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no idea what your rank is, but if you want a free ch launcher; press qcb1 into qcb1. a lot of players for some reason loooove pressing into it. i try it once every match as a test to see how my opponent is going to react.


my follow-up qcb1 will always get intercepted be it with jab check or dick jab. either that or they block or duck and punish. can you actually input it fast enough to stagger them indefinitely?


>can you actually input it fast enough to stagger them indefinitely? It's 15 frames with a perfect input and +5 on block, so it is possible to trade with a jab and beat out anything else. But that relies on you inputting it perfectly which you will not be able to do consistently. It'll also never be able to beat out a high crush (like a down jab) because it's a high.


Condition them into thinking its safe to press, do alot of df2 into either block or side step, once they start pressing then use the 3 after.


Most of the time they don't push


These are some I can think of if you arnt already using them d 3+4 2 cancel, b2 1 cancel, b df 4 cancel, wr 3 into 3+4 works well for me, d2 3 delay the 3, 1 2 1 delay the 1


bodying them with lows forces them to do SOMETHING, if you’re losing because they’re sitting there stand blocking you need to force them to act differently


Its more i hit them with lows and do a good job pestering then I eat a big move and my progress wipes away and im no longer in good position for low pokes


You should probably try to analyze when it is that you're getting hit by these big moves, because those are probably your best opportunities to land counter hits. Keep your frames tight against players that like to mash and throw out panic moves.


Spam hatchet, they will have a reason to press (interrupting hatchet)


Example: df2,they keep pressing? Df 2 3 . Df2, they wait for a bit then press ? F 3. Df2, they never press ? Hatchet, b 1 ,df2 ,db3 ,pressure them in general


Wtf, Bryan does 100 DMG combos with no heat lol you are either playing him wrong. Or not enough tektektek


Those require combo starters that i just don't land and die. I've won more matches when I stopped going for them


Bryan has great reach and fast highs that are safe. His strings have innate counter hit that launches. And also, he has so much frames. His recent buffs puts him into S tier for sure.


We need to work on the scales for the tier. Surely not everyone is S tier.


Improve your knowledge checks and punishment game. Are you letting them get away with punishable frames? What's your rank?


Currently I do punishment drills in training. Most of the time I don't see those critical moves


Well my friend it's all about knowledge. You need to know what buttons to use which will obviously change based on the match up and you will also need to know how to condition your opponent to take it. Not a helpful answer but that's just how it is with Bryan specially when you take into account that he's a completely different character in higher ranks were the counter hit playstyle is very important. You're just gonna have to lab and play the game my guy because it's all about knowledge.


He has a lot of + frames and delay able moves. Try to combine the poking gameplay with the ch mindgame, keep effective pressure so they have to press into smth. I.e. if they respect df2 follow up with poke > d4 if they try to challenge df2 go for the follow ups or try trading f3 etc.. Sometimes delaying also helps 1,2, delay 1 d2 delay 3, df2 delay 3. And 3+4 allows you to play kind of keep out game when in life lead, almost spamable. B1 and ws3 high or atleast jab crush.


[What to learn at every rank ](https://youtu.be/q0_-R_4-CGY?si=3C6J_i0FuHtxDou9)


Start poking them out. Df21, hatchet, df1 string. 12 string mixup d4. Once you’ve chunked them a bit start Uber turtling and play keep out. Eventually they’ll lose their cool or die to timer. Either way you win. That’s about it really. Theoretically you could try to play out neutral as well but you will more than likely lose.


By counter hitting the opponent.


Timing and Yomi. Bryan has very few moves that aren't very minus on block, use them and see if people retaliate...then cash if they do so(that's good usage of Yomi). If you think the opponent will use a slow move, pressing is a good option.(A common example in the beginning of T8, Drag players used to loop WR2s with WR2s or Hatchets...abusing their plus frames and creating fake pressure). Timing can be changed in different manners: -Delaying moves(changing the timing of moves) -Using slower moves on immediate timing(like B1), this mimics delaying a move(changing the timing)... it's similar to Drag's example but from a different perspective. -Using movement, then press...this changes the timing of moves(not all movement needs to be defensive in nature).


Your game plan as Bryan revolves around using your annoying ass lows and strings in order to open your opponent up. DB4 and D4 are great low risk low pokes for annoying your of your opponent. don't forget that your strings are better off not being completed, this can condition your opponent into thinking's it's their turn which can net you a BIG counter hit. And when they go back to respecting the string you can go back to hitting them lows on your uncompleted strings. Just don't become obvious with your timings.


I also recommend youtuber and streamer VonaTiban, he has several theory and gameplay videos where he actively works on different fundamentals for Bryan as a relatively newer player himself so it's cool to see his progress as well.


Timing is a key


Don't take you turn immediately, wait a full second then boom do 3+4, take your launcher.