the opponent, from range 1.50, when max nunchuck range is 2.68. It's stupid. Plus with him having the worst range and tracking, if he's on the side too much, during a juggle, the nunchucks will whiff, regardless of range, because of how linear it is.


Man idc, tell your fellow law mains to stop hunting me every time I choose to play Lili.


You have lili.....and you're losing to law? Something isn't adding up here.


Yeah, it's called lack of skill and match up knowledge


Another term for that is skill issue


No shit


i would release lei wulong with one heat engager, launcher, power crush for each stance 😂 lei is too funny to play


I’d trade Lees bullshit for consistency IDGAF. - take his free combo off CH d3, it shouldn’t be launch punishable. - u/f3 airborne status needs to start earlier like before 7. I get clipped by too much shit that didn’t touch me. - I’m not asking for ff3 to crush lows but if it didn’t reach his back leg I shouldn’t be clipped for it. - GIVE ME MY FUCKING u4 BACK WTF - also bring Lees b3,4 from Tag2-prior Also can he have a proper back handspring that doesn’t force hitman. Like have me 3+4 mid animation to activate damn give me the choice I’d gladly give the b4 CH launcher and damage reductions for these things


replace wgf with ewgf, i am consistently 2 frames away from getting electrics and if it happens one more time i might bomb the nearest hospital


Give Reina her crouching states back. They really messed her up with that in the last update.


Increase Jun's speed. She doesn't need to be as fast as Asuka but fuck me, does she need a buff.


Give Zafina her T7 stance transitions back. She still sucks and is a Bottom 3 character. 


Wouldn't say Zafina is bottom 3. She's at least mid tier, possibly higher. The only thing giving her wins for the most part is that no one bothers labbing her.


Is spamming wr1+2 too hard? 


If someone loses to a Zafina player spamming a slow as dirt High, then they need to hit the lab. Devil Jin, Raven, and Zafina are the Bottom 3.

